K12 / Pearson announced Citrix XenDesktop is TestNav qualified

5:24 PM Add Comment
K12 / Pearson announced Citrix XenDesktop is TestNav qualified -

This will allow school districts across the country to implement XenDesktop for student applications, including standardized tests.

The world of education technology is complex, and more and more. "New program called Pearson TestNav helps education leaders to better navigate the myriad of options and use TestNav for secure summative tests." PEARSON

Learn more about how the Qualified TestNav program can help districts and schools at http: // www .testnavqualified.com /

Citrix XenDesktop 7 - Technolgy & Qualification Requirements and recommendations

Citrix XenDesktop 7 - qualification standards

Generate new incremental leads and business with the new XenDesktop with FlexCast partner country.

4:23 PM Add Comment
Generate new incremental leads and business with the new XenDesktop with FlexCast partner country. -

When the CEO wants, he needs to get there! Keep valuable employees as CEO and productive anytime, anywhere, is essential for organizations and business executives. Today I am pleased to announce the availability of the latest Citrix campaign generation customizable application that is based on XenDesktop with FlexCast use case for applications and desktops. The new campaign "Empower a modern workforce with virtual desktops and applications" is now available in Citrix Concierge marketing.

Use this campaign to drive home to the commercial value any CEO or IT sales manager should consider deploying a desktop virtualization solution. As the only desktop virtualization solution that has all hedged items, Citrix XenDesktop with FlexCas t goes beyond the VDI to deliver applications and desktops to any device-in a wide range of use cases.

Guide your customers as they meet the online needs commercial different, and beyond mobilize Windows® applications to support BYOD or replacing aging PCs with thin clients -. this campaign brings together the main use cases of several desktop virtualization deployments. You will find:

  • A co-branded email, personalized landing page and thank you page
  • white Paper Citrix, "Five customers Deliver virtual desktops and applications to empower a modern workforce"
  • XenDesktop page with brochure FlexCast, featuring a checklist for desktop virtualization
  • block model Copy charged tweets suggested to help you develop your media outreach social

access these new materials from Citrix marketing Concierge today

The means to stay connected :.
Join our LinkedIn Group | Follow us on Twitter @citxmkgconcierge | Contact MarketingConciergeWW@citrix.com

Extreme Scalability in the Cloud

3:22 PM Add Comment
Extreme Scalability in the Cloud -

Around 01, my good friend Tim Cramer and I worked together on Java performance team at Sun Microsystems. At the time, Sun was the launch of a new computer server called Starcat. The Starcat later officially dubbed the SunFire E15000, was a huge beast. With a price tag over $ 1 million, it was the size of a refrigerator and included an unthinkable 72 processors on a single background basket consistently.

Our job was to make the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) works effectively on this system. We have spent tuning and tweaking months before the launch of this machine, and I look back on that time as one of the funniest moments in my career. This was my first exposure to running the software scale .

A few years later, around 07, I got involved with another project called Ranger. Ranger, at the time, was built by the University of Texas to be fastest supercomputer in the world. It consisted of about 4000 physical computer systems, networked on an ultra-fast Infiniband network.

While I initially thought of as massive Starcat, being the size of a large refrigerator, Ranger was closer to the size of a football field! It was designed to address the biggest problems of scientific computing worlds as weather forecasting and simulation of nuclear fusion.

The management of this beast as a coherent set of resources was undertaken extensive. We used a program like Ops Center and Grid Engine. We had to push these products to their limits and it was a great learning experience. It took months of experimentation to really make everything work together.

More recently, I joined Citrix and started working on Citrix CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack). CloudStack is software that helps customers provide infrastructure as a service (IaaS). IaaS allows users to generate new computers, complete with storage and networking using different virtualization technologies.

In essence, it allows users with relatively basic system administration skills to create and manage massive virtual datacenter. Citrix since my arrival, I began to meet with clients which are systems that are running 10 times larger than Ranger. The scale is increasing.

This week I'm Collab CloudStack Conference in Amsterdam, where we met the community that built this amazing software. This week, we'll talk about where we take this software and what comes after.

Although there are many sessions for people interested in different subjects, to me, one thing that remains interesting is this idea of ​​scale. What comes next?

A goal I was chatting with one of the engineers recently was what it would take to create a virtual data center with over one million virtual computer servers in a single day. He is a big, hairy, audacious goal, but there is no doubt that we can do it.

What will people do with all that computing power? They find ways to change the world.

ByteMobile T3100 user experience with indexing (UXI) - Winner of the Best LTE Traffic Mgmt Product

2:21 PM Add Comment
ByteMobile T3100 user experience with indexing (UXI) - Winner of the Best LTE Traffic Mgmt Product -

The Adaptive Traffic Manager ByteMobile T3100 with the user experience Index (UXI) was named the winner of the Best LTE traffic management product of 2013 Telecoms.com LTE North America Price

"This is the first price for the T3100 following the latest software ByteMobile 7, which provides operators with the ability to differentiate their data service offerings based on the experience and best web video that is enabled by the use of UXI, thank Telecoms.com for this recognition, further validation of Citrix has made contributions to the successful deployment of LTE networks, and our ability to help operators manage the explosive growth of mobile data and video, ensuring a great experience for the subscriber "- .. Chris Koopmans, vice president and general manager of service provider Platforms, Citrix

for more information click here.

Bits Jingle, Jingle Bytes - erfolgreiche Weihnachten im Online-Handel

1:20 PM Add Comment
Bits Jingle, Jingle Bytes - erfolgreiche Weihnachten im Online-Handel -

Lebkuchen und haben die Regale Spekulatius in den supermarkten erobert, macht sich in den Städten der Duft von Glühwein und breit Maroni: Weihnachten rückt näher Unaufhaltsam. Dass damit eine Zeit stille anbricht, ist in der Zeit für die meisten heutigen eher ein Wunsch als frommer Lebenswirklichkeit. Besonders für das gilt Einzelhändler: das ist einer der Weihnachtsgeschäft wichtigsten Umsatzbringer des Jahres und ist entsprechend turbulent. Ein großer Teil des Einkaufstrubels findet nach neuen Erkenntnissen Eurostat von und BITKOM aber bereits digital statt: 65 Prozent der Deutschen kaufen ein im Internet Tendenz steigend. Sich mit anderen hunderten durch zu enge Ladenflure Drängen, Ewigkeiten in der Schlange an der zu warten Kundeninformation nur dann um zu erfahren, dass das derzeit vergriffen gewünschte Präsent ist - da gibt es deutlich angenehmere Wege, die zu Freizeit ohnehin spärliche verbringen. Ich Nutze diese auch gern Einkaufsform. Web-Shop der dann hat geöffnet, wenn ich habe Zeit, die bestellte Ware wird an die Haus- oder das Angebot Bürotür geliefert und ist als im ohnehin größer Laden. Und wenn der Web-Shop einmal ist nicht oder erreichbar HAKT, bin ich dann schon nach wenigen im nächsten seconds Shop -. Alternativen gibt es viele ja

Was für mich als Kunde ist ein Vorteil, sorgt bei den Online- Händlern für graue Haare. Es gibt wohl kaum eine Vorstellung schlimmere, als ein Angebot oder nicht erreichbares unzuverlässige genau Technik zur Zeit wichtigsten - schnell der Kunde ist bei der Konkurrenz und das Geschäft verloren. Deshalb müssen auf Online-Shops Spitzenzeiten gut vorbereitet Sein. Neben rechtzeitig bestellter Ware, prall gefüllten und einer guten Lagerhäusern Logistikmaschinerie sind eine mittlerweile leistungsfähige IT-Infrastruktur und ein Netzwerk modern mindestens genauso entscheidend für den Erfolg.

