How to avoid appearing in Google ads - 12 December 2013
Google policy change now allows the Web giant to use your name, profile photo and comments in its advertisements
Indeed, since November 11 e , Google can use your activities -. for example, when writing a review or assign one using Google+ -. and use them for his own ads
So if you give one more via Google Baggel your favorite store, the later can be used on advertising campaigns through Google.
This is another step in Google always changing to be more social. Already, however, when launching a search request, you can see what your Google contacts had shared about it, through the results of the "social search" integrated into your application.
If you do not want your name and picture in advertising, then here's how. Simply log in to your Google account and visit the "shared endorsements" (click here). Then go down the page and uncheck "Based on my business, Google can display my name and profile picture in shared endorsements that appear in ads. You just have to click" Register. "
just be careful because this is used to prevent the use of your photo and comments in advertising campaigns. But if you recommend a song on Google Play without limiting only friends, for example, the recommendation is public and can be viewed in Google Play.
be careful about the information you give on the web. Using a VPN to encrypt all communication and data transfer Internet. So the Web giants can not analyze your browsing information and can not offer you ads based on your personal data. in addition, targeted advertising also uses geolocation to increase efficiency. With a VPN, you can easily change your IP address by selecting a host country between several servers worldwide. The VPN allows you to hide both your personal and your country. Your connection is made anonymous and reliable, and you can surf freely, away from prying eyes.
After the Prism revelations, security personal data has become a global problem. How to regulate the Internet freedom against Internet giants and governments is now a global concern.
2014 will mark the end of freedom on the Internet? Today, personal data are accessible to all, through our messages on Facebook, our online shop on Amazon and our search queries on Google. Adding Apple, we come to the "Gafa", these four multinationals that dominate the Internet industry. And the four giant US companies collect and analyze personal data for commercial purposes.
Since mid-2013, Edward Snowden revelations about the Prism case created a huge wave of outrage, as we discovered that since 07, the NSA and the FBI had access to national servers Web giants and were able to view information about their users, worldwide. net settlement and data protection have become economic and high ethical issues. At the World Policy Conference in Monaco in mid-December, Carl Bildt, the Swedish foreign minister said that "the next battle for freedom in the world will battle for Internet freedom." Indeed, some of the new powers like China and Russia, want to bury the current governance system to do what they want on the net, even if this may involve censorship of content. within the European Community, the debate heated. Early December, Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, strongly protested against the Member States. "Ministers have fallen on data protection," she said on Twitter after a meeting with EU ministers of Justice. "the Council went into hibernation." this threat, as she says, the principle of "single window" ensuring the rules on cross-border transfers of personal data collected in the EU countries. This approach is of course to fight against GAFA that American giants have engaged in a showdown with Brussels to counter such a move. In France, the adoption of the military planning law (LPM) by the Senate only aggravated an already heated debate: the text was approved by the institution on 10 December, to the dismay of many digital players. Article 13, which seeks to improve access to computer data information services created this contention. companies are trying to be transparent and promote more ethical use of personal information, the identification of a risk of a loss of trust among users, leading to a risk in terms of activity and image. other challenges exist, such as cyber warfare and cyber terrorism, with the number of malware increasingly become so powerful that they can infiltrate the major infrastructure networks (water, energy, transport .. .) and can paralyze a country. Anticipate and manage these risks are the main challenges in the future.
To protect your privacy and increase your cyber security, start using a VPN today. The VPN encrypts your Internet connections and private guard the sites you visit and the information you provide on those sites.
Any information you send will go directly into your secure virtual tunnel. With the service VPN, you can easily direct your traffic from one of 20 available countries. Your computer and your mobile or tablet to connect to the Internet from one of 20 available countries and no one can intercept your online business. Change your IP simply by service VPN is one of the most important steps to surf the Internet safely and anonymously.
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heavy concerns about a new draft internet law in Turkey - 21 Jan 2014
Reporters without borders is concerned about many Internet bill to be debated by the Turkish parliament soon. Recorded by a decision AKP member mid-December as proposed amendments to the 5651 law on the Internet, this means websites to be blocked without a court order and strong monitoring of Internet users.
"5651 Act required the redesign withdraw its repressive features and ensure respect for freedom of information, but Parliament is moving, unfortunately, in the opposite direction," Reporters Without Borders. "The Bill only seeks to strengthen cyber-censorship, government control of the Internet and public scrutiny.
"Its adoption would have serious consequences for the fundamental freedoms of Internet users and the Turkish digital economy. We urge parliamentarians to revise the bill entirely in consultation with civil society and taking into account the European Court of human rights critical of the current legislation.
"This bill is particularly worrying for air to be part of a series of statements and initiatives by the draconian authorities in recent months. Faced with the unprecedented protests from last summer and now trapped in corruption scandals of unprecedented magnitude, the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan should realize that his salvation lies not in more censorship . "
The High Council for Telecommunications (TIB) is already authorized to order the blocking of websites without a court order in cases of pedophile content, suicide advocacy and" other obscene "content.
But under this bill, it would also be able to block without a court order in cases of "violation of privacy," the content is "discriminatory or insulting to some members of society" and to protect the family and children. and the Ministry of Transport, maritime Affairs and communication would be able to order the blocking as well.
many sites are already arbitrarily blocked in Turkey, but the no need for a court order and the imprecision of blocking criteria could lead to mass censorship.
reduces the bill on time before the implementation of 72-hour blocking decisions 24 hours. "In case of emergency," the TIB THN would be able to block websites within four hours. Anyone who thinks that the content is "violates their privacy" would also be able to communicate with Internet service providers ( ISP) directly to obtain blocked within four hours. Appeal against the blocking would be possible after the event.
Furthermore, the filtering methods would be extended that Bill would block content by URL and IP address, and not only by domain name. filtering keywords is also considered.
The bill would then bring the Turkish Internet under the authority of the full TIB. Enshrined as the supreme entity of the Internet, it would thus enjoy total impunity.
Internet access providers would be under a new body that would centralize blocking applications and content removal. The Union of ISPs would then operate as an additional tool of government control for ISPs and other technical intermediaries, who could be arrested for not complying with the installation of the necessary monitoring devices. The possibility of prison sentences for ISPs who failed to block sites was raised during the debate in committee.
The bill would require ISPs to keep records of internet users between one and two years and hand them over to the competent authorities on request. The concern is especially because the bill does not specify what data must be delivered or what will be made of it. Experts say that this would include the history of visited websites and social networks, searches, IP addresses and even email subject lines.
displayed content would also be subject to constant monitoring keyword. In doing so, the TIB would not be limited to research crimes, but is intended to act to "protect the family and children." He does not know yet how it affects websites, but surely the Turkish economy will be net .
demonstrations took place on January 18 e in Istanbul, but also in 14 other cities, to fight against this law.
for many years, Turkey has been classified by Reporters without borders as a country "under surveillance" because of its Internet censorship policies. It is 154th ranked 179 countries in the 2013 Reporters without borders for press freedom.
to avoid censorship on the Internet, use a VPN service that lets you choose your country connection. Whether you live in Turkey or elsewhere, you can choose to base your connection in one of 20 countries where access is not filtered or restricted. You can then access the sites you want to anonymously without spying eyes to look over your Internet activity. Choose a VPN service today and enjoy Premium offer VPN to surf safely.
China has spent the end of Internet anonymity - 10 Feb 2014
Chinese government confirmed the adoption of a new law that requires all Internet users in the country to use their real names when viewing videos on the Internet.
China seems a little tired to track Internet users criticizing the regime and has therefore implemented a drastic measure to end the partial anonymity on the web. Since January 21 st , a new law requires the Chinese to use their real identity to be able to publish videos online.
