Pokemon Go sweeping the world, if you have not heard, you are not careful. It's fun for sure, but also poses a risk to many users are not aware of.
Tips and tricks for Pokemon Go
I'm sure by now you've seen them walking around. People with eyes on their phone, randomly walking around the city not paying attention to what they do. And no, I do not mean that the average person whose life is driven by modern technology, I talk about Pokemon Go players and if you have not heard of it you just do not been paying attention. He was released in early July 2016 and became one of the most downloaded games ever, with more users than established sites like a cat snap, tinder and even Twitter. The game is fun, it allows people to get out and about and captured a large following. The disadvantage is that, with a fun, Pokemon Go brought the risk to its players.
What Pokemon Go?
What exactly Pokemon Go? It is the first augmented reality game for mobile devices. Augmented reality is a real-time mixing and virtual, the game is projected onto the real world through your phone using the video camera and a GPS system. Pokemon are cartoon creatures with magical powers, wild Pokemon can be captured and used for battle. Players seek and find Pokemon, train and upgrade them, then use them to fight each other to gain prestige and higher levels of energy.
The name itself is a contraction of pocket and monster words. The original game was made for the Nintendo Gameboy and was a huge success. Since the original version of the franchise has expanded to become the number 2 rated video game franchise after Mario Nintendo. The game principle is simple, Pokemon are fictional characters with super powers that can be collected as butterflies and insects with two goals in mind. The first is to collect all available Pokemon, completing the Pokedex, there are over 700 different ones filling the Pokedex is quite difficult. The second is to use a team of Pokemon to battle with other trainers, work your way up the chain to become champion.
To play users to first download the game and create an avatar. The avatar is shown with a map of the area players who use your GPS devices and GoogleMaps to show where data are available Pokemon, Pokestops and Gyms. Pokestops are where trainers can acquire tools and supplies for the capture and training of Pokemon as Pokeballs. Pokeballs are the tools with which a coach grabs wild Pokemon and are important for the progress of the experiment. Gyms are places where trainers can battle their Pokemon against other teams of trainers to earn points and level up. Pokestops and gyms are usually located near popular areas, Pokémon are usually found close to areas similar to their type, such as water, fire and earth. Players travel through the real world, often up to 5 or 10 kilometers to hit milestones in the game, and interact with Pokestops and gyms or capture Pokemon as they meet on the way.
People who collect and train Pokemon trainers are called. Pokemon are captured using a Pokeball and fall under the influence of the coach, they will do what the trainer asks them to, so they respect the trainer. The Pokémon can be trained to fight, fight and level up at a place called a gym. Battles with other Pokémon, teams and gyms are not life threatening. A Pokémon will be defeated "weak" and become unusable for a time, a successful Pokémon will gain experience points that lead to the upgrade and increased powers. Some forms of Pokémon can also "evolve" in higher level creatures with enhanced powers.
Download Pokemon Go With A VPN
The download of the game is easy, iOS users can get the game to the AppStore. Android users can get their Google Play Store. Those without access to the magazine release can download through third party websites, but there are risks, no matter how you do it. The first and most important is that the game has led to a multitude of Pokemon Go hacking risks and those who have chosen to download from third party websites are the most vulnerable. The first to report malware was targeted Android users. DroidJack called, it opens a backdoor on the players giving pirates devices full access to information and accounts on the phone, and others should follow.
Another major risk that arises from the start is the iOS / Google issue where the game had complete access to player devices. Two patches have appeared but neither was good for the safety of players of the phone. The first was to go to the Google page account permissions and remove Pokemon Go access, a move that could result in loss of game data of a player. The second was to use a burner has a major hassle just to play a game and no other guaranteed forms of dangerous malware would be avoided. Google at least working on their end of the question, but who's to say other violations of privacy are not present in this or other mobile application?
