If life could be easier ....... Wait, we Citrix Command Center to the rescue!

8:02 PM
If life could be easier ....... Wait, we Citrix Command Center to the rescue! -

One of these days lost in my own thoughts, I broke one of my coffee mugs sitting right on the chair. To split second, a thought brushed my wonderful spirit clicking Cancel and secure. As silly thought was it was a point of awareness that we bring everything with the ease of use that we live in our lives every day.

Undoubtedly, we are seeking this ease of management in professional life too.

never asked if there was a Cancel button and you can just go back to even a few minutes old configuration?

Have you considered whether you can copy the configuration / paste from one device to the rest of the devices, when you know they need to have the similar configuration.

never wanted to see all configuration changes in the past two days.

This wish list is never ending. But, Command Center can put one point to many of them.

backup your configuration on demand

Command Center configuration backups every 12 hours and allows the user to determine the number of copies it wishes to maintain. The user can also take backup on demand and download locally whenever he wants.

To qualify for backup and restore that you just need to right click on the units 'Citrix Network' and select 'Property Device'.

Configuration backup files

Here the configuration files backed up during the regular backup interval. You can always click on "View Files" and a preview of the saved configuration.

Restore configuration to your willingness

Command Center allows the user to restore all the saved configuration in the system as shown in the snapshot below -above. The user just needs to click "Restore Configuration" from the list of saved configuration list and it is good to go.

Evaluating configuration changes before the restoration.

Command Center help assess configuration changes before restoring backed up config with just click 'Diff Running with config options as shown below.

replicate configuration on multiple devices

When you want similar configuration on all your devices, functionality replicate Config is tHE solution. It lets you replicate the configuration of a device to multiple devices at the exclusion network configuration.

replicate feature can be used in the "Citrix network '. you can right-click the device you want to replicate the configuration from and select target devices.

Once the replication is complete, you can view the status of replication and to look into the details of the commands executed as shown in the photograph below.

This is how the configuration can be rolled across devices with such ease, which makes life a little easier than it was. Another time Command Center is able to make your life easier :.)

With this goal in mind, we will continue to provide more features and make it even easier for each step you take all your Citrix Networking devices.



Read More About Command Center

http : //support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/netscaler/cc-gen-command-center51-wrapper-con.html

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