Save Net Neutrality in the EU July 18, 2016 TIME

4:35 PM
Save Net Neutrality in the EU July 18, 2016 TIME -

The battle to save net neutrality seems to be an endless one. Yesterday, June 28, 2016, more than 7000 sites added a protest banner that causes people to send their comments on net neutrality to BEREC, the 'EU regulator.

banner, in case you wonder looks like this:


Click on the banner and you will be sent there. If you're like me, you prefer to have you, I invite you to submit your comments directly to the email address:

NN-Consultation@berec.europa . had

You only have until July 18 to do this. Do not delay, we need to save net neutrality in the EU now, before that ISPs and telecommunications giants have decided they can not silence dissenting voices online.

Why it is important to save net neutrality in the EU

Why is this important? Because the language used in the proposal to allow much leeway many ISPs to:

  • Throttle any bittorrent traffic whenever they see as a "threat" for the network.
  • Throttle VPN traffic, and keep your right to protect yourself with encryption, every time they see it as a "threat" to the network.
  • Allow large companies the opportunity to buy the Internet fast lanes "while you sell, the average user much slower 'lane' online.

We have already fought and won, real net neutrality in the US and India through the efforts of people like you. We can save net neutrality in the EU and as long as enough people make their voices heard. As long as enough people stand up and say, "I will not let my ISP throttle my connection based on ALL the circumstances."

What experts say about backing net neutrality in the EU

Tiffiniy Cheng , co-founder of struggle for future, said:

"If the European regulators do not close these gaps, telecommunications giant will be able to deploy fastlanes paid across Europe. European users will suffer the most, as they like sites are forced to pay for treatment, but particularly the impact on the open Internet will be felt globally, as the telecommunications giant conspire with tech giants to silence competing voices. "

This is fear. If given a crack, just the smallest crack in the EU, they can use this crack to wedge in new policies that slow websites with competing voices. They could slow down the competitors if they wanted to. They could slow your favorite website if they want. The terminology should be tight so that when you protect yourself with a VPN, you are not penalized for it.

The other co-founder of Fight for the Future, Holmes Wilson, expanded on this thought:

"to US and India, unprecedented coalition of activists and small start-up came together to win the net neutrality. Now it is the turn of Europe to win. Everything is on the line in moment, and we have a few weeks to ensure that regulators do not sell on Internet users to appeal to large Internet service providers. "

is not time Brexit this site (you better believe that I Remain), the European Union. We need to strengthen and safeguard net neutrality, like the US and India. E-mail to register your thoughts is, once again:

Do not be too long. Do not think that just because you are not in the European Union that it does not matter. Do not think that your voice does not matter. It's time to act.


image entity via symbiote / Shutterstock

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