Fingerprint Hack Found in Samsung S5 - 18 May 2015
Samsung responded to the claim of a hack that fingerprints found in Samsung S5, where hackers are able to access and steal copies of the fingerprints of the user. security firm FireEye claims that Android will fail in protecting biometric data of the user that the hack allows data to be intercepted between the fingerprint sensor and the "safe zone" where data can be matched. Allowing hackers to access sensitive data, they can be reproduced in any way and used to access secure information.
Fortunately, this vulnerability has been fixed in the latest version of Android Lollipop, but it can only work on the latest devices such as the S6 and Samsung are urging users to upgrade as soon as possible. Unfortunately, older devices such as the S5 are still susceptible. Apple has introduced a similar safety device in the iPhone 6, which also has biometric security, and digital fingerprint scanning capability, but no hacks have been found so far. Until Samsung have considered the application again, FireEye will demonstrate the vulnerability at the RSA security conference.
To ensure you stay protected and safe from online attacks, subscribe to the VPN and make sure your Internet connection is secure and safely from anywhere in the world. The VPN allows you to connect to the Internet through a secure tunnel, effectively bypassing any potential espionage. VPN may also allow you to access content that is usually limited to a certain country, simply by connecting to the IP address of this country.
YouTube, the video streaming site turned 10 years old this year, with over one billion users, there is more content on YouTube that anyone can possibly look into their lives. But is criticized is that people in some areas, the videos can be blocked or restricted. This can be especially frustrating when you try to access the music video of a band or a movie trailer outside a certain country. Unlock any YouTube video with VPN, no matter where you are in the world.
So if you are out around the back of the bag world, or just a business trip to Milan, not to be out of touch, use VPN to unblock YouTube. Restrictions are imposed because of several reasons, it could have international copyright laws, which means that some countries do not have certain content broadcast rights. Or in other countries, censorship could play a big role in restricting content to display. But with VPN you can simply change your IP address, your virtual location anywhere in the world so you can access content as if you were there.
The VPN is not only to access content in other countries, or to circumvent censorship, it can be used to protect your online presence by encrypting your Internet connection. This means that no one can spy on you activity, or potentially access your data. This is especially useful if you travel a lot and need to use public wifi zones, which can be dangerous and unprotected. The VPN allows you to use any device as well, be it a laptop, smartphone or tablet, anywhere in the world. Sign up for VPN and enjoy the true freedom of the Internet, without compromising your data security.
Google Free WiFi Zones Fund in telephone booths - 1 July 2015
with over 10,000 payphones dormant throughout New York City for nearly a decade, a plan was hatched to turn these relics once counted in a very modern purpose. Google funds free WiFi zones in telephone booths throughout the city, in a move that will see more and more New Yorkers access given free wireless Internet.
Sidewalk Labs, the Google backed initiative that focuses on improving life in cities, announced plans to convert many unused telephones in wireless hotspots that will be free 'access. The idea came from a winning entry in the Design Challenge Reinventing payphones LinkNYC project. Since the service contracts for phones expired in 2014, they were simply sitting there with the new plans in place, the stands will add more than just a wifi hotspot. Plans should include making every single phone booth interactive kiosk, which includes phone charging capabilities, interactive screens that provide information for tourists and locals alike, as well as provide free national phone calls. Complimentary Internet access will be available within 150ft and advertising screens will be implemented on the stands to finance the project.
This movement could trigger more like it around the world, which could potentially save millions as opposed to having to dispose innumerable telephone booths in different cities, they could instead be used to further boost turnover business of the city, as well as information services providing citizens and tourists. Not only in the implementation of new technologies in a city, but using the existing infrastructure, it would save millions on one configuration, not to mention the reduction of citizens' living costs by providing a Free Internet access.
But as with any public wifi zone, there is an increased risk of insecure networks that can act as a gateway to your device. Wherever you are, whatever you are using to connect to the Internet, make sure you stay protected with VPN. By simply connecting to the VPN, you create a secure, encrypted tunnel directly to the Internet, potentially preventing anyone from spying your activity. If you subscribe to the VPN for now, you'll be able to save a huge 25% on an annual subscription.
Savvy car owners Hackers take control - 23 July 2015
the addition and innovation board computers in cars, allowing remote control of certain controls and features, inevitably leads to unauthorized access. It was only a matter of time before hackers find a way to access the computer remotely, potentially setting a dangerous precedent for other implementations of remote access to cars. UConnect, enabled Internet software is designed for users to simply connect wirelessly via a smartphone app to control certain functions of their car, including GPS, windshield wipers, lights, all the way to the important features such as braking, steering and engine. It would be disastrous if it got into the wrong hands. As car owners have warned that hackers take control, security experts have called for the owners to update their software.
The hack was discovered and demonstrated by a team of security experts Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, who showed how it was possible to hack the car remotely, using just a laptop and a mobile phone. A third person sitting in the car and saw the hack, being completely helpless to intrusion. The car was a Jeep Cherokee and warned users to ensure that their software is updated, to avoid any possible hacks. The researchers notified automakers there nine months in private to ensure that a solution can be implemented before disseminating new vulnerability. Fiat Chrysler have since released a patch, but are unable to apply the patch automatically, all drivers are encouraged to visit the site and download the patch, download it to a USB stick and apply through the USB car plug. It is not known if the parasite is limited to the software itself, the models on-board computer or to some, but all guests are invited to implement the update just in case.