Beijing said that the law intends to "prevent the spread of vulgar content, excessive violence and sexual content of the video on the Internet has a negative influence on society. "This law comes after a series of measures that require users to identify themselves on the Internet with their true identity. The Act requires the same thing when connecting to the microblogging and mobile sites operators.
the Chinese government seeks to regain control of the Internet since 2013, in particular various revelations that turn political scandal. last September, the Communist Party has set up an anti-defamation campaign, which involved the whole person causing rumors . or disinformation to be imprisoned for several years
many Chinese people have posted content critical of Communist Party politics through popular video of the two platforms in China - Youku Tudou and Renren. the platforms have not yet commented on this new law that could ultimately punish more than their users.
to avoid censorship on the Internet, use a VPN service that allow you to choose your country connection. Whether you live in China or elsewhere, you can choose to set up your connection in one of 20 countries where access is not restricted. You can then access the sites of your choice with complete anonymity, without incurring censure or reprisals heavy censorship. Choose VPN today and enjoy its new high-end VPN to surf safely.
EU. supports Internet censorship project - 2 Mar 2014
If social networks are considered a gold mine in terms of information and expressions of the citizens, they can also be used to spread rumors. To solve this problem, some researchers are working on a type of "lie detector" on Twitter and Facebook.
The aim is to check real-time information for governments, emergency services, media and businesses so that they are able to respond to rumors more effectively. Indeed, for a brand, any negative rumor vis à-vis its image can have a terrible impact in a few hours. This led the European Union to finance the project called Pheme (a name taken from a Roman goddess who has the habit of spreading rumors).
The project was launched for a period of three years and will identify false rumors so they do not take too much size and allow people to react more quickly. It was developed in partnership with five European universities, including three British universities, one in Germany and one in Austria. scholars explain that "social networks lies swarm" with impact "immediate and significant" and it is often "difficult (...) to stifle a lie to help a situation."
Each word is analyzed from its source to its distribution is then classified into one of four categories:.. the controversy, misinformation, disinformation or speculative at this point, the system is already able to focus manually on multiple data types:.. a message on a social network, a photo or a video goal is to have this verification process is automatic a first version of the program is provided in 18 months, a project to monitor as sources and the classification categories are very subjective ... and this can lead to all sorts of manipulation.
the best way to ensure that your personal data is not followed using a VPN service. The VPN reduces your online movements by replacing your routing information through an anonymous IP address, thus avoiding geolocation, either on your computer or mobile device. Secure DNS servers VPN keep secret requests that you make, so that nobody can see your browsing history. In addition, your Internet connection is encrypted with a very strong system that protects you against hackers and illegal ears trying to listen and obtain sensitive information about you. Your Internet connection is hidden behind many servers VPN :. When connected to the VPN, no one can access your computer or mobile device without using VPN protected servers
US will formally establish a cyber army - 22 Mar 2014
NSA new boss, Michael S. Rogers, announced in the Senate that the country would set up a cyber army official :. then it will cooperate with its air, land and sea counterparts
Admiral Rogers will be the head of the US Cyber Command. He gave no other details on this cyber army well, such as the number of men assigned to these virtual fights, but this issue has clearly become a priority for the United States.
The former director of the United States Secret Service, General Keith Alexander, had already started this army recruiting hundreds of hackers and computer experts to carry out attacks.
The most famous attack and developed by this group remains Stuxnet that targeted Iranian facilities. Under the direction of General Alexander, these cyber operations amounted to a budget of $ 4.7 billion. Admiral Rogers also admitted that the new Ukrainian government had recently suffered cyber attacks. And this is also another reason for him to establish an elite team that will be able to attack and deter enemies from attacking the interests and US allies. We refer in particular to the countries traditionally challenged by the United States as China and Russia.
These virtual wars remain secret and no one knows whether the United States intends to assist Ukraine in order to thwart most targets Russian attacks towards them. on the other hand, the Russians have said that the US government that they would consider any cyber attack as a crime perpetrated by "weapons of mass destruction." "It is sure that this is the right time to see if they are bluffing, "admitted a US government official.
indeed sees in this a boost to the secret informant software program called Quantum revealed by Edward Snowden, leading to the installation of spyware on the computers of the Russian army and the police Mexican but also to spy on various European Community institutions. Since 08, no less than 100 000 computers in the world where these spyware have been installed to allow the United States to identify the latest threats and to have the means to meet them.
The best way to ensure that your personal data is not followed is to use a VPN service. The VPN reduces your online movements by replacing your routing information through an anonymous IP address, thus avoiding geolocation, either on your computer or mobile device. Secure DNS servers VPN keep secret requests that you make, so that nobody can see your browsing history. In addition, your Internet connection is encrypted with a very strong system that protects you against hackers and illegal ears trying to listen and obtain sensitive information about you. Your Internet connection is hidden behind many servers VPN :. When connected to the VPN, no one can access your computer or mobile device without using VPN protected servers
A draft European law on net neutrality - 9 Apr 2014
"Internet neutrality" was recognized in a vote by the European Parliament. This law still has to go before the commission before being finally voted, but would guarantee the neutrality of the Internet.
On April 4 of e , the European Parliament passed a bill in favor of equal access without discrimination to the Internet, which is commonly called "net neutrality."
The text must still be approved by the European Council, which represents 28 members of the European Union. And if each state approves, he will have to be submitted to the next European Parliament, whose representatives will be elected in May.
Members actually voted by a large majority for Internet service providers (ISPs) can not block or slow Internet services competitors.
Thus, an ISP could no longer voluntarily slow VOD services of a competitor to favor its own. It can still provide specialized services to end users such as video on demand, cloud ... but only if they do not affect the availability or quality of Internet access services offered by other companies or services.
However, this text provides exceptional cases proposed by the European Commission but their numbers have been reduced. The only three cases that allow service providers to block or slow Internet regarding the implementation of a court order, preserving the integrity and security of the network and the limitation of network congestion temporary.
Furthermore, these traffic management measures should be transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate. The text adopted by the European Parliament says that they should not be kept longer than necessary.
To protect your privacy and increase your cyber security, start using a VPN today. The VPN encrypts your Internet connections and private guard the sites you visit and the information you provide on those sites.
Any information you send will go directly into your secure virtual tunnel. With the service VPN, you can easily direct your traffic from one of 50 countries available. Your computer and your mobile or tablet to connect to the Internet from one of 50 available countries and no one can intercept your online business. Change your IP simply by service VPN is one of the most important steps to surf the Internet safely and anonymously.
Nations consumers and businesses are targeted by many malware. New research shows the link between them and the criminal organizations. Nearly 75% of new purchased computers are infected with dangerous malware. This is what reveals a study conducted jointly by the Digital Crimes Unit Microsoft, IDC and the National University of Singapore (NUS). This research has identified over one hundred discrete threats, including viruses that blocks some security software to use and download other files (other malware or Trojan horse used to relay spam ...)
If this problem affects everyone, namely individuals, professionals and governments, some of them seem to be aware of the link between malware and cybercrime. Indeed, 65% of consumers and 30% of corporate customers make their purchases from sources considered suspicious and not sellers trademarks or national chains. In 2014, companies will spend $ 127 billion because of malware (for identification, restoration and data recovery) based on the study. To this amount, add $ 364 billion spent to respond to data breaches. And nearly 75% of these losses - $ 315 billion - will be linked to criminal organizations. According to the study, the overall consumer spending reached $ 25 billion, due to malware and losses equal to 1.2 billion hours spent trying to manage these security problems.
The loss of data or personal information, online fraud, embezzlement email or social networks represent the greatest fears of consumers against malware and cybercrime. But 43% of them do not give themselves the means to avoid such accidents because they are not even install automatic security updates on their computers. Faced with these figures, governments have reason to be concerned about piracy. However, officials interviewed say they have a poor understanding of the relationship between pirated software and malware.
The best way to protect your computer, laptop or tablet when surfing the web is to use a VPN service. This will ensure that no one is listening and uses the data you send over an Internet connection without protection. This will prevent your banking passwords, email accounts or social networking profiles to be intercepted and used without your knowledge. Our VPN service encrypts your Internet connection with a complex system of encryption using the AES-256 algorithm. This coding will make it impossible anyone to interact with your personal data, even if your connection has been intercepted or compromised. Any information you send will go directly into your secure virtual tunnel. With VPN, you can easily direct your traffic by choosing a server in one of 50 countries available. This way you can enjoy the best VPN service for secure Internet connection from your computer, tablet or mobile phone, even being able to use a VPN connection simultaneously for 2 devices.
