XenApp 6.5 - Licensing Practices for Citrix Service Providers

5:48 PM
XenApp 6.5 - Licensing Practices for Citrix Service Providers -

At age 16, I remember vividly find out how to get my first pilot's license. I did not know my initial questions are relevant not only operate a vehicle, but also a piece of software?!?

"What does it cost me?" ... "What can I do?" ... "Are there any restrictions?" ... "What are my responsibilities once I get it?"

Fortunately, if you are a service provided, offering service offers cloud-based XenApp 6.5 (or look to in the future), the good people running the Citrix service provider program have already submitted responses to some of these issues (www.citrix.com/csp~~number=plural - for FAQs and guides). However, as a 16 year old, with a new license flashy, all the law of the street and book knowledge in the world will not prepare you for the practical application of conduct ... on the road .. . South Florida :)

so, like a good parent, trying to help you avoid your first accident, i want to offer a practical guide for configuring the right license your XenApp 6.5 Farm in the Citrix service provider program (CSP).

Under the CSP program, XenApp must be configured to use a licensing model based on the use . This model offers the flexibility of an "active subscriber" monthly pricing. It also enables CSPs to track properly and report on monthly use by their customers, with the advantage of not being charged for users who can not be using hosted services related Citrix app or desktop in a given month. You're probably saying "Great, Got it!?! Are there consequences? " The only major implication is that you can not use concurrent licenses under the CSP program.

It is also important to understand that the CSP program offers two types of storage code / references to choose from. According to the SKU you order from your CSP distributor, your XenApp Farm configuration will vary. These references define the Citrix product grouping you can use and deploy your cloud, including XenApp. both SKU current offers are "Premium" and. "Basic" the details are described on page 3 here: (http://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/become-a- partner / citrix_service_provider_program_faq_27august2012_final_revised.docx. pdf)

for our needs properly license your XenApp 6.5 farm, you should think about the "premium" and "base" UGS as follows :.

CSP premium SKU - You can use XenApp Platinum components

CSP SKU base - You are limited to the use of XenApp Advanced components

digested With this information, we will turn to the practical side and different option s you must configure your farm.

based on the initial installation and configuration roles

During installation, you choose the product edition that you intend to use. Remember to reference the above SKU mappings if necessary.

XenApp Product Edition Server Roles

At the time of configuration, you must set the licensing model to be based on the use by selecting "user XenDesktop / device " licensing mode (as seen below)

notes :. the "XenDesktop" the name of the licensing model is sometimes the source of confusion and poor agricultural CSP configuration. Under the program, the user licenses / the XenDesktop appliance are valid for use for XenDesktop and XenApp in the context of a CSP service offers. The other two licensing models are based concurrent users and can not be used with the CSP program.

XenApp Server License Configuration
The advantage of the configuration of your licensing model at this stage in the battery configuration is that the license configuration tool will validate that the appropriate user licenses / devices actually exist on your license server. It will also help to choose the right license mode if you have configured your license server and licenses completed in advance ...

Recommended Licenses

Policy-Based Configuration

You also have the option of configuring the licensing model farm configuration after, defining appropriate XenApp policies. Here are some screenshots describing the exact parameters for licensing model based on the use, and individual settings for product edition .

XenApp Edition and Model Policies

xenapp product edition policy

xenapp product model policy

With your XenApp farm properly configured and licensed, you can now turn your attention to provide a high quality experience for your customers.

As a 16 year old who had passed the practical driving exam, he was now up to me to defend my new privilege in being a responsible motorist. Similarly, the correct statement of the use from month to month the license is equally important. And for that, I'll follow up this post with an overview of the tools provided to assist in this process

Until then ... wrap ...

Part II -. Reporting LTU practice for Citrix Service Providers can be found here

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