As with any technology that uses the Internet to transmit information and the unauthorized access threat is very real, and something that developers and manufacturers must be wary of, and of course do customers. With the rise of advanced computers used in the machine every day, all to make life easier, the risk simply increases with the progression of technology. It's only a matter of time before the self-driving cars are on the roads, and this has already been seen, the remote risk of piracy is serious, and hopefully something that can be combated. effective.
The reasons why you should use a VPN - 15 August 2015
with all the new large companies and websites being compromised because of online piracy, it is time to take steps to protect you more. It is vital that you stay safe and secure whenever you use the Internet, be it for work or just for fun. Regardless of passwords or websites supposedly "safe" one can never be completely sure how secure your online presence is. By using a VPN, you'll be taking the necessary steps to protect your online presence. There are countless benefits of using a VPN, ensuring everything you do online is secure, so here's why you should be using a VPN.
The VPN is a service that protects everything you do online, no matter where you are in the world. A VPN or virtual private network, essentially secures a direct link between you and the Internet, making sure that nobody else is able to snoop on your activity. It can also mean your internet connection will always be secure where you are connecting from. This also includes by any device you use, be it a smartphone, tablet or computer. By encrypting your connection with VPN, you'll be able to use a VPN for Android or iPhone.
A VPN can be used for much more, whether to access certain sites and services that require you to be in a given country. Services such as BBC iPlayer or HBO Go are just some examples of sites that are accessible only when you are in a certain country. This could be a disadvantage if you are away from home and you try to catch your favorite show or sporting event. Using the VPN, you can simply switch your IP address to that of anywhere in the world, change your virtual location so you can still access the content as if you were at home. This can also bypass restrictions imposed by your ISP, which can lead to blocked sites. So by connecting via VPN you can work around these restrictions and censorships and experience the true freedom of the Internet.
The VPN can be used on any device to connect to the Internet, including smartphones, laptops, tablets or televisions. You can also connect to the VPN with up to 2 devices simultaneously. Sign up for VPN and see the many benefits of using a VPN and why the connection through them can keep you safe and without restriction line, which you connect to the Internet from.
Unlock Restricted Sites with The VPN - 6 seven 2015
This can be very frustrating when you, Aore unable to see or access certain online content trying to access it from abroad. Even the websites you wouldn, AOT wait to be blocked, or at least limited the content, can come with a message that you can not access certain content when you try to watch a video from abroad. But with a VPN service, you can now easily unlock restricted websites with VPN.
websites Many sports, including ESPN in the US and Sky Sports in the UK, are limited regionally and won, AOT allow all video content to be displayed outside some countries. This extends to all US sports with their official websites with content visible only to the United States. This can be very frustrating if you Aore on vacation or away for an extended period and you try to keep up to date with your teams only to find that you can, AOT access certain content that is free otherwise.
Using VPN to bypass this obstacle is simple and effective for any website that is limited, either by regional restrictions or certain networks that block websites or individual services. All these restrictions can be circumvented by simply connecting through a VPN, which encrypts your connection, making it safe and secure, and connect to the Internet through a tunnel, bypassing local restrictions. To see some websites which are limited to certain countries, just use VPN to change, Äòvirtual rental, AO, IP address, than anywhere in the world, in the country of your choice, and you will be trying to access the site as if you were physically there.
VPN can run on all devices that you use to connect to the Internet, whether your laptop, tablet, smartphone or smart TV, you can even use VPN on both devices simultaneously. You can use the VPN over the world, wherever you connect to the Internet. So if you, Aore at an airport using public wifi, by connecting via VPN you can ensure that your connection is secure and protected against potential attacks. So the next time you need to catch the highlights of the game, just use VPN and look freely.
Join today and use the VPN to get the most out of the Internet, and unlock restricted sites and enjoy the many benefits of a VPN, where you use the Internet.
Facebook accused of spying on citizens - 29 seven 2015
in a privacy lawsuit seeks to provoke the social media giant a few headaches, the body regulating data Belgium Facebook accused of spying on citizens. A court in Belgium listening if bought forward by the BPC, the Commission of privacy in Belgium, accusing Facebook of not just spy on their own users, but even those who are not part of the social media network. They are accused of "trampling" on both Belgian and European laws on privacy by tracking users connected to advertising services.
Facebook responded to claims denying any wrongdoing and that the results presented in the report are false. The case recalls the revelations of Edward Snowden involving mass surveillance and spying on citizens by the NSA. PCBs continue in Facebook Justice for $ 280,000 per day for not meeting the stated requirements. Facebook argue that their practices are not illegal and are fully comply with EU legislation on privacy, particularly their actions are governed and audited by the Irish data protection agency, as Facebook's European headquarters are located in Dublin , Ireland.
This is not the first time Facebook came under fire for their policies on privacy. The growing number of disgruntled users have become disillusioned and frustrated with the way Facebook users track and target people for advertising. The fact that it is almost impossible to actually delete your Facebook account highlights just how their platform of social media in relation to the privacy of the user. The case is ongoing with no solution in sight.
If you are concerned about your privacy online, whether your personal data or online presence, there are steps to take to protect yourself. Of course, by signing up for Facebook, you lose control of what remains published and shared, so the best course of action is to take care of what information is displayed. Never give addresses, phone numbers, credit card details or other personal information that you do not want shared. This applies to photos you upload so the time to share pictures is when you lose control over them.
