Receiver for Linux 13.0 - Tech Preview is available now

4:35 PM Add Comment
Receiver for Linux 13.0 - Tech Preview is available now -

The Tech Preview long-awaited "Receiver for Linux 13.0 is available for your evaluation !. This is a major release for 'Receiver for Linux "which includes the performance and functional improvements, a much improved user experience and better integration options for partners. Preview Tech includes improved function with XenDesktop 7.

Here are some of the new features available in the technology preview:

HDX technologies in this tech preview improve the user experience when using productivity applications, viewing multimedia files, and for audio and video conference calls.

following the industry trend for ARM, we introduced the 'Receiver for Linux "on ARMHF platform along with the existing version ARMEL

over the past year, we worked on optimizing the receiver for the ARM platform and SDK provide for SoC partners for HDX acceleration in hardware . We have improved the SDK and made available for the x86 and ARM platforms. Technical overview provides an opportunity for all ecosystem partners to leverage the SDK for integration of optimizing performance on their device more generic software optimizations available in the receiver.

The new self-service UI is introduced in this overview of the technology. We also provide this new user interface customization options for your needs with the SDK for building new user interface if you prefer to do it using our graphic assets and guidelines.


We also introduce Citrix Storefront including access to all Windows Desktop and applications as well as Web and SaaS applications. This release also includes a built in remote access via Netscaler Gateway.

The new SDK for Subsystem chart offers the opportunity for partners to support the class of devices which do not support X windows.

See the readme file on the download page for more information on features, SDK, install and configuration options. You can download the technology preview from here. Partners can get more information about HDX SoC integration SDK by signing up on the SoC Builders Community Portal.

Pending comment on this preview technology that will help us bring quality to the final version.

Vodafone Group: Mobile Data increased 60%

3:34 PM Add Comment
Vodafone Group: Mobile Data increased 60% -

Vodafone Group Interim Management Statement for the quarter ended June 30, 2013 indicated that the use of mobile data increased 60 % compared to June 2012 and that the average smartphone consumed twice as much data on 4G versus 3G. To keep abreast of the changing landscape of mobile data, see Bytemobile twitter feed.

Vodafone Group  Data traffic increased by 60% annually by June 2013
Vodafone Group data traffic increased by 60% per year in June 2013

Dealing with versioning in XenDesktop PowerShell SDKs

2:33 PM Add Comment
Dealing with versioning in XenDesktop PowerShell SDKs -

versioning strategy PowerShell SDK

XenDesktop aims to maintain its SDKs PowerShell backward compatible, meaning administrators (via the control interface or scripts) must not be aware of the version of the controller services are in communication with, or the version of the client / snap-ins modules are installed.

However, from time to time there are changes that are significant enough to make this impossible. The goal is always to keep the largest number of applets backward compatible as possible to scripts continue to function, but it might be a new client-side PowerShell Module / snap-in is required for new versions of service. Such is the case for the XD 7 Press when the new PowerShell snap-ins are provided that will not work with the services XD 5.x and you can not use XD5.x snap-ins to communicate with service XD7.

The other aspect to versioning is that the new versions of XenDesktop are released, a new feature is added and scripts / admins should be able to use these when possible.

Writing scripts to manage different versions

There are various techniques you might want to deploy depending on what you are trying to achieve, and if the scripts have need to change dynamically or if they are simply detect the version at the front then the appropriate set of cmdlets. The following section defines some techniques that can be used.

customer loading SDK

All SDK modules / snapins have unique names Citrix format. .Admin .V . This allows multiple versions of the same SDK to be installed and even loaded at the same time if necessary.

The required version of a snapin can be determined by examining the SDK service version reported by the Central Configuration Service records for the site (ie Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -InstanceType SDK).

the correct module / snap-in can then be loaded or if all modules / snap-ins for the service are charged the right can be used by name-spacing (to avoid conflicts), for example Citrix .ADIdenity.Admin.V2 Get-AcctIdentyPool would use the V2 snap in

Note :. The snapin Central Configuration Service is special in that V2 snap has limited ability to communicate with both the V1 and V2 Central configuration services; The main feature that is available for V2 snap-in to talk to a V1 service is the cmdlet Get-RegisteredServiceInstance.

The availability of features

The features can be found in the services of the controller but not available from the client when the client is a version older than the services, in addition, they may not be available even though applets for them are present on the client if the service on the controller is older than the client version. So it is not really a good idea to think that just because there is a cmdlet with the setting you want to use available it will work as expected.

The way SDKs provide XenDestkop to handle this is through a capacity mechanism. Each PowerShell Module / snap-in has a cmdlet called Get- ServiceAddedCapability. This cmdlet returns a list of supported features for the combination of services and the client is used.

This allows choices to make based on the capabilities that are defined as available.

sample script

The following is a sample script that illustrates these techniques. It is not intended to set a final model to solve these problems, but rather to provide examples of how they could be used if desired.

 #load appropriate service Central Configuration $ CCS_snapin_toUse = "" $ snap-in CCS_loaded_snapins = @ (Get-PsSnapin Citrix.Configuration.Admin. *) If ($ CCS_loaded_snapins.Count -eq 0) {#no CCS CCS snapins responsible manner support a $ CCS_Available_snapins = @ (Get-PsSnapin Citrix.Configuration.Admin. -reg *) add-PSSnapin -name $ CCS_Available_snapins [0] .name} if ($ CCS_loaded_snapins.Count eq 1) {#a CCS snapin is loaded using the $ CCS_snapin_toUse = $ CCS_Available_snapins [0]} if ($ CCS_loaded_snapins. -gt Count 1) {#more a snapin CCS is responsible for using the latest first CCS_snapin_toUse = $ CCS_Available_snapins [($CCS_Available_snapins.Count-1)] $ #need} namespace to this call incase there is more than one charge here $ CLServiceSDKExpression = "$ (($ CCS_snapin_toUse) .name)  Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -InterfaceType SDK -ServiceType Log" = $ CLServiceSDK Invoke- expression $ CLServiceSDKExpression $ BrokerServiceSDKExpression = "$ (($ CCS_snapin_toUse) .name)  Get-ConfigRegisteredServiceInstance -InterfaceType SDK -ServiceType Broker" $ BrokerServiceSDK = Invoke-expression $ # BrokerServiceSDKExpression could continue with all Citrix snap-ins loaded, then the name of space each cmdlet call # ------------------ ----------------- ----- or simply # ensure that the necessary versions are responsible for the environment that you speak to this script # removes all snap-ins, and then re-added versions required to avoid name space issues # another alternative at this stage is forking separate process based on the sensed version # was exclusively for this release #make sure there is not already loaded snap-ins for necessary services Remove-PsSnapin Citrix. ConfigurationLogging.Admin. * Remove-PsSnapin Citrix.Broker.Admin. * #load Recording Configuration snap (and use it if you are ... this is new to XD7 therefore may not exist) $ ConfigLoggingSnapinName = "Citrix.ConfigurationLogging .Admin.V" + $ CLServiceSDK .version $ CLSnapin = Get-PsSnapin $ ConfigLoggingSnapinName -registered -ErrorAction Continue if ($ CLSnapin -do "") {Add-PsSnapin -Name $ ConfigLoggingSnapinName $ highLevelLog = Start-LogHighLevelOperation -Source "TestScript" -Text "Demo operation"} #load the correct version of the snap-in broker and if it supports the use of the feature configuration record $ BrokerSnapinName = "Citrix.Broker.admin.V" + $ BrokerServiceSDK.Version $ BrokerSnapin = Get-PsSnapin $ BrokerSnapinName -registered -ErrorAction Continue if ($ BrokerSnapin -do "") {Add-PsSnapin catalogs BrokerSnapinName $ $ = Get-BrokerCatalog # verify that the version available broker supports recording and # configuration to meet the need if (($ highLevelLog -do "") -and ((Get-BrokerServiceAddedCapability) -contains "ConfigurationLogging")) {$ catalogs | Set-BrokerCatalogMetadata -Name "test" -Value "updated by the script" -LoggingId $ highLevlLogID.ID} else {$ catalogs | Set-BrokerCatalogMetadata -Name "test" -Value "updated by the script"}} if ($ highLevlLog -do "") {Stop LogHighLevelOperation -HighLevelOperationId $ highLevelLog.ID -IsSuccessful $ True} 

Новая программа сертификации специалистов от Citrix

1:32 PM Add Comment
Новая программа сертификации специалистов от Citrix -

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые читатели. Снова с вами российский голос технической поддержки Citrix

Вместе с выходом новой версии продукта Citrix XenDesktop Citrix 7 компания запустила новую программу сертификации

Всего три экзамена: ..

  • Уровень 0: Citrix Management XenDesktop 7 Solutions
  • Уровень 300: Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions
  • Уровень 400: Design Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions

Последовательно сдав эти три экзамена Citrix Certified Expert Вы можете дойти от Citrix Certified Associate.

Новые Сертификации Citrix

Есть возможность обновить свои текущие сертификации CCIA и CCE-AD CCEE до и PAC-AD сдав только один экзамен.

Владельцы сертификайи Citrix Certified Administrators (CCAs) Ø Citrix Certified Advanced Professional (CCAA) могут обновиться до Citrix Certified Associate (CCA-AD) сдав один экзамен.

Пути обновления текущих сертификаций до новых

Новые экзамены XenDesktop 7 Solutions будут доступны в начале четвёртого квартала 2013.

Источник информации здесь

Email etiquette and the art of writing novels

12:31 PM Add Comment
Email etiquette and the art of writing novels -

Some stats alarming email just released

In 2012, the number of compound words in the email was 41,368 per person. - Which is the equivalent of the average novel

So, if we all write the email equivalent of a novel every year -.? Should we not think of our readers

1. Title - we know that a novel needs a good title to attract the reader's attention - and ensure that it stands out on a crowded shelf. It also applies to email -all email you send needs to have a meaningful subject line.

2. Terrain - All the best novels have a land line entirely developed - emails should make sense too. Make your emails short and to the point and avoid long waffly emails that do not make sense. No one will buy them!

3. Theme - e-mails should not be like detective novels - not the recipient keep guessing about what it means e-mail - or what they are supposed to do! Always make clear what you want the recipient of your e-mails to. Revealing this at the beginning not the end.

4. Spelling and Grammar - novelists Editors that ensure that the chapters are the right length, add the sense of intrigue and each word is spelled correctly. Be your own e-mail editor and always check your emails before sending them.

Train to create brilliant emails every time.

Do not forget to sign the "How to get better results from your email" virtual workshop, as part of our series of personal productivity.

Profiles: To cache or not to cache, that is the question ...

11:30 AM Add Comment
Profiles: To cache or not to cache, that is the question ... -

Once upon a time, it was so simple. Six questions with yes or no, and you can just put in place UPM following the docs, and performing a simple if-then-X-Y-set-so the sequence.

