11 tips on how to protect your children online

4:23 PM
11 tips on how to protect your children online -

Keeping your child safely online now seems so difficult because there are lots of things you should check. At the time of iPads and tablets do not yet exist, we do not have to worry about anything regarding privacy and online security . Today, a one-click a person's life may be endangered with social media and the various applications we use every day. While the Internet can be a means of information, learning, education and fun tool that we can use to teach our children the good things that should be done, it can also cause major inconveniences without the appropriate use and carelessness. The next thing you need to do is look for references on on Internet safety for children . One way to you and your child's personal information is to use a guard VPN service but apart from that, there are also practical ways on how you can stay insured with your child browsing the Internet.

We have a list of 10 tips on how you can keep your child safe online for your reference and ideas.

  • do not talk to strangers. It is normal that in the offline world, we do not want our children to speak to everyone, they don 't really know. This can even go in the online world. Tell your children not to talk to someone they do not really know so you will not need to worry about certain crimes that can occur with this stranger.
  • personal information. always tell them not to enter personal information such as name, address, email address, phone numbers, date of birth and other information that can be taken away from them or could use to any of you in your household.
  • what you post will last forever. explain that once you've posted something on the Internet, it will always be there no matter how you try to remove it. People who have seen what you post always remember.
  • Safe Browsing. Let your children surf safe navigation of search engine such as child safety research from Google to filter inappropriate content.
  • Update the software. always make sure that the firewall you have installed anti-virus software and VPN service in your child's device so that they stay protected while surfing the Internet.
  • keep an eye. Every time your child uses the Internet, find a way and make sure you always see what he or she does so that you can tell if it is good or bad for him.
  • keep their social media privately. Well, let's face it. Even children at a young age wants to have a social media account, and if you leave, make sure you change the setting to private. Remember that your child is still a child.
  • Keep your passwords for you. Maybe you can have their passwords, but tell them not to share their passwords with anyone even their classmates or playmates. Explain to them how dangerous it is to share passwords.
  • positive attitude online. Teach your children proper etiquette internet. Explain what needs to be displayed and not on the Internet. Tell them not to say or write anything bad that can cause other people feel bad about themselves.
  • Check who's online. Check people in social media your child's friends lists accounts. They could be talking to someone who has a bad intention. Keep an eye and tell them not to talk to someone they do not know.
  • harmful emails. always say do not open, do not click and do not reply to emails sent by people they do not really know.

These are just some of the things you should do to keep your child safe online . With these tips, you can be sure that your personal information and online security is safe with best VPN service . If you want to keep your online security, start doing it at home with your child. Safer Internet Day 2016 was celebrated last 9 February, in order to promote security of the Internet and the positive use of online technology for young people

Source :. Saferinternet HideMyAss

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