Sign up for VPN and you can protect your own online presence, wherever you are. The VPN secures your Internet connection by creating a secure tunnel between your device and the Internet. This prevents anyone from snooping on your online activity, leaving you completely anonymous. The VPN works on any device you use to connect to the Internet. Sign up today and enjoy true freedom and security of the Internet.
Apple Remove Over 250 Privacy-Invading Apps - 22 Oct 2015
Apple had to intervene and remove hundreds of applications that do not meet the safety of the user. It turned out that an advertising company was siphoning off e-mail addresses and contacts through a security breach, without knowledge developers. It was reported that more than 1 million downloads of the offending applications took place in response to Apple remove more than 250 applications for private invasion of life.
Most applications are from China, with many Chinese developers based developers using a special kit for applications, the software development kit (SDK) called Youmi. SDK has also been used to implement advertising in applications that help to generate income for those who frees applications without upfront fees. With the number of applications available on the App Store, a vast majority opt for a monetary system based advertising without the need for initial cost, it becomes much more viable for new developers. It was thanks to this announcement that developers are not aware of the breach of privacy included in Youmi.
code Yom was discovered a few months ago, where Perdue University spotted the malicious code that was then further investigated by SourceDNA, a research firm that discovered the first applications that have his way past strict selection process Apple. Since the App Store was created, Apple has always maintained a strict policy on the applications to be approved in order to be available for download. Many have criticized Apple for their strict policies that prevent many applications are allowed to download, but on the side, until now, prevented many applications hurt to reach the store, as well as all applications potentially harmful.
Apple responded by removing the offending 250 applications from the App store and ensure that applications using the SDK Youmi will not be cleared for release. They also issued a statement saying that they are also working with developers who have been affected by the offending SDK and trying to help them to re-release their applications.
Happy 5th Birthday VPN! 50% off today! - 10 November 2015
Yes, we 'Have done! The VPN is 5 years old today and is still as strong as ever!
Huge THANK goes to all our customers, many of whom have faithfully been with us from the beginning of this adventure and keep us motivated to better serve and improve our service every day!
to thank everyone for their confidence and continued support, and to celebrate this anniversary together, just today we offer 50% discount on all plans VPN ! The discount is available to everyone, even to existing customers who already have a subscription *.
50% discount for birthday VPN IT! from US $ 2.47 / month, 7 days moneyback valid only today
And it is not all! You can also win a free VPN subscription for 1 year by participating in the competition VPN . Five lucky winners will have 1 year of service Free VPN to celebrate VPN 5 e birthday. Will it be you?
The Birthday VPN
So where do we come from and what we have achieved in 5 years?
VPN was born in Paris, France on 10 November 2010. It was founded by a team of security experts of information that protected Fortune 100 companies in France abroad. During the boom of the Hadopi law in France (against P2P downloads) they witnessed people becoming more concerned about their Internet activities are monitored by government agencies, and saw an opportunity. They decided to start protecting the internet and the online activities of individuals like you an me, creating this start which they called VPN which simply means "VPN" in French (or "The Virtual Private Network") .
Back in 2010 provides VPN was very basic and simple. We started VPN to offer our service to Internet users in France through VPN servers in 5 countries with 2 security protocols. Great feedback from our first customers inspired us to push further.
As we have seen that more and more people are protecting their Internet activities and remain anonymous online, even those based outside France and not influenced by the recent law, we decided go global. A little over a year after its creation VPN moved its headquarters to Hong Kong and invited experienced professionals business development to its management team to begin international expansion.
The strategic location in Asia and many virtual teams in Europe and the Americas accepted VPN to become a truly global provider of VPN, and provide nearly a customer service 24 hours 4 languages.
Today, 5 years later, VPN over a thousand servers in 114 countries, and serves customers in four major European languages (English, French, Spanish and Russian) from 0+ countries worldwide.
supported by a growing number of customers happy, the team VPN is growing and adding more services and innovations to offer VPN.
the number of security protocols doubled in 5 years from two to four, including a revolutionary connection HybridVPN which was released in early 2015. Another great add-on and Innovation VPN service was the release of a Service SmartDNS it a year ago, in October 2014.
So what look VPN service as today ' hui to 5 years?
1000+ VPN servers in 114 countries. Unlimited switches between servers and unlimited traffic. No extra costs for additional servers, everything is included in one plan The all-inclusive VPN
3 main security protocols :.
Service OpenVPN, PPTP and L2TP / IPsec, plus a HybridVPN SmartDNS. to automatically unlock all major online TV channels and media services in the US, UK and France.
2 simultaneous connections to two different devices.
software bespoke VPN compatible with all major operating systems.
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Quick and efficient support team, assisting clients in four main European languages (English, French, Spanish and Russian).
Many options available for payment (including Bitcoin and alternative methods) and 100% money back guarantee for 7 days.
VPN also offers those of the most competitive prices on the market, with its VPN provides only from US $ 4.95 per month with a money back guarantee 7 days and flexibility to cancel any time.
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Enjoy the offer anniversary of the VPN 50% off today only!
Would you like to testify on your experience VPN? Feel free to do so in the comments below or on social media. Celebrate with us our 5 e Birthday and enjoy the Internet by your own rules with VPN!
50% discount for birthday VPN IT! from US $ 2.47 / month, 7 days moneyback valid only today
* If you are an existing customer and already VPN subscription, you can purchase an additional plan with a 50% today and it will be credited to your current subscription time when you send our support team.