But then came PVD and VDI -in-a-Box, and people began running provisioned XenApp on XenServer, and goodness-knows-what-else, and suddenly he had to think very seriously some aspects of UPM configuration. Not because you might break UPM (I mean, could force UPM to lose data), no. But it was possible to create configurations that have been sub-optimal in terms of connection / disconnection speed, or were too expensive in terms of resources.

A sea of ​​troubles?

The goals of the Profile Management (the concept, rather than the code) is to make your profile as soon as possible, and keep it in a safe place, even when you are not using it . Share all of your sessions is also important

The techniques we use to achieve these goals are :.

  • DC Profile
  • the local caching profiles
  • Background Fill
  • active Write Back

continuous profile leads to rapid logons, eliminating much of the network copy. However, UPM has yet to analyze network file and folder structure, to create a local copy using Reparse Points to act as placeholders for the actual files. Again, generally accelerated, but there are some drawbacks:

  • If the profile contains many small files, the profile continuously can not save bandwidth much network compared to copying files
  • If local profiles are maintained on shared storage, you must be aware of IOPS incurred by the implementation of the Reparse Points - even if the physical space required is minimal, depending on your storage design, up to 6 I / O operations may be required by Reparse point, which can be as costly as copying the file, but worse in terms of the impact on other users, such as I / O is "bursty"
  • If the profile was only partially cover -filled by the end of the session, the locally cached profile will be saved with the analysis points, which should be deleted and recreated on the next logon, which causes more IOPS.

Although the streaming profile can speed connections, the technique can have the greatest impact on the charging time profile is local caching of profiles, because if the profile is already (mostly) local, then the loading cost, it is quite small. We still need to launch an audit of updates to other sessions, but that is usually a quick operation. So the local cache profile layout is good what to do, but there are some drawbacks:

  • On XenApp and Terminal Services (RDS) environments, it is very easy consume a lot of disk space with "stale" profiles that are rarely (or never) accessible
  • in a provisioned environment, cached profiles will not survive a power cycle - but the rise is planned that frequent reboots are solving the problem of disk space [1945007!]
  • full profile must be cached, which means disabling a continuous profile to be sure you have all the profile. The first login will be much longer - giving a bad first impression of the technology

Background Fill (aka Always Cache) tries to get the best of both worlds !. If you want to speed first Streaming profile connection, but the long term benefits of having a local copy, the solution may be to enable Always Cache. The profile is distributed at the first login, but UPM background continues to run, hide and fill all points of analysis (the "placeholders") until the entire profile copied. Then, on the next logon, there is a locally cached profile in place, and the login is fast. There are unfortunately some drawbacks:

  • The background downloading files consumes network bandwidth, and (in pathological cases) can delay copying the files you want urgent
  • If the. profile has not been completely downloaded when the session ends (which will be true if the session is unusually short, or your profile is exceptionally high), the profile will be saved with the analysis points, which will be recreated on the next logon because they can not be reused by the new session.

active Write is a feature designed to help secure settings changes in environments (provisioned) Volatile, including VDI-in-a box. The changes are copied to the network profile updated when files are closed, subject to any update in a 10-second window after closing. It is useful if users tend to disconnect, not logoff and then complain that their changes are lost if there is a power failure. And disadvantages:

  • Only files are saved. So if applications rely on file and registry changes matched the profile can be left in an inconsistent state. A better solution is today used for PVD.
  • In order to minimize network traffic resulting from many updates, UPM applies a "quiet time" 5 minutes after each burst of AWB traffic when updates are waiting to be sent. If the user logs out during this period, the disconnection may be slightly delayed.

And thus the native hue of resolution ...

We'll start with the question of whether or not to cache profiles.

profiles Do not remove cached locally on logoff if ...

  • The (virtual) XenDesktop machine is volatile and will be destroyed on logoff. Deleting profiles at logoff costs time. If the machine is about to be destroyed, why?
  • The profile is stored in a personal vDisk. PVD is designed to store profiles in the vDisk, so UPM profile should leave in place for developing countries to manage
  • A special case: VDI-in-a-Box is in use. There are two scenarios here. In the first scenario, VDI-in-a-box is deployed with PVD, to treat as above. In the second scenario, PVD is not present; logoff on the machine will be destroyed anyway, so why waste time deleting the profile?
  • The machine is "assigned" to a user (XenDesktop) and by implication is persistent. The fastest connections will most likely be achieved by caching the profile on a disk (persistent) space.
  • The machine is dedicated to the use of a small number of users (XenApp / TS / RDS), and a suitably large persistent disk. The case here is a small departmental server, where the number of users is limited.
  • The availability of the network. If the network is limited availability, it goes back to the / mobile in the static case Sextuple Way. Configure Offline profiles, which forces locally cached profiles to remember and disables the continuous profile.

profiles You must remove cached locally on logoff if ...

  • The machine is a persistent server (XenApp / TS / RDS). Delete profiles on logoff, to prevent the proliferation of outdated profiles. You can also use delprof or similar to remove obsolete profiles that are not used for "long"
  • The machine is pooled XenDesktop. Delete profile on logoff if the workstations can be recycled between users, rather than being created / destroyed at the request

That said, it is always "safe" to delete the profiles locally cached on logoff -. Unlike Microsoft roaming profile, UPM conceptually the profile is always and only in its entirety on the magazine of network users, making brief forays to cast its shadow on the parameters. (In contrast, Microsoft's roaming profile exists in quantum as many terminals simultaneously, but only one of them turns out to be true - the last to be "seen" by a disconnection appears to have been the "real" d one throughout.)

Thus, having made our decision to cache or not to cache the local profile, which helps us decide how to define the continuous profile.

In principle, if we cover the profile, we really want to get the whole low profile before logging off, so there are two choices

1 choice :. Disable the streaming profile. This ensures that the profile will be present in full upon logon ends. Disadvantages :.

  • This means that the first logon will slow, while the complete profile is copied down

Option 2: Enable Streaming profile but also to always configure cache and a size 0. this causes a background thread to copy the low profile, file by file, until the complete profile is copied down. Disadvantages:

  • There are no guarantees that the copy is completed when the user logs off, in which case UPM will record a copy locally cached profile with Reparse Points - ceux- these have to be re-created by the next session, as (for security reasons), they can not be reused by the next session. UPM will eventually catch up, and all files will eventually be cached locally, so the cost is (only) the additional IOPS to recreate the analysis points.
  • There is no way to inform the user that the copy is complete
  • downloading files in the background, such as large video files, could delay the access files that the user wants urgently. pathological case - see below

Ultimately this choice for the administrator if the UPM Setup verification tool is set to recommend Option 1 -. to disable the streaming profile

The other situation when the profiles are not cached locally, usually occurs when there are no persistent store, in which case to allow streaming profile makes perfect sense. Disadvantages :.

  • The IOPS consideration - each logon will be accompanied by a burst of creative analysis point, which can impose a heavy burden if the local profile cache resides on shared storage

So now we turn to still Cache, which is designed to work alongside a continuous profile. There are two scenarios where you can set Always Cache

Scenario 1 :. You want both a fast connection and also for the entire low profile, because you have decided that you want to keep the local cached profiles on logoff. Always set Cache, with a size of 0 (zero)

Scenario 2 :. You want a fast connection, but also want to upload larger files in the background, so you should not expect if you decide to use them. Always set Cache, with the format set at the lower limit of the size of the files you want to automatically populate the cache, in MB

Large files, however, are usually "business data" rather the parameters, and are more likely to be found in My Documents, My pictures or My videos. These records are best kept separate parts of the profile parameters, so that the folder redirection is a better alternative.

UPM Config check will always recommend a value of 0 (zero) if delete profiles locally cached on logoff is set, otherwise it will simply report the value set, but will make no recommendation.

Finally, we look at active Write Back. This is designed to write new file changes on the network to protect against data loss in unstable environments.

If PVD is active, disable Active Write Back.

If the machine is volatile, disable active Write Back.

Otherwise, activate active Write Back. Disadvantages:

  • Assets Write Back does not capture registry changes. Applications may require two registry changes and file changes in order to retain certain functions to operate.

UPM Config Check PVD recommend the use in environments of volatile workstations. In environments of volatile servers, UPM Config Check recommend active Write Back with a warning.

tall Businesses and time

Also known as the conclusion.

This article replaces the advice to set the four political

  • continuous profile
  • Delete Profiles cached locally on logoff
  • always Cache
  • active Write Back

presented in eDocs at wrapper.html, taking into account the presence of

  • provisioning technologies such as PVS and MCS
  • PVD
  • VDI-in-a-box

the name of the action ...

A new version of the UpmConfigCheck tool that implements the recommendations above (and many other improvements) is in preparation (it is coded, but still being tested). I'll post again when it is available.

第一 弾 CloudStack Collaboration Conference レ ポ ー ト

10:29 PM Add Comment
第一 弾 CloudStack Collaboration Conference レ ポ ー ト -

11 月 30 日 ~ 12 月 2 日 ま で Apache CloudStack (以降CloudStack) 初 の 国際 カ ン フ ァ レ ン ス CloudStack Collaboration Conference が, ラ ス ベ ガ ス で 開 催 さ れ ま し た こ の 時期 の ラ ス ベ ガ ス は ク ラ ウ ドイ ベ ン ト 一色 11 月 27 日 ~ 11 月 29 日 は, Amazon re :. Inventing が 同 会場 で 開 催 さ れ て い ま し た し, 3 月 12 日 ~ 12 月 6 日 は, Conference Center Gartner data も 開 催 さ れ て い ま す.

CloudStack conference Collaboration は Citrix Systems が 主 催 だ と 思 わ れ る 方 も い る か も し れ ま せ ん が, そ う で は な く, Apache CloudStack が 主 催 の カ ン フ ァレ ン ス で す.で す の で, 運 営 委員会 に は Citrix の 社員 も い ま す が, Apache CloudStack コ ミ ュ ニ テ ィ ー も, も ち ろ ん い ま す .Apache CloudStack の 詳細 に つ い て は, こち ら を 参照 い た だ け れ ば と 思 い ま す.

1 日 目 最初 の Peder Ulandar の 基調 講演 で 話 さ れ て い ま し た が, Apache CloudStack の コ ン ト リ ビ ュ ー タ ー の 半分 は Citrix 以外 の 人 に な っ て い ま す.現 に, Apache CloudStack 4.0 の リ リ ー ス に 大 き く 貢献 し た Chip Childers は SunGard の プ リ ン シ パ ル エ ン ジ ニ ア で あ り, DMTF の ボ ー ド メ ン バ ー で あ りApache CloudStack の PPMC で も あ り ま す.

こ の CloudStack Conference Collaboration で は, 50 以上 の セ ッ シ ョ ン が あ り ま し た が, 大 き く 分 け て 下 記 の 4 種類の セ ッ シ ョ ン が あ っ た よ う に 思 い ま す.

