IPVanish adds Bitcoin, Popular CyptoCurrency as payment option

6:12 PM
IPVanish adds Bitcoin, Popular CyptoCurrency as payment option -

fans IPVanish, one of the best VPN providers in the world (we rank in t it top of our current record we) still has better and more private for those who wish. This privacy just how to add the Bitcoin as a payment option, and true fans of privacy could not be happier about it.

What's the big deal about Bitcoin be accepted by IPVanish?

True anonymity can be achieved only when you get privacy of society that protects you. In a VPN provider of context, which means that even the VPN provider can know who you are. Bitcoin offers this level of anonymity when you use it to buy an account with IPVanish, a brand new offer from one of the most reliable VPN providers.

usual payment options all connect directly to you. Your credit card is most often used, and you better bet it is closely linked to all of you. When you use it to pay for a VPN account your privacy is only as far as a phone call from a local police ipvanish service that requires knowing your identity.

Using Bitcoin, and the layer of anonymity, gives you the freedom of this last barrier between you and be truly anonymous online. Every other option, no matter how you coat is not anonymous.

How do you use with your Bitcoin IPVanish account?

First, you must be signed with BitCoin. You can buy Bitcoins by visiting their page and check out the three places they recommend:

  • ANX
  • expresscoin
  • Safello

There are others there on where you can purchase Bitcoin to use to pay your IPVanish account, but these three are the most popular.

Bitcoin you want to buy enough to cover your IPVanish account for the desired length time. $ 77.99 you get a full year of protection completely anonymous, which is around 0.16 Bitcoins. Go with an annual account would be wise that you can not currently buy recurring accounts with Bitcoin, pay once and get it done. The monthly savings can really add

When prompted, you will pay for your IPVanish account your Bitcoin wallet -. And IPVanish never know who you are. You are completely anonymous each time you turn on your IPVanish VPN account!

Whoa, wait, Bitcoins are a stable currency?

bitcoin There has been much speculation about the stability of currencies and online cryptocurrencies. As with all new things, there were growing pains along the way and an accident or two. The general trend with Bitcoin is now in place and the lower value of the currency plunged as low as in the past.

In short, it is to stabilize and to be accepted as more places, as IPVanish, accept, and that automatic teller machines pop up everywhere. I'm no expert in investment, but you can see for yourself that there is not likely to be an accident of Bitcoin value.

If you are really worried, just buy enough Bitcoins to pay your IPVanish account for the year, and see how things are in 365 days!

Stay completely anonymously with Bitcoin as a payment method on IPVanish

the combination of exceptional privacy policy IPVanish with Bitcoins layer of identity protection payment , offers one of the best anonymous online services. Read our review IPVanish for details.

With this additional layer of protection for their users, we are trying to find a way to evaluate IPVanish higher than a number, but as Jay Z said in a song with Bey jay and bey1 Bitcoin Wikimedia Commons. Jay and Bey Wikimedia Commons.

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