Hackers can use Bonjour as Barbie - monitoring tool 28 November 2015
latest toy Barbie Mattel has security experts concerned with his new duties. The Hello Barbie's first "interactive doll" the world as it can listen to a child and respond by voice, much like Apple's Siri, Cortana Microsoft and now Google. But experts warn that hackers can use Bonjour Barbie as a surveillance tool. The toy wifi uses to connect to the Internet and using a microphone can record and send audio issues of children. This information is sent to third parties for processing before returning a response to the child.
But security experts in the US have found that when the doll is connected to wifi, it becomes vulnerable to hacking. This means that any and all information that the doll could be intercepted passes, not to mention redefining the ability to permanently maintain the microphone. This could lead to a myriad of problems ranging from identity fraud to know the details of the child's family, including the address. Another problem could be that the server could be replaced by one to be controlled by a person, allowing the doll to say whatever the attacker meant.
In a test to see how secure the doll was really, it was found that even if the data is encrypted before being expelled, it can easily be manipulated and intercepted. It also emerged how easily the doll could be manipulated and controlled. This opens the doors for hackers to access the same information through the Wi-Fi network, potentially allowing access to other devices and create even more problems for homeowners without even alert them to the dangers. Mattel is yet to respond to these reports.
If you are involved in online privacy and data protection, and there are steps to take to protect themselves. Using a VPN whenever you're online, you will be safe and protected, no matter where you are. Get a VPN today and enjoy the huge Black Friday sale where you can save up to 60% discount on one year subscription. VPN can also be used to circumvent censorship and regional restrictions imposed by some TV channels and sports networks, preventing you from accessing content outside of some countries. With VPN, you can easily get around these restrictions, unlocking the true freedom of the Internet.
Twin Peaks return to television with David Lynch - 20 December 2015
in one of the most anticipated return of the decade on TV, Twin Peaks is back in the classic show of 2017. David Lynch, where he returned as director and co-writer, of first aired in 190 to both critical and commercial acclaim. Like Twin Peaks returns to television with David Lynch, the first trailer was posted online.
Twin Peaks, with Kyle MacLachlan Dale Cooper agent, is sent to Twin Peaks, to work on the case of missing teenager Laura Palmer is found dead. The following two seasons delve into the strange city and even stranger inhabitants as Cooper tries to solve the mystery. The show ran for two seasons, but is often credited as the pioneer of truly immersive television programming and movies as a precursor for today's popular shows like Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy.
Not much has been revealed about the return of the show in 2017, apart from the fact that it is 25 years after the events of the original series. Melting confirmed to return as Cooper include MacLachlan, Sherilyn Fenn as Audrey, and it is interesting also sees the return of Laura Palmer herself; Sheryl Lee. Also returning is the composer Angelo Badalamenti, regular collaborator with Lynch. Although the show is still over a year away from the 2016 release seems to be a big year for television. Wherever you are in the world, do not miss any of your favorite shows, subscribe to VPN and watch all your favorite shows wherever they air in the world.
Watch online TV is a great way to never miss your broadcasts, or at least allow you a chance to catch up if you've missed live. But with many television networks and streaming services, restrictions are often imposed on the outside of some countries. BBC iPlayer is such a service, if you are in the UK, you have an incredible amount of content to watch live and catch up, but only if you are in the UK. If you take a vacation to France, or perhaps on business, and try to access the iPlayer service, you will encounter restrictions. But with a VPN, you can easily bypass these and watch the content no matter where you are.
Get VPN and enjoy the true freedom of the Internet, so when Twin Peaks is finally released, make sure you "re not allowed to wait for it to appear in your country.
Watch Super Bowl 50 online wherever you are with the VPN - 1 Feb 2016
super Bowl 50 is just around the corner and see the Carolina Panthers 15-1 to take the two champions of the super Bowl Denver Broncos in Santa Clara, California, February 7. Cam Newton led the Panthers their first appearance in the Super Bowl since 03 where they lost to the New England Patriots 32-29. After coming out of their franchise best season when the Panthers broke all kinds of records, they will try to stop Peyton Manning securing third championship Broncos. So do not miss the game, watch Super Bowl 50 online wherever you are with VPN.
The 50th edition of the Super Bowl was first played in 1967, will see Peyton Manning and the Broncos hope to make amends after their last appearance in the Super Bowl when they bothered by the Seattle Seahawks in super Bowl XLVIII. Manning will become the oldest quarter to play in the Super Bowl in 39 years, beating the previous holder, John Elway, when he led the Broncos to victory at the age of 38 in Super Bowl XXXIII.
If you are in the UK, the BBC will broadcast the match live in California, as well as Sky sports. Both services offer the opportunity to watch the game live online, but only if you access from the UK. In the United States, CBS will be showing the game with catch and highlights available online. But if you are unable to catch these shows, maybe you will be abroad during this period and unable to watch it. Online restrictions prevent you from catching these programs, even if you're a subscriber or the service is free, due to licensing restrictions that you might find the blocked access.
With a VPN service as a VPN, you can easily access these blocked broadcasts and streams, no matter where you are in the world. Thanks to the ability to VPN for you to spend your IP address anywhere in the world, which effectively provides access to broadcasts and live stream as if you were at home. This can be very useful if you are in a country that does not show the Super Bowl or not in your native language. The VPN is available on all devices that you use to connect to the Internet. VPN may also help protect your connection from all potential pirates by allowing you to browse the Internet anonymously and safely.
