Intel and Citrix together to provide support for hardware acceleration nested hypervisors in the market - XenClient CTO Series

3:34 PM
Intel and Citrix together to provide support for hardware acceleration nested hypervisors in the market - XenClient CTO Series -

Citrix has made it there is a certain time that the recent use patterns emerge that would require two or more virtual machines monitors (VMM) to be hosted on the same client system. Citrix has been heavily engaged with Intel to take advantage of new hardware capabilities to accelerate the breeding hypervisor (VMM). Specifically, the 4 e generation of Intel vPro technology, which is available in 4th generation Intel® Core-has an ability called Intel® VMCS Shadowing greatly reducing the frequency with which the VMM client needs to access WWW root in an embedded environment. Intel VMCS Shadowing the VMM root is able to define a shadow VMCS [CSI1] in hardware. A guest VMM can access the shadow VMCS directly, without interrupting the WWW root. Since the shadow VMCS is implemented in hardware, the required access can be completed almost as fast as a non-embedded environment.

Application performance can be assigned each time the virtual or shadow VMCS is synchronized with the physical VMCS that is used by the VMM root. WWW root must synchronize all areas that could potentially be accessed, even if most of the fields are never affected. To remedy this situation, Intel VMCS Shadowing includes additional capacity known VMREAD VMWRITE and bitmaps. These bitmaps allow selective access to the shadow VMCS. WWW root can set the bitmaps so that 5-10 percent of VMCS fields that are generally available are written directly in the shadow VMCS, while rarely accessed fields are synchronized by the slower path that is managed by the VMM root.

Support VMCS shadowing was added to the hypervisor Xen Project ™ and is being migrated in editions of Citrix XenClient® products. This work is still at an experimental stage. There are various factors of engineering quality that must be met and maintained during the nesting as the reactivity and stability of the system. We expect at some point near future our customers will be able to run multiple security micro-hypervisors inside a VM hypervisor XT powered XenClient® the bottom.

"XenClient is an open and extensible platform. Intel and Citrix have worked closely in recent years to optimize Citrix XenClient® for Intel® vPro ™. We are delighted to continue our common effort as we prepare to launch our 4 e Generation Intel Core vPro processors with Intel processors VMCS Shadowing, "said Yasser Rasheed, director of architecture / CTO, Division client platforms enterprise at Intel Corporation.

Virtualization is a game changing technology taking into account all the safety benefits, isolation, control and surveillance. At Citrix we promote openness and extensibility, driving innovation across the entire ecosystem. We have spent years developing the best type 1 hypervisor customer and we really understand how difficult it is to develop and maintain one of them. Citrix Xen® Hypervisor is a fundamental open platform on which system security suppliers, management and measurement can integrate their functionality. In this model Citrix Xen® hypervisor becomes the root for hypervisor security and virtualization management system.

The benefits of virtualization or micro-hypervisor are not limited to security. Other benefits of these additions to the XenClient XT platform include measurement system, performance monitoring, high availability, etc. Basically, when people decide to innovate in the direct right then the sky is obviously the limit.

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about the author

Ahmed Sallam is a cross Citrix technology advanced and VP and CTO functional strategy solutions in an emerging new era of intelligent devices, IoT IoE, system virtualization, and server security physicalization. Its focus is on the new end to end solutions emerging from devices to networks to cloud through Citrix product lines. Ahmed resulting intellectual property opportunities for growth and monetization strategy comes as Citrix. He works closely with software and hardware ecosystem partners including Citrix in open platforms. He served as CTO and vice president of product strategy for client virtualization. Ahmed is a renowned expert in well-known industry for new cutting-edge security and management models oriented computer system providing a flexible virtualization experience, well-managed and secure computer with high security guarantees. Ahmed holds 25 issued patents and over 40 patent applications issued and pending

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[CSI1] Structure virtual machine control.

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