1. CloudStack の 技術 的 な セ ッ シ ョ ン

2. SIER に よ る 運用, 構築 回 り の セ ッ シ ョ ン

3. エコ シ ス テ ム ベ ン ダ ー に よ る 連 携 ソ リ ュ ー シ ョ ン

4. CloudStack 開 発 プ ロ セ ス

セ ッ シ ョ ン の 資料 は, Slideshare で 公開 さ れ る 予 定 で す が .Aaron Delp, 自身 の ブ ロ グ links to all CloudStack Collaboration Conference に 随時 ア ッ プ デ ー ト し て い く よ う で す ま た., 全 て のセ ッ シ ョ ン は 録 画 さ れ て い ま し た の で, 後 で 録 画 も ア ッ プ ロ ー ド さ れ る と 思 わ れ ま す.あ と, ツ イ ッ タ ー の ハ ッ シ ュ タ グ は し た # ccc12 の で で, こ の ロ グ を 見 れ ば 雰 囲 気 も わ か る で し ょ う.

こ こ で は 私 が 聞 い た セ ッ シ ョ ン に 関 し て レ ポ ー ト し た い と 思 い ま す.

[1日目 10:45 ~ 11:30] Integrate 3rd product of third-party security with CloudStack

※ slideshare の リ ン ク ま だな し

台湾 の TrendMicro の 子 会 社 で あ る の TCloud Computing Mouse Xia 氏 が, CloudStack と 連 携 可能 な security 製品 「ElasterShield」 の 紹 介 を し て い ま し た は .ElasterShield , ハ イ パ ー バ イ ザ ー ベ ー ス の セ キ ュ リ テ ィ 製品 で, フ ァ イ ア ウ ォ ー ル, IDS / IPS, ア プ リ ケ ー シ ョ ン コ ン ト ロ ー ル,ウ ェ ブ サ ー バ ー の プ ロ テ ク シ ョ ン, ア ン チ マ ル ウ ェ ア 等 の 機能, を 定義 し た ル ー ル に 沿 っ て 提供 し ま す.各 ハ イ パ ー バ イ ザ ー で 動 く 仮 想 ア プ ラ イ ア ン ス (ESVA) が, 各 仮 想 マ シ ン へ の ト ラ フ ィ ッ ク を フ ィ ル タ す る 形 に なり ま す.ま た, ESM と い う 管理 サ ー バ ー が, ユ ー ザ ー に 対 し て Web イ ン タ フ ェ ー ス を 提供 し, ル ー ル を 生成 し ま す.そ の ル ー ル に 沿 っ て ESVA が 各 セ キ ュ リ テ ィ の 機能 を 提供 す る こ と に な り ま す.

CloudStack と の 連 携

CloudStack 用 の ElasterShield Plugin を 開 発 し, ユ ーザ ー は CloudStack UI の か ら, こ の Plugin 経 由 で ル ー ル を 生成 す る こ と に な り ま す .ElasterShield Plugin の 開 発 は, Nicira NVP Plugin の を 参考 に し て 開 発 し たと の こ と で す.具体 的 に は, API ElasterShield 用 の (例 addElasterShield, enableSecurityProtection 等) を 開 発 し, こ の が ESM API API の を 呼 ぶ 形 に な り ま す.ま た, CloudStack UI で 定義 す る セ キ ュ リ テ ィ オ フ ァ リ ン グ を 基 に, ESM で ル ー ル を 定義 す る と い う 方法 を と り ま す.仮 想 マ シ ン 起動 時 の シ ー ケ ン ス は 下 記 の よ う に な り ま す.

起動 時 だ け で な く, ホ ス ト メ イ ン テ ナ ン ス 時, イ ベ ン ト, ア ー ラ ト, ESVA の ア ッ プデ ー ト 時 等 の 挙 動 も も ち ろ ん 考 え ら れ て い ま す.ア ー キ テ ク チ ャ も 非常 に 分 か り 易 く シ ン プ ル で す し, CloudStack の エ コ シ ス テ ム で セ キ ュ リ テ ィ ソ リ ュ ー シ ョ ン を 提供 で き るベ ン ダ が, 若干 少 な い の で, 今後 楽 し み な 製品 だ と 思 い ま し た.

[1日目 11:30 ~ 12:15] the solution of cloud puzzle - The Complete Stack Explored

Datapipe の Ed Laczynski 氏 が, Datapipe の ク ラ ウ ド 「Stratosphere」 で 経 験 を も と に, ど の よ う に ク ラ ウ ド を 運用 構築 す る べ き か 話 し て いま し た.

最初 に ハ ー ド ウ ェ ア ス タ ッ ク に 関 す る 説明

ネ ッ ト ワ ー ク セ キ ュリ テ ィ に 関 し て は, ル ー テ ィ ン グ や フ ァ イ ア ウ ォ ー ル を プ ロ グ ラ マ ブ ル に 設定 が で き る の が 重要 だ と の 事 .CloudStack と 連 携も で き る た め, Juniper SRX を 使用 し て い る と の 事 で し た.

サ ー バ ー は 1U, 2U の サ ー バ ー を ピ ザ の 箱 の よ う に 並 べ て 使 っ て い ま す.

ま た, ス ト レ ー ジ に 関 し て は, プ ラ イ マ リ ス ト レ ー ジ も, セ カ ン ダ リ ス ト レ ー ジ も NFS を 利用 し て い ます が, マ ル チ ベ ン ダ を 採用 し て い る と の こ と で す.ス ト レ ー ジ ネ ッ ト ワ ー ク に は 10GbE を 採用 し て い ま す.

次 に, ソ フ ト ウ ェ ア に 関 す る 説明

ポ ー タ ル は, 自 分 で 開 発 する 場合 は 開 発 者 が 必要 で す が, ユ ー ザ ー が 望 む 事 を そ の ま ま 提供 で き ま す.も し く は, Citrix CloudPortal の よ う な 商用 の 製品 を 使用 す る か, CloudStack UI を 使用 す る か は, サ ー ビ ス 事業 者 が 選 択 す る も の で す.

ま た, ロ ギ ン グ に 関 し て は, CloudStack が デ フ ォ ル ト で 持 っ て い る ロ グ 収集 で は 十分 で な い こ と か ら, Splunk を 使用 して い る よ う で す.

監視 に つ い て も, CloudStack の 監視 機能 だ け で な く, オ プ シ ョ ン と し て, Zenoss を 使用 し た 監視 機能 を 提供 し て い ま す .Zenoss を 選ん だ 理由 は CloudStack 用 の 追加 オ プ シ ョ ン が あ る 為 だ と い う 事 で す.

ユ ー ザ ー の リ ソ ー ス 使用 状況 を 測定 す る 場合 も, CloudStack デ フ ォ ル ト で 持 っ て い る 機能 だ け で な く, サ ー ド パ ー テ ィの 製品 を 使 う 事 も 考慮 す る の も 一 つ だ と い う 事 で す.例 え ば, InMon Traffic Sentinel な ど.ま た, CloudStack 管理 サ ー バ ー の デ ー タ ベ ー ス へ 直接 ア ク セ ス し た り, ロ グ ツ ー ル を 使用 し た り, CloudStack API を 使用 す る こ と で, よ り 多く の ロ グ を 収集 す る こ と が で き ま す.

最後 に, コ ミ ュ ニ テ ィ ー が ク ラ ウ ド を 構築 す る 上 で 重要 な 存在 で, コ ミ ュ ニ テ ィ ー が 色 々 助 け て く れ た と 協調し て い ま し た.た だ, そ れ だ け で は な く, コ ン ト リ ビ ュ ー シ ョ ン も し ま し ょ う と 締 め く く っ て い ま し た.

Datapipe CloudStack は を 随 分 前 か ら 使用 し て い る の で そ れ な り に ノ ウ ハ ウ が た ま っ て い る の で し ょ う.非常 に 為 に な っ た セ ッ シ ョ ン で し た.

2 つ の セ ッ シ ョ ン の レ ポ ー ト を 書 い た だ け で, 結構 な 量 に な っ て し ま い ま し た の で, 続 き は ま た 今 度と い う 事 に し ま す


Kimihiko Kitase

Marketing Solution
Citrix Systems Japan KK
twitter: @kktiase
Facebook: XenServer Fan Page
Facebook: CloudStack Fan Page

Benefits Citrix XenClient Series - PC Refresh or

9:28 PM 1 Comment
Benefits Citrix XenClient Series - PC Refresh or - Management

from the first a 6 part series on Citrix XenClient benefits - the local XenDesktop VM option and its FlexCast delivery technology - we discussed how Citrix XenClient could be used for Virtualization laptop. In this section, we will examine how XenClient can be used to manage PC. XenClient is a client virtualization solution ready for production with thousands of workstations in deployment today.

Today, IT organizations rely on several products to manage the entire lifecycle of the PC beginning of the end of life. With this approach, administrators use several different software products to manage, patch, update, backup, recover, secure and migrate PC. In addition, there are various computing processes and support teams built around these products. This complexity leads to management headaches for IT, which often has many images to manage, not patches that can not be easily canceled and malware infections that spread from a corporate PC to the other. A clear example of this was demonstrated by a recent study that found that nearly 32% of all PCs worldwide are infected with malware!

Citrix XenClient gives businesses a better way to manage their computers because it provides centralized management, enhanced reliability and high security computers through a type 1 hypervisor that takes place outside the operating system. XenClient provides IT administrators with the ability to easily manage thousands of PCs as easily as one, allowing them to deploy a single golden image of thousands of PCs, regardless of hardware or vendor type. Fail Safe allows patching roll instantly any changes. In addition, images infected with malicious software is isolated to prevent the spread of malicious software to other computers.

XenClient improves PC reliability while freeing up IT and provide a better user experience by automatically backing up the user's desktop in the background with little disruption to users and users to quickly recover their workstations without side visits from IT. The result is fast and easy PC migration that get instantly productive users from IT admins can easily provision users with new PC with pictures and centralized backups. Retrieving malware infections also turns into a quick and easy operation that allows users become productive within hours or even minutes!

Finally, XenClient completely insulates and protects corporate data with its type-1 hypervisor that runs key security elements outside of the operating system by design. XenClient comes with security features like AES-NI 256-bit encryption full disk, a lockout function of time, and kill at a distance, in addition to managing granular policies that can selectively filter USB devices.

By simplifying PC management, IT XenClient gives only a single image of gold to maintain, intrinsically safe patches that can easily be canceled and easy recovery of malware infections that are isolated from other computers in the enterprise. He now has time to focus on business value as users have a better experience and the company has a total cost of ownership for managing PC. If you want to know more about how XenClient can better manage PC, XenClient give it a try and see how it can greatly increase the manageability, reliability and security of your PC! The next part of the series will explain how XenClient benefits XenClient can be used to reduce WAN traffic to the branch and distributed offices.

Join the conversation by connecting with Citrix XenClient team online!