Join today and watch the Super Bowl 50 online wherever you are with VPN.
Watch Any YouTube video where the world - 19 Feb 2016
YouTube is a great source of trailers, music videos, highlight videos, fan made videos and everything you could ever think to look. If you want to see a compilation of the best Premier League goals for the season 07/08, and there are numerous videos for this, you're never far from a simple search away. As much as it is a wide variety and selection of online videos, there are many questions of equal licensing issues with YouTube videos with many available only in some regions. But do not worry, watch any YouTube video worldwide.
So if you set jet off into the world of travel, or even just a business trip to Rome, do not be cut off from the world, use the VPN to unblock YouTube, wherever you are. Restrictions are imposed because of several reasons, including international laws on copyright, which means that some countries do not have certain content broadcast rights. Censorship could play a big role in some countries, restricting some content to display. This can even go beyond social media and even YouTube Blocked Content. But with VPN you can simply change your IP address, your virtual location anywhere in the world so you can access all the content as if you were there.
The VPN is not just to access content in other countries, or simply circumvent censorship, it can be used to protect your online presence. By encrypting your Internet connection, you will do what no one can spy on you business, or even potentially access your data. This is especially useful if you travel a lot and need to use public wifi zones, which can be dangerous and mostly unprotected. The VPN allows you to use any device, whether a laptop, smartphone or tablet, to keep you safe and protected, as well give you true freedom of the Internet.
Get VPN and enjoy true freedom of the Internet, with unrestricted content, without compromising your data security.
Netflix VPN lock, but VPN still works - 10 Mar 2016
in January, Netflix announced a shocking initiative that would affect a large part of their clients; they would be limiting and restricting the use of VPN with their online streaming service. With many virtual private networks now unable to work with Netflix blocking VPN, but VPN still works. Threatening to prevent the use of VPNs to access Netflix overseas libraries has been prevalent for a long time, but no action was actually taken to date.
TV and movie studios have long piled pressure on the giant online broadcast to prevent customers using a VPN to access content, but Netflix has always blind eye to those who do . The reason for the different libraries is down to regional restrictions employed by the studios themselves, simply a way to make more to sell rights abroad in different regions. Of course, angers paying customers who are denied the possibility to legally watch the content they already pay.
There was a lot of reaction against the last change of Netflix policy, with an online petition already 36,000 signatures, even surveys predict an increase in piracy. Netflix has revolutionized the landscape of television and film, with a model changing to keep up with today's technology, something the studios have failed to do. So what was once a great tool in the fight against piracy, this movement could send back many customers at illegal road to watch content online.
With this day and age of super fast Internet, instant communication with anyone around the world, the ability to stream shows and movies HD television quality, the industry must adapt . As Netflix has already proved, people are happy to pay for their TV shows and movies streamed online, as long as they get the choice and ease of look like they should. Netflix clamping down on the VPN, this will only push people again.
With so many VPN now blocked, you will be pleased to know that the VPN is not blocked. With VPN you can always circumvent regional restrictions and watch Netflix any library in the world. To unblock Netflix with VPN, it could not be easier, simply log in and select the server you want to connect. If the US Netflix you want, and then selecting a US IP address you can still watch all your favorite shows as if you were physically there.
Apple has declared victory against the FBI But struggle continues - 30 Mar 2016
with the long drawn battle between the FBI and Apple on encryption, the end of the case was found, but it is not a simple victory. As Apple's declare victory against the FBI, but the struggle continues as the war continues privacy vs. security. After the case was purchased from the Supreme Court, it was almost inevitable that the FBI would win, forcing Apple to remove the encryption on the iPhone that belonged to the shooter San Bernardino, who with his wife, was responsible for the death of 14 people.
But since the FBI announced that they were able to remove encryption themselves, without help or permission from Apple, it goes against what the organization previously claimed. The FBI took Apple to court over the issue because it argued that it was not possible to remove the encryption and access the iPhone without their help. The FBI has not revealed how they managed to remove the encryption and access data on the phone, but it goes to show that they were simply trying to get better access to encrypted phones, which could compromise data and privacy of each.
Apple announced that they will continue the fight for privacy and security of everyone, they say that everyone deserves data protection, confidentiality and security. If these factors are lost in the name of national security, then it will only put millions of people at risk worldwide. With Apple winning the battle against the FBI, at least a dangerous precedent has been set, in which the world of security and surveillance will reach dangerous levels.
To make sure you stay safe and protected whenever you are online, subscribe to the VPN and make sure your connection is secure and safe against hackers and snoops, regardless where you are. VPN may also be used to circumvent regional restrictions and censorship. The VPN can run on any device you use to connect to the Internet through, whether smartphones, Android or iPhone, tablet or laptop safe.
Get a VPN today and enjoy true freedom and security of the Internet, no matter where you are.
Unlocking YouTube videos with a VPN? - 6 June 2016
Have you ever wanted to a song or watch a video on YouTube General and discovered it had been blocked for various reasons? Well, this is one of the most disappointing things that could happen to you while on YouTube. Sometimes there is nothing you can do but look for alternatives elsewhere, or possibly give up because there are more sources. Over the years, YouTube has become a sensation around the world, and almost everything can be found on it now. Occasionally, some of the content will be blocked, but I'm happy to let you know that now there is an easy way to combat this and come out on top.