An even more pressing issue for Pokemon Go players in the world is the widespread use of mirror-games. Since Pokemon Go are not available in all countries at the same time, and some countries may never get it, many games have been developed that mimic the game. These games-mirrors may host malware and are a high-risk target for black hats with malware seeking a way into your account.
Data loss is one concern, security is another. A much bigger problem is if hackers have access to bank accounts or credit cards, even more if they use your phone to geotag you. Muggers in O'Fallon, MI have used a beacon in the game to lure victims to break into cars and other chaos. More advanced criminals could do much worse.
Experts agree, mobile applications are high-risk targets for hackers and Pokemon Go is high on the list of applications targeted by the best hackers. VPN, virtual private networks, can solve many of the problems posed by hackers, malware and other potential hazards. Vendors such as VPN offers point to point solutions for Android and iOS mobile devices that will create a highly encrypted tunnel data from your device and secure all the way to its destination. This ensures that no external influences can send malicious software or extract information from your device and covers the entire business of your device, not just play Pokemon GB. Geo-targeting risk is also reduced, VPN can route your data through one of over 114 countries masking your real position.
Go Play Pokemon in all countries with a VPN
the residents of countries without a Pokemon Go release, or where the Internet is censored find using a VPN download Pokemon for GO particularly useful. Not only will it allow them to bypass the censors or geographical restrictions and access the Internet via their phone, it will provide a safe and secure connection that will ensure privacy and security. Using a VPN to unlock Pokemon Go in countries where it has not yet launched is another good tip, and service with VPN access points in over 100 countries is an excellent tool for this . Whatever the reason, there are clear reasons why the use of a VPN is the best way to download Pokemon Go, so why wait?
Tips and tricks for Pokemon trainers
The first tip is a simple time saving and one that will separate the serious players of leisure, sweeping. The game comes with a variety of features, including the list of items your avatar owns a Pokedex of all the creatures you've ever had and even a Pokeshop where you can buy items with money to help train Pokemon. To find all these things that you can click the Pokeball icon on the bottom of the main screen and navigate a menu where you want to go ... or you can lay the ball for instant access. A shift to the left to bring up the menu, a blow to the right list of items that you already have a shot to take you directly to the PokeShop.
- Whenever you encounter a wild Pokemon, it will be surrounded by a ring or a cloud. This cloud will indicate how or why the Pokémon appears where it is and can affect the way you want to complete your game. A white ring means the creature seemed normal, not much there. A pinkish ring means someone else drew the Pokemon there so you can be sure of another player is nearby, if you are concerned about security, they are good to avoid. A cloud means pinkish YOU lured there with a piece of incense. If you play with a group of friends or in a high traffic area Pokémon that you might not want to cry, I found one, and start a mad dash to catch it.
- Get out of the way. When you are faced with a wild Pokémon and about to do battle Pokemon press to start the fight, and step of the way. This will set the creature to target his power in the wrong direction and give you an edge in battle. Meanwhile, fighting in a Gym screen will flash yellow just before each attack. This is your cue to dodge the blow by dragging the screen left or right. The attacks of the Pokemon defense comes 1.5 seconds interval it is possible to time a dodge attack pattern to maximize your damage and minimize the damage you take.
- Use of curve balls to catch Pokémon your experience points, lead to faster level-ups and can even catch the creature easier. To throw a curve ball tap and hold the Pokeball, then use your other finger to rotate the ball, then throw it in the Pokemon.
- Optimize your training. While on the Pokémon track you are likely to encounter the same type of creature more than once. If you have more than one kind of the best thing to do is keep the one with the highest CP or power struggle, these are your Pokemon more and take less of your resources for power. You can then exchange the other similar to the professor Willow, another character in the game for candy. Candies are used to evolve your Pokemon from their basic form for more advanced forms and stronger. Regarding the construction of your own experience, the level and Pokemon evolution force should focus on the first, the second feed.
