Calling the API Manager XML CloudPortal Services using jQuery HTML +

3:58 PM
Calling the API Manager XML CloudPortal Services using jQuery HTML + -


This blog is an introduction to show developers how to retrieve a list of customers XML API.

refer to the documentation for the XML API to display a complete guide with samples to programmatically communicate with the API.

Getting started

the solution is a single-page application with HTML and jQuery support to post a request to the XML API using basic authentication.

sample code

The following code example uses jQuery to request the XML API to retrieve a list of all customers:

 $ ajax ({type :. "POST", url: "https: //cortexweb/CortexAPI/Default.aspx ', contentType:" application / xml ", dataType:' text 'async: false, username" cspadmin_csp "password" password123 "data"  '+'  '+'  '+'  ';}); 

Here is a screenshot of the application screen (Request.html):

Request XML


response XML

     CSP   1   Service Provider Cortex    csp.local   provisioned   False     North   27   North    north.local   provisioned   False    


Click here to download the application from a single page.

Converting XML to JSON

If you prefer to work with JSON results instead of XML so I suggest trying a XML to JSON jQuery plug-in to convert the XML response JSON

For example :.

 .done (function (data) {var = $ jsonData .xml2json (data);}); 


areas of Cross website

Make sure that the solution is deployed in the area to avoid area of ​​the site or cross site scripting errors crossed. The following line was added to the sample code to enable cross-domain requests:

 // Enable cross-domain requests (Header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin) $ .support.cors = true; 

certificate errors

the solution does not work on SSL / HTTPS unless a valid certificate is configured for XML Web API service.

browser support

The solution has been tested with Internet Explorer and Chrome

If you get. "NetworkError: A network error occurred." Chrome error and then try to deploy the file to your Request.html API folder, such as "C:. inetpub Cortex management CortexAPI"

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