  • Visit product page XenClient
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Visit our XenClient Technical Forum

Email Where Creativity meets opportunity sales

8:27 PM Add Comment
Email Where Creativity meets opportunity sales -

Want to make a difference in your business? Start blasting your own email campaigns and set up your own generation events demand! How? With Citrix Marketing Concierge ! The site will immediately help you generate leads and increase your sales pipeline. Access the tool at any time by launching directly from All FREE!

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* Campaign is also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

need help? Contact our channel representatives or call 1 800-292-5039 (M-F, 9-5 EST).

Follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto

Sizing Personal vDisk

7:26 PM Add Comment
Sizing Personal vDisk -

Customers and potential customers often ask "What should my vDisk (PVS) are personal records?" The default size is 10GB, but is it too big? Too small?

Of course, the specific recommendation as to the size of the size of a PvD deployment and customer-specific deployment. However, since PVD is used internally at Citrix (for some teams), we have built a reasonable characterization of what a six-month deployment size consumption might look like. Most users of this deployment would have been to install applications in their PvD have already done, and 6 months of use is likely enough time to complete the PvD with a representative sample of the types of data and applications a particular user can install.

Before giving the numbers, some notes:

1. These PVDS were deployed for 6 months, since our press PvD 5.6.5 was shipped.

2. Users who use this PvD pool are (usually) engineers, testers, and others in the development community. I do not have access to measures of CAE for other teams.

3. Only 2 of 81 users requested to have increased the size of their PvD of 10GB by default to a larger amount. A user has 20GB allocated and used 53% of this space. The other user is myself, with a PvD 40GB, which I mainly use it to test what happens when stress PVDS approaching capacity. I probably would discount my own as an unrealistic statistical outlier.

Of the remaining PVDS used in our internal deployment, the used space is on average 36.74%, which means on average each user has consumed their PvD 3.674GB data (10GB max size). This size includes both the profile and all the changes accumulated in the PVD (app installs, etc.) since the pool was deployed there about 6 months. The greater capacity was more than 0%, and the lowest was 9%. This reflects the amount of space provisioned by the hypervisor in the last 6 months in the PvD, so this could actually be more than what users actually currently store.

We also have tested internally with our PvD building Excalibur come. Obviously, this pool of PVD is much more recent (few weeks). In this pool, the use of PVD is approximately 18% (1.8GB). It would appear that some PVDS populate GB to the front (most likely user profile data), then slowly accreting changes in above-mentioned over time. As many of you know, PVDS capture all the changes that occur in a machine, it would certainly be possible that these figures would slide up from 36%, but based on a usage model 6 months, it appears that less than half of the available space is used by a typical user.

It will be interesting to revisit this metric in another 3-6 months and see if this is true, or if the use of trays PvD space over time.

What is the optimal configuration XenApp 6.5 VM

6:25 PM Add Comment
What is the optimal configuration XenApp 6.5 VM -

In this series of blogs I'm taking a look at scalability considerations for XenApp 6.5, specifically :?

  1. How to estimate XenApp 6.5 Hosted shared desktop scalability
  2. What is the optimum specification XenApp 6.5 VM?
  3. XenApp 6.5 dimensioning example Hosted shared desktop

My last message provided guidance on how to estimate the density XenApp based on the processor specification and user workload. In the second post of the series, I'll take a look at the optimum specification for virtual machines XenApp themselves.

In an ideal world, each project would include time for testing scalability so that the right number of optimally specified servers can be ordered. However, there are several reasons why this does not happen always, including the time and budget constraints. Architects are often asked for their best estimate of the resources. I am in this situation myself and I know how stressful it can be. If you specify more you will cost your company money while under reduced specifying the number of users that can be supported, or worse -. Performance impact

XenApp virtual machine server Processor Specification

In most situations, the tests showed that the optimal scalability is achieved when four virtual processors allocated to each virtual machine. When hosting extremely intensive applications resources such as design applications or desktop software development, user density can sometimes be improved by assigning 6 or even 8 virtual CPUs to each virtual machine. However, in these situations consider using XenDesktop XenApp instead so that you have a granular level of control over the resources allocated to each user.

Number of XenApp servers Virtualization Host

to determine the optimal number of virtual XenApp servers host virtualization, divide the total number of virtual cores by the number of virtual processors assigned to each virtual machine XenApp (usually 4). For example, a server with 32 virtual cores should accommodate 8 virtual XenApp servers (32/4 = 8). There is no need to remove the server cores to the hypervisor because the overload was cooked in overheads user density described in the first blog.

One of the questions I asked most is whether the total number of virtual cores includes hyper-threading or not. First, what is hyper-threading and what does he

Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp Best Practices WhitePaper states :?

Hyper-threading is a technology developed by Intel that allows a single physical processor appear as two logical processors. Hyper-threading has the potential to improve workload performance by increasing user density per VM (XenApp only) or VM density per host (XenApp and XenDesktop). For other types of workloads, it is essential to test and compare the performance of workloads with Hyper-threading and without Hyper-Threading. In addition, Hyper-threading must be configured in conjunction with the hypervisor setting specific recommendations to the supplier. It is highly recommended to use a new generation of server hardware and processors (eg Nehalem +) and the latest hypervisors to evaluate the benefit of Hyper-Threading technology. The use of hyper-threading will generally give a boost of between 20-30% of the performance.

The tests showed that the optimum density is achieved when the total number of virtual cores includes hyper-threading. For example, a server with 16 physical cores should accommodate 8 XenApp VM -. 32 virtual cores (16 physical cores x 2) / 4 virtual processors per virtual machine XenApp XenApp VMs = 8

A common mistake is to perform scalability testing with XenApp virtual server and multiply the results by the number of virtual machines that the host must be able to support. For example, the tests of scalability might show a single XenApp virtual machine server can support 60 simultaneous users 'normal'. Therefore, a 16 basis physical server with virtual machines 8 XenApp server must be able to support 480 concurrent users. This approach always overestimates the density of users because the number of users per virtual machine decreases with each additional XenApp VM hosted on the virtualization server. The optimum number of concurrent users for normal physical database server 16 will be about 192 to about 24 users per virtual machine

Density of the user VM XenApp server :.

density of users of each virtual XenApp server 4vCPU vary depending on the workload they support and the architecture of the virtualization host's processor:

  • dual Socket Host: you have to wait about 36 light users, normal users 24 or 12 heavy users per virtual machine XenApp
  • Quad Socket Host: .. you should expect about 30 light users, 20 normal users or 10 heavy users per virtual machine XenApp

Depending on the design of your work group, you can have a mixture of light, normal and heavy users on each XenApp virtual machines. In these situations, adjust your density estimates based on the overhead of each type of workload (light = 1.5, normal = 1, heavy = 0.5). For example:

Double Socket Host -

  • 30% light: (36/100) * 30 = 11
  • normal 60% (24/100 ) x 60 = 14 users
  • 10% heavy: (12/100) * 10 = 1 user

total number of users per virtual machine XenApp = 26

memory Specification

the amount of memory allocated to each virtual machine varies depending on the memory requirements of the workload (s) they support. Generally, the memory requirements would be calculated by multiplying the number of light users 341MB, 512MB by normal users and heavy users by 1024MB (this number includes overhead operating system). Therefore, each virtual machine hosted on a dual-socket host would normally be assigned 12GB of RAM and each virtual machine hosted on a quad socket host must be assigned 10GB of RAM.

The following table shows the typical specifications of memory for each processor specification:

do not forget to allocate memory for the hypervisor. With XenServer, this is 752MB by default.

According hardware costs, it may be wise to reduce the number of virtual machines XenApp servers host virtualization. For example, instead of buying a virtualization host with 80 virtual cores and 256GB of memory, you can reduce the number of XenApp virtual machine host servers by 20-19 so that only 192GB of memory will be required (2 GB for hypervisor). Although this reduces the user density of about 30 light / heavy 20/10 by host regular users, it also saves 64 GB of memory.

Depending on the specification of the hardware, you may find that the specifications of your equipment allows you to assign more memory to 12GB each XenApp virtual machine. It makes sense to use all available memory.

disk input output operations per second (IOPS)

Whether local or shared storage is used, the storage subsystem must be able to support the expected number of IOPS. Typically, each user light requires an average of 2 IOPS steady state, each user requires a normal average of 4 stable IOPS and heavy each user requires an average of 8 IOPS steady state. Therefore:

Double Socket Host -

  • light users: 36 users x 2 = 72 IOPS IOPS steady state by XenApp virtual machine
  • Normal users 24 users x 4 = 96 IOPS IOPS steady state by XenApp virtual machine
  • heavy users: 12 users x 8 = 96 IOPS IOPS steady state by XenApp virtual machine

Quad Socket Host -

  • light users: 30 users x 2 = 60 IOPS IOPS steady state by XenApp virtual machine
  • normal users: 20 users x 4 = 80 IOPS steady state IOPS per virtual machine XenApp
  • [1945004utilisateurs] heavy: 10 users x 8 = 80 IOPS IOPS steady state by XenApp virtual machine

It is difficult to estimate the number IOPS generated by the user when the connection because the logon rate, equity logon and time logon varies considerably between implementations. In addition, it is impossible to provide estimates based on the user workload type because it has no relation. Some companies may have the majority of their logons 8:00 30-09h00 while others may have multiple changes. Regardless, a hard disk write cache on the local storage (1 GB) and shared can be used to help absorb short periods of heavy disk utilization.

I realize that some of these recommendations may be difficult to follow for beginners that explains why the last post in this series will guide you through an example XenApp sizing exercise. Stay tuned

For more information on recommended best practices for virtualization Citrix XenApp, please refer to CTX129761 -. Virtualization best practices

Andy Baker - Architect
Worldwide Consulting
Office & Apps team
Manual Virtual Desktop
Accelerator Project
Follow @CTXConsulting

Put Citrix Receiver App Banners Web Interface for Android and iOS

5:24 PM Add Comment
Put Citrix Receiver App Banners Web Interface for Android and iOS -

One of the cool things you can do to help your users connect to your XenApp and XenDesktop environments is the program installing Citrix Receiver mobile URL generator to:

The output of the generator is a couple of links. The first is an iOS configuration link and the second is the Android setup link. What's great about this is that once the user gets this link on their iOS or Android device, by email, text message, or carrier pigeon with a micro SD card attached to his leg, while the user must do is click on the link and the local instance of Citrix Receiver mobile is configured automatically.

