Migration to vDesk FlexCast

7:15 PM
Migration to vDesk FlexCast -

With 2012 drawing to a close, I saw a slight increase in requests from clients about the migration options for their former vdesk RingCube deployments. For those of you not familiar with this product, it is a workspace virtualization solution that fundamentally separate Windows installation in two parts - the host part and the part of the workspace. The workspace has functioned as a "light VM" in the sense that he behaved like a single machine had its own host name and the Active Directory identity, and could be managed much like a regular VM (application installations, etc.). Unlike a virtual machine, however, he used the Windows installation on the host machine and does not need an additional deployment of the operating system and associated patching concerns.

Initially vDesk has been adapted to run on physical parameters (later, we added support for running in a VDI environment). Over the years, improved protocols, increased bandwidth, and data center costs declined. When Citrix RingCube joined last year, VDI deployments were common, and it was one of the reasons RingCube had in the meantime developed a specific product for VDI (now known as the Personal vDisk, a feature built into XenDesktop and VDI-in-a-box).

Like their maintenance contracts expire vdesk, customers are now reaching their sales teams to upgrade and migration options. When a replacement exam (there really is not a direct channel of migration to workspaces vDesk) solution, I heard common concerns:

  • The new solution must be secure - no data on the parameters (or data encryption to endpoint)
  • the new solution must provide high performance (video / voice / multimedia)
  • the new solution must be scalable (thousands of users) and easy to maintain (especially updates and upgrades)

I was headed to XenDesktop and XenApp customers for options to upgrade, and suggesting that they also take a look at Excalibur because it has support for applications and workstations (and also includes the personal vDisk feature for customers who need it). Of course, all the above recommendations address the above concerns in an easy to understand format. Customers who have deployed vDesk on physical parameters (or used workspace check-in / check-out capability vDesk) XenClient Enterprise would probably find a good fit today because it offers / experience based setting off similar line. If the planned migration of a customer is due to occur in the immediate short term, there are already good solutions we can offer in the existing XenDesktop, XenApp and XenClient products (in case the client can not afford to wait Excalibur).

Of course, this is not a one-size-fits situation and each client has unique needs, but between XenDesktop, XenApp today, and solutions that XenClient and Citrix on tap in Excalibur, we were able to offer compelling recommendations for the migration away from vDesk.

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