Do not expect to watch Game of Thrones - 4 June 2014
Game of Thrones airs every Sunday night on HBO. But only if you are in the United States of America. If you are elsewhere, you may have to wait. Do not expect to watch Game of Thrones, with VPN, there is no waiting, just look.
In this day and age of high speed Internet, there should be no reason for an episode which shows one end of the world can not be released at the same time, or at least equivalent time the day in another part of the world. Yet when a television program in a country, it can sometimes take a week, if not more, for airing the same episode elsewhere.
If you have a subscription to HBO Go on-demand service HBO, it will let you catch up on your favorite shows anywhere. As long as you are in the fifty US States that is. But if you are outside the US, but still have a subscription? Then using the service VPN you can change your IP address and location within the United States and still catch all your favorite shows that you missed.
Game of Thrones popularity has skyrocketed since its inception in 2011, each season attracting more and more viewers worldwide. But unfortunately not everywhere shows in its original form. China broadcasts a heavily censored version, suppressing sexual and violent content, giving viewers a little confused with the episode ten minutes remaining. If you are in a country that censors imported shows or movies, using VPN you can work around these restrictions and enjoy the content as intended.
Have to wait to watch an episode after it has already been released is not only difficult for the impatient, it can affect the plot-spoiling because of the buzz of social media as a show Game of Thrones can produce. Try to avoid the huge rebound is quite difficult in the life of every day, but as soon as you go online, it is everywhere. somewhere someone will show any spoilers plot in one sentence, ruining the entire episode. With VPN you can watch the latest Game of Thrones that broadcasts in the United States in all its uncensored glory on Sunday evenings throughout the world, avoiding spoilers.
The VPN Try to see all the advantages, including not having to wait to watch your favorite shows.
How to avoid increasing fraud in credit card online? - 15 May 2014
credit card scams have exploded in many countries, including France, with one million people in two years, an increase of 44% of cases between 2010 and 2012. the total fraud amounted to € 450.7 million in France in 2012, as revealed by the National Observatory of delinquency and criminal responses (ONDRP). We also learn that the number of frauds increases twice as fast as the number of outstanding credit cards in France. In addition to two out of three cases, the victims are charged only once for an average amount of approximately € 00
attempts Scams With the growth of online transactions, fraudsters have multiplied.
Most commonly used techniques are the following:
• Phishing. This means of misleading emails sent to consumers, who seem more real than those of suppliers or service providers such as banks, telephone operator ... Victims are asked to complete questionnaires unsuspecting asking them to provide their bank details.
• Spyware. It is installed on a computer when downloading or opening an e-mail without the owner even realize it. Everything that happens on this device is saved, including credit card numbers that will be typed on the keyboard during an online purchase.
So what to do in case of such scams? First call your bank to block the card and get a refund. In most countries, banks are required by law to pay the full amount stolen. You can also go to report to the police, but in many cases, criminals are not even found.
How can you prevent yourself from such attacks? The banks announced a security system more and more. On the Internet, many sites say they provide secure payment, sometimes with an additional security system called 3D Secure, which has been used since 08: this safety standard adds a step in the transaction (for example, the send SMS verification code to your mobile holder). This helps to reduce fraud, but criminals can also hack the mobile phone number of the owner of a hacked computer ...
The problem is not new and yet fraud continues to increase, but banks do to prevent this? Users can be completely protected after they discover the fraud, but before the fraud, things do not move. "
On a daily basis, some simple steps can reduce the risk of your banking information hacked.
• Focus on secure and known websites. Today, secure payments represent only 27.5% of all online payments, and e -commerce many sites are still reckless.
• Monitor your bank statements. banks do not contact customers in case of unusual activity representing large sums of money.
the best way to protect your banking and personal data is to use a VPN service. This will ensure that no one listens and uses data you send via Internet connection without protection. This prevents your credit card number, bank passwords online, email accounts or your social networking profiles to be intercepted and used without your knowledge.
Our VPN service encrypts your Internet connection with a complex system of encryption using the AES-256 algorithm. This coding will make it impossible anyone to interact with your personal data, even if your connection has been intercepted or compromised. Any information you send will go directly into your secure virtual tunnel. With VPN, you can easily direct your traffic by choosing a server in one of 50 countries available. This way you can enjoy the best VPN service for secure Internet connection from your computer, tablet or mobile phone, even being able to use a VPN connection simultaneously for 2 devices.
Do not miss another game World Cup! - 24 June 2014
group stage is almost complete , shock and heartbreak were delivered by the load of the truck and this tournament is shaping to be the best yet. Nobody envisaged reign and European champions Spain world to eliminate as soon as possible, join them are England, yet another campaign ended in disappointment. For others, the celebration can not start now, their fate progressing to the last 16 is still in the balance.
With the approaching contest the knockout, do not miss another match of the World Cup! Some broadcasters are showing some matches, and depending on where you are now, might not be able to access the games you want to watch. If you subscribe to an online sports channel, you might not be able to access it, unless you're there. Using VPN you can remove the restriction on the location and watch any broadcast online all over.
If you are the United States, but traveling abroad, it can be difficult to follow the United States in their quest to reach the round of 16. If you subscribe to online services such as ESPN and NBC you will not be able to look outside America. Team USA was only a few seconds to secure their place in the next round before Ronaldo took a perfect cross inches to substitute Varela to head back to the second post. But for Portugal, things do not look great, so for them to move now, they must defeat Ghana and winner of Germany or the USA means that they could still overtake one of them on the goal difference. A long shot that Portugal has the worst goal difference with 4 less compared to the United States with over 1 and Germany with over 4.
Elsewhere, France is looking strong, leader their group with maximum points and a vastly superior goal difference with a left match against Ecuador. Karim Benzema continued his good form for Real Madrid in the tournament as top scorer with top seal Arjen Robben, Robin van Persie, Enner Valencia and Thomas Müller. If France can overcome Ecuador then they will face the finalists in Group F; Argentina, Iran and Nigeria. If you follow The Blues and have a subscription to a sports broadcaster in France, but are out of the country, you might not be able to catch all the games. You can still use your existing subscription, but using VPN service you can take with you everywhere.
See VPN for other benefits and follow your team all the way.
Do not miss the start of the Premier League season - 21 July 2014
the World Cup may be over, and what a tournament it turned out to be. But do not let the fading memories of one of the best World Cups in recent memory you go down, the new season starts in just under four weeks. So do not miss the start of the Premier League season. The English Premier League is the kick-off on August 16, but if you're not in the UK, it might be difficult to follow your favorite team. If you have a subscription to Sky Sports you can generally use Sky Go to watch the games live wherever you are, but not if you leave the country. This can be frustrating if you are on holiday or traveling abroad. If you subscribe to the VPN, you can change your position in the UK and always watch your live team. The VPN simply changes location "on your computer where you want, allowing you to access the content usually limited to that country. The VPN can be used on all devices that you use to connect to the Internet, including your laptop, smartphone or tablet. Other benefits of the service can be secure your Internet connection for private data remains private. This season promises to be a good one with many teams stronger. After a disastrous season, Manchester United seek bounce with the new manager Louis van Gaal. Who had a World Cup campaign successfully guide the Netherlands to a 3rd place in Brazil. Liverpool are determined to make up for missing out on their first title at the top of the league flight since the 1989/190 season. Elsewhere Arsenal are the strongest research after obtaining the signing of Alexis Sanchez from Barcelona and Chelsea are still up there at the top with Jose Mourinho. So do not miss the start of the Premier League seaons off with VPN. Register and watch the English Premier League, anywhere in the world.
Watch the new NFL season - Around the World 10 August 2014
Last season, AOS Superbowl is a distant memory, training camps across the country are on track, test new recruits. fresh rookies on the project are fighting for a starting point, while veterans are desperate to keep their position. The new season still doesn, AOT kick off until September 4th e , but the excitement is building, training camps come to a close and teams prepare for games preseason. When the season finally comes around, Don, AOT miss a game, watch the new season of the NFL around the world with VPN.
