change passwords the heartbleed: Change your online security policy

3:10 PM
change passwords the heartbleed: Change your online security policy

- I changed all my passwords the after heartbleed hit. A couple of times. Part of my personal online safety policy is to use an application generation and password storage. I use LastPass because it keeps my varied and strong passwords. The majority of web users ... not so much. the most common passwords are still

  • password
  • azerty
  • 123456
  • 11111
  • monkey
  • abc123
  • letmein

password rotation, and creating unique passwords, is strategy security at baseline . Now I'm just a man with a keyboard and online security blog. Most of you reading this are users looking average for yourselves. But what about those large companies and websites? What are they doing to protect us

heartbleed change our passwords?! Now, change your online security policy

Heartbleed should have changed your whole online security policy The problem with heartbleed is that if it did cause many to change their passwords (like "password" to "Password1"), it has done little to change the online security policy that governs many popular sites. Of course, marketing and public relations stories spun some teams, a lot of FAQ pages were made with great graphics, and some business leaders have made some videos ... but what has really changed?

A study by Dashlane examines the online security policy of the major sites really caught my attention recently. Not only has nice graphics, but it has hard data (sortable by columns * joy *) we can look and learn some things on websites that we can use every day

Which site has the worst online security policies

heartbleed we learned that the major security flaw is passwords. They are the best we have, but let's be lazy lazy sites. Of the 83 major websites that Dashlane studied here is one with the worst online security policy first, followed by other terrible offenders:

  1. with a score of -70
  2. Hulu with a score of -55
  3. with a score of -55
  4. Fab with a score of -50
  5. Amazon with a score of -45

Hold. The. Phone. Close the door. Whaaaaaa? Amazon, the largest online retailer in the world, ranks as one of the companies with the worst online security policy? Yikes. That feel justified to stop using these twisted bastards ... What criteria were used to determine that? Let's look more specifically on Amazon. They are from:

  • The 43% who accept the worst passwords (listed at the beginning)
  • The 51% who do not lock accounts after 10 incorrect login attempts (which a hacker needs to do to get locked out with them?!?)
  • the 53% who had a negative score in relation weak political password
  • The 66% that do not require alphanumeric passwords

that's four strikes, should they already be out of your general use now? They take your money and do not take the necessary precautions to protect yourself! More bad offense include Groupon, Kickstarter, Orbitz, US Airways (put an air marshall on my online account, dammit!), And Victoria's Secret.

What site has the best online security policy?

This may not surprise you, because they have long been a company focused on the future, but best scoring site was Apple . Their score online security policy examples 100 topped all others and must be an example of what a great online security policy looks like. Other key sites include:

  • Windows Live / Hotmail (85)
  • Microsoft Store (75)
  • UPS (75)
  • Kaspersky Lab (70)

now, you can read it and know that Kaspersky Lab is the online security company. "Well, that makes sense," you think to yourself You might think so, but this is not the case among the main categories of online e-commerce, the three worst were, on average..:

  1. dating sites, with an average score of -23
  2. travel sites, with an average score of -17
  3. security sites, with a note average of -5

security expert working on these large sites ... what do you do? I am a political safety advocate independent online. I can not directly change anything or those who can, I appeal to you to get this done to change your online security policy to educate people and help them become secure -... it's your job

Increase your online security

Here are some topics of dots to look at and consider:

  1. Take a look at the scoresheet Dashlane of . Have a serious look on websites ranked at the bottom that you use. Consider ditches, or change your password to something stronger.
  2. Make 8 character alphanumeric passwords that are case-sensitive, standard.
  3. Stop using Web sites that do not email you when your password is changed.
  4. Slap yourself in the face if you use one of the worst passwords on the web.
  5. Increase encrypting your passwords using a VPN provider .

If you learn anything, it is that you must be responsible for your safety on the web. If a retailer like Amazon, who can afford to give a damn, do not give a damn ... you're on your own there. Get the tools that will protect you.

the entity image via Maksim Kabakou / Shutterstock

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