  • VCDC Email
  • warning iOS app

Something that Apple has made available is called Smart App Banner. (I suggest you do not yell "Smart App Banners!" Through the cube farm, unless you want to start a bunch of prairie dogging or emails HR.) Regardless, the folks at Apple has created a easy way for you to make the Citrix Receiver app advertising from the web. with Citrix Systems interface, we'd had a couple of different hostnames temporarily coherent point for us on our applications and desktops. Among my clients, or arose a few times. the point being, the user puts a name in the browser and the client detects the Web interface takes over, suggesting a client version for Mac, Windows Java and they go to the desktop application or nirvana. But mobile devices lonely neglected. We tell our bosses that we need iPhones, iPads and Androids for work. So the smart thing to do is get some apps work there before the bosses catch us playing Angry Birds or Radical.FM So the question is: "How can I use on my web interface"? That's an excellent question. We'll take the cute little meta tag referenced in this article Apple Dev and paste it right into the login.aspx file in our website interface. For demonstration purposes, I'll use our Virtual Computing Demo Center or VCDC for example. The default Web interface that acts as a front end of the demo instance is hosted on a virtual machine acting as DDC for XenDesktop. Screenshots, I use is based on the connection I make to a XenApp desktop logged in as administrator. Ddc \ c $ inetpub wwwroot Citrix DesktopWeb auth login.aspx looked like this:

Now change the first line, it looks like this.

Remember that this is something that is only supported in iOS and in fact from the default Safari browser. Here are some screenshots of iOS after this change :.

What really showed me is that there are some basic problems

  1. iOS responds differently Android and thatn rest desktop platforms.
  2. Web Interface redirects browsers to different types in more destinations.

So, in other words, iPads, iPhones, Androids, and all the different variations of the browser and masquerades land users to different destinations. So not only the login page but the client detection, and other pages that the user does not really need to interact with from a mobile browser.

For now, I will focus on getting as many combinations to work in the login page. Then we can take a look at the other pages the users can interact with the Web Interface site.

The best option that I found from JavaScript, ASP, and other scripting technologies does not necessarily translate between different mobile platforms and browser types is jQuery. JQuery is a type library that allows you to simplify the client side script. For this example I'm using the Google implementation of jQuery and a script you can download here: One of the things you will see in this link is a smart banner for browsers and Android alternative points Play store and iOS iTunes.

away, the steps are fairly simple. Since the download you can:

  • jquery.amartbanner.js take the file and open it in a text editor. Find daysHidden and daysReminder values ​​and both change to 0.
  • Navigate to the folder \ ddc c $ inetpub wwwroot Citrix DesktopWeb auth
  • Copy this modified file directory:
    • Jquery.smartbanner.js
  • Copy these files in the directory
    • Dark_background_stripes.gif
    • jQuery. smartbanner.css
  • Change login.aspx
    • at the beginning of the file:
    • After the line Register TagPrefix add the following:

the last few steps would be to place these files in a shared directory as ./Citrix//app_data/

once here the links could be modified to point to this shared folder.

Another option would be to change the behavior of different files to a specific browser behavior. Because some OS-browser type combinations point to files or as ./auth/silentDetection.aspx ./clientDetection/nativeClientDetection.aspx you might consider modifying these files as well.

I work on cleaning the implementation on a variety of Android browsers. Does anyone out there think it is useful for me to continue?

January edition of XenDesktop Technical Bulletin now available

4:23 PM Add Comment
January edition of XenDesktop Technical Bulletin now available -

Using XenDesktop? Then you need to get the technical bulletin XenDesktop! The newsletter includes best technical resources of all Citrix services: consulting, technical assistance, education and technical readiness. In its third year, the newsletter is designed to help customers manage their XenDesktop optimally and get the most out of their investment in Citrix desktop virtualization. And its FREE!

I am pleased to announce that the January 2013 edition of the newsletter is now available.

Consult the archive page, where you can access both current and past issues and subscribe to the free monthly newsletter

January edition of the newsletter is packed with a lot of content, including :.

  • optimal XenApp 6.5 Configuration VM (blog)
  • introduction to the new Accelerator project (Blog)
  • Deploying XenApp 6.5 using PVS (Blog)
  • Insider troubleshooting tips for administrators (eBook)
  • What's up with Excalibur (Blog)
  • content Top Knowledge Center for December 2012 (Articles, hotfixes, white papers, etc ...)
  • How to configure Access Gateway 5 standalone for use with XD5 (technical note)
  • XenDesktop Tools & patches
  • and more.

If you have any comments / suggestions please let us know. Also, do not forget to Sign up now!

David McGeough

Citrix Auto Marketing Support Manager

Insider troubleshooting
advice for administrators
Get it now!

Faster, more secure access to business files on the go

3:22 PM Add Comment
Faster, more secure access to business files on the go -

Announcement any new updates to ShareFile for iPhone and iPad!

We hope you have had the opportunity to see the ShareFile for iPhone and iPad applications - available for download on the Apple App Store. Today we are pleased to announce new features in both applications that meet two major needs of customers: 1) security and 2) access. These features include:

  • Passcode support with local encryption - The ShareFile apps now allow the user to select a PIN to assign a score to ShareFile. This provides an easier way to access your account without having to type your password every time
  • Jailbreak detection -. This feature allows administrators to block accounts of account access from devices that are detected to be jailbroken
  • support StorageZone Connectors -. StorageZone connectors allow you to connect existing file shares to ShareFile and access data remotely on your iOS device. Customers have shared they want easy access to their data wherever it is stored in their organization. We built StorageZone Connectors with that in mind, allowing users to view the data stored beyond ShareFile.

Each of these updates enhances the experience of mobile sharing files easier and safer to access your data wherever you are. For daily use, my favorite is the password with the local support encryption.

When I use my iPad, I do not want to bother with setting up a device password for normal use, but I still want to protect my data Sharefile anyone who might take the ring. On the other hand, I do not want to type in my (fairly long) password every time I launch the application. With this update, I can set a PIN code 4 digits just for my ShareFile account. Hence the local encryption comes in? ShareFile always flags data for device encryption, but iOS will only allow that when you have a password set on the device. When you activate the PIN ShareFile we will encrypt your data using 256-bit AES encryption, even if the protection is not enabled iOS.

If you are an administrator, you can force these policies for ShareFile account under "Configure device security."

Give these new versions a try and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy the new features!

Peter Schulz
ShareFile Product Management

Impacts of PVS implementation in large companies in the business

2:21 PM Add Comment
Impacts of PVS implementation in large companies in the business -

In general, when we discuss the implementation during a XenDesktop or XenApp PVS design, the emphasis is always on the technical aspects of the PVS, eg PVS must be virtual or physical, one or two servers, like NIC, etc. Other questions / answers, however, it may be necessary for a successful implementation to take place. PVS implementation is not only a technical challenge. When dealing with large corporate enterprises, it is crucial to also explain the process of change, such as PVS will provide servers (XenApp) and desktops (XenDesktop)?

The introduction of PVS as OS streaming technology has an impact on all aspects of data centers. This article does not propose a specific solution, rather it should be considered a recommendation based on my personal experience in the field with suggestions on what to consider in design and implementation to succeed.

Other items may include more -depth information on each of the aspects mentioned below

Let's look at the various aspects of implementation :.

1. Networking - Network design is a fundamental part of PVS implementations. PVS operates DHCP and PXE to function properly and be able to distribute the server / desktop operating system (Yep, it's true that ISO image could be used instead of PXE, but it needs resources extra). It would be a good idea to check that the network approves DHCP broadcast service on data center servers networks. For example. are ancillary IP addresses allowed on the current network devices? It is not a major problem from a technical point of view, but in terms of processes and procedures, it could become difficult to ask for exceptions when needed. Hence this should be taken into consideration when dealing with networking designs. Clarify the necessary configurations with networking team can be useful and allow for robust implementation of PVS.

2. - Storage is another key element in data centers. Even when the flexibility of PVS leaves us free to decide whether we want a NAS / SAN or local disk storage as WriteCache, type of IOPS generated should be discussed with the storage team. Some companies define the rules of their DataStore in size and pin count based on the activity of disk IOPS "normal." We know that PVS is slightly different from a normal workload IOPS. It is therefore necessary to define new rules for specific data stores WriteCache for use in conjunction with the storage team.

3. Antivirus - Working with the OS streaming involves one read image is deployed on multiple servers. The image is reset at each reboot state, and so it does not easily become infected. If the operating system is clean when the image is generated, real-time protection is sufficient to protect servers and IO storms on storage (potentially generated from massive regular disk scans) can be avoided. Most new virus take into consideration this kind of deployment scenario, and provide tools that generate hash tables during the generation of the image. In addition, they are able to determine if the files have changed from a virus infection without the file system analysis. These items could be discussed with the client's antivirus team, that would be a good idea to agree on a strategy for the implementation and maintenance of a safe environment, without making radical changes.

4. Deploying Software - In most of the company's businesses, software deployments are implemented by ESD systems. With PVS, the software deployment approach radically changes. Maintaining the software version or install massively on a set of servers means simply "maintain" the version of the OS image. Hence ESD has meaning only when the maintenance of the OS image. There is no reason for the application to be installed on each server continuously. Again, it is important to modify procedures to adapt to new scenarios.

5. CMDB - A basic configuration management database is the repository that keeps track of systems and configurations. A key success factor in the implementation of a CMDB is the ability to automatically discover information about the CIs (auto-discovery), and track changes as they occur. The point is that in environments PVS all virtual machines are identical or at least a well-defined set of images. Therefore, the usual approach to installing an agent inside the virtual machine does not produce the desired results.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to check other ways to get the data. He could not be found in other places such as PVS DB or the hypervisor management DB.

6. Procedure QA - Most companies have a quality assurance process in place, which returns the system from the project phase / application to the operations department before systems are pushed to production . In a PVS environment, virtual machines are based on the same image or set of images, so is it really necessary for each VM through the quality assurance process? Probably the basic image and each later should go through QA. In addition, some software components such as AV agent, backup agents, etc. may be missing or installed with various configurations (as described above). Any changes must be discussed with the quality assurance team, and agree with the operations department, which will support the production environment.

7. Security - Security is another important aspect of the discussion PVS, particularly with regard to environments where customers want to have multi-tenancy using only a single implementation by operating environments. Here the problem is more technical than the procedure, however, explaining the various techniques that consultants are able to implement to create secure environments, could help speed up the project approval process.

XenAPINFS - Integrated with Glance

1:20 PM Add Comment
XenAPINFS - Integrated with Glance -


This blog entry shows the XenAPINFS - integrating Glance. The plane of the device can be found on the dashboard. At the time of this writing, the driver supports one type XenServer ovf pictures (these pictures are specially appointed vhd files compressed at a .tgz archive). Concrete driver uses plugins xenapi nova download / upload images. I am also working on a general case, to be able to create volumes from images in arbitrary format (like qcow or gross). If you want to try XenAPINFS, make sure that the fix for this bug already hit the trunk, or cherry pick the patch

In this demo, I will :.

  • create a volume from an image view
  • start an instance of the volume set
  • make changes to the file system
  • download volume to look like a new image
  • create instances based on the newly created image


NFS server

for the demo, one Ubuntu VM is in the service of NFS. The following options were specified for export:

  ubuntu @ copper: ~ $ grep demo / etc / exports / demo * (rw, no_subtree_check, no_root_squash)  

XenServer with OpenStack

for Devstack demo was used to install an OpenStack development on XenServer 6.1. For the demonstration, a single XenServer was used, however, it is possible to use a totally different XenServer for clinker operations. The only requirement is that Nova plugins must be installed on the XenServer used for volume operations (the one specified in cinder.conf )

.. Step 1 - Cinder set

Cinder must be configured to use XenAPINFS driver. I will show two ways to do it.

