the latest in cybercrime to gain popularity and infamy was "ransomware," a type of malware that installs on computers without suspicion. The malware then encrypts the hard drive of the user off completely until the payment was made to unlock. main tubes websites' Ransomware require payment, including the BBC, The New York Times, NFL.com and AOL among others.
billion The attack, which was reported by Malwarebytes security researchers, could have potentially affected, some of the most popular sites were targeted. The malware itself was delivered via a number of different ad networks and benefited from a number of vulnerabilities in the systems. Once the malware reaches the user, it redirects the web page to servers hosting malware, he sought a potential backdoor entry into the system. Once the ransomware install encryption software, making the computer of the user useless unless payment is sent.
This type of malware is increasingly popular with cyber criminals because it is much more effective and rewarding as malware and Trojans standard. The amounts demanded as ransom ranged from some bitcoins to an LA hospital who had to pay $ 17,000 in ransom payment in February. This attack will fan the flames of doubt that ad blockers debate, which is something that would protect users if implemented. Of course, the other side of the argument is that ad-blockers affect the industry, but with attacks like these should increase the need for protection is as high as ever.
If you are concerned about online security, then there are steps you can take to stay safe online. By using a VPN every time you use the Internet, you will be yourself and your Internet connection against potential attacks fixing. These include pirates after personal information, or even just those who attempt to monitor your online activity. With VPN, you can easily secure your internet connection wherever you are in the world.
Get a VPN today and enjoy true freedom and security of the Internet, with any device that you use to connect to the Internet.
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