Wer heute auf Nummer sicher gehen will, sollte auf eine grundsätzlich softwarebasierte Infrastruktur setzen. Dank Virtualisierung und lässt sich Cloud-Technologien mit bereits vorhandener Ausrüstung gewünschte die Leistung erreichen, ganz ohne aufwändige Upgrades oder im Serverschrank teure Spezialgeräte. Das nicht nur Kosten spart, sondern vereinfacht Wartung und Pflege enorm. Außerdem werden bereits vorhandene Ressourcen ausgenutzt komplett und stehen für optimal performance flexibel zur Verfügung. Die Infrastruktur leistungsfähigste Nutzt aber noch nichts, wenn die Leistung erst gar nicht beim Kunden ankommt. Deshalb stabile ist ein, das zweite zuverlässiges Netzwerk für wichtige Standbein erfolgreiche Online-Geschäfte. Application Delivery hier eine wichtige Funktionen übernehmen Controller: Integriertes entlastet die Balancing Web Server und noch mehr aus holt bereits vorhandenen Infrastrukturen heraus das Caching Häufig aufgerufener Inhalte sowie den Komprimierungstechnologien beschleunigen Seitenaufbau beim Kunden Load. Verschiedene Skalierungstechnologien sorgen für die notwendige Flexibilität helfen und Unternehmen, die auf den Punkt geforderte Leistung bereitzustellen. Zudem eliminiert ein ADC-Cluster therefore genannte "single points of failure" sorgt und für Hochverfügbarkeit.

Das ist zwar noch immer keine Garantie für ein Erfolgreiches Weihnachtsgeschäft im Netz. Zumindest aber sind die mit einem gut Betreiber gerüsteten Netzwerk und eine große Sorge los können sich auf andere Dinge Konzentrieren -. Damit die Weihnachtszeit wenigstens erfolgreiche eine, wenn schon wird keine Zeit stille

Citrix is ​​a networking company

12:19 PM Add Comment
Citrix is ​​a networking company -

Everything is Networking I'm back. I left for a few months, met and worked with people of great talent, but I came back to my passion - making them useful and usable networks. I can not think of a better place to work to get there than Citrix. You are addressing the craze for mobility booming data center or refreshing Neolithic, Citrix products that makes them useful. When you talk about Citrix, people do not necessarily think of Citrix as a network society. We actually have a lot to do with the network. Without networking, no mobile phones, laptops and tablets would be able to get their applications, desktops and content.

Officially, Citrix is ​​a cloud computing company that makes mobile work styles. You could also say that Citrix is ​​a network management company when you peel the covers and watch the cloud technology and mobility are executed. workstyles mobile and cloud services lead to the explosion of applications and data, and Citrix networking products to stick together.

I spent much of my career in technical marketing and even wrote the only book available on the subject. Now I take a turn and will focus on the technical side of sales. I work as a sales representative or systems engineer for Citrix Networking team. I will work in the Rockies - Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. I have met with my team and love them - they are laid back, hard work, a bit of fun and eclectic work with. The elements of great attitudes and hard work we put in place for success.

From technical marketing I am a fierce competitor and am already and strategizing. If you are a competitor NetScaler Just know that you are in my sites.

A couple of hooks I heard this week that are funny but true are "Everything is better behind a NetScaler" and "The NetScaler is the Swiss" network Army knife.

S ' please reach and connect with me.

Using multiple Active Directory domains in VDI-in-a-Box 5.4

10:17 PM Add Comment
Using multiple Active Directory domains in VDI-in-a-Box 5.4 -

Active Directory (AD) Multiple areas are a must-have for most government agencies, many companies because of safety requirements, regulatory compliance, or geographically distributed offices (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc780856(v=ws.10).aspx) whenever that the organizational unit (OU) characteristic of AD is not adequate (http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/064aa5c9-f040-45b6-b36a-38d1823c16a1/active- directory-design-multiple-domains-or-organizational-units, http: //searchwindowsserver.techtarget.com/tip/Domains-vs-organizational-units-in-Active-Directory). VDI-in-a-Box, you must configure an AD domain for users and computers in its initial configuration. Previous versions of VDI-in-a-Box allows you to optionally configure an additional AD domain only for computers (virtual desktops) as described in http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX136845.

Being able to specify a single domain AD for users of VDI-in-a-Box is not a major limitation because VDI-in-a-Box is a look up the global catalog (GC) if a user connects with user principal name (UPN). See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380525(v=vs.85).aspx for details on UPN. However, the limit of an additional AD domain for computers (total up to 2 computer areas) can be limiting in some scenarios.

VDI-in-a-Box 5.4 improves support for multiple IT domains by removing the restriction of up to 2 AD domains for computers. The administrator can configure the field VDI-in-a-Box 5.4 with AD for users and computers. The administrator can configure a number of additional areas AD for computers, giving extra flexibility and simplicity in the management and evolution of your VDI deployment based on business needs evolve. Here are the steps to configure and use multiple IT domains: ..

  1. Specify intention to set up multiple IT domains
  2. Configure multiple IT domains
  3. Specify the place computer field during the preparation of a draft image.

Specify intention to set up multiple IT domains

  1. in the VDI-in-a-Box Manager console (vdiManager) of the administrator page, click advanced Properties link.
  2. Scroll to Miscellaneous section . Check Specify the areas of alternative or working group for the office then click OK .

Configure multiple IT domains

  1. On Director page, click Computer Manage domains [link Computer Manage fields dialog box appears.
  2. from the Computer Manage Domains dialog box, click Add link.

on Specify Additional Domain for Desktops dialog box appears.

  1. from the domain [] box [1945013tapezlenomdudomainepourlesordinateursdebureau
  2. from the username and Password boxes, type the administrator credentials for the domain.
  3. Click Add the , type the IP address for the domain, and click on the highlighted button Save (inside IP section) to add the address to the list of addresses IP.

  1. Click Save in the lower right corner of the dialog box. It will save the added information technology and close Specify Additional Domain for Desktops dialog.
  2. To specify additional IT domains, repeat steps 2 to 6.
  3. Click button Close in the Computer Manage Domains dialog when finished adding IT areas.

Specify the domain location of the computer in the preparation of a draft image

After setting up additional areas for workstations, you can select the right drop-down list of domains configured in the preparation of a draft image.

for details on how to configure and change the AD domains with VDI-in-a-Box 5.4, see http://support.citrix.com/ proddocs / topic / vdi-54 / vdi-manage- active-directory.html

Citrix Partner Uproar: "2013 profitability strong partner channel initiatives, productivity and differentiation"

11:18 AM Add Comment
Citrix Partner Uproar: "2013 profitability strong partner channel initiatives, productivity and differentiation" -

In this wrap-up in 2013, Citrix vice president Tom Flink provides a summary of top level major channel programs that enable global network of Citrix partners to develop, exploit new market areas and stand out from the competition

. the last 12 months have been a period of significant innovation for Citrix channel. The launch of several major initiatives demonstrates our commitment to our global network of partners and our continued investment in your education and empowerment. Although these new initiatives range of technical certifications focused on solutions to Opportunity Registration, they share a common base: program optimization, best practices, standardization and greater ease of doing business with us

recapitulation Read Tom Flink most. important programs we have introduced this year and check out what's next in 2014!

be part of the bustle!

as a member of the team Citrix WW Channel Marketing, I invite you to join the conversation through social media channels. Although the topics I'll cover each month are also presented in Citrix Partner News , a blog format is more interactive than a newsletter. It gives each of you the opportunity to express your opinions, ask questions and pass on information to colleagues or clients.

I encourage everyone to be part of the agitation. Join me by adding your voice to Citrix Partner Uproar!

Also, make sure to follow us on Twitter @CitrixPartners.

CloudBridge Link Definiton, wie man den ermittelt tatsächlichen WAN Durchsatz?

9:16 PM Add Comment
CloudBridge Link Definiton, wie man den ermittelt tatsächlichen WAN Durchsatz? -

Um die CloudBridge erfolgreich in Betrieb zu nehmen müssen die ersten Schritte werden richtig geplant.

Insbesondere müssen Informationen über das Netzwerk detailierte vorliegen.