If you, Aore the United States, there is a wide choice of options for watching the new season on TV, on the Internet and mobile devices. These services give you the option to catch up on games you may have missed or a choice to watch all games broadcast live. But if you, Aore outside the country, you may find it difficult to follow the NFL with these subscriptions. So if you, Aore on vacation or even abroad, it will be difficult to follow the games. regional restrictions will allow you to look them in the United States, you might have to pay for another subscription just to watch the NFL. But by using VPN, you can simply change your geolocation in the United States and access any online content without restriction.
The VPN is a service that not only works with your laptop or computer, but your smartphone and tablet also allow you to use the service. And the release of regional restrictions, VPN offers a secure Internet connection, protect against potential attacks, every time you connect to the Internet, anywhere in the world. There are many more benefits, visit the online service and see how you can benefit from using VPN.
Week 1 of the new season starts with the defending champions Superbowl Seattle welcoming Seahawks the Green Bay Packers on September 4 e with the rest of the games that take place on the 7 e and 8 e . Don, AOT miss a single touchdown, watch the new season of the NFL around the world with VPN.
Apple will not allow developers to sell personal data - 31 August 2014
with the planned announcement of another iPhone in September, Apple told developers that they should not sell the data collected with 'HealthKit the' Apple a platform that can gather information about the health of the user. A new application playing in the near future simply titled "Health", will be able to collect data on heart rate and blood pressure, and information diet and exercise.
Apple will not allow developers to sell personal data, but found that developers will be able to collect this information through their own applications, but should not sell to other businesses. This comes as welcome news to the growing concerns of privacy in the Internet and mobile devices. As applications and devices become more advanced in the collection of personal data on the health of the user, the risk of developers and companies that sell data for targeted advertising and other unjustified measures develops. Insurance companies are more interested in health data to really learn more about the policies that could be taken to potentially deny someone outright. The ramifications of this kind of data distributed and transmitted without the user's consent is a real concern.
The arguments continue on issues of security and privacy that almost every aspect of our lives is now connected to the Internet without growth guarantees of privacy. Once the content is online, it is very difficult to know where the data ends. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to keep your data online safely. But what you can do is make sure your Internet connection is safe and secure. This will prevent unwanted spying on your information and activity, preventing any potential intruder.
The VPN will offer you the opportunity to safely connect to the Internet wherever you are, whether at home, office or even abroad. By encrypting your connection, it creates a tunnel to prevent snooping. By doing this, you can also browse the Internet anonymously and safely. Public wifi areas are particularly susceptible to unwanted attention that connections are unsecured and open to anyone to join them.
The VPN also gives you the advantage of being able to change your IP address, your virtual location, allowing you to connect to the Internet through another country. This gives you the ability to access Web sites and content that are limited region such as Netflix and can circumvent censorship, unlocking websites which are banned in some countries.
Apple will not allow developers to sell personal data, so sign up VPN to ensure all your personal data is safe elsewhere.
Take your Spotify playlists everywhere you go with the VPN - 22 seven 2014
Every time you try to access your Spotify playlists abroad, you will find that not all your music is accessible to you. This is when Spotify has restrictions on its music streaming service if you are out of the country. By using a VPN, you can take your Spotify playlists everywhere you go with VPN.
The VPN will allow you to bypass the restrictions put in place due to licensing problems in other countries. Like Spotify must rely on record labels and studios by allowing them to broadcast their music, the license may only cover certain countries. When traveling, nobody wants to have to carry their entire music collection with them physically, so using Spotify, you can take your entire library wherever you go, as long as you have Internet access.
by changing your IP address to that of your country, you can access your Spotify library as if you were at home. This is as simple as changing the settings of the camera to that of another IP address. This method also works to get around regional restrictions on other sites and services, such as Netflix, BBC iPlayer or ESPN.
Whatever device you use to connect to the Internet, you can use with VPN on site to two devices simultaneously. Whether you use Spotify on your smartphone, tablet or laptop, you can simply sign in with VPN, change your "virtual location" and access all your playlists easily.
So the next time you leave the country vacation or work, do not leave your music behind, take your Spotify playlists everywhere you go with VPN.
you may have heard of VPN, but not quite sure how they can really help you. Or you may have just heard that they are good for watching TV in other countries, but not much else. But there are many more with one, see how using a VPN can be useful.
First, the most important aspect of using a VPN, regardless of where you connect to the internet, or what for. The VPN can encrypt your Internet connection, in keeping secure when you connect to the Internet. Whether you are at home on the computer, on the way to work using your phone, or waiting in airports across the world. You can ensure that you are connected to a safe and secure connection no matter where you are. This ensures that you remain anonymous and protect against attacks. This can be a problem when connecting to unsecured Internet connections, such as those found in public spaces, such as stores, airports or coffee libraries. Problems can arise when people are able to use unsecured WiFi networks that allows hackers to spy on users, which could allow them to steal data and personal information.
The other use of using a VPN is that you can use to change your location almost anywhere in the world. Simply by changing your IP address, you may as well bypass all websites regional restrictions apply, such as BBC iPlayer, HBO Go, or sports sites that restrict watching videos outside of some countries. In countries where censorship is a problem for Internet users, like China for example, can use VPN to bypass these restrictions and allow completely free on the internet, wherever you are.
With VPN, you can use it on any device to connect to the Internet through, including laptops, smartphones, tablets and smart TVs. Wherever you are in the world, do not connect to the Internet without having to first save your connection with VPN, and browse the Internet safely and anonymously. Sign up for VPN and see for yourself how using a VPN can be useful.
Get access to the entire Netflix library - 5 November 2014
Netflix is a great way to catch up on all your favorite shows, even those that have been off the air for years. The vast collection of movies, ranging from classics to newly released, has enough content to keep you stuck for a whole weekend. Even many new television broadcasts begin on Netflix, with only a small one-month subscription, it will give you unlimited access to movies and television. But unfortunately, you're limited to a regional content of your own country. Some of the latest shows and movies come out in the US first, leaving you having to wait to watch them. So you can have access to the entire Netflix library?
With VPN, you can choose that the Netflix library to access and watch. It is as easy as changing your IP address and you can select a country to access their own regional content from Netflix. By changing your geo-location, IP address, you access their content as if you were physically there. So next time you hear about the latest season of your favorite show comes just in America, use the VPN and access without having to wait in the air in your country.
The VPN can be used on all devices that you use to connect to the Internet. So if you enjoy watching Netflix on your TV in the living room or on your tablet while waiting for a flight at an airport, the VPN will allow you to change your virtual location anywhere. The same method can be used to access a regional content that is limited to a certain country. So if you want to watch BBC iPlayer but not in the UK, changing your IP address to that of a UK one, you can access the content without restriction as if you were there.
So the next time you hear of another Netflix exclusive TV show, or a new movie that only comes out in some countries subscribing to the VPN and get access to the entire Netflix library. No matter where you are in the world, enjoy complete freedom.
Microsoft Skype Language Translator - 18 December 2014
Microsoft have released the first version of their Skype Translator, which enables translation between languages in real time. For now, the software can translate Spanish to English, but in the future, other languages will be added. The implications of this technology are endless, those traveling in a foreign country will be able to use it to speak the local dialect, or business meetings between countries will not be relying on a translator, everyone will be able to speak freely. Microsoft Skype Translator translates the language in real time, without needing to know another language, all while using artificial intelligence.
The technology is based on the continued use to become more advanced and precise. The more the software is used, the smarter it becomes, be able to recognize a much more precise language. The system includes speech recordings and then quickly translated and released in the form of text to speech to another user. Skype Translator will break down language barriers and be in the world much closer.
As technology improves and other languages are added, the more reliable the software will become. Each time the software is used, the recorded data is sent to Microsoft and language database will be updated to improve the matching of words. Of course, the data will be anonymous and conversations will not be themselves, just the words and the high recorded match. So, in a not so distant future, you will have perfect conversations with someone on the other side of the world in your own language without even noticing a difference.
