How to install and configure XenDesktop with PVS 7 PVD 7

6:26 PM
How to install and configure XenDesktop with PVS 7 PVD 7 -

I recently had a case where the client could not get to work with PVD PVS in XenDesktop 7. After reviewed the literature on edocs I realized that there was no one stop guide on how to get that job from start to finish. So to save others from having to 'breadcrumb' through the documentation I thought I would write this blog

first start by configuring the vdisk -. There are a few ways to do it, it does not matter you choose (see article here) I selected the first

Provisioning Services, then capture the image, then XenDesktop

1. Install and configure the operating system on a virtual machine
2 .. Install the target device software on the VM Provisioning services.
3.Run imaging services Provisioning Wizard to configure the vDisk.
4.Reboot. second stage
Provisioning services 5.The image Wizard runs to capture the personal vDisk image.
6.From console, set the target device to boot from the vDisk.
7.Configure the virtual machine to boot from the network, then reboot.
8.Install XenDesktop software on the VM and configure with advanced options for personal vDisk.
9.Manually perform inventory and shut the virtual machine down.
10.In the console, place the vDisk in Standard Image mode. The image is ready for deployment.

The next step is to run the wizard in XenDesktop 7 PVS console, this is documented here. Basically what this does is create new VM based on a template, import them into PVS and create the catalog in XenDesktop.

1. Click your site in the PVS console and select "XenDesktop Setup Wizard."

2. Then click on the welcome message.

3. Enter your address XenDesktop Controller when prompted

4. Select your host resources.

5. Enter your user credentials in the hypervisor when prompted.

6. Choose the model of the machine to use for creating your target VM

7. Choose the vDisk created earlier

8. Choose to create a new catalog of the machine or use an existing one.

9. Choose OS desktop

10. Choose to save the changes and store them on a separate personal vDisk

11. Next Choose the number or VM to create, vCPUs and memory allocated to each size and Personal vDisk drive letter and the start method.

12. Choose to create new AD computer accounts, or import existing. (I chose to create new)

13. Create new accounts

14. Click Finish to create the VM and create the catalog

15. once completed, you should now have the new catalog of the machine!

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