WangGuard Blocks __gVirt_NP_NNS_NNPS

2:45 PM
WangGuard Blocks __gVirt_NP_NNS_NNPS <__ VPN providers: discrimination against confidentiality -

Earlier this week, I came across a blog that I liked, and I wanted submit a guest blog for him. Guest blogging is an ancient technique of building the school relationship that has been around since the beginning of the Internet, and outlast anyone who tries to stop him. I'm talking about Google and WangGuard

When I went to register for this blog, I was greeted by a message that I could not register as I could be a bot. I you, my readers ensures that I am indeed a human being. The problem is that WangGuard blocks VPN providers, and proxy addresses, across the board. They deny your ability to protect yourself at a crucial time :. When you enter your personal information

WangGuard blocks VPN providers

How do I know that this was the case? Simple - I asked them why webmasters WangGuard program thought I was a robot. I'll let the names, but there were wangguard blocks vpn providers no confidentiality agreement in signing the message, so I feel free to post this:

"Email n ' has not been blocked, it was your IP. you used a proxy or VPN. please do not use it to register or you will be blocked. After signup you can use it again. "

When I signed and enter my personal information is a crucial time, perhaps one of the most important moments for my VPN service. I'm embarrassed by this, so I asked why this was happening. They gave me more information..

"The problem is 0% of spammers and sploggers use VPN and 98% of VPN users are spammers or sploggers You only need to disable VPN to the register, after that, you can use it again. "

I said that I thought WangGuard blocking VPN vendors based on data made completely (98%? Really? Can I see the paper?) was irresponsible. There are many reasons why people use a VPN service:

  • protect themselves while using public WiFi
  • Unlocking geo-blocked content
  • remaining anonymous online
  • maintaining the confidentiality of business

No comment is my way back when I reported about how WangGuard blocks VPN providers without regard to privacy when someone is deciding their password

WangGuard blocks VPN providers :. Why is this a problem

WANGuard is used by webmasters who want to open their blogs to the customer display through a registration process WordPress, but do not want to be subject to the incredible glut of spam registrations that come their way. If the best we've developed is blocking VPN providers blindly, this technology fails us.

I will not say that something should not be done, all kinds of spam is an issue, but this ham fisted approach seems less eloquent for me. It is also a precedent for those who want to demolish net neutrality and privacy. I look at you, Hulu.

I'm not saying you should write to WangGuard and question their policy to block all VPN providers and Web proxy tools, compromising the security of your personal web, but I will tell their email address is publicly released

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