The VPN is a virtual private network that provides various services such as privacy and online security to its users, the ability to unlock YouTube videos with others. For now, we will focus on the release of YouTube videos. YouTube videos can be blocked for various reasons, and this is where VPN comes in. For example, if the video you are trying to watch was blocked geographically and then using the VPN will provide technology to allow you to access this content despite blocked, for example to unblock YouTube US. Here is a simple step by step analysis of how to unblock YouTube videos:
All you need to do is subscribe to VPN to access our wide VPN
once done, you can install VPN software where you will be able to reach. After reaching this point, you are free to use this service how you feel is right. The VPN works to give you private access and safely to your YouTube videos from places in the world where they are not blocked.
Once you subscribe to VPN you have access to the services.
To unlock geographically blocked YouTube videos and access YouTube without restriction, VPN service VPN, offers over 100 servers worldwide that circumvent geolocation restrictions in these countries 100+ .
This service is secure and can come in handy, even at times when you might be in a country that blocks the content of their users.
once the connection is established, you can watch any video that was censored or blocked from YouTube for geolocation purposes YouTube or other restrictions.
If you are traveling and may face the risk of not being able to access some of the content from YouTube, be on the safe side and subscribe today to make sure you have no problems. Learn more about our plans and rates. We are here to make your experience memorable line, efficient and safe and at peak performance even when it does not seem like that.
A VPN, we make sure we keep the experience of large property users while providing these services. We offer low prices for quality services that will not leave you disappointed.
What are the security benefits of using a VPN? - 4 July 2016
VPNs have many safety advantages, but not all services are the same. Read on to learn how VPN can make your connection to the computer safely, and how to make it even safer.
How can I make my more secure VPN?
Internet privacy is a major challenge for the world today. It revolves around the right of users to freely surf the Internet, data storage, reuse of data and how it can be displayed. Believe it or not you and your computer use is constantly monitored. First, much of what followed is innocent, ranging from the use of your ISP monitoring for your IP address tracking hosts and physical location, often called the identification of non-personal information. On the other hand, much is not so innocent as hackers, viruses, and in some cases, government censors are in search of information with which they can block access or harm you known as personal identification information.
VPN, virtual private networks, have long been associated with work-oriented networks. They are used to maintain secure corporate networks when employees are working remotely. They are also used by individuals to avoid internet censorship and to access geo-restricted content but are more and more popularity as a tool to improve your Internet security. Say for example, you are traveling and working on a public WiFi network, or live in a country where access to Internet content is limited. Your data and computer are vulnerable to the frogs that can check the websites you visit, steal your data as it moves through the network and still have access to your computer. The data could be sold to others, used to block or censor access to websites or even used to determine your identity and location by a hostile government.
How a VPN keeps your Internet secure?
which is unfortunate on the Internet, so information retrieval purposes Encourage the use of VPN has become more of a necessity than ever. VPNs can keep you safe in several ways, and to add an additional layer of security, you can not achieve with simple malware or protection against viruses. At the basic level, VPN security lies in the fact that your Internet connection is private. You connect through a VPN dedicated server using a point-to-point tunneling protocol or that can not be infiltrated. The connection helps maintain your anonymity and to repel malevolent influences, including viruses, censors and pirates by allowing you and you will access your computer.
Some advantages of VPN protocols include privacy for users, sender authentication and message integrity for data transfer. This is done by replacing or changing your itinerary and other identifying information so others can not follow you, and can not access your connection or device. How a VPN provides security system dependent. Simple systems use the basic tunneling protocols, the most advanced systems can also use encryption and other protocols to improve safety. The added benefit of encryption means that even if your connection is hacked and the information is obtained, nobody will be able to read it.
Three of the most common protocols are OpenVPN, PPTP and L2TP. OpenVPN is an open source protocol that creates secure connections with PTP level encryption SSL / TSL. PPTP is the most commonly used protocol, creating a private network tunnel to send and receive information. L2TP is a multi-layer similar to PPTP with the addition of an enhanced security protocol it uses to encrypt data as it passes through the tunnel connection.
The biggest myth when it comes to the Internet and using a VPN is the complete and total anonymity is possible and that it is the same as the privacy. Anonymity means that no identifying information on the Internet, a claim made by many service providers and one that has been proven to be unrealistic time and time again. Privacy is the real purpose of the VPN security, privacy is the condition of being free to use and search the web in a way in which no one looking over your shoulder, or collect your information steal your data.
Using a VPN provider who is seriously concerned about your privacy is very important. Many VPNs keep extensive logs of users and traffic. This is not a problem if all you want is to connect to public networks and surf the Internet, but a big problem if you are concerned by hackers, censors or other malicious users who may try to Login or steal valuable information safely.
The attractiveness of a VPN provider claiming no-log is not as safe as it sounds, and frankly, usually an outright lie. keep track of all the VPN you in some way, it is how they differentiate users and whether you paid your bill or not, and how they are able to offer different types of service plans. Think about this, how could they troubleshoot your connection if they do not have some way to identify you. In this instance logging is not a bad thing, but it changes when the aspect of confidentiality of the service is compromised. Less scrupulous providers play on the fears of users seeking anonymity true, when in fact what a VPN is to provide privacy.
