Cybercrime supports other crime

5:24 PM
Cybercrime supports other crime -

As confimed by Europol, profits from cybercrime are used to fund and develop other criminal activities and the impact and spread of cyber crime is increasing.

The European Agency for the implementation of the recently published its assessment law (SOCTA) report Serious Threat and organized crime and cybercrime highlighted as one of the areas requiring shared action between Member States the EU.

The report said economic crimes and fraud have emerged as major criminal activities. Improvements in technology have been a key factor in the spread of serious and organized crime.

Internet will offer many opportunities for crime, allowing easy access to information, the targeting of victims, negotiation and implementation of criminal activities in addition to the bleaching criminal activities.

As the Internet is now an essential tool in our daily lives, whether on PC, mobile or tablet, criminals can target a larger number of victims. The boom in Internet access in regions such as Africa and Asia creates opportunities and additional room for organized crime groups targeting public and private parties in the European Union. "Cybercrime in the form of large-scale data breaches, online fraud and sexual exploitation of children is a threat increasingly in the EU, while cybercrime profit-driven becomes a catalyst for web other criminal activities, "said the report.

Europol warned Europeans that cybercriminals can access a large pool of potential victims through the social networks, spamming and phishing. stolen personal data may also been used to produce forged documents, enabling criminals to develop a range of organized crime in both online and offline, according to the report. This gives groups fight against organized cybercrime ways to generate revenue, but also to assume the identities of individuals or businesses authentic

At the other end, the identification and prosecution of those types of crime becomes more complex. "Criminals are able to exploit a variety of different tools and techniques to conceal their identity and obscuring their crimes," said Europol.

It is estimated that in Europe only 3,0 organized crime groups are in active progress. the increasing use of cloud computing also benefits cybercrime, Europol said. "He will see users and criminals storing less data on their devices, which will present a significant challenge to the criminal investigations and practice medico existing digital legal. "

Europol provides that the Internet will allow more developed market for illegal activities and products and plans still cybercrime to grow further.

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