Change the configuration file directly

To set clinker, go to the OpenStack box, and edit the configuration file / etc / slag / ash conf and make sure the following items are there:

  = volume_driver xenapi_connection_url = http: //epun.eng.hq.xensource .com xenapi_connection_username = xenapi_connection_password = root password = xenapi_nfs_server xenapi_nfs_serverpath = / demo  

After changing the configuration of ashes, make sure the service is restarted.

use devstack configure Cinder

You can also use devstack to configure clinker with XenAPINFS. The variables needed to localrc file are:


After adding these lines to your localrc file, re-stacking your environment:

  stack DevStackOSDomU @: ~ / $ devstack ./ battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ / $ devstack ./  

please note that 'doing this, you are wiping, and consolidation of your new installation of OpenStack

Step 2. -. Add image

A Cirros image is provided via our github account. This image is already XenServer format. To download:

  battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ $ cd devstack / battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ / $ devstack. OpenRC administration battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ / $ devstack create picture look --name demoimage  --copy-from = https: // vhd.tgz  --container format = ovf --disk-vhd format =  

sure to give enough time to look to store the image. Wait until

  battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ / $ devstack look picture-list  

shows that demoimage is assets

  ... demoimage | vhd | ovf | 92018 | assets |  

Step 3 - Create a volume from an image

First, get the ID of the new image:

  battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ / $ devstack glance the picture-show demoimage | grep id  

and use it to create a volume 1G on the basis of this image, called demovolume_a

  battery @DevStackOSDomU: ~ $ clinker create --display_name = "demovolume_a" --image-id =  1  

Initially, volume status will be Download and as this operation is completed, it becomes available . Check its status with:

  battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ $ ashes list  

Step 4. - Boot issue an instance of

To start a for example, first we need the identifier of the volume:

  show clinker demovolume_a | grep "id"  

and create a new instance with this volume as the primary hard drive:

  battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ $ nova boot --flavor = m1. VDA small to --block_device_mapping =  ::: 0 demo_vm  

Use to access the horizon of the new virtual machine console, and log in using the usual Cirros credentials, and touch a file in the directory home. We expect to see these changes in the image created thereafter.

  $ touch HereIam $ sync  

And use nova to close the proceedings.

  stack DevStackOSDomU @: ~ $ nova delete   

Step 5 - Create an image from the volume

  battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ $ clinker download the --container -to-size image = ovf --disk-vhd format =  demoimage_b  

Check the status of the picture, by:

  @DevStackOSDomU battery: ~ $ glance the picture-show demoimage_b  

and wait until assets

Step 6 - Start an instance of Uploaded image [

first, get the ID of the newly created image:

  stack @ DevStackOSDomU: ~ $ glance the picture-show demoimage_b | grep id  

and start an instance with this:

  battery DevStackOSDomU @: ~ $ nova boot --flavor = m1.small --image demoimage_b demo_vm_2 =  

horizon and use to connect and verify the contents of the home directory:

  $ ls | grep HereIam HereIam  


12:19 PM Add Comment
Redefining - enterprise mobility solution

As a product manager, I keep an eye on the competition (shocking but true) and will see many "leaders in the business space for mobility "calling" end to end supplier of mobility solutions "or" complete provider of enterprise mobility solutions. "overall leadership of mobility requires capabilities that cover a continuum of control Mobile device :. deliver standalone applications to devices to employees, to enable a secure workspace company on an unmanaged device, all the way to registration and the complete management of mobile device

one size does not fit all. with due respect to the competition, I think Citrix has redefined what it means to be a complete solution for mobility management.

Today, Citrix announced XenMobile MDM, MDM solution market leader, and Mobile Solutions Bundle, plus the overall management industry enterprise mobility (EMM) solution. The Mobile Solutions Bundle combines CloudGateway and new XenMobile MDM to deliver key capabilities that provide a complete solution including EMM MDM, secure productivity applications such as email, and federated identity across applications. By combining Mobile Solutions Bundle with Citrix ShareFile -. Citrix EFSS (synchronization and Enterprise File Sharing) solution, we now offer what is really an end to end solution enterprise mobility

Now many MDM vendors claim and EFSS third of the party integrations partnerships in this space. But companies are looking for integrated solutions from a single supplier can simplify deployment, management and support. Citrix has a portfolio of solutions optimized for mobile that can not be matched:

  • XenDesktop - secure delivery of applications and Windows desktops to any device
  • The Mobile Solutions Bundle - including MDM and mobile app management secure
  • ShareFile - enterprise-class file synchronization and sharing on a device
  • GoToMeeting and Podio - secure collaboration across

in the past two years there has been a huge amount of interest in EFSS solutions and MDM. The cloud era effective secure access requests to applications and data on a device and secure collaboration both inside and outside the organization. If it fails to provide an easy to use solution for EFSS, end users will risk corporate data using an unauthorized file-sharing service. With ShareFile and Mobile Solutions Bundle, it can provide a "applications and data monitoring me" experience without violating the requirements of security and compliance. IT takes the granular level of control with MDM, access based on a script for applications and data control, mobile applications including ShareFile containerized mobile apps and federated identity with strong authentication. And while it protects devices, applications and data, the user experience is seamless and rich in features designed to meet the productivity needs of modern labor: use native mobile applications whenever possible and deliver legacy Windows applications via Remoting when required

using ShareFile for example, there are various degrees of control that iT can apply on the basis they are on the continuum of control the mobile device. End users can start with ShareFile as a standalone mobile application, and have secure access and file sharing device of their choice. Add the mobile application management and IT CloudGateway with ShareFile can be placed next to a wider set of applications approved in an enterprise "sandbox" secure that leverages Citrix Receiver for shared authentication and allows data sharing that in the secure workspace.

CloudGateway app includes packaging capabilities, which intercept and redirect some actions Sharefile applications such as authentication and management of documents. On the mobile device, the provisions CloudGateway applications from an approved app store and orchestrating enterprise data sharing inside (not outside) the secure workspace. Administrators can set policies at the application level, as ShareFile to run only when connected to a Wi-Fi network licensed, requiring the user to re-authenticate every time they launch the application, or only allow users to open data with secure business applications (instead of personal applications).

If the secure application approach / work space is not enough to complete the level of control of the requested device, you must add the Mobile Solutions Bundle for total control of the device, there including the provisioning application, blank card, plug and dozens of other black checks.

So let us know your thoughts, we are delighted to offer advanced solutions in both the space and EFSS EMM and we look forward to hearing from you!

Bill Carovano

Citrix ShareFile Product Management

CloudBridge @ Amazon Web Services: Enable hybrid cloud business hours in

11:18 AM Add Comment
CloudBridge @ Amazon Web Services: Enable hybrid cloud business hours in -

Citrix CloudBridge is available on Amazon Web Services Marketplace. CloudBridge on AWS AWS allows any user to establish secure connections, accelerated AWS to other clouds and data centers where a Citrix NetScaler VPX is available or CloudBridge. The offer includes the product of CloudBridge Branch Repeater VPX Citrix WAN optimization to make use of the bandwidth significantly reduced and a "LAN like" experience for the migrated applications to AWS.

What can you do with CloudBridge on Amazon Web Services?

- Transfer files at speeds up to 100x faster if you move your applications and data to AWS

- Build a two-lane bridge between your acceleration and Data Center AWS to run applications on both sides while retaining the data in your CD

-.! Run test applications on AWS without moving your data

let us know what you are doing with Citrix CloudBridge on AWS

Teleworking - all in the Tech

10:17 PM Add Comment
Teleworking - all in the Tech -

Teleworking is a hot topic this week in office water coolers - both physical and virtual - around the nation as new business sparked heated discussions on the merits of flexible work environments. The timing is particularly appropriate as is Telework Week, a global effort created by the mobile exchange work and sponsored by Citrix to encourage organizations and indidivuals telework for the week.

For public sector organizations, telework is the right choice at this time for several important reasons, including productivity gains - that is front and center as public sector organizations continue to face to tight budgets and the federal government comes to terms with the realities of sequestration. Telecommuting also plays a vital role in ensuring the continuity of operations. Estimated closing four days in February 2010 cost the federal government between $ 70 million and $ 100 million per day in lost productivity. Telecommuting saved the government $ 30 million a day during the 2010 storm

flexible working environments are also a powerful advantage in efforts to recruit and retain the talent needed to run the public sector ramps of competition labor up after the recession.

mobile exchange of work did the math and quantified the benefits of a single week of telecommuting. Seventy percent of the organizations that participated in Telework Week last year noted increased productivity. In addition, 69 percent of those who participated said they would give preference to jobs that offer telecommuting

The more than 105,000 individuals -. Over 0 percent of which comes from the federal government - which promised to telecommute this week will also see significant benefits. During the week, participants will:

  • Collectively save $ 8 million in estimated savings in one week. For a year, which is a collective savings of $ 402 million, or an average suburban economy of $ 3,750
  • Avoid driving over 4.9 million miles during Telework Week - which is more than 197 trips worldwide
  • Save 3.5 hours per no way in a week - the equivalent of 175 hours per year
  • Spare the environment 10,0,000 pounds of pollutants
  • Avoid consuming more than 517,000 gallons of gas

telework programs that succeed do not produce themselves. They require that the structure and technology to support spontaneous and planned collaboration. In addition to the eligibility policy, planning, resources and management, a telework program, to be effective, must meet two basic requirements clearly defined:

  • The staff must be able to work in the same way they would in the office, with full access to desktops, applications, files and collaboration
  • iT must be able to secure and control information trade to maintain protection, privacy and respect

Enabling virtualized environments, remote access, agile infrastructure, and mobility programs, such as bring your own device needed to support teleworking initiatives requires a global IT approach. Citrix teleworking solutions, including XenDesktop, NetScaler, Podio, GoToMeeting, Citrix CloudGateway and ShareFile offer desktop virtualization, collaboration and online meetings, a unified enterprise application store, and share files, to make simple and secure telework programs for federal agencies. Our new XenMobile solution extends our capabilities by offering the first mobile device management company industry solution that gives users the choice of the device while enabling it to meet the needs of management and compliance.

Citrix solutions, combined with the expertise and experience of our team, provide public sector organizations the necessary tools to ensure that successful telework initiatives that enhance productivity and support continuity of operations priorities

to support more, download our new resource :. Empowering Teleworking, Executive Mobility and Disaster Recovery Programs - Best-Practice solutions for the federal government.

If you have questions about telework or our technology solutions, please drop me a line.

