Telkom Indonesia said Netflix

8:03 PM
Telkom Indonesia said Netflix - Arrogant

Telkom, Indonesia's largest telecommunications company, quite. There are a few months, the company has decided to block Netflix. It was a huge success on Netflix. The global campaign project was supposed to be a success. The company was only expected to accept defeat in China and Syria. The great firewall will not allow access to Netflix. While in Syria, the war is still raging. In other words, the company believes other countries would accept. Without exception. Well, this time they were wrong. Netflix is ​​not available in Indonesia. At least to Telkom customers. Why? Because Telkom blocked Netflix.

Telkom is not just a regular telecommunications company. It has the largest customer base in Indonesia. It is also a country-society. In other words, the Indonesian government accepts most likely on any decision made Telkom. This includes the prohibition of Netflix. Decision like this does not change easily. Even Reed Hastings, Netflix CEO, could not change with his recent visit. If anything, everything is getting worse.

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Reed Hastings, Netflix CEO

Telkom vs Netflix

Everybody was not expecting it. Telkom vs Netflix. Who knew it would happen? Blocking Netflix is ​​not the best decision any company could do. In fact, no one should ever think about it. Why? Because it reduces the customer's trust. So why Telkom took? Everyone was so curious about it. The media. Telkom's competitors. Even their own customers.

The local media tried to reach Telkom about it. And guess what Telkom said the media? Netflix library contains pornographic content. In addition, the company is illegal. It has no operating license in Indonesia.

Now here's the question. Are we to believe that these reasons?

No. Just look at these reasons. They do not match the same reasons. That's why many think they are lies. The truth is still there. We believe that Telkom is still hiding it. For what reasons? So you do not know their true intention. Telkom wants to protect its commercial operations.

FYI, Telkom also runs a streaming service. They call iFlix. The service is good. But perhaps not good enough for everyone. Film buffs in particular. So when Netflix came, people turned their side. Slowly but surely iFlix began to lose its customers.

Netflix future in Indonesia

This is complicated for Netflix. So Reed Hastings decided to do something. He attended the recent Pay-TV operator Asia-Pacific summit in Bali. Reed Hastings finally responded to this situation. However, he did not come to ask the government to lift the ban. He only hoped that one day soon, Telkom would be generous enough to lift the ban. He believes that today is the age of liberty. People can choose what they want or do not want to watch. A company such as Telkom should help meet this need. A company such as Telkom should never decide what people should look. Perhaps, Telkom knows nothing about privacy and freedom.

A fine speech for the future of streaming service. Maybe that's what Reed thinks about his speech. Unfortunately, not everyone thought like him. Not every company thinks like that as Telkom.

The speech Reed was nothing but an arrogant speech.

Telkom director of client services, Dian Rachmawan says how his company deplored the statement by Reed. A person of his position should not speak arrogant and rude. Reed may not realize that he was talking in someone's house, not his. When he was still in Indonesia, it becomes subject to all the rules and regulations of that country. Make such a statement will oppose all against each other. It sure was not the best thing to do.

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In his new statement, Rachmawan also questioned the broadcasting company's commitment to make its content more friendly to local preferences. He believes that Netflix was lying on improving local content. They said this because they wanted to raise sympathy.

We have to wait

If things continue like this, there will be no agreement between Telkom and Netflix anytime soon. If you are a Netflix fan, maybe it's time to change your service. What if you do not want to keep your Flix.

iFlix not as great as Netflix. Neither is as good as Netflix. However, the company is sure better than Netflix in understanding how the law works in Indonesia. It may not be much, but if you are a registered IndiHome, iFlix is ​​the only package that you can get without paying extra.

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