YouTube too slow to load with Freebox in France? Connect with VPN!

If you are based in France and are subscribed to Free ADSL, it takes a lot of patience to watch a video on YouTube. YouTube is often too slow to load, even at very low resolution
The problem is recognized by Free Telecom for about a year now, and according to them. "The pipes between Google and Free full points at times, and each part of the responsibility of adding pipes to the other. This is a classic problem that happens everywhere, but most often with Google."
We also noticed that some Google sites are also very slow to load, such as Google Docs, for example.
According "For several months, consumers are turning to the UFC-Que Choisir to report problems connecting to certain Internet services from their free network. No Free Telecom Operator has never denied the dysfunction between the network and YouTube, accusing the latter of not wanting to pay for the bandwidth needed (...) It is important to settle the dispute away customers and better manage the market. Indeed consumers benefit from lower service without being informed beforehand and without being able to use this as a cause for termination. "
We tested the connection to YouTube and with Freebox without VPN, and had the following results:
with VPN you can watch Youtube videos without any problems with the resolution 1080 pixels , compared to a super long load times even in a resolution of 360p with low Freebox connection without VPN.
Why the connection is faster with VPN? We Priority Premium pipes for all VPN connections!
Pipes between Google / YouTube and Free Telecom are full at times, resulting in a very slow connection. When you connect to the Internet with Free, your connection goes the following steps:
from your computer -> Freebox -> occupied pipes is free -> Youtube
So without. VPN pass you by overloaded pipes between free and Youtube.
When you connect with the VPN, you avoid the overloaded channel between free and Youtube, even if free is your Internet provider. The VPN uses Premium pipes so that your connection VPN is always fast. With VPN, you connect as follows :.
Your PC -> Free Premium pipe -> The premium pipe VPN -> Youtube
Therefore, to avoid the pipe overloaded between free and Youtube / Google and faster to load YouTube videos, use the VPN for your connection. Try VPN today!