Faster NetApp storage replication with CloudBridge

1:56 PM
Faster NetApp storage replication with CloudBridge -

Today, NetApp announced the certification of Citrix CloudBridge with SnapMirror storage replication solution from NetApp. The integrated solution delivers up to 10X faster storage replication for data rates up to 2 Gbit / s broad network of relationships in the region, allowing storage administrators and enterprise applications to deliver P = better recovery point objectives while targeting the rapid restoration in case of failures in data centers.

NetApp ONTAP solutions are frequently deployed to support Citrix XenDesktop solutions in businesses. This new solution extends the benefits of Citrix CloudBridge now also enable replication of storage, as well as leader of the WAN optimization industry for XenApp and XenDesktop delivery branches and remote locations campus.

Learn more about the Storage Replication accelerated Citrix Synergy in Anaheim in the demo pod 24 and on the web.

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