Tom Simmons, Area Vice President of Public Sector for Citrix Systems is available

The partner must attend event of the year - Citrix Summit

9:16 PM Add Comment
The partner must attend event of the year - Citrix Summit -

The countdown has begun Citrix Summit

You want to move your business on the fast track! ? Then make sure you sign up for the best partner training event of the year.

Citrix Summit, Los Angeles promises to be a momentous event with an agenda that is packed with keynotes, breakout sessions, training labs, demos and more! In just two days, you will understand adoption trends and technologies driving mobile workstlye projects, expand your technical skills and credentials to stand out from the competition, and network in person and online with the Citrix staff and even other partners.

With so many reasons to join the excitement you will not want to miss. - Here are some more reasons why Summit could be your smartest investment

  1. Learning to drive mobile workstyles. Being trained in the latest Citrix solutions so that you can advise clients on initiatives such as bring your own device management mobility, collaboration and data sharing
  2. Get up and personal with Citrix [1945008experts] Listen to the Citrix strategy, product roadmaps, technology and programs directly from the source. - Whether CEO Mark Templeton or a product manager
  3. Build your professional network. Summit offers unlimited possibilities to -person and online networking so you can build relationships and join the conversation on topics affecting your business
  4. Optimize your time. Summit is packed with high added value activities, practical sessions with keynotes executive, to offer maximum choice and make every minute count. You can even sit for a free choice Citrix exam certification on
  5. Build your Citrix partnership. The Partner Solutions Center brings together a wealth of information about the tools, programs and campaigns, as well as face to face with time Citrix experts

5 reasons. 2 days. It is clear to see, Summit is the place to be. Do not delay, sign up today!

User profiles synchronized between local and hosted virtual desktops

8:15 PM Add Comment
User profiles synchronized between local and hosted virtual desktops -

"User profiles synchronized between local and hosted virtual desktop"

Living the Dream Citrix - Enabling mobile Workstyles

as part of the highly mobile workforce today, laptop users often want to use both a computer virtual local office, which can be accessed online, as well as a hosted virtual desktop for remote access from anywhere at any time. This mix of hosted and local workstations highlights the need to synchronize and manage user profile settings. Users have customized settings (for example, Outlook signatures, the location of the taskbar, the position of the ribbon in Microsoft Word to name a few) they want to be consistent in desktops.

Citrix XenDesktop enables secure and reliable mobile workstyles, with both hosted and local virtual desktops, with local virtual desktops are powered by XenClient. local virtual desktops are ideal for disconnected operation on laptops, limited connectivity environments (such as offices), and other use cases where the use of local delivery is desired and management centralized necessary.

Citrix Profile Management, a feature of XenDesktop, synchronizes personalized settings for a user through the XenClient hosted and local desktop to desktop, providing a consistent experience and improved productivity. TechNote "How to configure Citrix Profile management in Citrix XenClient" provides the steps needed to make the XenClient work with Profile management.

Because Citrix Management Profile and XenClient Enterprise are included as part of XenDesktop Enterprise and Platinum there is no extra cost. This means that an employee can use both a desktop hosted for access at any time (for example, from a home PC) with a local desktop running on a laptop XenClient powered using a single license XenDesktop Enterprise or Platinum!

Although Citrix profile Management allows Follow me profile, Citrix ShareFile allows follow-me-data on virtual desktops. Stay tuned to this blog series for more information on ShareFile

this is the first installment of a 5-part series on how Citrix XenClient VM-local options for XenDesktop and its delivery technology FlexCast -. Works with other Citrix products. Our next installment in this series will focus on how XenApp with XenClient gives Follow Me app access through any device.

Join the conversation by connecting with Citrix XenClient team online!

  • Visit product page XenClient
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Visit our XenClient Technical Forum

Citrix and NVIDIA bring mobility to 3D design

7:14 PM Add Comment
Citrix and NVIDIA bring mobility to 3D design -

Work from anywhere is something that many of us take for granted - the review of a submission or approval an expense report from the sidelines of football games of our children is not something we think twice. But in some areas such as design, where the heavy power is needed to run the software, such work-life harmony has not been easier.

Until now .... Advances in graphics processing and desktop virtualization are now possible for everyone in the design lifecycle to access designs while getting any device the performance of a local PC or workstation. This creates a turning point for the design - businesses can now take advantage of globalization and improve time-to-market for security collaboration and management of the design lifecycle with offshore workers, mobile and distance without imposing particular requirements on end users. valuable IP is protected, and users are more productive. We have customers in all industries from manufacturing to oil and gas, engineering and health who adopt desktop virtualization revolutionizing the design.

In addition to allowing designers to work from anywhere, this technology extends the user base for the design software by making it affordable and accessible technology beyond professional designers to the entire market casual users.

in mind, Citrix is ​​working with NVIDIA to optimize both XenDesktop and XenApp, using the new NVIDIA GRID K1 and K2 release processors. XenDesktop and XenApp with HDX technology 3DPro is optimized for scalability, performance and efficiency by taking advantage of new features NVIDIA. Derek Thorslund's blog has more details on how we support NVIDIA GRID. Our customers have also responded enthusiastically to list XenApp technology with sharing OpenGL GPU, which offers price / performance and cost efficiency for less demanding users, those that are not core designers, but who still need access to edit and approve designs. Click here for links to download the new OpenGL functionality.

To meet the growing demand for certified applications, we work with NVIDIA about its program center and the newly launched verification tests. We set up an NVIDIA Citrix Ready verification program, which offers accelerated validation OEMs and ISVs on GRID K1 and K2 cards with Citrix desktop virtualization solutions

We look forward to making mobility a reality for designers everywhere.

Citrix FlexCast Style: XenApp Delivery of Hyper-V with PVS and McAfee

5:12 PM Add Comment
Citrix FlexCast Style: XenApp Delivery of Hyper-V with PVS and McAfee -

Follow me @TonySanchez_CTX

-Only physical or virtual architectures must be flexible enough to adapt to different workloads, which enables them to support changing business needs. Although the implementation of a new IT architecture takes time and careful planning, the process of testing and validating the architecture should be easy. In the case of a virtual desktop architecture, test engineers should be able to follow a replicable model, step by step, simply by changing the workload to validate architecture under different expected densities of users, charges working application, and configuration assumptions. The procedure should be as easy as learning a new set of dance (think PSY Gangnam Style, the most watched video on YouTube dance). The point to me as a test engineer to ask the question: in the case of VDI, why not a hypervisor simply learn a new workload as I could learn a new sequence of dance steps

Fortunately for? test engineers, Citrix FlexCast ® offers the opportunity to learn and provide any workload by leveraging the power of Citrix Provisioning Services ® (PVS) . Recently I was working with Citrix and Dell engineers work together to build a FlexCast reference architecture for deploying XenApp ® and XenDesktop ® Hyper-V on Dell infrastructure . Test of this reference architecture discussed how XenApp and XenDesktop performed under different workloads, changing the hypervisor configuration settings, and examining the user experience and overall user densities. At the dime drop, FlexCast PVS and activated with a simple switch of the architecture of a new workload.

Based on this effort to reference architecture, we recently began a test Single Server Scalability (SSS) using the latest hardware and software versions available. This blog focuses on this effort - what I call the "no XenApp dance for FlexCast style" and how XenApp workloads perform on Hyper-V (A follow-up blog post will focus on. another "dance" sequence for XenDesktop.) the purpose of this blog is how to configure the McAfee virus scanner can affect the performance and scaling.

in previous blogs, I describe the testing process and methodology that exploits the test harness Login VSI, as well as key tips for success. Since these same methods and recommendations are applicable here, let's review the configurations we used to this test scalability and workloads and actual test results. If you are not familiar with VSI Login please take some time to consider how their products can help you test applications and scalability of the hardware by visiting

For background reading, I highly recommend that you consider the position of Frank Anderson on XenApp physical compared to the results of virtual testing with Hyper-V. Frank is my friend and a great resource for ideas on the tests, including implementation tips and best general practices. In addition, Dell and Citrix related white paper describing the FlexCast reference architecture for deploying XenApp and XenDesktop on Hyper-V is available here.

With these resources in mind, let's get right down to the business of learning the "dance" and the presentation of our test results.

McAfee exclusions for XenApp

for XenApp to deliver optimal performance, scalability, and a responsive user experience, exclusions defining the McAfee virus scan is a necessity. The configuration settings specify whether the virus check should take place when reading or writing to disk, as shown in the screenshot below configuration.

Some highly secure environments require that files are scanned both when reading and writing on disk, while others only require scanning on the scriptures. This blog describes the results of tests that compare the performance and scalability configurations when scanning is performed on reads and writes compared when it is performed on the paperwork only.

Compute host material

For the host compute building block, we chose a Dell R720 server configured as follows:

below is a diagram showing the building block compute host XenApp. The Hyper-V host was built with a single RAID 1 for the OS and a RAID 10 for Machine cache write and virtual storage BIN files. Windows Server 08R2 SP1 with Hyper-V requires a BIN file for each virtual machine. The BIN file is used to save the operating system state of the virtual machine running the client side.

To estimate the total amount of storage required on the host computing, then we must take into account the local PVS cache and write the file BIN for each virtual machine. The BIN file is equal in size to the swap file attached to the master image to the level of the operating system. An example:

Example: Suppose we want to build XenApp VMs on a host running Windows Server 08R2 with Hyper-V. The equation for calculating the amount of storage required for all virtual machines on the host is

The total size of all the VHD files Write Cache + Total size of all files BIN = space total storage required

if the XenApp desktops are created with a cache write 10GB partition, the storage BIN files would need an additional 10GB for storage total local disk of 20GB per VM. In this case, if we want to build 10 XenApp VMs on a host with Windows Server 08R2 SP1 with Hyper-V, a local storage 0GB of total need. It is important to note that the BIN file is created in its size when a virtual machine is powered on and removed when off. The BIN file can potentially increase IOPS on the host too, so good planning is important when planning BIN file locations

Note :. Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V introduces a new feature as part of the action automatic shutdown does not require that every Windows client machine keep its operating condition which reduces architecture storage needs. With this latest version, the BIN file is a hard requirement while preserving storage space and improve performance as fewer IOPS are required. An example of this new feature for Windows Server 2012 is presented below. Ben Armstrong Microsoft has a great blog you can read about here to learn more about this feature .

Management Host Hardware

For the construction of block management host, a Dell R720 server was configured as follows:

for the management feature, we used a host of calculation to perform the infrastructure roles basic. Virtual machines for infrastructure roles were stored on a Dell PS4100XV Equalogic SAN in a dedicated Microsoft Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) so they can be migrated to a new host if necessary. Infrastructure virtual machines are as follows:

  • DC
  • SCVMM 2012
  • SCOM 2012
  • Desktop Controller
  • Web interface
  • Data Collector Zone
  • SQL
  • PVS
  • Citrix Licensing
  • file server

Provisioning Server (PVS)

Provisioning Server 6.1 was used with the appropriate patches. We also applied the best practices guide for PVS with the appropriate network settings. The PVS VM was awarded 4 vCPUs and 24GB of RAM. The PVS write cache for XenApp master image has been set at a fixed VHD 20GB and has also made client side. The assistant PVS was used to create all 10 pictures XenApp VMs. McAfee Antivirus 8.7 has been installed and configured the VM PVS and best practice guideline was applied to ensure that the appropriate exclusions for vDisk and other critical parts PVS were in place. The best practices guide for McAfee on PVS can be found here.

