"On the radio, whoa oh oh ..."

10:04 PM
"On the radio, whoa oh oh ..." -

Assuming that you have a problem is the first step.

My problem? Get in the car, setting my Pandora iPhone app on Jason Mraz channel and let it run. And run. And run. Although I'm not really listening (sorry, Jason).

OK, maybe there is not really an issue for me . But it is a bit of a problem for my wireless provider. Why? After all, it is just one itsy bitsy 96 kbps or 56 kbps stream, right? This is nothing compared to the diffusion Mad Men , right? Well, yes and no. It is true that, for a fixed term, the Internet radio consumes much less bandwidth than video, but people like (ahem) me listen for hours and hours. It adds up. This underscores the mobile network (and can stress your bank account when you pay your wireless bill).

As reported in the most recent report Analytics Citrix ByteMobile Mobile and computer graphics, mobile music is booming, particularly in North America where up to 12 percent of data traffic on mobile networks is associated with an Internet radio. And Apple has not even launched its highly anticipated iTunes Radio service yet (but it seems that the launch will be in September).

Fortunately for our mobile operator customers (over 130 of them!), Citrix received The Remedy . Our customers use the ByteMobile platform to manage the impact of my behavior (and yours) on their networks, while ensuring at the same time that my experience (and yours) is as good as it can possibly be given the bandwidth available to me at some point. Thus, the operator is happy and I am happy. I even asked "should I stay or should I go?" This makes the operator even happier.

We'll have more to say about Internet Radio soon .

But not all.

Returning Mad Men . The same Internet radio problem just mentioned occurs with video, too. Way back in 09, the solution of intelligent ByteMobile capacity was the first in the industry to help mobile operators manage the video flood, while making even better experience for their subscribers. In fact, this experience is so good that some of our customers have even built playful marketing campaigns around it, as you can see here.

As expected, the Citrix Elves have worked to make this a better video experience. Yes, better . The good news is that you do not have to wait until Christmas to find out how. But you must stay-ay-ay just a little longer.

Oh, just one thing. Believe it or not, mobile operators monitor, measure and mark your experience in real time. They measure things like web page download time, video bit rate, how long it took your video to begin and how many times your video stalled. Then they make continuous minor adjustments - on a millisecond time scale - to tune the network to maximize your unique experience. They perform the measurement and scoring with Citrix technology known as User Experience Index (UXI) and they realize that the setting using Bytemobile features of the platform such as adaptive optimization.

The thing is, the network is constantly changing and, let's face it, as a user of the mobile network, expectations continue to rise. So Citrix has really stepped things (turned up to eleven, if you want).

Stay tuned Citrix station for more!

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