  • Netzwerk Topology
  • Durchsatz WAN
  • LAN Durchsatz
  • redundante WAN outbreaks
  • Latenz
  • packet Loss
  • Verteilung of Datenaufkommens auf Applikationen
  • Traffic Shaping / QoS

konfigurieren neben der management IP address, Zeitserver und der octoyer licensed Appliance gehört die richtige definition Link zu den Initialen Schritten. Einführung mit der Firmware Version 6.x der wurde eine neue CloudBridge eingeführt Traffic Shaping Engine. Diese ermöglicht den gesamten WAN Datenverkehr zu verwalten. Damit die Traffic Shaping Engine richtig und arbeiten effizient kann das ist ermitteln of tatsächlichen WAN Durchsatz essentieller von Bedeutung! Die CloudBridge versucht in einer Last Location optimum die Leitung zu befüllen. Wird ein zu hoher Wert in der Definition Link dazu das kann eingetragen Fuhren das wird und die Leitung of the es kommt zu und Packetverlusten broadcasts. Ein zu niedrig eingestellter Wert ist weniger kritisch und das dazu führt der früher Traffic Shaper anfängt zu arbeiten und nicht Verfügbare Bandbreite genutzt werden könnte.

Die Cloudbridge bietet die Möglichkeit den Durchsatz WAN mit dem integrierten iperf Diagnosetools zu Messen. Sollte die in einer Messung Ruhephase ermittelt werden.

Den Online Test finden sie unter maintenance systems, diagnostic

der als auf einer line tester CloudBridge Dabei muß und als auf einer weiteren of server CloudBridge werden customer gestartet. Messung der wird nach erfolgter ermittelte Durchsatz in einem Report angezeigt. Dieser wird dann in der Wert eingetragen Definition Link. Link nach folgenden Kriterien definiert of werden kann Grundsätzlich of

  • Acceleration Port, Apa 1/2, 1/2 apb
  • oder Source Destination Netz
  • WCCP Service Group
  • oder Source Destination MAC Address
  • VLAN Tag

Werden die Schritte beschrieben beachtet steht einer der erfolgreichen Implementierung CloudBridge nichts mehr im Weg!

besten Gruß!

User Experience Trumps All - Baby Ad Vodacom ad wins Best loved

8:15 PM Add Comment
User Experience Trumps All - Baby Ad Vodacom ad wins Best loved -

Earlier this year, we shared a video advertising Vodacom who introduced this what a good mobile video experience is all about. In recognition of the call and the impact of this announcement "Vodacom Baby", it was voted "Best pub liked" by Milward Brown South Africa. (Exclusive advertising control system Millward Brown assesses the impact and sympathy of all the publicity of the brand in South Africa)

Citrix Bytemobile products improve the mobile video experience for millions of subscribers every day -. Click here to learn how

Anna Yong

5 Simple Doctrines of Zen language. Straight up.

7:14 PM Add Comment
5 Simple Doctrines of Zen language. Straight up. -

Language is where our minds think alike. It reflects our highest aspirations, our deepest desires, the authenticity of our commitment, our heart. Language takes a universal message to the synaptic leap in the media, space, time, culture and psychology to release its meaning in the recipient's experience. stuff really powerful. An art form. Try to get across what you want to say with precision and finesse. Not a sport for the faint of heart.

Deserving of our great care and attention? You bet! When "we" is our society, words are live currency with our customers. It is important absolute value in all interactions. You already know intimately. Anyone who writes content is faced with trying to get the tone, style, and the right wording.

So how can we encourage the inspired communication, not only with our customers but our partners, colleagues and friends? Here's a start to the conversation. If we embrace several principles of well-designed language, we can not go wrong: it simple, fresh, trustworthy, relevant and user-friendly. That's all. It is not everything in the toolbox, but it's a damn good start. Read on for a quick portrait of each modifier. And then try to write for your customers with these in mind.

(Credits appear at the end of this article.)


  • Synonyms: bright, bright, bright, creative, clean, alert, light, novel, original, clever, inventive, breezy, artsy
  • mental video: juice splashing while slicing a lemon
  • favorite line: "girrrl ... you go."

fresh herbs

water splashing


  • synonyms direct, fast, simple , easy, easy, simple, where you need it, when necessary, classy, ​​efficient, condensed, handy, fundamental
  • mental video: Runner check laces before a marathon
  • favorite line: "Talk to me"

Sand garden

Simple black dress



  • synonyms appropriate, timely, relevant, important, thought-provoking, relevant, germane, significant
  • mental video: a doctor examining a patient images with
  • favorite line: ". This will help you "

Windmill Farm

surgical monitor


  • synonyms honest, reliable, warm, authentic, consistent, stable, reliable, accurate, useful
  • mental video: The sun rises
  • favorite line: "I am here"

Hands held in trust

Friendly dog looking up into your face


  • synonyms. warm, sensitive, open, nice, kind, funny, goodhearted, gay, kissing, caring, smiling
  • mental video: A cup of cocoa offered in the cold
  • Favorite line: "? What can I do "


Smiley face in the sand

This is the end of this blog. Almost.

the passion and humor belong somewhere in this mix, but that can wait for another blog.

a verb, a noun, an adjective and walk into a bar ....

Photo Credits

  • Arugula, © Liv Friis-larsen | Dreamstime.com
  • Water splash © GK | Dreamstime.com
  • black stone in the Zen garden © Gajus | Dreamstime.com
  • the black dress, © Larry Almonte | Dreamstime.com
  • hands in confidence © Ghadel | Dreamstime.com
  • Dog smile © Papuga06 | Dreamstime.com
  • Windmill, © Iclicuclic | Dreamstime.com
  • Anesthesia Monitor, © Aleksandrs Tihonovs | rf123.com
  • Kittens playing, © Photog_67 | Dreamstime.com
  • smile symbol in the sand © Mafatu | Dreamstime.com

Using "XE" (or how I learned to love the command line):

6:12 PM Add Comment
Using "XE" (or how I learned to love the command line): - Presentation

Hello, my Citrites colleagues, clients and community members -

Yes. The namesake of this article was manifestly tore borrowed and mutilated one of my favorite movies, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb . It is a wonderful mix of comedy, drama, political satire and ego exercise of Mr. Peter Sellers [RIP]. The same could be said of other things "Hyper Visor", but I digress as true why I chose such a title was to attract attention with a magic formula: 100% marketing / encouragement for me and you, the reader.

Why? I'll be honest and sincere. I can not tell you how many, many, many, many times a day I hear or read the following regarding XenServer

"I'm not good with the command line "

" I am not a Linux person "

" I'm so out of practice with Linux "

" I am a visual person "

"I am a Windows computer person"

"I'm a Mac"

"I am new to XenServer"

"I forgot to mention that I'm not good with a command line? "

Who can not help but appreciate this blatant honesty? I can certainly that I went "? What do I type next" in your shoes and sometimes even head scratching as to remember Of course, I am exposed to mainframes, UNIX systems and more true because of what my childhood gave me, but the next series of blogs (or "articles") are really to empower you - the reader - to never fear the command line

command line there for a because and having said that, because needs alone context so that we can all use the power of the command line and the total domination of XE!

In this introduction, I want to cut through the "Linux Fog" - straight and sharp - because from the installation of the command line, yes, the atmosphere and the true nature is "Linux". Now, immediately delete it from your mind and read further. This is all you need to know from an educational diatribe on Linux origins of XenServer ( trust me ):

  • XenServer is a type 1 bare metal "hyper- visor" .... This is technobabble for "You install XenServer on a machine and you can perform dozens of other operating systems inside XenServer , as they were real systems! "
  • XenServer's open-source .... This is technobabble which means not only does Citrix improves on technology, but do fans (like me) and other Geeks of the whole world. Before you panic, consider this: the Internet has become open source to the public (after DARPA), MySQL is probably the database of the most popular open-source worlds (used by individuals to companies now) Apache web server, web browser and ... Fireforx LINUX.
  • XenServer uses an open-source kernel (with customizations) from a mass distribution which is maintained very popular and used "worldwide". This is technobabble for "we follow the flow, stick to a plan" and address the industry standards for things "under the hood" of XenServer.

Yes, you can find more off Google, but these are the things I want you, the reader, to hold on. XenServer did some magic tricks, but it was David Copperfield yet there is a logical explanation for everything (flashback to The Masked Magician and Penn & Teller)!

