Using "XE" (or how I learned to love the command line):

6:12 PM
Using "XE" (or how I learned to love the command line): - Presentation

Hello, my Citrites colleagues, clients and community members -

Yes. The namesake of this article was manifestly tore borrowed and mutilated one of my favorite movies, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb . It is a wonderful mix of comedy, drama, political satire and ego exercise of Mr. Peter Sellers [RIP]. The same could be said of other things "Hyper Visor", but I digress as true why I chose such a title was to attract attention with a magic formula: 100% marketing / encouragement for me and you, the reader.

Why? I'll be honest and sincere. I can not tell you how many, many, many, many times a day I hear or read the following regarding XenServer

"I'm not good with the command line "

" I am not a Linux person "

" I'm so out of practice with Linux "

" I am a visual person "

"I am a Windows computer person"

"I'm a Mac"

"I am new to XenServer"

"I forgot to mention that I'm not good with a command line? "

Who can not help but appreciate this blatant honesty? I can certainly that I went "? What do I type next" in your shoes and sometimes even head scratching as to remember Of course, I am exposed to mainframes, UNIX systems and more true because of what my childhood gave me, but the next series of blogs (or "articles") are really to empower you - the reader - to never fear the command line

command line there for a because and having said that, because needs alone context so that we can all use the power of the command line and the total domination of XE!

In this introduction, I want to cut through the "Linux Fog" - straight and sharp - because from the installation of the command line, yes, the atmosphere and the true nature is "Linux". Now, immediately delete it from your mind and read further. This is all you need to know from an educational diatribe on Linux origins of XenServer ( trust me ):

  • XenServer is a type 1 bare metal "hyper- visor" .... This is technobabble for "You install XenServer on a machine and you can perform dozens of other operating systems inside XenServer , as they were real systems! "
  • XenServer's open-source .... This is technobabble which means not only does Citrix improves on technology, but do fans (like me) and other Geeks of the whole world. Before you panic, consider this: the Internet has become open source to the public (after DARPA), MySQL is probably the database of the most popular open-source worlds (used by individuals to companies now) Apache web server, web browser and ... Fireforx LINUX.
  • XenServer uses an open-source kernel (with customizations) from a mass distribution which is maintained very popular and used "worldwide". This is technobabble for "we follow the flow, stick to a plan" and address the industry standards for things "under the hood" of XenServer.

Yes, you can find more off Google, but these are the things I want you, the reader, to hold on. XenServer did some magic tricks, but it was David Copperfield yet there is a logical explanation for everything (flashback to The Masked Magician and Penn & Teller)!

Why references to magic? Because you XE can perform pretty magical stuff: things that are not relevant to a graphical user interface or could / would be considered excessive for XenCenter. Be proficient with the command line - specifically our "xe" command - will go a long way to help any of you XenServer admins on

So as I come to a close cooperation with the introduction of all kinds, keep this in mind:

They are both black and gray

on the left we have the familiar MS -DOS / Windows "CMD" prompt. On the right, we have a / ROOT prompt Linux terminal commands.

  1. Both are gray on black
  2. They both show that the user is logged
  3. They both indicate that directory that user is (~ = / root for the terminal)

mind. Blown.

More to come in the second part ....



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