Unleash your inner child at Synergy: new technology programs in a little fun

9:03 PM
Unleash your inner child at Synergy: new technology programs in a little fun -

There is no secret that IT professionals love the latest technological tools and toys . At Synergy, you will feel like a kid in a candy store with lots of chances to get your hands on the latest goodies. From a sandbox self-guided demo with a live showcase of what is happening behind the scenes, technology-wise, at the conference, Synergy keep you interested, amused and even hypnotized.

Make a beeline for these new activities

Synergy offers worth several brand new activities, you certainly want to miss

  • Solutions Demo sandbox: Located in XenCity (hall A), the sandbox channel your inner child by allowing you to play with Citrix solutions recently announced and future. It is a self-guided autonomous demonstration environment using tablets and smartphones preconfigured. Make sure to stop by the playground, but fighting on toys are not allowed! :)
  • Tech Talks Lunch Table: Use lunch to your advantage by joining one of the 10 focus groups in the Solutions Expo. Each table will cover a different topic, led by members and CTPs Citrix user group. Just grab some food, have a seat and "speak your geek". Tech Talks will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
  • Network Operations Center. The NOC, located XenCity combines expert advice, technical support and a showcase of Citrix technologies that are powered Synergy. You can even see statistics backend Citrix production environment that I think is pretty cool. And be sure to check the Citrix Citrix presentations on the team in the meeting of experts in theater NOC - they'll fill you on a lot of behind the scenes pick

[ so many activities, so long

as you can see, there is plenty to do in Synergy, but you have three days to fit it all in. Be sure to set your alarm (or more alarms :)) Thursday night after Synergy Party because we have a full day of eruptions, laboratories and all these new activities for you on Friday. This year, we are even keeping open Expo Solutions on Friday so you will have more time to learn more about Citrix products and services and our sponsors. Friday is also a good catch-up day as it offers some popular sessions of rehearsals, giving you a chance to attend pushed you missed the Wednesday or Thursday.

P.S. Just for fun

This is another new activity actually begins before the conference. The "Rock on Synergy" mega-fan promotion is a contest to determine the most participants Synergy fan-atic. We offer great prices for both participants whose outfits or rock cliffs to earn the most "likes" on Facebook page Citrix. Dress up, take a picture and submit it between May 1 and 15. Entries will be uploaded on the album "Synergy Mega-Fans" on the Citrix Facebook page May 17 The two photos with the most "likes" of by the end of May 22 will be named winners. You could win VIP treatment at Synergy party and a free trip to Synergy 2014. Winners will be announced at Synergy May 23 a head all entries are subject to the guidelines and official contest rules, then I recommend you s 'please review the eligibility requirements and details on the promotion.

Join the fun and follow me on Twitter for more synergy @merisummers content updates.

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