Take your Spotify playlists everywhere - 10 Jan 2015
Power for access all your music wherever you are in the world without the need for extra storage makes traveling so much easier with your music. With Spotify, you can simply log in using your phone or computer anywhere and you can access all your playlists, wherever you are. But if you leave the country, you may find some music is inaccessible. Using the VPN, you can take your Spotify playlists everywhere.
The VPN simply bypasses the regional restrictions imposed by record companies and music societies which allow Spotify to stream music from their group in some countries. In some areas, you will not be able to access various back catalogs of a band, or entire artists might miss. By changing your IP address, VPN allows you to choose a new virtual location you are connecting to the Internet through and you can access all your music as if you were at home.
So if you go on vacation or a long trip, you do not want to take your music collection with you, simply connect to the Internet via the VPN, change your IP address at home, and your Spotify playlists follow you everywhere.
in addition to giving you the freedom to take all your music with you, the VPN is a secure way to connect to the Internet. If you travel, you will probably connect via an unsecured network, public wifi zones that exist in hotels, cafes and airports. Connecting via VPN, you secure your connection to anyone who might be using the wireless network to spy on the activity of another user.
Sign VPN and no matter where you are in the world, take your Spotify playlists and access all of your music wherever you are.
with the Internet so readily available everywhere, it is now so easy to watch TV or movies on the road, if you are on the bus to work or even in the bath. But if you're waiting for a flight and your favorite show is on? Or in a hotel room on the other side of the world? You might not be able to access your favorite TV shows back home.
By using a VPN, you can now unlock the restrictions imposed by regional limitations and allows you to watch TV and movies online with VPN, you are in the world. This allows you to change your computer, or other device, location. With a push of a button, you can switch from a US IP address to that of a UK one, or French. This can be handy if you have a Netflix subscription and want to see the entire library of another country, regardless of geographic limitations.
Using VPN works on all devices that you use to connect to the Internet. Smartphones, game consoles, laptops and even smart TVs can enjoy without restriction using the Internet to watch all your favorite shows. Another advantage of a VPN is that it provides secure Internet surfing anywhere, keeping you safe online, check out the many other benefits.
Get VPN and never miss an episode of your favorite show. Watch TV and movies online with VPN, while staying safe and secure online.
The highly rated VPN Best VPN Review Sites - 5 Mar 2015
VPN received a rating of 4.7 stars on incredible site reviews the best Mag VPN service. Site testing and reviews all the best VPN services and VPN popular products on features, reliability and security. The VPN is out among the best rated VPN services on the market today, where the VPN site called "solid and reliable" and also one of the best providers of VPN around. Read the full review by VPN.
The VPN offers competitive prices, as well as many benefits for users. A highly secure encrypted connection is in place to ensure that whenever you connect to the Internet from, you will be safe in the knowledge your privacy is protected. SmartDNS our service offers incredible speeds without bottlenecking the connection while you stream your favorite content from any website in the world. In addition, our new service HybridVPN all the great benefits of a SmartDNS, but it will also encrypt your connection as a VPN would be no loss of speed whatsoever.
Last month, The VPN also received a glowing review that chose VPN as supplier 2 VPN service on the market. We are very proud of this honor and we will continue to innovate and improve service VPN to become the best VPN service available.
If you are not a subscriber, subscribe to VPN today and enjoy the true freedom of the Internet as there are many advantages to using a VPN. You are still protected by a secure connection, and you can easily change your "virtual location" to that of anywhere in the world. So if you are living in Canada and you want to access Netflix in the UK, just use VPN to change your IP address to that of the UK and you'll be able to access all the content that is usually limited regionally.
Since 2012 Russia has used watchdog Roskomnadzor to monitor all Internet activity in the country and control what sites are accessible or blocked. Fortunately for citizens, VPNs have been helpful to circumvent these restrictions, allowing Internet without restriction. But that could change with Russia planning to block the VPN.
A Russian MP proposes to prohibit all tools circumvent restrictions in the country. The kind of sites that were the object censorship were not only acceptable sites that are related to terrorism and child abuse, but censorship extends to sites related to drugs and suicide. This kind of censorship cover a lot more harm than good and block people who manage to achieve with these questions. Sites that may contain materials copyright are usually blocked immediately for all torrent sites or file sharing are targeted regardless of content.
Russian MP Leonid Levin announced at a conference his plans to restrict all access to tools that allow the user to bypass, become anonymous or transfer illegally obtained media. This includes VPN and users of the Tor anonymity network. Levin says that by blocking access to these tools will reduce the access and distribution of illegal content citizens. Investigations show 150,000 citizens use the Tor network and up to 25% of Internet users use a VPN.
This is not the first time Russia tried to block the use of VPN but their last attempt in 2013 that came to nothing, there is concern that the law could come into force some point in the future. Until then, make sure you get the most out of using VPN to make sure to browse the internet safely and anonymously and circumventing censorship or restrictions in your country.
Anti-Censorship site targeted by hackers - 25 Mar 2015
online censorship has always been a problem in China, with the government limiting its citizens access to true freedom of the Internet. But there are more and more ways arise for citizens around this restriction and allow users to access restricted websites. Such a process has seen organizations like provide those in China a way to access those sites that were deemed inappropriate and "politically sensitive" by the Chinese government., the targeted anti-censorship website by hackers, have been hit by attacks by denial of service, also known as a DDoS attack. This kind of attack is not easily remedied or avoidable since it is actually just an incredibly high number of traffic attempting to access the site. It has not been confirmed who was behind the attack, but it is regarded as the Chinese government as the attack coincides with the Chinese authorities publicly condemning the group.
The damage at the site is reportedly costing over $ 30,000 a day in bandwidth costs, and nothing in place to prevent these attacks, all they can do is hope that the DDoS stops. If you are in a country that heavily censors Web content, such as media or social news sites, then using VPN you can easily get around these restrictions and to access the full Internet freedom. Sign up today and enjoy a secure Internet connection anywhere in the world. In addition to being able to change the IP addresses from all over the world means that you can easily watch the restricted content area.
He was revealed that Britain leads the world in illegal downloading episodes of the hit series Game of Thrones HBO. Just a sample of IP addresses of those who share imaginary flight of the episodes of the epic series by George RR Martin has shown that the addresses 1 to 10 are based in the UK. Since season five premiere on Sunday not only the first episode became the most pirated file in the world, but an unknown leak led to three more episodes to appear online, where the episodes went to become the most files pirated in the world, each episode has been downloaded over a million times.
the origin of the game of thrones pirated episodes is still unknown, but is believed to have been ripped from DVDs sent to the press for review. Even with numbers very mixed episodes, it still does not take into account the number of streams received episodes. Compared to the rest of the world, Britain leads the standings for most downloads in 9.8% of shared IP addresses, is next to the United States with 9.1%, India with 7 8%, Canada 5.4% and France with 4.2%.
HBO decided to simulcast the first season 5 Game of Thrones at 21:00 Eastern time in the United States with the rest of the world, including more than 170 countries. But Sky Atlantic, which holds the rights to Game of Thrones United Kingdom has decided not to participate in the joint issuance and thereafter undoubtedly helped the huge wave of pirated episodes once the United Kingdom found that they should wait again. Sky Atlantic have confirmed that they will follow the simulcast next week.
Game of Thrones continues with the second episode of Season 5 next Sunday at 21:00 Eastern time in the United States. But if you are in a country that will not be broadcast simultaneously and have an existing subscription to HBO, you can easily use VPN to change your IP address to that of the United States and look at it as if you were still there .
Watch US Netflix From Around the World - 4 May 2015
It can be very frustrating to hear the return of your favorite program is only available on Netflix from another county, so with the VPN, watch US Netflix worldwide. No matter where you are in the world, even in Australia, you can still catch all your favorite shows. With the new laws of conservation of past data, now is the best time to get a VPN.
