EMR + Citrix: Reinforced for Healthcare major challenges

10:53 PM
EMR + Citrix: Reinforced for Healthcare major challenges -

In health care the best information technology to blend into the background.

When a doctor goes into the exam room and a patient's chart draws on a laptop or tablet, the technologies that make it happen, should not distract from the focus on the patient doctor. Technologists behind the scenes know the best way they the doctor to keep focused on this patient connection and the best treatment success by providing the most efficient and reliable infrastructure.

Before I came Citrix can help, I was a client -. IT manager at Southcoast Health in Massachusetts now from leading electronic medical records Player part of an organization whose technologies are to be part of this foundation infrastructure in many healthcare organizations recommended as the best, I'm excited way to their to implement software.

But for Citrix, the potential drawback of the standard is that healthcare organizations sometimes accept application virtualization technology as a necessity, without regard them as strategic asset. simplified centralizing and managing EMR client software remains a large part of the value that we have in health care, but the broader story is about strengthening to ensure mobilization and the EMR.

Let's go back to the doctor to walk in the exam room. Our doctor is under pressure to see more patients per day, and record more data on every visit, while still providing quality care and scoring well on patient satisfaction surveys. Here are just a few of the things that we, that physician can do to make a limited time with a patient to more effectively:

  • speed :. Minimize the desktop and application logon time caching software assets on hot standby
  • session portability. a doctor who can log into the exam room computer checks a patient chart before you enter the room and immediately see this recording, without having to navigate to the correct screen
  • Mobility: Let the doctor a laptop or tablet use to access the EMR, it is easier to retrieve and make recording data while the patient is over, and not sitting in the corner of the room on a desktop computer.

If you save a doctor 30 seconds per minute per visit of EMR access make it faster, easier and more flexible to make, which is time that can be reinvested in the patient. It could be a moment mean more eye contact between doctor and patient - or even a moment of attention that allows the doctor to ask an important question or that a critical symptom that might have missed otherwise. Anything we can do to keep the focus on the care, increase patient satisfaction and provider satisfaction, too.

published a 2012 study by the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that if internal medicine residents were allowed an iPad to use and the Citrix client to access Epic EMR, "more than three-quarters of residents (78%) stated that they were more efficient at the stations, with a self-reported time savings of about one hour per day. "

My larger point: health organizations, they can maximize the value of their Citrix investment their greatest challenges by the application. If you leave it too far into the background, you may want to miss this chance.

The way to get the most out of the full portfolio of Citrix solutions is to use them together in a thoughtful and strategic manner. Do this right, and our technologies still blend into the background -. But the image as a whole is better for doctors, patients and your organization be

For more information about how Citrix enables citrix.com/healthcare visit secure mobility in health care, and follow us on twitter @CitrixHealth.

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