Key to the Cloud: New Citrix Lifecycle Management Resources

3:47 PM
Key to the Cloud: New Citrix Lifecycle Management Resources -

Here at Citrix, we think a lot about how we can deliver a better experience for our customers

[ We want to help you meet your challenges with new and creative applications of our technologies. Period.

With new technologies, educating users about how it all fits in the environment is always a challenge. New things are great, but as my friend Christian Reilly, CTO of Citrix Workspace Services, said in a recent contribution, "If the customer does not win, we anyway all die."
[1945004Wirklich], that is the end goal - to win for the customer So, with all the great, new technology that is being built, we have new ways Search in order to communicate effectively. That customer to take advantage of these innovations in the best ways.
in the course of October, the team at Citrix, the infrastructure Datacenter build products in a competing Pageant very first Blog-a-thon -. to see who could write the best and informative, creative blogs
We asked people Contributions to submit categories following:
  • Best teacher blog: teaching someone how to do
  • Best Competitive blog: Showing how to beat our products a competitor
  • Best Creative blog: we'll know when we see it
  • Best Cutting Edge blog: again, we'll know it when we see it
  • And just for fun, we would pick one "Best of Show" post round things

all -in-all, we had written over 30 excellent blog posts. In fact it was produced so much good information that I break my wrap-up into several posts, so you can use the information that you want to find.

things to kick off, we had a series of posts covering one of our latest deals, Citrix Lifecycle Management . Lifecycle Management is a Service of Citrix Workspace cloud that you help IT automate processes with some pretty cool, new technology, which we call the plan.

Thus, it is easier for you to navigate the information you need, and see, I've split them into three sub-themes for easier navigation up

Lifecycle Management Overview and introduction :.

  • Top 3 Ways Citrix Lifecycle Management makes adoption EASY AWS or Azure of Kedar Poduri
  • introduction to the architecture of Citrix Lifecycle Management from George Runcie
  • Helping users get with Citrix Lifecycle management by Todd Rosenthal started [] [1945015
  • Len & Reese: bring Superheroes Citrix Workspace cloud to the galaxy! Sonny Chhen, David Gleason & Todd Rosenthal
  • Len & Reese: Superhero Bring Citrix Workspace cloud to the galaxy! Part 2 of Sonny Chhen, David Gleason & Todd Rosenthal
  • Your Best Citrix Lifecycle Management questions and answers from Kailas Jawadekar

Interesting Lifecycle Management use cases:

  • Automated deployment of Citrix Cloud Platform and Apache mesos from Chiradeep Vittal
  • deploying XenDesktop on Cloud Platform with Citrix Lifecycle management of Sailaja Mada
  • upgrade from XenApp 6.5 to XenApp 7.6- A beginner experience Ravi Bharath Shanmugiah

Related topics on crack:

  • Show me all the plans of David Noland
  • sneak peek in a few Gems Citrix Lifecycle management of Akchay Srivastava
  • chain Automated processes with Citrix Lifecycle management of Kumaraguru Ramasamy
  • Getting your Resource Location Connector in CLM by Eric Chen [1945015monitor]
  • Citrix Lifecycle management Partners your workspaces improving Matt Lull

As you can see, there are many good posts here. However, with a competition, you must select some winners. From this amount, we found actually in two categories! The judges ruled that Len & Reese Comics (Part 1 & Part 2) as creative to recognize . Congrats to Sonny, David and Todd!

also chose the judges Akchay Srivastava for his super-cool blog on the GEMS Citrix Lifecycle Management as Best in Show for the best overall blog. Congrats Akchay!

to see how our team thinks about and get excited about! -As has to deliver the best possible experience for Citrix customers us pretty excited (it's all very exciting!)

Next: Blog-a-thon entries for Citrix Cloud Platform! Stay tuned ...

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