in a report that comes as a surprise to no more but a toy that combines with technology was found to include a glaring security hole. It is found that the Fisher-Price Smart Bear open to hackers, compromising sensitive information on the child the toy is intended. Security experts at a company based in Boston, Rapid7, found that when the toy connects to the application, it is very susceptible to hacking.
The attack would expose the name, date of birth and gender of the child and any additional information. The intelligent bear toy is wifi enabled, allowing the toy to be connected remotely to the Internet, data transmission. Fortunately, Mattel acted quickly to correct the situation and subsequently issued a statement assuring parents that no data breach has been recognized and the pirates did not accede to sensitive information.
This potential safety issue is the third of its kind following the Barbie who was also wireless enabled to transmit information to a server to interact with the children. Korean company V-Tech toys also had a similar test with a possible breach of data hacks and when their software, which has been linked to sensitive data could also be exposed in case of abuse. But unlike the other two, Mattel appeared to have acted quickly to eradicate the problem before problems have even arisen.
Although this problem was quickly resolved, it shows how consumers are exposed when the possessions increasingly become "smart" and connected to the Internet. It might be more convenient or useful, but the risk increases only, and by recent data breaches experienced by large companies such as Sony, nobody is really sure. If a company such as TalkTalk has suffered such a breach of large-scale data, exposing thousands of customers to identity theft and card fraud, then it is impossible to say what a small business can suffer. While large corporations and businesses are so dull in terms of data protection for their customers, how a small business with fewer resources to protect the data of their clients.
All this leads to ensure that you are safe with your own data online, ensuring your passwords are strong enough and your online business, it saved. One way to do this is by signing up for VPN and using a VPN service to protect your online business. By encrypting your Internet connection, you will be safe in the knowledge your data safe from prying potential hackers and snoops.
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