How to Keep Your Computer Safe Browsing when you travel abroad

8:15 PM
How to Keep Your Computer Safe Browsing when you travel abroad -

How to Keep Your Computer Browsing Safe When Traveling Abroad

For business or pleasure, travel abroad can be very funny. New foods to try and sites to see. People to meet and places to explore. In our connected world travel does not mean that email and banking can be ignored, so how can you keep your computer safe browsing when you're away from home?

If you are traveling without a laptop, tablet or smartphone you are likely to visit an internet cafe and use one of the computers provided to get online. Here are some steps to take to reduce your chances of compromising the security of your accounts.

1. Be Aware

Take a look around as you enter the cafe and you take your seat. Make sure that no one is sitting too close or hang out for no particular reason. Be careful when you type login and password information that no one is close enough to see the keys as you type.

If you need to enter a credit card number will be even more aware. Make sure you keep your credit card safe from prying eyes and punch in the code as secretly as possible. Do not feel strange cover your typing hand with the other hand. These are your private numbers and keeping them secure are your responsibility!

2. Log out

This is a step that we often forget! If you're used to using your personal machines, it is easy to forget that your passwords and usage history are stored on the computer you use. Be sure to connect all the websites you have accessed and to clear all browser cookies before leaving the station. This step can help keep you safer when traveling information and browsing abroad.

There's really only one way to keep your really secure navigation.

To be sure that your navigation is 100% secure you should use a VPN, VPN. You must use your own devices for this, so if you rely on internet cafes the risk of your information being compromised is much higher.

So travel with your personal tablet, laptop or smartphone if possible and to be sure that your VPN is installed and running. Your VPN allows you to connect to the Internet anywhere in the world through a secure address. Your VPN is like your own personal tunnel through the web where you can send and receive information without hackers, governments or thieves see the information.

How does it work? By subscribing to SwitchVPN for a low monthly fee you are provided with a secure address that can be used from any of your devices, anywhere in the world. You will have the peace of mind that all navigation you make abroad is traveling through this secure network to and from your bank, your company's server and everything in between.
So before your next trip abroad SwitchVPN consider adding to your packing list. Stop risking your personal data with visits to Internet cafes and instead follow all your business and personal e-mails and the security accounts of your VPN.

Any questions on VPN or want to discuss the best plan for you and your business? Please visit

Image: Thai Tom

Tagged on Internet Cafes Public Travel Security VPN Wireless
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