The need for a VPN service is not limited to PC either. Network connections made with iOS are just as vulnerable. There are many applications for iPhone and iPad, including iOS app VPN. The application provides anonymous browsing, web browsing and unrestricted virtual geo-localization in over 114 countries for iPod, iPad and iPhone. Using the application allows you to change the IP address of your device and mobile bypass geographic restrictions. Some of the features included are, without limitation: the multiple protocol support, can be used on more than one device at the same time, broadband connections and unlimited bandwidth
How to get more. Security With VPN?
most services are easy to use, but there are ways to get extra security on virtual private networks that you should be aware. The first concern of secure VPN users, if it fails? It is not so rare, because there are many reasons for this to happen. For technophiles, it is possible to protect against it in a couple of ways, including disabling all the connections do not work through your VPN service or modify the TCP / IP routes. However, for the less tech savvy these patches can cause as many problems as they solve, maybe more, but there is a solution for you too. Advanced VPN providers, including VPN, include a kill switch in their programs. This switch will automatically turn off or disable your connection if the VPN connection is never lost.
Another concern is the DNS leak. DNS, or the server domain name is a domain name directory that computers use to identify websites, the server change these names to IP addresses that are then used by computers to make connections across the Internet . DNS is a leak when the default DNS server of your device is chosen instead of the server provided by the VPN. This could occur simply due to a delay in the connection speed, a common occurrence with the Internet. Again, the fix is simple enough. Websites like can check your system and even offer solutions. One method is to switch to a static IP configuration so that there is no leakage through which space may occur. This can be done by using a service such as OpenDNS or alternative DNS or by using a VPN service which includes a leakage protection as VPN. Clearing the DNS cache on your computer can also help with this problem.
clearing cookies can also help stop the DNS leaks. Cookies are placed on your computer by just about any Web site you visit. If you go to a not connected to your VPN, it could, and probably will, save the data you do not want to share with others. Even if you use only VPN to access the Internet, it is possible for a DNS leak to the result in an unwanted cookie to delete them regularly is recommended.
Another method of improving safety on a VPN is to correct flaws in PPTP. PPTP is point to point tunneling protocol, one of the first forms of VPN and VPN used by many services. While it is generally a safe form of VPN, it was found that many vulnerabilities especially when using Microsoft or Ubuntu. PPTP on its own does not include encryption services, with problems with authentication protocols, are sensitive to piracy and loss of security. Microsoft has often been criticized for his apparent indifference to issues of PPTP which begs the question ... why they even offer it? The best solution is to not use Microsoft's PPTP, but another from a company that takes safety seriously.
By using an untraceable currency such as BitCoin can also help with your anonymity. Simply set up an anonymous email address and buy Bitcoins with which to configure your VPN service. Another method may be to use an anonymous email address similar to setting up a Paypal or another virtual wallet to pay for your service. Of course, many VPN users stressed that these methods are unnecessarily complex and can be avoided by using a prepaid VISA card to pay for your services.
In addition, it was also recommended to use a VPN server from a country other than your own, and perhaps the one that is in a country that does not cooperate well with your country, for help maintain the privacy of governments that censor and actively monitor Internet traffic. It plays hand in hand with the / problem of anonymity without logging. Too often, service providers have, unwittingly or not, was the cause for Internet users to be arrested or worse by providing credentials to government officials.
This is a fix that you do not want to try. It has been suggested that a secure VPN more secure, you can use two VPN services. Using this method, you will indeed sending a secure link by another secure link but it is not recommended. Most service providers do not allow this type of connection as it is most often used for illegal purposes. If discovered your VPN connections will most likely be terminated.
More security with VPN
It is often easy, sometimes too easy to find free services on the Internet and VPN is no different. At the end, it is recommended that you do not use a free VPN service because it is likely that they are simply phishing for information so they can turn around and sell it to someone else. Remember, you get what you pay for and privacy is priceless free VPN is probably not worth your time. . . or your trust. Think about this, Facebook has purchased a VPN service called Onavo in 2013. At first glance, no pun intended, which may seem like a good thing, Facebook wants to protect your privacy. The reality is that the Onavo app allows Facebook to access all of your phone so that they can monitor all of your use, and then use this knowledge for their own purposes
policy Facebook:
Here are some things that Facebook collects as you may not be aware; things you do and the information you provide, things that others are doing and the information they provide in relation to you, your networks and connections payment information, the information in the device, information about the applications and services that use "our services", third party partners information and Facebook corporate information. Basically, Facebook collects all they can about you and they are not the only one to do so.
What About TOR?
TOR, an acronym for the Onion Project, free software is another tunnel that provides anonymity for Internet users. The problem is, apart from the average difficulty of users will implement, is that it does not really make you anonymous. He directs traffic across thousands of volunteers nodes worldwide using a multi-layer encryption approach, hence the reference to the onions, but does not anonymize users because there is no encryption of your device on the network, or from the network to the end point.
The service is free but alas, is sensitive to a number of attacks that can expose the IP addresses, data leakage and leave her vulnerable users. TOR project itself has said it can not guarantee confidentiality or anonymity and make things worse, the connection speeds are very slow. Here are just some of the commonly found with digital issues.
There are no safety margin in the network, incoming or outgoing data is vulnerable to listen.
If a wiretap system is present on both ends of the TOR network, it can correlate data and deduce the direction and destination of the user traffic.
TOR does not encrypt the data leaving the system, the data leaving the node is capable of intercepting and destination leaving users vulnerable to data breaches.
node block
Exit. It is possible to monitor the output nodes and block traffic coming from them, as is done by Wikipedia and the BBC. In addition, denial of service attacks can be mounted against the output nodes.
