From My Virtual Desktop: iDRAC / iLO / KVM and Java exceptions

7:38 PM
From My Virtual Desktop: iDRAC / iLO / KVM and Java exceptions -

Good Saturday everyone

I hope each of you started the and weekend work virtualization running so you do not have to!

Based on a non-XenServer issue met with a client (you know who you are!) I wanted to remind everyone that there now Exceptions Java security to manage. This comes in from the version / update 7u51 day (and beyond, for now). This is actually a good because it acts essentially as a black list or white list - as a router or user authentication list - except for resources who want to use Java on your system. I tip my hat to you, Oracle!

What is the problem? What does this have to do with XenServer?

Well ... if you have to use iDRAC, iLO or another based on KVM / JNLP-Java technologies to support a virtual console, you can see that the window Virtual console opens, but ... uh ... nothing happens. In short: the source Java code is not reliable because it is not part of the list of Java security exceptions

All this said :. Welcome the additional security and read the following blog from Oracle that documents the steps to add trusted hosts to your local list of Java security exceptions: java-platform-group / entry / upcoming_exception_site_list_in

There is a great article that is very detailed, so in a few steps, you'll be good to go virtual and in no time Console- ing!

and this is my virtual office for you.



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