Google Accuses Hollywood censor the Internet

5:00 PM
Google Accuses Hollywood censor the Internet -

Google have slammed the motion Picture Association of America with allegations of trying to "censor the Internet." After the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) failed to materialize back in 2012, the film industry have been trying to find a way to suppress the amount of sites that offer illegal downloads. But their latest attempt was deemed immoral and infiltration as Google accuses Hollywood censor the Internet.

After more than 10 million have petitioned against the act which would have seen huge implications for Internet freedom. It was proposed to the US House of Representatives as a means to fight against online piracy. When SOPA was announced, it was met with fierce criticism from both the public and companies, including Google, have all agreed that this would be a dangerous precedent for Internet censorship. Already in the UK, a law was passed that allowed individuals to seek court orders against the offending websites, leading content blocked by ISPs.

Google have now accused OMAC using underhanded tactics to try to gather support and revive SOPA, essentially censor the internet through the removal of entire sites and limiting the content by search engine. The real issue here, as it was when SOPA was decided, that is, removing completely the sites and the entire Internet is at risk of being censored. As a sign of the times, the MPAA and the rest of the film industry need to have a look at where the real problem, and find a way to update their business model. Netflix found the perfect way in moving with the times by giving users what they want; deliver movies and TV shows directly. Hollywood needs to move quickly and deal with the real problem rather than attack the entire Internet, a fight, surely they can not win.

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