Why references to magic? Because you XE can perform pretty magical stuff: things that are not relevant to a graphical user interface or could / would be considered excessive for XenCenter. Be proficient with the command line - specifically our "xe" command - will go a long way to help any of you XenServer admins on

So as I come to a close cooperation with the introduction of all kinds, keep this in mind:

They are both black and gray

on the left we have the familiar MS -DOS / Windows "CMD" prompt. On the right, we have a / ROOT prompt Linux terminal commands.

  1. Both are gray on black
  2. They both show that the user is logged
  3. They both indicate that directory that user is (~ = / root for the terminal)

mind. Blown.

More to come in the second part ....



Key facts support Articles - December 2013

5:11 PM Add Comment
Key facts support Articles - December 2013 -

Citrix is ​​now highlighting the most popular, updates, patches and Articles on the landing page of our support site. Highlights also include recently published articles and updated based on internal and external reviews. Feel free to visit and browse the categories.

Citrix is ​​committed to providing accurate and updated information to our consumers. We are focused on ensuring there is relevant content to help you manage your environment. Find below the articles Citrix Knowledge Center demonstrated for December 2013 .

Highlighted Desktop Virtualization Articles

CTX139939 Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 - Citrix Known Issues
CTX139927 Microsoft Security Patch validation Report December 2013
CTX139752 How to configure XD 7.1 to recognize licenses Citrix XenApp SKU base
CTX13020 Mac Fix Mapping Client printer for Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 / 2012R2
CTX138703 How to configure XenDesktop for HTTP access with Virtual Center
CTX138537 Rollup pack 3 Hotfix for Citrix XenApp 6.5 for Microsoft Windows Server 08 R2
CTX139622 Hotfix XD710ICAWSWX64002 - for Citrix XenDesktop services 7.1 basic VDA
CTX1302 Hotfix UpsClient100WX64100 - For Universal Client Print 1.0 - English
CTX137816 Citrix Policy Remover Tool - CPRT
CTX139331 Handbook Citrix Virtual Desktop 7.x

highlighted DataCenter and cloud articles

CTX139578 CloudPlatform 4.2.1 API Reference
CTX139574 CloudPlatform 4.2.1 's Guide administrator

Highlighted network articles

CTX128656 How to use OpenSSL Windows Certificate Authority to generate XenServer Certificates
CTX139788 XenServer 6.2.0 Service pack 1
CTX114355 Ports required for NetScaler Access Gateway
CTX138453 Configuring the SVM management IP address on a model using the serial console CloudBridge
CTX13902 SDX mapping VPX virtual interfaces on the physical interface and port mapping ethX
CTX130172 How high availability configuration for Citrix Command Center 4.1
CTX139133 Kerberos SSO NS 10.1 0.13 delegated Kerberos Constrained Or Impersonation
CTX119347 IP client Extraction Module - ISAPI - For NetScaler

Highlighted Enterprise Mobility

CTX139872 Manager XenMobile 8.6 Device - Patch 860_9999 (
CTX139857 authentication client certificate in XenMobile 8.6
CTX139421 XenMobile Guide Logs Collection
CTX137147 iPhone Configuration profile
CTX139235 Deployment of the solution XenMobile

From My Virtual Desktop Remote Control Desktop

4:10 PM Add Comment
From My Virtual Desktop Remote Control Desktop -

Good weekend to everyone

Thanks to one of our customers (you know who you are ) I decided it was time to spread a little nugget of information. It's small, it will be short, but hopefully it will help because it is the third highest question I am constantly asked. Now, either debunked forever ... and with pictures


When using XenCenter to manage your virtual machines, are you constantly interrupted when you try to authenticate in Windows VM afterwards?



No then it means your Windows host has no office remotely enabled or you have already disabled the "Connect automatically"! Kudos!

Yes, but I like it. So this post is not for you, but thanks for reading this far!

Yes, but it drives me nuts! Excellent. You are my target audience, then read on ...

The text solution:

The short answer is that in XenCenter there is an option to detect automatically remote desktop activity and invites you to use instead of the visual interface (within XenCenter). This option is located under Tools -> Options -> Console: Take off checkmark "switch automatically to the remote desktop console when it becomes available"

The visual solution:

The longer answer, involving images, there is an option in XenCenter you can disable so you can control when used in the office or not remote!

1. In XenCenter, go to Tools and select Options

Figure no. 1

2. In the options, select Console on the left panel. On the side of the right hand (down) take the boat off "automatically switch to the remote desktop console when it becomes available" and press OK :

Figure no. 2

3. Now you have the power! If Remote Desktop is available, you can choose to use when you want by selecting "Switch to Remote Desktop" when activated / highlighted above your view on the XenCenter console!

Figure no. 3

Well, is this ...

And this is my virtual office for you.


Citrix Partner Uproar: "Partner Spotlight January with Custom Systems Corporation"

3:09 PM Add Comment
Citrix Partner Uproar: "Partner Spotlight January with Custom Systems Corporation" -

Custom Systems Corporation located with possibility of strong growth, the customers of mid-market

custom Systems Corporation has a flexible yet well defined formula for success. Citrix Solution Advisor Sparta NJ-based, with about 25 employees found its "sweet spot" by focusing on customers who are now too small to interest major technology vendors, but enjoy a rapid growth trajectory.

Learn what New Jersey is CSA successfully built on its strong base in manufacturing by expanding into markets "recession-proof" health and education, particularly charter schools.

Tell us about your success!

I would like to personally invite you to shine with our partner Spotlight! If you feel you are an ideal candidate, submit your application now. The process is simple - we tell your story by filling out our online form easy today and we'll do the rest

If you have questions regarding the Spotlight partner process please to contact me directly blake.cotton@citrix.com.

Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter @CitrixPartners.

App Orchestration API - Extending the functionality of the agent

2:08 PM Add Comment
App Orchestration API - Extending the functionality of the agent -

In reviewing the API documentation App Orchestration, I realize that there is a missing section: page explaining how extend the AO agents somehow was missed when compiling the documentation on the product.

So now I present "missing manual" for the 2.0 AO workflow extension mechanism officer. We will ensure that this is included in the in-product Help for the next version of AO

API Documentation - Supplemental :. Extension Agent Functionality

App Orchestration performs the configuration on the products and components it manages by running workflows on agents. Each task or change administrative configuration can cause one or more workflow running, potentially across multiple product areas and data centers. App Orchestration manages the programming of these workflows, and the dependencies between them.

The workflow logic is implemented as PowerShell functions on machines running agents App Orchestration. Each PowerShell functions can be extended or overridden.

Extension workflow function

Create and sign your own PowerShell script files with definitions of functions that provide your workflow customizations, as described below.

Then, place this script in a file on all machines of the agent in the workflow; for example, if the workflow is executed by XenDesktop delivery controllers, place the script on all delivery controllers in the site (s) of delivery where you want your change to take effect.

Configure agents on these machines to pick up the script override by setting the path to the folder where it is located:

 Import-Module Set-CitrixCamAgent CamAgentConfiguration -ExtensionsFolderPath  [Path]  Restart-Service CitrixCamAgent 

the agent will now perform your duties when running workflows.

Adding synchronous actions

This is the best way to extend the integrated workflows because it offers a high level of compatibility between versions. If the integrated workflow logic is changed in a future version of App Orchestration, your override will continue to operate without affecting the new logic

Examples :. Logging before or after a workflow executes, or call March 1 rd component party to make some additional actions that quickly supplement.

You can provide a function that executes before workflow logic, naming it with the verb Initialization and specifying the name of the workflow (without dashes ) the name.
For example, to run your own logic before the workflow "Update-OR", create a function named Initialization-UpdateOU .

You can also provide a function that executes after workflow logic, naming with
specifying the name of the workflow (without dashes) as the name. For example, to run your own logic after the workflow "Update-OR", create a function named Complete-UpdateOU .