- When your training level rises so too the max CP of your Pokemon. All Pokemon has a type CP max that is related to your training level. If you want to find and catch Pokemon strong elevate your level of training is the way to go. The evolution of a Pokémon can also raise and max current PC, but it will not affect their level of training.
- Pokemon eggs are ways that you can acquire new creatures without fighting or catch them. To hatch the eggs usually means having to walk. The lowest level of Eggs are 2KM, you must walk two kilometers to hatch, the highest 10KM eggs are, you have to walk 10km to hatch. To hatch faster you can use the Infinite incubator that comes with each avatar, or special incubators limited use that are given as rewards for leveling up and other tasks. It is also best to hatch the eggs as soon as possible after the find because the baby Pokemon CP is related to your level when you find them, not when they hatch. If you collect a bunch of eggs, keep them for a while then hatch, you'll end up with many low low CP Pokemon.
- Use the pieces wisely. Pokemon coins are currency used in the game to buy items from the Pokestore. The parts can be purchased with real money, but you must not do that way. Once you reach level 5 and are able to join one of the teams and the battle for control of a gym, you can get them for free. If the gym is held by an opponent flying their Pokemon and leaving one of you in control deliver free rooms for you on a daily basis. The number will depend on your level of training. If the gym is held by your team, you can use it to train your Pokemon and raise the level of prestige gyms so you can leave one of your creatures behind to help defend against future attacks. The parts must not be used to purchase items that can not be found in regular Pokestop as decoys, Pokemon Candies (for the evolution of Pokemon) and incense.
- The Pokestop is an important place for all trainers to visit. Aside from the 50 XP you get each time you visit the stop is a source for equipment and tools for capturing and training your Pokemon. Pokeballs are the most common element found in a judgment, but not alone. Occasionally, you will find Pokemon eggs there also things like Revive Potions, Razz Berries and Super Balls that help you catch higher level creatures. The best thing about a Pokestop is that it can be used again and again. Once used, it takes about 5 minutes to cool it, all you have to do is enter again. Those who live or work near a Pokestop can enjoy every time they spend.
Manage the battery and data usage
It goes without saying that Pokemon Go will use the battery of your phone and a large amount of data . The thing is, unlike the games you can play in your home with the phone plugged into the wall Pokemon Go requires you to walk outside, often far from energy sources available and WiFi connections. This means managing your supply telephone and data is of utmost importance, you do not want to lose on a super rare Pokémon, or a significant phone call / email because you ran out of battery life. You certainly do not want to get a load surprise your telephone company for data covers, the money will be better spent on PokeCoins.
- The first tip is only good for any mobile user. Close your applications back ground. Some applications run continuously even when you are not using, the applications you have open and stop using will remain open as well, and draw power from your battery until disabled. When a Pokémon hunting be sure to close all the applications you have used recently and those that run automatically in the back ground, unless you need to.
- Dimming the screen is another easy way to reduce battery usage. It is logical, the brighter the screen the more power it draws.
- Another good method to reduce energy consumption is to reduce the volume of your device. The higher the volume the more power it takes. Go further and actually turn off the music and game effects for increased healthy energy.
- Use the "save mode the battery". This is a special setting in the game that can reduce energy consumption if used correctly. What it does is to put the game into a kind of hibernation, only when the phone is held upside down if that reduces energy consumption. The game will display a version of Pokemon gray logo on a black screen, but will still follow your GPS to count KM walked and situation relative to wild Pokemon, PokeStops and Gyms. Every time you get near a phone vibrates to give you a signal.
I think it goes without saying the Pokemon Go is a great success. The combination of advanced technology, group interaction and an external element are combined to form what is sure to be only the first game of its type. Following these tips are just one way to make sure you have a good time and if you follow one of them using a VPN to download the game is the first choice. Mobile applications are useful and fun, but they also provide an entry for hackers and malicious software that can be avoided. If you think you want to play Pokemon Go, or even if you think you might need to download any application, why wait? Get VPN now.
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