Cyber ​​security definitions for jargon and acronyms Common

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Cyber ​​security definitions for jargon and acronyms Common -

It has come to my attention that many people are interested in learning more about cyber security, but not knowledge the basic vocabulary of the professional middle. Read this article to learn some cyber security definitions for common phrases, abbreviations and acronyms you'll come across.

Cyber ​​security definitions for common acronyms

BYOD: This stands for bring your own device. It is for organizations that allow their employees to use their own laptops, smartphones, tablets and other digital elements to do their job. It can also apply to events and meetings that encourage people to bring devices to do the live work during the event.

While BYOD is a term of cyber security as more people become familiar with, it is not a risk of cyber security is really being understood. Read a recent article about the BYOD security on this blog for more

DLP :. This is a synonym for data loss prevention. This is used to talk about the last point of defense to a breach of cyber security. Security teams will develop software and strategies to defend that to protect company data most valuable

cyber security vpn EPP :. This means platforms endpoint protection. It is a single piece of software that combines personal firewall, antivirus, anti-spyware, application control, and behavioral blocking. It must be used on the end of each cyber-security plan :. The laptop, smartphone, tablet and users

VPN: This stands for virtual private network. We talk every week here VPN Best VPN Provider. If this is your first time here a VPN is a network of connected computers that work separately, in private, the regular Internet traffic. In the context we are talking about here are encryption tools for the average person to use to make online anonymity, protect data, and to stop the man in the Middle attacks on public WiFi.

WEP : This means Wired Equivalent Privacy. It is part of the security protocols of IEEE 802.11 standards for data encryption in order to prevent unauthorized access to wireless networks. He has serious flaws and has been replaced by WPA (WiFi Protected Access) and WPA2 (an enhanced version of WPA) protocols recently. If you are on WEP, it is well past time to upgrade

Cyber ​​security definitions for the term of common parlance

cloud security:. Most people have a good understanding of basic term, but not much to look at the difference between the private cloud security and public cloud security. private cloud security is completely managed internally by a local IT staff employed by the company. It is used as a corporate VPN, but with the data storage.

A public cloud security solution uses a third party. VyprVPN and Dump Truck storage is an example because they store data encrypted for you on their server

security compliance Cyber ​​:. These are standards that are set by the companies themselves. No two companies have the same compliance standards of the exact cyber security.

Too often, companies create the bare minimum of compliance standards. Many companies are seriously lacking the appropriate protocols for staff, see the continuous hacking companies for proof. Learn more about cyber security and its impact on your work if you do not want the blame finger your way one day

Keyloggers :. Want to hear something scary? These are programs that can track all your keys. They were once designed to help people follow their workflow and restore things they lost, but they have since become misused tools that collect passwords and names of hacking users

Spyware :. This is a piece of software that installs on your computer, records the way you use your computer, and then sends this information to another computer or network. It will run in the background so you will not know it's there

Blended threats :. These are hacks that combine multiple attack points. They can be a worm, a Trojan horse, and a keylogger at once. While they can be difficult to defend against, having more of an ongoing security tool for use both can prevent

cyber security definitions blackhat movie style Phishing :. This may be the oldest of all the spamming methods of illegally obtaining information. It is a hacking style that attracts people to click on malicious links, or open programs and attachments for malware. It generally occurs by e-mail, but anywhere you can place a link

Sub-terms are in phishing whaling -. Where high-level users are targeted. And spear phishing where highly specialized messages are sent to specific individuals. An example for both are in the Black Hat movie where they get the password for the NSA program "Black Widow". To be fair, that is that whaling is launching phishing IMO

Ransomware :. This is a type of malware that requires you to pay money to recover files that have been encrypted. The malware seizes files on your computer and encrypts them so that you can no longer access it. The most recent example of high level who arrived in Australia last year

privacy online :. The old assumption was that when you logged on your computer and went online, what you did was your Company. This is really, totally, 100% not. Everyone advertisers to your favorite social media sites, the NSA is tracking what you do online.

This is one of the definitions of cyber security where you can differ on what that means for you. Put basically, the online privacy for sensitive information. This can include credit card information, banking information, passwords and other personally identifiable pieces of data. You can expand this definition of online privacy also to include as much of your dat you feel comfortable with.

image feature Maksim Kabakou / Shutterstock.

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