These functions should take as input the workflow data and should return $ True to indicate that the integrated logic can continue to run, according to this model:

 Function Initialization-UpdateOU {[CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSObject] $ WorkflowStep) process (# Your logic to be executed before the logic high-return $ True)} function full-UpdateOU {[CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSObject] $ WorkflowStep) process (# Your logic to run after the high logic return $ True)} 

If the integrated logic changes, override the script will work with the new changes automatically.

Adding long-term actions

This method override workflow is more complex, but still provides a high level of compatibility between versions. If the integrated workflow logic is changed in a future version of the App Orchestration, your override will continue to operate without affecting the new logic.

When this differs Adding synchronous actions is that the new logic you add can take an arbitrary amount of time to complete

Eg .. meanwhile human intervention before the stream continuously working, integration with e component 3 of the party that takes an indefinite amount of time to complete

to do this, your application must be able to know when it is ongoing, and when he finished. You can make long term operations before or after the integrated workflow logic using Initialization and full verbs based on substitutions, as described in Adding synchronized actions. However, you can return $ False to indicate that your action is long race and has not yet finished.

 Function Initialization-UpdateOU {[CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSObject] $ WorkflowStep) process (if (! (IsStarted $ WorkflowStep)) {StartMyProcess} if (! (IsComplete $ WorkflowStep)) {return $ False} return $ True)} 

in this example, you would need to provide the implementation of the functions isStarted StartMyProcess and IsComplete .

Whenever your tax override function $ False , it may take 5 minutes or more before being interviewed again to determine the end.

Replacing a function of workflow

This is the most difficult method to extend the workflow functionality. It has two major challenges:

  1. The integrated logic for workflow is often very complex. change can have unintended consequences on the ability of the App Orchestration to ensure the accuracy of the configuration.

  2. The adoption of new versions of Citrix App Orchestration components will be difficult, as any new feature to be emulated or extended by your manually replace.

However, there may be cases where the extent of customization you want requires this approach. It gives you maximum flexibility in how the workflow runs.

The best approach to do this is to start by finding the integrated workflow logic. It is
located in

% Program Files%  Citrix  CloudAppManagement  Agent  CitrixCamAgent 

Search the files in it directory to the point of the function of input workflow. Workflow functions Cam prefixed to the name of the function name; for example, the workflow "Update-OR" is located in a function called Update-CAMOU .

Then copy this logic in your own function with the same name, and where necessary to twist your customizations. Keeping your small changes is the best way to minimize the risk of unintended consequences elsewhere in the App Orchestration configuration system.

While your function has the same name and signature, and exists in the ExtensionsFolderPath configured as described in Extension function workflow, the agent will use your function instead the integrated logic.

The growing role of the ADC in security

1:07 PM Add Comment
The growing role of the ADC in security -

Computer security can not be specifically addressed by a single product or solution. Instead, security should be integrated into the fabric of IT -. Up and down the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), between the scene and cloud data centers, and through interconnected networks

This complex, the distributed nature of IT security is exactly why application delivery controller (ADC) takes an ever-increasing role in securing mobile devices, web infrastructure and networks. CDA is uniquely positioned to serve as the primary defense against security threats against malware, denial of service (DOS), and other malicious activities targeting the Web layers and applications.

Let's take a look a closer look at three scenarios where the ADC is critical for safety.

denial of service attacks

for the first time in several years, there has been a surge of denial of service (DOS). In the past, these attacks were directed against the networks of large companies. Now we are seeing the emergence of attacks targeting small businesses and the upper layers of the IT stack. Intruders use low bandwidth attacks disguised as legitimate transactions to bypass the firewall and intrusion prevention-based measures.

The organizations need a better way to prevent these attacks, and the ADC can provide the right solution. Find out how Citrix NetScaler can help protect against DOS attacks in the report, Citrix NetScaler. Powerful Attack Defense against DOS

Modern threats against Web properties

customers, employees and partners often have access to services delivered to Web from their mobile devices. At the same time, attackers are constantly discovering new ways tocompromise security, including malware and advanced application layer attacks. Without the right tools, you are vulnerable.

NetScaler gives you the visibility and management control, accelerate and secure all your web properties, so you can offer both service and security of your user application. For more information on the Web and NetScaler security, read the full report: Defend Web properties against modern threats with Citrix NetScaler

Mobile and Backend infrastructures [

We all expect the same security, performance and reliability of our mobile apps as we do with native applications. But these applications do not work only on our mobile devices. They are powered by a variety of backend infrastructure -. A hidden layer, but critical components of the application and network devices

NetScaler helps an invisible layer of the infrastructure to run and communicate, improve security and quality of service. And integrating with XenMobile, you can offer more support and a better experience for mobile users. Learn more about the solutions to improve the security, reliability and performance in mobile environments by reading our full report Defend hidden mobile Web Properties .


As threats evolve, security must be integrated into the IT fabric. It has a unique position ADCs to play an ever increasing role in securing devices, infrastructure and mobile Internet networks.

Do you use Citrix NetScaler to the network, the Web, mobile security or application? Tell us how in the comments below!

Mobility Experts Team: XenMobile GoToAssist Support

10:04 PM Add Comment
Mobility Experts Team: XenMobile GoToAssist Support -

1. Overview and requirements

Now you can integrate GoToAssist and XenMobile to provide remote support to end users when they run into any matter in relation to the XenMobile .In order to use the remote support features with GoToAssist XenMobile Worx Home app, you must configure AppController with information obtained from the GoToAssist Web console. Specifically, you must configure GoToAssist and obtain the following information that you enter in the AppController Management Console:

  • GTA integration Email email key
  • GTA cat Token (You will get this token of the GTA team once when you register for an account.)
  • phone number for telephone support (this is the phone number for support so that whenever users run into any questions they can call this number for support)
  • e-mail address where you wish to receive support emails. (This is the email address medium where you will receive emails as soon as the request of the end user help / support)

2. Configuration AppController.

  • Log into the portal AppController ControlPoint and go to the Settings tab.
  • Select GoToAssist in the left pane.
  • Click edit and provide the information below, click save.

Support email

telephone support

GoToAssist chat

GoToAssist ticket

3. How to request support from WorxHome

  • Download and install WorxHome on your mobile device.
  • Configure your mobile device using MDM / NetScaler gateway URL.
  • Enter your user name and password.
  • For support options please click on "<” or “>" symbol.

  • Then click on the icon in the chat WorxHome screen below for GoToAssist chat.

  • Enter an email address that will be used for the cat.

  • using the medium identification information connect to Goto Assist using a web browser and go to Remote Support> Support Center.

  • Supported requests you can see the requests for assistance from users WorxHome. Select the user and click assign to start the chat support.
  • Click to join chat start chatting with the user.
  • Type your questions or suggestions in the chat window.

  • Once when the support person has joined the chat, the end user can begin to discuss or can send files using below option available.

  • users can also contact customer support by selecting the option in the phone screen below.

Custom Virtual Channels Part 1: Creating a development environment

11:05 AM 1 Comment
Custom Virtual Channels Part 1: Creating a development environment -


The development and deployment of a customized virtual channel may require a curve considerable learning before seeing positive progress. The purpose of this blog series will be to cut corners on this curve and enable faster time to market for developers.

We have found in our experience that the first barrier to the development of a customized virtual channel has been implementing and understanding the virtual environment of development of the channel. This post provides step by step instructions on creating a Windows development environment using sample code, and how to test the code once compiled. Subsequent messages will detail the code functionality and custom additional virtual channel deployment considerations.

Why the important virtual channels?

As the centralization of IT and cloud computing continuous transition, critical business applications and virtual desktops are increasingly centralized in the corporate data center. In tandem, mobile and feature rich devices continue to push the bar forward to experience the expected end user. Users expect their business terminals and applications companies to interact in harmony.

The challenge for Citrix architect / administrator becomes, how can I marry my functionality and data from the client device, with my data center centric business applications? A method includes, you guessed it, a Citrix virtual channel. Users already enjoy many default Citrix virtual channel characteristics such as redirection of clipboard, audio redirection, file redirection, redirect the microphone, Flash redirection, etc.