Netflix is available in most countries around the world, but the content varies greatly between each region due to various licensing issues. Now with a VPN service such as VPN, you can take off this restriction and be free to move to any Netflix library in the world. The VPN allows you to change your IP address, your virtual location at any country. So if you are in Australia and want to access Netflix in the US, just move your unit to a US IP address VPN without having to change the settings of your device, and you will Netflix library as if you were in America.
offers more VPN users the ability to unlock the entire Netflix library of all countries, it can also circumvent strict restrictions usually imposed on public wifi zones. These include libraries and universities with strict rules on the use, which prevents you from connecting to the Internet through various programs or applications. Internet censorship and strict restrictions can be circumvented through the VPN, also giving you a secure connection, encrypted and completely anonymous when you connect to the Internet.
The VPN can work on multiple devices, including laptops, smartphones, tablets and smart TVs. Sign up for VPN and enjoy the many benefits of the Internet connection via a virtual private network and unlock the entire Netflix library, wherever you are in the world.
Wireless Internet became more widely available throughout the world, if you are on a small Pacific island, or deep in the Amazon basin, wireless Internet is always just around the corner. No longer do you have to look to foreign cities to an internet cafe cheap, you just rock with your smartphone or tablet and you're online in seconds. Most travelers now pack at least one gadget that can connect to the Internet; tablet, smartphone or even a laptop. So it is now more important than ever to stay safe when traveling so that catch all your favorite TV shows.
Abroad, it is not always easy trying to make sure your Internet connection is safe and secure, sometimes you have no choice because of work or the need to get in touch with somebody. Not being able to use a secure Internet connection does not mean that you can not take measures to protect yourself online.
By using VPN, you'll be securing your connection to any device you use, every time you connect to the Internet. Effectively creating a direct secure tunnel to the Internet, you will be bypassing all restrictions and vulnerabilities that occur with wireless networks, especially those without passwords that are open to potential hackers.
not only protect your own data, it will also keep you anonymous while browsing and bypassing censorship that may exist in some countries. The VPN also allows you to choose which country's IP address, you can log in, allowing access to otherwise restricted content reserved for certain regions. So next TME your favorite show is on back home, do not miss because you are halfway around the world, connect to VPN, choose your IP address at home and you will be able to watch all content you want.
If you need to connect to the internet in another country, do not you open to attacks, subscribe to the VPN and enjoy the freedom of the Internet while staying safe while traveling.
with Spotify and the Internet account, you can have your music collection with you all the time. While having an online connection, you can access your library wherever you are, whatever device you have. And if you want to experience new music, you can simply search and instantly stream. The best part is being able to create new playlists for all your favorite tracks and access them easily on the road, and with a premium account, even synchronize offline. But unfortunately for many, Spotify is the restricted area, so that the music you can access depends on where you are. So if you are on holiday or business and you try to access your playlist perfectly done, then you might find a lot of songs or bands are not available. But there is a way around this problem by using VPN you can listen to your Spotify playlists worldwide.
The VPN gives you the option to change your "virtual location" to where you want. So if you have a subscription United States, and you are traveling abroad, you may not be able to access it as the playlist is only available in the United States. Using the VPN, you can change your IP address to that of the United States and you can still access all your playlists. You can also change your IP address to access different Spotify libraries worldwide.
There are many other advantages of VPN. Not only does it provide the freedom to unblock Spotify restrictions, VPN provides a secure connection to the Internet wherever you are. So if you're in an airport or coffee, you can never be sure how secure the Internet connection will be leaving you vulnerable to attack. The VPN creates your very own, private encrypted tunnel, to ensure that your data remains safe.If Internet censorship is a problem in your country, preventing full access to social media sites or certain news sites and VPN can help you bypass these too.
Sign up for VPN and start to benefit from using a VPN, on any device you use, be it your laptop, smartphone, or tablet pc, showing you how to access all of Spotify where you are.
Cyber Security Firm is a victim of Hack - 7 July 2015
Hacker team, the online security firm, who offer advice and security services to both national security agencies and application of the law firms have been the victim of a hack. The security breach led to over 400gb of data stolen from the firm which inevitably ended up online through a series of tweets. As cyber-security firm is a victim of hacking, released documents contained various reports that have been the company had been dealing with repressive regimes by providing various hacking tools.
The documents that have been published online on Twitter Hacker account team, said that the security company had been working with governments, something that the film had already strongly denied. It is still unknown who is responsible for the hack, or even if the alleged incriminating documents are actually checked. After the attack, which left the pirates in the account control Twitter Hacker Team, which was renamed "Team Hacked" several hours before Hacker team was able to regain control. At this point, the pirates released various information and documents, including invoices, emails and even employee personal information.
Among the most serious claims, pirates released documents that showed the security company effectively treated with governments in Nigeria and Ethiopia, selling malware, which was actually used against the US journalists. Since 2013, Hacker team were subject to scrutiny after several reports were published that showed the relationships contrary to company ethics, the first and foremost job is to provide protection against piracy . But in fact, have been accused to choose to sell various malicious software and tools that have been inadvertently turned on innocent people hacking.
This attack is just the latest in a long series of attacks come in the past year. Once the high profile attack on Sony Pictures has damaged the film studio and the giant Sony themselves technology, there have also been attacks against the United States government. With so many hackers and security failed in the news, it is strongly recommended to take all precautions available to protect your online presence. Sign up for VPN and make sure your Internet connection is secure at all times, regardless of the device you use, either a VPN for Android, iPhone or Windows.
The heartbleed Bug is back ... For mobile phones - 29 July 2015
When the virus destroys Heartlbeed havoc across computer systems back last year, it sent shock waves through the security sector as experts rushed to solve the problem. When we all thought we were immune to this kind of attack, a new virus has emerged, this time affecting the phones with the Android operating system. The virus heartbleed created a vulnerability found in web pages, allowing hackers to bypass the appearance generally well costed a website, leaving users free to attack remotely. After this bug was squashed, another appeared, the heartbleed bug is back ... For mobile phones.
This time, the problem may affect any mobile phone that uses the Android operating system. A simple text message is all that's needed, and the attacker can gain complete control of the user's phone, and unfortunately there is no readily available solution. The glitch is actually happening in the operating system, a calling party Stagefright, which allows phones and tablets to display media content. A malicious video can then be played by Stagefright, allowing an attacker intimate access to the user's phone, allowing them to access anything from text messages to emails, photos and even be physically able to spy on the user through the microphone and camera.
But the problem is deeper than that, as the malicious video is sent by text or multimedia messaging, the user does not even need to open and play the video in order to become infected . Once the message is received by the user before the message tone, the phone has been infected and the phone on the new control. What makes this particularly bad bug is the fact that users are not even playing the malicious file, as in other email viruses, but when its open. The latest vulnerability has been called the "heartbleed" for phones like the original bug has caused extensive damage to a disastrous similarly.
If you fear for your safety, Google announced that they are working on a fix, in the meantime, users are advised to take extra care when receiving suspicious texts. If you wish to continue your security when you are online, by subscribing to the VPN you will be able to provide each time you connect to the internet, you will make it through an encrypted and secure channel. The VPN also allows you to unlock the true freedom of the Internet with anonymous IP address of the switch and censorship circumvention.
Hackers release sensitive customer details - 21 August 2015
More one month after threats by an anonymous hacker group that has protested against the ethics of Ashley Madison dating site, hackers have fulfilled their threat and released large amounts of data. The extramarital dating site that encourages those in marriages and relationships, to connect anonymously with other members to connect with. He was not only the position contrary to the ethics website that has upset the hacking group, the Impact team, but how they go about their business, including a £ 15 fee "cancellation", which allegedly kidnapped details customer but in reality n 't remove them completely. As threatened at the time, if the company behind Ashley Madison did not close the site, then the details will be published. Indeed, filled with attacking their promise that the pirates release the details of sensitive customers.
More than 33 million user details have been released on the Internet as a 10gb database with the names, addresses, email addresses, sexual preferences and other sensitive data. A user then went and created a Web site in which you can enter specific email addresses to see if a match was found on Ashley Madison database, essentially a tool for suspicious spouses. The user email addresses have been found around the world, with over 1.2 million registered in the UK, with many belonging to addresses those working in government. Hundreds of e-mail addresses were found belonging to .mil addresses belonging to those in the US military.