So Do you really need VPN?
I'm sure that now it is easy to understand the multitude of reasons why the use of a virtual private network is a good idea. There are people monitoring your Internet activities, and the collection of data. What may not be as easy to understand, especially for less experienced Internet user, is there to get the best service because there are several protocols, security levels and potential pitfalls at each different.
The VPN is a supplier with his finger on the pulse of the Internet and Internet security. It is a VPN provider with servers in 114 countries offering services in three different protocols; OpenVPN, PPTP and L2TP / IPSec using AES-256 encryption secret level. They have been in business since 2010, employing Internet security experts the world's top global reach and ensuring Internet freedom. The best part is that the owner of the VPN software makes use of all its services and products easy for any user level Internet.
Their products are available for PC, Mac, iOS and Android. They provide unlimited traffic, you can use multiple devices at the same time they have the highest connection speeds and unlimited bandwidth, the department will release SmartDNS Geo-restrictions for TV and streaming movies. Online support is available in 3 languages and has a 100% guarantee refund for a 7 day trial. If you think your information must be protected, and believe me when I say it is, this is the service for you. Do not wait until it's too late, get VPN now.
The surreal series is all about Real-TV - 21 July 2016
do you know unreal, the American television series which has already become a blockbuster? how do you check to some exclusive and fun TV series to go to this summer, when you have free time?
start with unreal
unreal, is a series Real-TV, a satirical and cynical show created by Marti Noxon and Sarah Gertrude Shapiro -. the former producer of the Bachelor This is unreal series pitch: get you behind the scenes of Everlasting, a reality TV channel like The Bachelor. Follow the main character Rachel Goldberg who works for this TV channel and is designed to handle the different candidates to be able to get the most dramatic effects right. The producer Quinn King is actually as willing to do anything to have her show get maximum public. The major players, including Shiri Appleby, who plays Rachel Goldberg, Josh Kelly, Craig Philipp Birko or Constance Zimmer are all excellent. The scenario is well designed; with a breathless pace. The second season is definitely a success, as the first effect. And 7 new episodes of the second season are already available in the United States.
The series is currently airing on Lifetime USA and Canada together. It was also broadcast in France since last May on the channel NRJ 12. Both unreal season 1 and 2 offers a look at what is happening in reality difficult world, where being a competitor can be a challenge at any time when you need to survive and a production team that is in a completely different reality. that you are addicted to reality TV or you are just wondering how these programs are designed, you'll dive into the unreal series quickly. You should not expect to experience the series by choosing the best VPN! With our US VPN servers, you can enjoy all the television channels and all the American media programs you want as if you lived in New York, San Francisco and Chicago. You can then restrictions and location-based bypass unlock life to which access is limited to US IP addresses. You can access all US TV channels live almost instantly, but also unblock Netflix USA that offers a wide range of exclusive series and television movies. Never miss your favorite shows by connecting to one of our servers in the United States! Do not wait to discover all the possibilities offered by VPN in the United States!
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The detailed procedure on installing VPN on your mobile devices is in our knowledge base VPN.
Watch the new season "How I Met Your Mother," "The Big Bang Theory" ... live with the VPN -
Want to watch new shows live on CBS? want to know how to watch live "the Big Bang Theory", watch the new season of "how I met your Mother" and many others with CBS live broadcast? All the answers are here.
the new season on CBS began last week, American viewers can now watch all the live shows or their replays on the CBS channel.
But if you are based outside the US, you can not access any online content on CBS website and can not watch the live shows, or even their replays
This is the message you get in general .. " video you requested is unavailable or may be expired " this means that CBS does not have the distribution rights of this video online in your country, because he probably already sold the distribution rights for television networks in your country.
How to watch CBS live shows if you are based outside the United States?
Very easy!
With VPN you can connect the US server in less than a minute, change your IP address to one in the US and watch CBS live from France Germany, UK, Russia or anywhere else in the world where you are currently based.
The VPN is an acronym for "Virtual Private Network". It is a secure virtual tunnel that sends all traffic online in a highly encrypted form by one of the servers you choose to connect. During this process, the IP address of your computer changes / device to the IP address of the server you are connecting, hiding your real IP address and make you practically live in the country of your choice. VPN now has VPN servers in 12 countries, including USA, UK, France and Germany. For more information on how VPN works, please visit
Russia bans- Then Re-add Google site blocked in the country -
The federal officials of a mass inspection service in Russia and to prohibit Google the site as many prohibited information that supposedly content that was not allowed in the country for web browsers. There was also a site that has been called banned because it shows a lot of information, which includes Gmail users in the files on the site. The lists that were set up on the site are not the first, not the second, but the third time that any information or sites that relate to the larger online companies had arrested and banned in the country.
a spokesman for the service that performs media research in the country, Vladimir Poikov said that when Google was included as one of the sites banned in the system when the changes occurred, he was in the part of an error made by a program glitch. Later at about eleven o'clock Google has been removed from the list of sites that had been banned. It was mentioned, however, that one of the sites that Google had not contain potentially in the training that is considered prohibited, and they will check this more closely.
You Tube had been arrested in the country a few days before that. It's all part of a new law that was passed to prevent child pornography, use of drugs, all that promoted suicide or illegal behavior can now be banned in Russia. If a complete site is blacklisted, and ISPs must block the entire site. But there is concern that many will simply bypass it and find the VPN providers abroad to the Internet.