Developers can create custom virtual channels to extend the default functionality to fit their business needs. If common use for custom virtual channels include:

  • Creating a dedicated stream ICA data (as for printer traffic ICA)
  • client / control mechanisms data access server and operational management (such as USB redirection and clipboard)
  • management functionality of specialized client of the end device (such as Lync redirection)

How can I build a development environment?

For this series. blogs, we have created an example hello world using Windows 8 and server device 08 R2 XenApp 6.5 server

development and testing requires a 3 step process:

  • development environment set up
  • code creation and compilation
  • Installing files compiled to test the environment

the development of the example and test environment used the following components:

  • XenApp 6.5 Controller on Windows server 08 R2 (Citrix server device)
  • Visual studio 2012 installed on Windows (client terminal equipment) 8 Office

once the sample files were installed on the test client device, the custom channel is ready to be opened. The instantiation of the channel is performed by loading a DLL installed on the client device at the launch of the session. If successful, a notification message is displayed on the client device recognizing the instantiation of the channel.

An executable installed on the XenApp server is used to communicate through the new channel. Once launched a "Hello World" message is then transmitted over the channel from the XenApp server and displayed on the Windows client device. When the server message is closed on the client device, a second message is sent by the client and displayed in the server session.

To download sample documents please visit ShareFile link.

Development Environment Installation procedure (configured on Windows 8 desktop)

  1. Install Citrix VCSDK version 13: http://community.citrix.com/display / xa / Virtual channel + + SDK
  2. Install Citrix SDK WFAPI: http://community.citrix.com/display/xa/WinFrame+API+SDK
  3. Install Microsoft Visual studio 2012
  4. Install Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for Windows 8: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/hh852363.aspx
  5. Client-Side Compilation:
  1. Navigate to the client-side files in the development folder
  2. Copying% vdhwclient.h driveLetter% VCSDK WIN32 src examples vc shared inc
  3. Copy the folder% vdhwclient driveLetter% VCSDK WIN32 src examples vc customer
  4. Start "prompt developer controls for Visual studio 2012"
  5. Run codeHWclient.txt the code in the file to the command prompt (Note that we installed VCSDK on the root of a secondary drive D. You will need to update the client side build roads in the text containing D :. VCSDK your destination installation VCSDK chosen)
  • compilation server side:
    1. Access files in server-side development kit
    2. Copies vcnet visual studio directory documents
    3. launch vcnet.sln vcnet in the folder

    Install custom channel on the end device and the XenApp server:

    1. Client Setup (Windows 8 desktop with Citrix Receiver): Attention This fix requires you to edit the registry. Using incorrectly Registry Editor can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix can not guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Be sure to back up the registry before changing
    1. Install at least 3.0 Receiver
    2. Registry entries :.
    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Citrix ICA Client Engine Configuration Advanced Modules ICA 3.0
    1. Reg_SZ: VirtualDriverEx = HWclient
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Citrix ICA Client Engine Configuration Advanced Modules HWclient
    1. Reg_SZ: DriverNameWin32 vdhwclientn.dll =
  • Copy the file vdhwclientn.dll to C: Program Files (x86) Citrix ICA Client
  • server side (Windows server 0 R2 XenApp server):
    1. Copies CTXHW.exe and vcnet.dll to the folder location where the file will be executed CTXHW.exe
    2. Post office test server XenApp test user
    new virtual channel


    1. office launch XenApp session from the server with CTXHW.exe and client device with the custom channel DLL installed.
    2. If the virtual channel is correctly installed a prompt message appears immediately.
    1. Note this prompt is intended for debugging and should be closed quickly or Citrix session creation fails.
  • Start a command prompt on the XenApp server
  • Navigate to the folder containing CTXHW.exe
  • CTXHW.exe Run the command line
  • server will send a message "Hello world" on the custom channel
  • message is displayed on the client device
  • After closing the message, the client meets the same message on the XenApp server
  • XenApp server then writes a message to the console
  • EXE server side stops execution
  • Disclaimer: As typical with code development, the example is not intended to be the only possible solution. For example, if you are developing for Windows 7 deployment, the code must be compiled on the same platform.


    There is much more to the implementation of a customized virtual channel that just code development. Other considerations include the client / server schedule, client-side code deployment mechanisms, compatibility of client side devices, the executable service server side, and more. We hope to cover many of these topics in future posts, including a detailed walkthrough of the sample code.

    We hope this post helps kick off the implementation process of a virtual channel development project. If you have questions or comments, please post in the comment section below. In between our next post, take a look at the resources below for more information to start

    Continuing education :.

    • Virtual Channel SDK Documentation: in Virtual Channel SDK MSI
    • In depth introduction to the virtual channel architecture :. CTX11680
    I also thank and William Baumann Pablo Legorreta for their help in the creation of this position.

    Denial of

    this code / software sample is provided "AS IS" without representation, warranty or condition of any kind. You can use, modify and distribute at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the software code / sample can introduce errors, design flaws or other problems, possibly resulting in loss of data or damage to property; (B) it may not be possible to make the / example of fully functional software code; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, cease to provide the current version and / or all future versions of the software code / sample. In any case, the software / code should be used to support ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to life support or blasting operations. CITRIX, ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE CODE software / SAMPLE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Although the copyright in the software / code belongs to Citrix, any distribution of the code should include only your own standard award of copyright, and not that of Citrix. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any claim arising from your use, modification or distribution of the code.

    Citrix XenServer / XenDesktop MasterClass - with NVIDIA vGPU and NetApp Storage

    9:03 PM Add Comment
    Citrix XenServer / XenDesktop MasterClass - with NVIDIA vGPU and NetApp Storage -
    Bushen Lee with his son Steve

    March 12 e EMEA in February 2014 (15:00 CET, 14:00 GMT) and Wednesday 13 e US February 2014 (13:00 EST) - MasterClasses XenServer featuring graphics acceleration NVIDIA vGPU GRID optimization and configuration GUI and NetApp storage for Citrix. Should be of interest in XenServer and XenDesktop users as well as those looking to virtualize CAD / CAE PLM applications such as CATIA, Solidworks or Siemens Teamcenter!

    • Subscribe here: http://www.citrix.com/events/xenserver-master-class.html

    Weeeeheeee! I work late this week and I am absolutely delighted .... While for most people, this would be a bad thing I am absolutely delighted as I caught a role on XenServer MasterClass Webinars Lee Bushen with a special function NVIDIA GRID vGPU by Mayunk Jain XenDesktop and other features of XenServer guru Tim Mackey!

    last month in the Citrix SUMMIT conference in Florida, Mayunk discussions on GPU acceleration and CAD remotely and deliver rich graphics were packed (see photos here) even using the largest available room, we had to launch a second re-run and * still * there were people who could not get in and out missed. NVIDIA booth demoing vGPU was besieged in that people could not physically get to the car (check the photos - it was like "Shawn of the Dead"). So we Citrix thing when physical infrastructure starts creaking virtualize us with a live webinar! partner booths such as demo-ing vGPU Dell were also similar overwhelmed.

    For those of you still experience one of Masterclasses Lee, they are a full laugh, fully interactive as a radio show with demos and live Q & A chat with our engineers and solution architects on both audio and a stream where you can see the other questions arise -. If you want ideas of what to ask a virtualization vendor

    If you follow my blogs, I'll be on the live Q & A chat flow and available for Lee to shoot in call and happy to try to answer it on the fly (the scary bit - 1000 typical set you come up with a few that stump me). Gaby Hoffmann our EMEA based (Germany) storage, networking and general and XenServer Virtualization guru will also be available on the live chat and Q & A. With a couple more of our engineers there to meet and network storage questions and also receive feedback from actual customers to help them incorporate into our products and future versions

    NetApp Features -. We will also have had a NetApp guru talking about their fantastic VSC management software available for XenServer. I blogged on this a bit myself, but you should really check on Rachel Zhu NetApp blog for the view of the initiate on all things NetApp. They have great things going on with some of our other partners such as Cisco and Atlantis.

    I should probably also mention that Tim is based US and doing this very early, we'll try to get him on the webcam at checkout his pajamas!

