Travelers: Public Wi-Fi is often not secure - VPN provides protection

6:01 PM
Travelers: Public Wi-Fi is often not secure - VPN provides protection -
Public Wi-Fi VPN Secure

Think that public Wi-Fi is safe? Think again ...

Imagine this :. You are finally out traveling on that trip you've been waiting for months

The weather is perfect, the landscape beyond beautiful, the food is amazing.

How could he do better, right?

you are so much fun that you totally forgot your travel budget, if there ever was one, and now you have almost exhausted your main bank account. No worries, the time to transfer money.

You take a walk through the city and find a café with Wi-Fi. Perfect! Starting your laptop, connect the Wi-Fi, make your transaction and bam - done! You close your laptop and it is out of range for a little fun in the sun. High five!

Everything was great at the beach, but now dinner to your phone rings. It is your bank. "We regret to inform you that we've detected suspicious activity on your account." Uh-oh, your mind thinks your stomach starts to turn. You have been hacked!

The danger in using Public Wi-Fi while traveling

Unfortunately, this could have been avoided. It is easy to assume the opposite, but public Wi-Fi connections are not secure and are one of the main causes of identity theft and cybercrime today. Many coffee shops have very weak encryption passwords or not, so customers can easily connect to their Wi-Fi to continue their business -. And buy more coffee

Cybercriminals also know the unfortunate result stories of personal information of people who pirated the public Wi-Fi spots, while the world leader in Internet security McAfee predicts that cybercrime will not continue to grow in 2014.

the criminals are able to access your personal information using various tools that are able to intercept unprotected Internet traffic or encrypted piracy. These tools work in "sniffing" or ports that Internet traffic moves through monitoring.

How to safely navigate From Public Wi-Fi

Fortunately, these crimes can be countered primarily by using a personal VPN solution SwitchVPN. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and protects your data while on the Internet by creating a tunnel layers of encryption for sending and receiving data packets.

Once you establish a connection to the Internet, then start your VPN client application on your device, it will authenticate with a private IP address SwitchVPN, not the local ISP where you happen to be connected from .

Enter your user name and password to your bank account? Figure. Your passwords for social media and websites? Encrypted well. All Internet traffic to and from your internet connected device is now protected.

As an added benefit, if you happen to travel to a country that filters Internet traffic, like China for example, have allows VPN staff you bypass the filtering using a private IP address SwitchVPN. You will still be able to enjoy and manage your social media outlets such as Facebook and YouTube!

VPNs are for everyone

OK, but not VPN for large enterprises, you may ask? No more.

The technology has undergone several iterations over the years, the filtering its way to the consumer segment, and is much more affordable than you might think. Is not that your peace of mind alone is worth only a few dollars a month so you can enjoy your holiday and working time?

Another advantage of the use of personal VPN services today is that it is compatible with all devices, including the following platforms:

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • Mac OS 10.5
  • Android

still have questions? What if you need help? Visit our FAQ and comments. We've covered.

So if you happen to be traveling even on unprotected road, do not delay. Go here to order your personal protection against SwitchVPN today

Image :. Jeffrey Pott

Tagged on: Shopping Online Internet Wi-Fi
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1 comment

  1. IPVanish VPN is a needed seucirty tool and wherever you might be located, it works just fine
