Bloggers in Singapore unleashed against a new Internet law too strict

In 2013, Singapore was ranked 149th out of 179 countries in the ranking World press freedom by Reporters without borders. Part of bloggers started since the beginning of June because of a law that now requires the news sites to get a license.
Nearly 1,500 people marched on June 7 in Singapore streets against the new law threatening, according to them, the freedom of expression. On June 1, Singapore has actually passed legislation that requires new sites, including a site operated by the US Yahoo! Group -. To register with the authorities
Then on June 5, more than 130 bloggers from Singapore had symbolically closed their sites in protest against this new regulation and licensing of news sites that may have a negative impact on freedom of expression. The protesters had replaced their homepages with a black screen with the words "# FreeMyInternet"
MDA, media monitoring authority in Singapore and the government have denied the draconian nature of the new law. They argue that blogs are just not considered news sites.
An online petition in which protesters stood against this vague and general decision was also implemented. The organization Reporters Without Borders also condemns the new law: it is likely that the Singapore government is "seeking to develop a greater capacity to censor sites covering local events and affecting a large part of public opinion." Reporters without borders is also concerned that "the bail system associated with obtaining a license must lead to a phenomenon of self-censorship, particularly for low income free sites will typically only cover the costs operation of the site. "
Since 09, blackout Internet initiatives have raised, as in France with Hadopi and 2012 a day of protest against the draft SOPA / PIPA in the US. in Russia, similar actions against the closure of Wikipedia have not prevented the authorities to establish a blacklist of domain names and websites offering content to be banned in Russia.
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