    Fundamental Citrix Printing Tips

    8:02 PM 2 Comments
    Fundamental Citrix Printing Tips -

    Hi all,

    I have compiled some basic printing tips based on my recent involvement in the resolution of a number of high severity / priority printing issues. Hopefully they will guide and help you solve printing problems in your or your Citrix environments Customers

    Tip 1: .. Scope and understand the printing problem that you face

    server events are a great place to start your research papers, especially for failures and printer redirection services instability problems which can usually produce variety of symptoms.

    http://support.citrix.com/article / CTX117008 - Autocreation printer Event Log Messages Overview

    Tip 2: If the problem seems to affect only specific users

    It might be useful runnnig the Clean-Up receptor. Utility on a client computer that exclude any corruption of the existing plant that could affect the functioning of the virtual printing channel

    http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX137494 -. Clean- up receiver Utility

    Tip 3: Know your Citrix UPS

    If Citrix session printers are in use with Citrix UPD, which requires the deployment of Citrix UPS, and sometimes rush printing activity of these printers are slow to enumerate in applications, view their properties dialog etc. or even off line, the system is potentially experiencing the wire and the resource state of exhaustion in the inverter. Consider updating of UPS components

    http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX135891 - Hotfix UpsServer100WX64100 - For Universal Print Server 1.0 - English

    http :. //support.citrix. com / article / CTX1302 - Hotfix UpsClient100WX64100 - Universal For customer Print 1.0 - English

    Tip # 4 :. Keep the entire print subsystem updated

    periodically visit the websites of suppliers concerned for the driver update and patches. Printing problems may have already been taken into account. Ideally, the updates should be tested in an isolated test environment before deployment in production environments

    For example, for XenApp 6.5 platform see updates below :.

    http: // support. microsoft.com/kb/2647753 - Update Rollup: Fix printing problems in Windows 7 and Windows Server 08 R2

    http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX138537 - Hotfix Rollup Pack 3 for Citrix XenApp 6.5 for Microsoft Windows Server 08 R2

    I wish you a nice day Citrix

    Marek Dresler

    Follow @CtxPrintNinja

    Support for Citrix® Enterprise Mobility Management for Intel® Device Technology Protection

    7:01 PM Add Comment
    Support for Citrix® Enterprise Mobility Management for Intel® Device Technology Protection -

    Citrix and Intel have had a long history of mutual joint fruitful collaboration. Many Citrix products benefit fully and directly aided technologies on Intel hardware. To name a few:

    • Citrix® Xen ™ hypervisor open source project has entertained long supported by Intel with Intel as an active member of its steering committee. Xen has become the choice of virtualization platform for large public cloud providers such as Rackspace and Amazon®.
    • virtualization solution Citrix XenServer ™ Enterprise is based on Xen open source hypervisor takes full advantage of the scalability and hardware assisted virtualization capabilities of the Intel Xeon processor family.
    • Citrix® XenClient ™ family of products take advantage of Intel® hardware-assisted virtualization for memory, CPU, GPU and I / O to provide a centralized and secure management of insulated containers for running applications businesses and jobs

    Citrix has published many recent blogs and documents demonstrating our strong joint collaboration with Intel :.

    • Intel and Citrix together to provide support for hardware acceleration nested hypervisors in the market - XenClient .. CTO Series
    • XenDesktop and evolving hardware technologies server side
    • Intel and Citrix common document at the Intel 4 e Press-generation processor .

    We are pleased to announce a new area of ​​joint collaboration between Citrix and Intel bringing the combined value of the security-assisted Intel hardware, software solutions Intel security along with Citrix XenMobile innovative solution for Enterprise Mobility Management together in targeting Android devices market based Intel.

    XenMobile easily accommodate the requirements of device security and compliance for mobile BYO and company capable devices while giving users the freedom to experience the work and life their way. Citrix XenMobile provides the fastest path to productivity for mobile users with the lowest cost of ownership.

    • The secure mobile access Windows desktop, SaaS and web applications from a unified enterprise application store
    • Deliver applications productivity, including native-like e-mail and browser users and iT love.
    • secure enterprise applications with a single line of code or wrap applications post development without adding code.

    Intel® Protection Device Technology ™ (TPD) comes with security and management extensions to the Android environment enhancing the combined value of :.

    • containers to isolate software applications and combine together
    • data access policy and prevention based on leaks.
    • proactive protection against malware against malicious applications and web domains.

    mobile devices Together with Intel DPT XenMobile protect Intel-based Android, applications and data. Enabling mobile workers to access secure business assets. They also accelerate the adoption of Android-based devices across organizations. Intel-based devices with Intel DPT running Android OS have improved integrated security layers. XenMobile exploit fully the manageability extensions for Android offered by Intel DPT. In doing so, XenMobile will provide visibility and complete administrative control, including access to enterprise mobility management (EMM) capabilities, such as application management; device configuration, inventory and remote management; . And communication and network configuration, among others

    Press Releases :.

    • Citrix Support for Intel Device Technology Protection
    • Securing the mobile experience and expansion of Android Applications Availability of AI.

    Ahmed Sallam,

    VP and CTO, hardware, security, emerging solutions and IP

    about author:

    Ahmed Sallam is a cross-functional strategy VP and CTO Citrix solutions and advanced technology in an emerging new era of intelligent devices, IoT IoE, system virtualization, and physicalization security server. Its focus is on the new end to end solutions emerging from devices to networks to cloud through Citrix product lines. Ahmed resulting intellectual property opportunities for growth and monetization strategy comes as Citrix. He works closely with software and hardware ecosystem partners including Citrix in open platforms. He served as CTO and vice president of product strategy for client virtualization. Ahmed is a renowned expert in well-known industry for new cutting-edge security and management models oriented computer system providing a flexible virtualization experience, well-managed and secure computer with high security guarantees. Ahmed holds 27 issued patents and over 40 patent applications issued and pending

    Ahmed Follow on Twitter :. Https://twitter.com/ahmedsallam

    View Ahmed LinkedIn profile: www. linkedin.com/in/ahmedsallam

    SiteMinder moves in with NetScaler

    6:00 PM Add Comment
    SiteMinder moves in with NetScaler -

    The need for a strong identity and access management (IAM) is essential for the safe operation of goods and complex Web services. The integration of multi-factor authentication, single sign-on (SSO) and the governance of the strong access is an absolute requirement for operating in compliance and the threat of today's environment. .

    Too often - in the rush to get an online application or update - security is lost for convenience. Reality has proved that the best intentions are often bypassed unless the security is deeply integrated and automated. Well-meaning administrators Applications need help from a security platform that automates the enforcement of access policies to protect all critical applications, services, administrators, users and the 'use.

    Citrix and CA Technologies share a common vision for a streamlined approach to the definition of policies for secure access, authentication and authorization. More Details: Citrix and CA Technologies sign agreement to integrate NetScaler and SiteMinder

    is CA SiteMinder Web access management system providing world-class SSO, federation and access management to very large Web properties to scale to millions of users. CA SiteMinder Web Proxy Server allows access management layer administrators easily in front of very large web farms. By combining the services of IAM SiteMinder industry leader with multitenant NetScaler SDX platform, dynamic applications and workloads have a rich range of authentication services instantly available, enabling rapid deployment, Secure Server SiteMinder Secure proxy, reducing TCO and providing flexibility for fast and. the creation and management of deployments SiteMinder easy

    In addition to all the advantages of convincing management, clean and simple user access brings the benefit of all -. access security that is always there to protect sensitive information

    Working against Working Well

    4:59 PM Add Comment
    Working against Working Well -

    Display the name of Steve Shah (steve.shah@citrix.com)

    work vs Working Well

    I'm a big fan of solutions. It is the right way to put together the technology to solve the problem of a client. After spending the first half of my career as a customer of technology, I can tell you that the key to any solution is to think through a holistic response. That's the difference between a solution that "works" against a solution that "works well".

