Protect your Social Media account against hackers and scams

5:49 PM
Protect your Social Media account against hackers and scams -

Over the past ten years, social media has become a large part of the marketing presence of each brand. Not only brands that use social media to market to consumers, but they also use it to make personal connections that can last a lifetime.

Unfortunately, these social media accounts can be hacked. This can ruin a social presence once perfect, results in the theft of confidential information, and even be done just for the LOLz. A bad hack can impact your business for years to come, and this can start from:

  • A scam phishing
  • older applications
  • Sharing of information that you should not
  • poor public WiFi choice
  • Do not use the sign in modern tools
  • Neglecting your security software

And the list can go on. Fortunately for you, there are ways to protect your account social media brand against piracy. Read this guide to the most common ways to protect your business and your customers!

Protect your account Social Media

passwords are your most powerful protection tool

despite many security experts say this time and time again, the passwords are still low overall. Read the whole list of the most popular passwords and you are bound to see "password" and "123456" near the top of the list.

protect your social media account password Make sure you get this right before looking at your other security needs for your social media:

  • 8 characters is a bare minimum. More is better, I am currently using 15.
  • Use upper and lower case letters.
  • Use numbers and symbols.
  • Create different passwords for each platform.

If you're like most people, you can not remember so many passwords. Search using a Password Manager if this is the case. It can create and store passwords for you, protect each account against a security breach using different passwords. Worst case, you can deal with a social media hack is if you use the same login / combo password on multiple sites and they all get hacked.

Clear former party applications

If you use a dash of social media, chances are good that you have not need any other third-party application to all. Take a look at all the third-party applications that you have signed up for, and permanently delete the ones you do not use.

For accounts that you choose to keep, check their information sharing settings. Some of these applications are poorly designed and allow hackers backdoor entry into the main application.

Check that you share in your messages

as a brand, you usually want everyone to see your messages. While this can be great to help your customers know what is happening, it can also help thieves who follow your account just to find a weakness.

For example, if you post that you'll be away from your business for a long period of time without participation? Probably not as an empty store is one that can be broken at. Display any kind of routine, like when you go on break, when you visit the bank or ATM when guys stop, is also a big mistake. If it is information that can be exploited, you should not share it.

protect your social media accounts twitter

Using a VPN when the public WiFi connection

public WiFi is one of the most dangerous digital environments is. Any number of hacks can occur in public, with the Evil Twin WiFi Hack being the most popular. Fortunately, they all can be arrested by some encryption.

If you do not understand encryption, do not worry. Opening a VPN will give you a powerful encryption tool that can stop a hacker to steal your login information when in public display your social media profiles. In fact, it will prevent them from stealing your information. A VPN makes all the information you share online and the figure in this journey through the Internet completely. You can learn more about the best VPN provider for your social media account more on our home page.

Sign up for authentication in two steps

This is the worst case occurs as a hacker has your

  • email
  • Username
  • Password
  • security question answers

But they still can not get into your account! Why? Because you have enabled two-factor authentication. This creates an extra step for new connection attempts from computers the site you are using does not recognize. The additional step sends a code once your phone or e-mail must be entered to access the account

Norton Site Authentication in two stages as a key tool in protecting password in this fast 30 seconds tutorial :.

security software is still

one would think that we would have resolved malware, viruses, and that computer worms now, but we do not. They are still prevalent, and you still need specialized security software to protect your computers and social media accounts.

It is not quite as sexy full encryption protocols like you get with a VPN, but good security suite will do a lot to keep you safe. Of particular note for the safety of social media would be a protection against key loggers.

If you are not familair with security software, watch this

the entity image via Mmaxer / Shutterstock