Trade IT & Save-IT プ ロ グ ラ ム の ご 案 内

7:26 PM Add Comment
Trade IT & Save-IT プ ロ グ ラ ム の ご 案 内 - 2015 年 10 月 1 日 よ り trade IT & Save-IT プ ロ グ ラ ム を 開始し ます.このプログラムは、シトリックス製ネットワークアプライアンスを新規購入する顧客が、過去に購入したシトリックス製または競合他社製ネットワークアプライアスに対して行った投資の一部を回収できるようにするプログラムです。対象となるシトリックス製ネットワークアプライアンスまたは競合他社製ネットワークアプライアンスのいずれかを保有している顧客であれば、このプログラムを利用できます。...

Introducing Octoblu, AEOS forwarders

6:25 PM Add Comment
Introducing Octoblu, AEOS forwarders - you own your data. Meshblu devices many valuable data. Often you can discover interesting, meaningful patterns, to analyze, to better inform how to react, plan or predict. Before we analyze, we must save our data first. Octoblu, AEOS new forwarders app lets...

How-Tos and FAQ and tech tools! Oh, My!

4:23 PM Add Comment
How-Tos and FAQ and tech tools! Oh, My! - Hello! We have some exciting news for the Citrix community got today. We share this handpicked list of important how-to, troubleshooting, FAQ and tool products are among the most frequently mentioned hot topics in the Citrix tech support team for the month...

Five years FlexPod success On the fifth anniversary of FlexPod® platform developed by Cisco and NetApp, Citrix Cisco, NetApp and Citrix

2:21 PM Add Comment
Five years FlexPod success On the fifth anniversary of FlexPod® platform developed by Cisco and NetApp, Citrix Cisco, NetApp and Citrix - congratulates our partners on their success and welcomes the has delivered results of converged infrastructure solution for our many joint customers. organizations...

Domain to Kerberos realm mapping

1:20 PM Add Comment
Domain to Kerberos realm mapping - What is a Kerberos realm? A Kerberos realm is the domain over which a Kerberos authentication server has the authority a user, host authentication or service. An area name is often, but not always, the upper case version of the name of the DNS domain over which...

"OBT Swiss cloud" agrees IT outsourcing debate

10:17 PM Add Comment
"OBT Swiss cloud" agrees IT outsourcing debate - The debate on the pros and cons of IT outsourcing from Switzerland municipalities, cities and utilities come every three to four years after OBT AG, a provider Citrix service is located in St. Gallen. "The authorities wonder whether the local switching...

XenApp Best Practice # 2: Optimize

9:16 PM Add Comment
XenApp Best Practice # 2: Optimize - On many moonless night, I'll be out there, next to my telescope images of clusters, nebulae and galaxies grab for my amateur astrophotography. But there is a balance to create a big picture vs. just wasting time. Once it gets past 2:00 or...

Upgrading to Linux VDA Version 1.1

8:15 PM Add Comment
Upgrading to Linux VDA Version 1.1 - The following instructions explain how to upgrade from an earlier version of Linux VDA to the latest version 1.1 version. The steps vary depending on whether you are upgrading from the Tech Preview or version 1.0, but both are relatively simple....

Why XenServer training?

7:14 PM 1 Comment
Why XenServer training? - Are you XenServer rolls, should be as far as you? You know that XenServer is server virtualization platform that comes with the Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop licenses you own. and you can on the latest developments in vgpu support, chances resources...

NVIDIA M60 support on XenServer

6:13 PM Add Comment
NVIDIA M60 support on XenServer - Citrix XenServer recently added support for Maxwell-core architecture based Tesla cards with M60 6.5 SP1 version of Windows operating system. Tesla M60 is the first of its kind, solution Dual GM204 with two able fully GM204 GPUs and 16 GB...

Better Together: Citrix EMM & Microsoft 365

5:11 PM Add Comment
Better Together: Citrix EMM & Microsoft 365 - Will not you also that some things go better together [1945007?] Citrix EMM and Office 365: Better together Citrix and Microsoft have had a long history together and we continue to invest in the strength of that relationship...

Exit 2015 Strong as a Citrix Specialist

4:10 PM Add Comment
Exit 2015 Strong as a Citrix Specialist - In 2015, we introduced a new way to success for Citrix Solution Advisors :. Citrix specializations partner love to a large extent because of the great benefits now available to them 'We believe that the specialization greater employee...