The fact that the so-called Service complete suppression "announced by the company did not delete the user's data is the main reason behind the decision of Team Impact to target Ashley Madison because it generated nearly US $ 1.7 million in revenue in 2014 alone. He does not know yet exactly is behind the attack, but many believe that it is an inside job, someone who has intimate access to corporate data, something the site owners were apparently worried a month before the attack.
If you are concerned about your online presence, then taking all available precautions can at least protect your identity and online information as much as possible. The VPN allows you to be able to connect to the Internet anonymously, no matter where you are or what you use to connect to the Internet. Always remember never use personal information on websites that you do not fully trust. Sign up for VPN and protect your online identity.
UK Intelligence Agency presse Password: the advice - 13 seven 2015
the GCHQ, the intelligence agency in the UK, has published an information report on how people could and should simplify their passwords. The file, named "orientation Password: simplify your approach" hopes to teach users that instead of using difficult combinations of letters and numbers to ensure their online presence, they should instead use three random words. This should prevent users from using the same passphrase for much difference is because people can not remember a complex password. Using three seemingly random words, passwords are becoming more varied and more difficult to break. Not to mention, they will now be much easier to remember. But as the UK intelligence agency password of press councils, many are skeptical.
GCHQ have since been subject to control released documents exposed by Snowden revelations several years back. The documents show that the British intelligence agency was guilty of spying on the activities of people online, and recently pleading for the rear doors to software and encryption weakening in line with the application of a more secure to protect civilians for surveillance purposes. This could cause some opposition from those who feel they can not trust that GCHQ say. But security experts reacted positively to the report.
The report contains many tips before logical and right that can be lost on most users. Default passwords are usually delivered with the hardware and software are notoriously lacking for many security holes that many people leave just as they are. Of course, it is very easy for anyone with the know-how to hack a system. The report recommends these default passwords be changed before deployment, and the removal of current practice password sharing among users. Other aspects of the report advise users to implement higher levels of security and authentication for administrators and those working remotely. It is at this level that most high-profile hacks and security breaches occur. Authentication two steps is such a proven method to increase security.
With the coming advice at a good time with the industry being constantly bombarded with security alerts, hacks and other forms of cyber attacks, such information should be in the hands of consumer and business owners. If you are concerned about online security, having a VPN is also another way to ensure your personal information remains confidential. The VPN allows you to protect your online presence, no matter what device you use.
Get a VPN today and stay protected online wherever you are in the world.
Be safe when working remotely with the VPN - 7 Oct 2015
nowadays, with high-speed Internet access available in most place in the world, the ability and the freedom to work from home or remotely, is higher than ever. With so many companies in hot water about security and hacking vulnerabilities recently, is now more important than ever to protect yourself online, stay safe when working remotely via VPN. Customer data should be the most important aspect of any business, ensuring all their private data remains private, and out of the hands of pirates. But many of these companies have scrutinized the practices in which they keep their customer data safe, with many using the date and hazardous encryption methods.
These companies should be held confidential and highest customer security priorities, or are victims of destroying their own reputation as a business. It is something that was severely lacking many large companies and companies in general. Extra care must be taken in case of data breaches, what has been happening at a much more frequent level. Until companies begin to take serious measures to protect customer data, it is to keep you as safe and secure as possible.
By encrypting your Internet connection, you will ensure that all the data you send over the Internet, there will not be someone spying on her. The VPN allows you to secure your Internet connection wherever you are or whatever device you are using. Simply by connecting to the Internet directly through a secure tunnel, which will ensure all data is transmitted securely. Of course, with all respect to the Internet, there is never a 100% method in securing your data online, but with VPN you can protect yourself best.
If you are someone who has to travel for work often, or even just having to work remotely, then it is even more important to take action in securing your online presence. When dealing with corporate data, as well as your own, it is even more risky when it comes to the transmission of sensitive data over the Internet. Before, the place of work just had all their data on a local network can not be accessed from outside their walls. But these days, everything is kept online, so it is important precautionary measures are taken. The VPN will add that extra level of security when using the Internet, whether for business or personal reasons.
Still hesitating which VPN provider to choose for your secure Internet connection? The VPN was recently reviewed and selected in the Best USA VPN top list by the website of the journal of the fast VPN service. Feel free to read their review and let us know what you think!
Get a VPN today and make sure you stay safe when working remotely via VPN.
Facebook Users Warned More news regarding privacy - 28 Oct 2015
in a way to fight against his closest rival Twitter, Facebook announced drastic changes to its search function to include not only names, groups and pages, but to search all public posts as well. This of course includes every single post someone has already posted within 10 years Facebook has been in existence. Even if those private messages, there may be millions of messages that have been made without the security features Facebook stricter now. Facebook users warned about new privacy issues that the social media giant announced the decision as a way to keep up with Twitter and much more advanced search engine that easily finds current topics and trends .
Twitter have long ruled the current and trends, stories and much faster access to Facebook, like all of their social media platform is built on a wider audience and chronological way organize messages. This makes Twitter a valuable tool to the minute news before the news outlet even has a chance to publish a story. With the use of hashtags he meant that Twitter has always led the line in the live event reports, whether sporting, entertainment or announcements of current events, Twitter has always been some good lengths ahead of Facebook.
Facebook is the fight against this by incorporating more than two billion older messages in the search engines. Adding that it will allow more users the opportunity to engage in conversation much easier than before. Twitter has always been the method of unknown hashtag in being able to talk about a certain topic, while Facebook relies on individual items for people to comment. But the flip side is that the user's privacy is coming under fire, as messages from everyone, dating back many years, can be pulled up through a simple search.
The only way to protect your privacy if that concerns you, is to check your privacy settings and making sure that only friends can see your messages. Apart from this, be more aware of what you post is always recommended. If the online privacy is a major concern, then there are other steps to take. By subscribing to VPN you can add an additional level of security and peace of mind when using the Internet. Securing your Internet connection is easy, which means you can easily protect you no matter where you are, on any device you use. By connecting to a VPN server you will hang the risk of potentially anyone snooping on your activity. Sign up for VPN and see the many benefits of a VPN and enjoy the true freedom of the Internet!
Airbnb, the global website of holiday has grown increasingly popular in the past year, more and more guests and holiday lovers registering on the site. What began in 08, the small startup has more than 1.5 million listings in over 34,000 cities in 10 countries. But with great popularity and growth usually comes with growth problems. It was reported that Airbnb scams designed to rise as more and more scammers are targeting the site and its growing customer base.
Last year nine months alone, more than 687 UK users have reported on the site, which is more than double that of the whole of 2014. Even more impressive is that this figure is five times higher than two years ago only. The scope and range of scams have become increasingly sophisticated, ranging from simple fake lists to more complex methods such as "phishing", which use fake emails to get the customer's personal information. But just as alarming, is that the most common scam is the list of real properties without permission from the current owner. The money is then transferred to the bank account of the scammer directly.
The number of complaints also rose against Airbnb for their apparent lack of understanding and sympathy for the victims. This came after several reports of being the customer asked to pay in full from the start, and even with the assurance of Airbnb, transactions have proven false. Unfortunately, this is a glaring security problem not easily fixed. There have been calls for more stringent measures on security of Airbnb, as a selection process to determine the true owner of the leased assets, but of course, these types of controls will undoubtedly slow the hosting process and potentially complicate the situation.
If you are concerned about false Airbnb ads, then check their previous feedback is always advisable. A newly listed property will obviously not have a previous feedback, but measures must be taken that no total amount must be transferred until the property is considered. In addition, no transaction should take place outside of Airbnb, so if a host application to deal with off-site, care should certainly be taken. Ultimately, Airbnb should improve its position regarding the host and the guest, rather than just facilitate the meeting. Airbnb announced that they will continue to fight against fraudulent activities on their website and always encourages users to post and not pay through the secure website.
in what is becoming a monthly event with companies and businesses do not protect their customer data, the UK pub chain JD Wetherspoons are the latest victims of piracy that has seen more than 657,000 customer details stolen. The attack took place on the former site of Wetherspoon, where the customer's details were stored, and the same 100 customers' credit card details were also stolen. Wetherspoon pub chain suffers cyber attack on a large scale after only a few months since the cyber attack TalkTalk telecommunications that saw nearly 0,000 customer details stolen, five arrests were made since then.
