Identity theft is a real problem worldwide

2:46 PM
Identity theft is a real problem worldwide -
Identity Theft

Think you're safe on the public Wi-Fi? Think again ...

Headaches, inconvenience and theft of financial constraint identity can place on you are annoying and potentially damaging to your finances.

And the threat is only getting bigger!

A new study from the US Department of Justice concluded that the tax loss of identity theft were more than twice the total loss of physical theft. On top of that, two-thirds of identity theft victims reported a direct financial loss.

The same study found that 7% of all adults would be the victim of identity theft this year. Statistics on UK are even worse, with almost 25% of adults living in the invasion of privacy that is identity theft.

You do not have to become one of these statistics.

There are steps you can take to protect you and your assets against theft. And best of all they are easy to make and greatly improve your chances of not becoming a victim.

Protect your identity in the physical world

To begin, take some precautions in the physical world.

Shred documents have identification numbers or personal account on them before throwing them in the recycling.

not to share too much personal information on the phone. Be especially cautious on the credit card or personal identification numbers. Do not give this information if you call the agency to prevent incoming calls from fraudulent organizations.

Cover yourself in the online world

Then move to the crucial step to protect yourself online.

Use passwords variants, you can recall. Whenever possible, use variations on the different sites you use. This way, if one of your passwords is compromised, you are protected if hackers use your username and password on other popular sites.

Beware of emails to the alleged actual search of well-known sites. If they treat you as "Dear user" instead of your name, it can be an indication of an intruder program. Sometimes you will be asked to change your password by clicking on an email link will take you to a page that is identical to the real thing.

Always check the URL address bar to see if you really are on the site you want to be on.

If something were to happen that you feel is suspicious, change your password before it can be compromised.

How A VPN can protect your identity

In addition, having a VPN (Virtual Private Network) creates a sure way for you to keep your digital life without sacrificing your privacy and security. A VPN creates a secure, encrypted connection over the Internet for you. Think of it as your own private tunnel in the world wide web

1024-2048 bit strong encryption SwitchVPN protects you against hackers and spies, no matter where you surf -. At home, at work or at the local cafe. laptop, tablet or smartphone; VPN gives you your own personal safety in private and to keep you information from virtual eyes.

Using the wireless in hotels, coffee shops or even the library without VPN gives the wicked easy access to your account information and identity. It is easy to have a false sense of security when working on these networks, but often these security wifi hotspots is reduced to make it easier for more people to access it.

Unfortunately, this makes it easier for a hacker to access your information as well. work freely on the wireless connection for someone when you are in your own protected, encrypted information highways provided by SwitchVPN.


Protect yourself online is a necessary step to prevent identity theft because a lot of our lives exist in the digital domain. If you check your bank account on your phone, visit the websites that require personal identification numbers or even make purchases online, you are at risk.

with someone stealing your identity else can charge your credit card, access your checking accounts or even open new accounts in your name. Although many credit card companies now protects users against fraudulent charges, there is only one way to keep someone else to create and use your personal information for their gain and surfing is secure.

For a low price, SwitchVPN your account could be the difference between a huge headache and a hassle to access all online data that makes your life easier. Think of it as an insurance policy for your identity and a piece of mind that you are the only person with access to your personal accounts and personal information

Image :. Vancouver Film School

Tagged on: identity theft online public security Wi-Fi VPN Uses
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