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 has been mobilized to manage VM in Hyper-V host compute. No service pack has been applied from System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager. Write caching PVS was also stored in the VMM library and attached to control XenApp VMM model. McAfee Antivirus 8.7 has been installed and configured on the host computing and best practice guideline was applied to ensure that the appropriate exclusions for virtual machines were in place. The best practices guide on McAfee Virtual Machine Manager can be found here.

Hyper-V Host Compute

For the host compute building block, Windows Server 08R2 Enterprise default installation with SP1 was applied and the role of Hyper-V has been enabled. We have created two virtual networks in Hyper-V: a network for management and one for the public traffic flow PVS. All Windows Server patches and appropriate Hyper-V were applied through Windows Update. Two logical drives were created for the Hyper-V host: volume 0 was for the operating system volume and one for storing the write cache. McAfee Antivirus 8.7 has been installed and configured on the host computing and best practice guideline was applied to ensure that the appropriate exclusions for virtual machines were in place. The best practices guide for McAfee Hyper-V can be found here.

XenApp 6.5

XenApp Platinum 6.5 has been installed and configured for the main image. All public XenApp Hotfix Rollup Packs have been applied. PVS client was installed as part of the fault by XenApp installation. Note that by default, the image ISO XenApp 6.5 SP1 installs only the client PVS 5.6. While the client 5.6 SP1 can connect to a 5.6 or 6.1 PVS farm, it is recommended to keep the client and the PVS PVS server to the same version. If you choose not to use client PVS 5.6 SP1 comes with the ISO XenApp 6.5, clear the PVS target device box when installing and mounting the ISO PVS 6.1 to XenApp VM after installation to install XenApp PVS client that matches the server version.

McAfee Antivirus 8.7 has also been installed and configured on the master image XenApp. The best practice guide was applied to ensure that the appropriate exclusions for virtual machines were in place. The best practices guide for McAfee Hyper-V can be found here. As the test results in this article show blog, antivirus analysis parameters applied to McAfee XenApp (write versus read / write) greatly affect the performance and scalability .

Workloads Application

during test design process, we wanted to create a realistic workload application. With this in mind, we tried to take advantage of the most used applications on XenApp that would normally be found in production. The following applications were among those included in the test workload:

  • Microsoft Office 2010
  • Adobe Reader
  • Adobe Flash
  • McAfee Antivirus 8.7

Login VSI 3.6 is the workload generator. Test configurations focused on two specific workloads: a basic user (VSI Light) of the workload and a standard user (average VSI) of the workload. Both sets of flash technology leveraged tests HDX, but the flash setting was made available to the server side, which can be changed at any time.

independent settings workload

The table below summarizes the configuration of the host computing environment to support the XenApp task and knowledge workers scenarios.

Although 128GB memory was configured when analyzing XenApp performance, it is possible to configure the server with 96GB and provide minimal resources to each VM

Group workers (Basic workload) -. McAfee Written only

based on workload runs a small number of applications that are representative of applications used by the tasks of workers (such as employees of call centers). Applications are closed immediately after use, resulting in relatively little memory and CPU consumption compared to the standard workload. Applications of the basic workload include Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft Outlook 2010, with only two of these applications running simultaneously. User downtime is about 17% of total time. In this test, the McAfee when writing to disk one box has been selected for the master image XenApp.

Configuration Summary -. worker job

The table below shows the settings for virtual virtual machine desktop configured for task worker

CPU usage analysis of resources performance Results

CPU graphs below show logical and virtual CPU usage for the host computing in the basic workload. Hyper-V provides hypervisor performance objects to monitor the performance of both logical and virtual processors. A logical processor is directly correlated to the number of processor cores that are installed on the physical computer. (For example, two quad-core processors installed on the physical computer is correlated with 8 logical processors.) Virtual processors are what actually use virtual machines, and any execution in root and child partitions occurs in virtual processors.

The results below show held logical processor runtime%, peaking at about 0%. % CPU runtime logic is the key parameter for analyzing the performance of guest operating systems. A peak of 80% is recommended to optimize the density while providing a sufficient margin to ensure that the experience of the end user does not decrease. A% of high performance logic processor combined with low CPU runtime virtual% is typical of an environment where there are more processors allocated to virtual machines than are physically available on the host computing, which is the for this case VDI.

resources using the Performance Memory Analysis Results

the graph of memory indicates the amount of memory on the host to the host operating systems Hyper-V with 8 active XenApp machines for the test period under the basic workload. Although 128GB memory was configured when analyzing XenApp performance, it is possible to configure the server with 96GB and provide minimal resources. The diagram shows that additional memory is available in memory to use the maximum environment is 92%.

disk I / O utilization of resources Performance Analysis Results

The Disk I / O and graphics below the latency IOPS on average during the test period when all user sessions were connected and active was 1,021, with an average of 4.6 IOPS per user XenApp. It should be noted that the disk I / O numbers are host to calculate D: drive where virtual desktops reside disk activity on C :. Player is minimal

Knowledge Worker (standard workload) - McAfee Written Only

The standard workload executes applications representative of those used by knowledge workers (such as accountants). The applications of this workload are Internet Explorer, a number of Microsoft Office 2010 applications (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word), Adobe Acrobat Reader, Bullzip PDF printer, and compression software 7-zip files. Compared to the workload task worker (basic user) discussed above, the idle time is slightly lower percentage of the overall performance and up to 5 applications open simultaneously (compared to 2 opened applications for worker of the task).

Configuration Summary -. Knowledge Worker

The table below gives the XenApp configuration settings for virtual desktop VMs shared used for a knowledge worker

CPU Resource Utilization performance results of the analysis

CPU graphs below illustrate the use of the logical processor as standard workload. The results show% Processor runtime logic maintained a peak at about 98%. The peak sustained logical processor runtime% to 80% is ideal for an environment that maximizes density while providing a sufficient margin to ensure that the experience of the end user does not decrease. A high% runtime logic processor combined with low virtual processor runtime% is typical of an environment where there are more processors allocated to virtual machines than are physically available on the host computing, which is the case for this VDI environment. workloads of knowledge workers tend to be more intense on logical processors that applications of the group of workers, causing a decrease in the density of the user.

resources Performance Memory Using the analysis results

the graph of memory below shows the amount of memory used on host for the host operating system with Hyper-V 8 XenApp machinery assets for the duration of the standard workload test. Although 128GB memory was configured when analyzing XenApp performance, it is possible to configure the server with 96GB and provide minimal resources to each VM. The diagram shows that the availability of memory exists in the respectful use of the maximum memory environment is 91%.

I / O performance of resource usage disk analysis results

The graphics Disk / O and latency I below illustrate that the Hyper-V host environment operates on the levels for a knowledge worker. The IOPS on average during the test period when all user sessions were connected and active was in 1165 with an average of 4.4 IOPS per user XenApp. It should be noted that the I / O numbers are record for XenApp VMs. This disk I / S figures are to calculate host D: drive where virtual desktops reside disk activity on C :. Player is minimal

Workers Group (basic workload) - McAfee Reading and writing only

The basic workload runs a small number applications that are representative of applications used by the tasks of workers (such as employees of call centers). Applications are closed immediately after use, resulting in relatively little memory and CPU consumption compared to the standard workload. Applications of the basic workload include Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft Outlook 2010, with only two of these applications running simultaneously. User downtime is about 17% of total time. In this test, the McAfee when reading and writing to disk one box has been selected for the master image XenApp

Configuration Summary -. Task worker

The table below shows the settings for virtual desktop virtual machines configured for the task worker.

CPU usage analysis of performance resources Results

CPU graphs below show logical and virtual CPU usage for the host in the calculation basic workload. Hyper-V provides hypervisor performance objects to monitor the performance of both logical and virtual processors. A logical processor is directly correlated to the number of processor cores that are installed on the physical computer. (For example, two quad-core processors installed on the physical computer is correlated with 8 logical processors.) Virtual processors are what actually use virtual machines, and any execution in root and child partitions occurs in virtual processors.

The results below show held logical processor runtime%, peaking at about 87%. % CPU runtime logic is the key parameter for analyzing the performance of guest operating systems. A peak of 80% is recommended to optimize the density while providing a sufficient margin to ensure that the experience of the end user does not decrease. A% of high performance logic processor combined with low CPU runtime virtual% is typical of an environment where there are more processors allocated to virtual machines than are physically available on the host computing, which is the for this case VDI.

resources using the Performance Memory Analysis Results

the graph of memory indicates the amount of memory on the host to the host operating system with Hyper-V 7 active XenApp machines for the test period under the basic workload. Although 128GB memory was configured when analyzing XenApp performance, it is possible to configure the server with 96GB and provide minimal resources. The diagram shows that additional memory is available in memory to use the maximum environment is 84%.

disk I / O utilization of resources Performance Analysis Results

The Disk I / O and graphics below illustrate the latency that the Hyper-V host environment operates on the levels for a job worker. The IOPS on average during the test period when all user sessions were connected and active was 839 with an average of 4.2 IOPS per user XenApp. It should be noted that the disk I / O numbers are host to calculate D: drive where virtual desktops reside disk activity on C :. Player is minimal

Knowledge Worker (standard Workload) - McAfee Reading and writing only

The standard workload executes applications representative of those used by knowledge workers (such as accountants). The applications of this workload are Internet Explorer, a number of Microsoft Office 2010 applications (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word), Adobe Acrobat Reader, Bullzip PDF printer, and compression software 7-zip files. Compared to the workload task worker (basic user) discussed above, the idle time is slightly lower percentage of the overall performance and up to 5 applications open simultaneously (compared to 2 opened applications for worker of the task).

Configuration Summary -. Knowledge Worker

The table below gives the XenApp configuration settings for virtual desktop VMs shared used for a knowledge worker

CPU Resource Utilization performance results of the analysis

CPU graphs below illustrate the use of the logical processor as standard workload. The results show% Processor runtime logic maintained a peak at about 95%. The peak sustained logical processor runtime% to 80% is ideal for an environment that maximizes density while providing a sufficient margin to ensure that the experience of the end user does not decrease. A high% runtime logic processor combined with low virtual processor runtime% is typical of an environment where there are more processors allocated to virtual machines than are physically available on the host computing, which is the case for this VDI environment. workloads of knowledge workers tend to be more intense on logical processors that applications of the group of workers, causing a decrease in the density of the user.


resources Performance Memory Using the analysis results

the graph of memory below shows the amount of memory used on