BYOD on Tech vs. Tech Refresh Refresh with BYOD on the side!

6:37 PM
BYOD on Tech vs. Tech Refresh Refresh with BYOD on the side! -

Citrix Mobile Workstyles


say you are a computer agency business; users clamoring for the latest types of mobile devices, your current cycle refresh three years leaving users constantly feel two years late, turnover and transfer of the Ministry of wireless contracts are costing you the moral is assigned as consumerization transforming the corporate culture everywhere. Gut reaction - Investing in new technologies that allow your user base to be device- agnostic OS- and move to shorter service contracts, one or two years. Great for the economy, good for morale, bad for business ... However, this is where big companies go when their individual corporate cultures evolve to this point. It is not lazy. A ton of money is spent in research, proof of concepts, pilots, program management, and deployment. This does not seem lazy to me; I'm tired just thinking about it. It is faster, it is not cheaper ...

So why

The first reason is easy to guess: the property. I am now and this is my phone and employees borrow my phone as they do on the desktop PC on their desk. You break you buy it, but it works, it's mine. ( Say what you will about Citizens United vs. FEC, I submit societies are at least 2 years, if not entire people. ) government-funded equipment (GFE) and such arguments made , I find that the most valid objection to BYOD, although little weight

All Shall Obey Second reason :. security. The ivory tower talking, all must listen! The larger the organization, the largest of the tower. In other words, the history of the organization of security, more reaction by default to new technology is "No" As a nerd cyber security, I have a love / hate relationship with this reaction. Firstly, oh how I enjoyed users say "no" throughout my career ... On the other, the internal user in me whines like a petulant child and the nerd in me Technology Drools on the next thing.

Third: responsibility. Stating that, remember that conversation is still ongoing and many fall on either side of it. Worth a job in itself (to come), see article on the subject. Company policies and device profiles to mitigate trust, but some of the debate continue. A subject many of us follow closely, the one I'm looking forward to follow soon. Stay tuned!

Why not?

The tendency to solve A before thinking B and even watch linear thought C. and 21st century the redefinition of innovation . "There is no innovation unless you can show me the money!" Emoted too large organizations these days. Let's put it this way, imagine if Henry Ford did an analysis of market on horse-cars, bought and renamed an existing horse race, putting the Ford logo on it, created some PowerPoints, and announced that he invented something new. Innovation 21st century business!

So, let's do something different, non-linear. Switch B, because it turns out that C solves A & B safely, with lower TCO and proven improving productivity and morale. Let all that enterprise iT organizations, stop this self-destructive cycle technology refresh.

Here's how!

Citrix activation of mobile workstyles (XenMobile tag, XenApp Receiver, Sharefile, XenDesktop, NetScaler). to date, the only solution BYOD single vendor that completely covers security, mobility, and add value and performance for virtualized environments, applications, and secure transfer mobile data and storage. However, it is not a selling point; instead, food for thought to approach discussions on tech refresh your IT agency. When IT execs look to refresh tech and possibly allow BYOD program, respond with a better way to achieve all the objectives inherent in the technology refresh and avoid linear money pit.


Share your thoughts in the comments section below! Bring the Citrix mobile WorkStyle story to your computer Org and begin the discussion there (a Citrix representative is a good resource here, we have lots of great information). And as always, feel free to drop me a line ( or connect with me on Twitter (@Citrix_Jazz) to share your thoughts.

Mobility Architecture

Jas. Powell
Lead SE, US Navy & Marine Corps
Citrix in the public sector, DoD team

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