Despite the massive violation of the pub data the site of the chain, Wetherspoon said credit information and debit card was very "limited" and could be used fraudulently. The card details stored contained only the last four digits of the card number, not the expiration or customer name. These details were only stored online before August 2014 as the company launched a promotion with vouchers online. Although limited card information was stolen, there is still a very high risk of identity fraud as the details of so many customers were stolen, including names, addresses, dates of birth and telephone numbers , which proves that it is very difficult to know what will happen with this information in the wrong hands.
data breach apparently took place in June this year but Wetherspoons was not alerted until 1 December after being contacted by the Financial Times on Monday. Because of data managed by a third party, JD Wetherspoon was unaware of the problem until it is too late. An anonymous email was sent to the company alerting them to the breach in November, but it ended up being diverted into the spam folder instead. Wetherspoon have since issued an apology to their customers and assure them that the details of the map have been threatened, but unfortunately the damage has been done in terms of a data breach.
If you are concerned with identity fraud and the loss of your information online, then sign up for a VPN service will at least protect you, mostly. The VPN can provide an encrypted and secure Internet connection wherever you are connecting from, making sure to stay safe on any device you use to connect to the Internet. By connecting to a direct secure tunnel to the Internet, you will be browsing anonymously and securely, preventing anyone from potentially spy on your activity. Get a VPN today and enjoy true freedom of the Internet.
Yahoo to inform users if Hacking takes place - 28 December 2015
Yahoo is the latest company to offer support to its users if at any time they feel they are under threat of security breaches of state sponsored. After Facebook announced a similar move, it seems a possible trend could start actually shows companies that take care of their customers after numerous cyber attacks that have left users and customers to question the safety of their data line. Yahoo to alert users if piracy occurs, we hope it leads to more and more companies and organizations are taking active measures to ensure their clients are supported.
With so many attacks that occur worldwide, with criminals becoming more and more advanced in their methods of cyber attacks and data breaches, companies were more concerned with saving rather that help their clients. This initiative from Facebook and Yahoo should now show the world that it is possible to care about the customer and themselves, because after all their reputation is based on the same customers they need to heal.
In a blog post announcing the change, chief information security Yahoo Bob Lord has assured its users that Yahoo will warn if at any time they suspect accounts are targeted by sponsored attackers by the state (government agencies). This can be done in several ways; asking the user to change a password, a stronger, requiring a verification process in two steps, or control of recent account activity. Earlier this month, Twitter has released a statement saying they believed that many users may have been the target of an attack state-sponsored. None of the companies have revealed more information about the alleged attacks, saying they do not want the attackers to know the methods in which they detected attacks.
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How to secure your password, really? - 25 Feb 2016
When we do something more and it often becomes a habit - a model internalized we can do without thinking. Take something like tying your shoes: you were tying your shoes since you were aged 4 or 5 years - so long, you can do it with your eyes closed. It has become a habit that your fingers can do without engaging the brain too.
Habits are like that, they have a way to go on the way we do things. And it makes life easier, because of having to think the party making slows us down.
But there are times when our habits and patterns in which they are found are not a good thing. Regarding security, the models can be as dangerous crack in the armor that can be exploited by bad guys.
In the physical world, this can be the model of daily activities that you usually sleepwalking by where you walk your dog every night, patting your audience in his pocket to see if your portfolio is there, or something like leaving a key under the mat "welcome". How long attentive villain would have to look to discover a model that could be exploited to harm you or, at least, take you by surprise?
Increasingly, computer researchers found that the subconscious patterns are revealing themselves in places darnedest.
for example, the rhythm and the pace at which you type (ie the rate and force with which you hit away at the keyboard) has for several years now been studied as a possible means of access authentication . your typing style can not only be monitored and measured, but it is unique enough that can be used to identify you. (I can not help but make a free reference to the Ministry of Silly Walks Monty Python.)
What about the way you create passwords (assuming you do not the right thing and using a password generator that creates random passwords)? Is there a discernible pattern in your passwords which could make it easier for a hacker to access a and then other passwords in your private collection?
The work of the team KoreLogic reveals that we use the same models in we create passwords .
In a Bourne-survey called PathWell project (topology Password Histogram Wear-Leveling) KoreLogic analyzed data from several employee password companies and found that the passwords within tested companies tend to fall into patterns that reflect the password rules of each respective company.
The complexity rules password are the ones you're probably familiar with your work and your personal accounts on many websites. It all starts with a certain minimum length more:
u pper cases (26 opportunities)
t owers cases (26 possibilities)
of igits (0-9) (10 opportunities)
s pecial characters (,:. "and so on) ( 30 possibilities on my keyboard)
the expectation when you have many rules is that everyone stick to all the rules must have a large password - right? By forcing users to use uppercase letters, you have doubled the available options for each character position in the password and therefore significantly increased the possible permutations. And to make it even stronger, you add the use of numbers and special characters and punctuation marks. That makes a total of 92 possibilities for each position in the password. And the strength of a password rises significantly when you increase the length.
Oh my God, do not have all the ingredients of a great password !?
Well ... it's complicated.
What if some of your drawn features - basically, your habits - actually replace the safety of complexity rules
To get an idea of the models identified by KoreLogic problem, look at a simple example of 5 characters. If you do not limit yourself in one of the character positions and allow each position can be one of the possibilities 92, you get a total of 92x92x92x92x92 = 650815232, which is 6.5 billion combinations of words past. (Sounds like a lot but, as regards the power of hacking calculation, it is a very small number.)
Now let's say you're a typical human employee must recreate a new password every 30 or 45 or 60 days. It happens that many of us have habits that we unconsciously working in the password rules:
From childhood we learned to follow certain writing syntax: a capital letter (u) goes to the beginning of a word and is followed by lower case letters (l). Punctuation (s) and number (s) go to the end.
See where this is going?
We are in the habit of memorizing the words. And we like to think we can do for our passwords, too. This is not desirable from the point of view of security, but this does not prevent us from doing so. We can probably blame this on all these spelling tests we took in school.
We want to make things easy on ourselves, especially the things we have to do several times. It's just human nature!
The problem is that, instead of using the full range of characters for each position, we limit ourselves with the learned syntax and our personal comfort zones. This way, instead of the 6.5 billion possible passwords we calculated above, we have narrowed the pool of passwords we actually use 26x26x26x10x30 = 5.2728 million, only 5.2 million combinations of words past.
We followed all the safety rules, but because of our habits, the resulting pattern password is 3 orders of magnitude lower !!
If you and I were the only ones to do this, it would not be a problem, because it would be a single instance. The problem is that many people are doing the same thing. The result is a "clumping" of sorts, which many people use the same grounds (topologies) for their passwords, instead of a truly random distribution in all possible combinations.
The KoreLogic study found that at a Fortune 100 company, the first two models through 263,000 connections were used by 25% of users. Think about it: every fourth person used one of two reasons
Enter the wicked
Just about the first 2 passwords models used in a business can reduce the time that it takes to hack .. 25% of employees with a very secure thousands of years down to literally hours. Wow
It is therefore not surprising that, when faced with rules for passwords, people do what people do: they fall back on habits that lead to shortcuts. These shortcuts are revealed as models that reduce the range of options for the wicked. By reducing the scope of the wicked options to worry, our habits undermine our passwords!
So the next time you are prompted to create a password in the office or at home, break your model and use a password generator. And when it is ready, ask yourself, "Bourne would be happy to use the password."
If the answer is no, try again.
About the author
Peter Lipa @stickypassword https: // Sticky password is the price -winning password manager and form filler that creates strong, random passwords of words and remembers them for you.