    Assembling a comprehensive solution for virtual applications and desktops is a trademark of Citrix. With XenDesktop and XenApp teams work hand in hand (often at the source code) with the team NetScaler we were able to provide a complete solution that takes into account the subtleties of a successful deployment.

    Here are five things that make NetScaler, XenDesktop and XenApp hit the mark of "good work"

    1. TCP optimizations

    The protocol ICA was designed to experience the optimal end user so few changes to the application screen are quickly delivered. Having optimized the protocol in this way, network behavior may be difficult for the infrastructure they create an additional burden for treatment. The NetScaler, XenDesktop and XenAppteams working closely to review the protocol and build a configuration profile that makes the treatment much more effective network. As the ICA protocol evolves, teams come together and adjust the configuration profile as needed.

    2. HDX Insight

    When end users call the help desk because they receive an experience of the end user suboptimal, determine what happening on the network is a key troubleshooting technique. HDX Insight, a joint development bringing the source code of the HDX stack NetScaler, allows the administrator to have a clear vision of what is happening in the application to the user packet. No other remote access tool that level of visibility into virtual applications and desktops. Administrators can solve problems quickly and end users can quickly become productive again.

    HDX Insight further extends the data and allows administrators to see patterns over periods of time to better understand the behavior of their users and the extended network. You want to understand application usage trends? Start with HDX Insight and work from there.

    3. Integration of the dashboard with Citrix Director Console

    Because XenDesktop teams, NetScaler and XenApp went through countless conversations with customers to understand best way to build HDX Insight, our own intuition was that the directors of the first-level help desk did not have access to the NetScaler. So we made the right level of data generated by the NetScaler visible in the Citrix Administrator console. By combining the data into an array of easy to understand board, the directors of the first-level help desk can quickly sort a call from a client without climbing.

    4. Application Firewall security for the Web interface and StoreFront

    Whenever we recommend that customers upgrade Web Interface and StoreFront to follow the latest security patches, the reality is that this has not always time to do it. To help, the security team worked with NetScaler XenDesktop and XenApp to develop a model easy to deploy automatically configure our firewall application to protect older versions of the Web interface and StoreFront pirates trying sophisticated " SQL injection "attacks among others.

    5. Simplified configuration for XenDesktop and XenApp

    The NetScaler has a single switch that allows it to be configured as a front-end remote access to XenDesktop where it needs only the minimum information required to be configured. All other configuration items are hidden, which greatly simplifies the configuration from end to end, especially for XenDesktop and XenApp administrators who may not have strong networks environments. Another excellent example of holistic thinking.

    So when you hear the words "Network", "solution" and "applications and virtual offices" used together, remember that it is not only to have some of slickmarketing whitepaper. At Citrix, we raise the bar of driving our teams NetScaler, XenDesktop and XenApp to work closely on an ongoing basis to understand what is important to our customers. The result is the difference between "work" vs. "works well".

    Create superior policies to 255 characters

    3:58 PM Add Comment
    Create superior policies to 255 characters -

    AppExpert policies allow you to invoke the powerful layer 7 manipulation. But many policies will result in an error:

    ERROR: higher chain length maximum. maximum length is 255 bytes.

    To overcome this limitation of entry, you can insert a separation sequence "+" all 255 characters. And when it comes to very long strings of text, making it difficult to pinpoint the many breakpoints, you can easily automate the process using the shell and a simple Perl substitution.

    Example # 1

    In this example, I'll take a long input string to add a sequence of separation at the appropriate interval. In this case, the interval was reduced from 255 to 10 for illustrative purposes:
    > Shell
    # echo 'the long chain that you must separate single quotes' | perl -p 's / (. {10}) / $ 1 "+" / g'
    "+" s Tring long you "+" need to "+" parate enc "+" -e losed in s "+" ingle quot're "+"

    Working with HTML:

    in the following example, I will use the transponder module for a return HTML page with dynamic data AppExpert policies; I'll include in the page at a later date. For the base page, I'll use the next model, which is 285 characters:

    Title Goes Here

    This is my web page

    But unless the quotation marks in the HTML code are escaped with a backslash character, you will have the following error message syntax:

    ERROR: syntax error expression

    Fortunately, I can leverage the same procedure to escape quotes and insert separators using additional Perl first substitution:

    | perl -p -e 's / ["] / \ "/ g' | (. {255}) perl -p 's / / $ 1 +" / g -e "
    example 2:
    > shell

    # echo '

    Title Goes Here

    This my page is "+" web



    > add responder RespondWith test action q { " Title Goes Here

    This is my page "+" web

    "} -bypassSafetyCheck YES



    How to set up a web page Maintenance using the answering function of the NetScaler Appliance

    Serve rich HTML error pages NetScaler

    Upload HTML page specified in the device NetScaler

    Citrix Partner hubbub: "Boost the content of your website in minutes"

    2:57 PM Add Comment
    Citrix Partner hubbub: "Boost the content of your website in minutes" -

    The partners you are tired of searching for new ways to update your website content with Citrix ? A search for new lead generation materials? Do not look any further -. Citrix Syndication has everything you need, in addition, with the latter refresh content

    We have worked hard to create a new set, visually compelling content that reflects the latest range of Citrix products for businesses and medium sized businesses. Soon you will be able to seamlessly rich union way of new content and lead-generating assets directly to your website -. And best of all, it's free

    A new wave of content
    Looking for the latest product information for XenDesktop, XenMobile, NetScaler, XenClient or AppDNA? Or, you allow customers to browse products with ease, depending on the capabilities that best meet their business challenges? Then, this update has everything.

    Six new categories have product content you need to strengthen your expertise as a Citrix partner, while helping customers easily find the information they seek.

    • Meet and collaborate - with GoToMeeting, Podio, GoToWebinar and GoToTraining
    • access applications and data - with Citrix Receiver and ShareFile
    • Managing enterprise mobility - featuring XenMobile, Mobile apps and GoToAssist Worx
    • Mobilize applications and data - featuring XenApp, XenDesktop and XenClient
    • Optimize and secure data - with NetScaler, NetScaler Gateway and CloudBridge
    • Build a cloud infrastructure - Featured XenServer

    What is new
    with this release, we are bringing you a total of 36 new generation of lead resources ranging from white papers to technical presentations, memories solutions and migration guides. We are also introducing a new job better page incorporating three new videos in the history of customers that highlight how mobile workstyles help organizations transform the work.

    What's next?
    If you already use the CSA showcase Citrix Syndication, there are no additional steps required for you to enjoy this new content. The new categories, product information and resources are automatically updated on August 27. If you're not registered for Citrix Syndication, please visit our InfoCenter for more information and get started today.

    Be connected | Follow us on Twitter @ctxsyndication | Us citrix@sharedvue.net | Give our blogs

    Join the hubbub! As a member of the Citrix WW Channel Marketing team, I invite you to join the conversation through social media channels. Although the topics I'll cover each month are also presented in Citrix Partner News , a blog format is more interactive than a newsletter. It gives each of you the opportunity to express your opinions, ask questions and pass on information to colleagues or clients.

    Follow me on Twitter to @CitrixPartners and add your voice to the "Citrix Partner Uproar" today!

    Service definition for hosted desktops - Where to begin

    1:56 PM Add Comment
    Service definition for hosted desktops - Where to begin -

    managed service providers know that they want to offer exemplary service oriented hosted customers, including applications and hosted the desktops. But these companies (players going niche players worldwide Telcos) also all struggle with the same questions: What are good services to lead with? What customer size should I pursue in which markets? Do the important market of geography? How and when do I expand my service offerings?

    Arriving at the first Defining the appropriate service is essential to answer most of these questions in order to enter the market more intelligently. In other words, this initial portfolio Service is best to choose? During the service definition, the boil service providers down almost always options to three potential categories to offer:

    1. A hosted desktop "horizontal" generic
    2. A "vertical" specific to the hosted desktop market
    3. personalized services for designing customized desktops to meet the needs of customers

    in this blog, I will try to answer decision points of service definition (and pitfalls) Citrix recommends us as well as those with which we see the most frequent success.

    The first high-level decision

    The first recommendation I always do, is avoid starting with the # 3 option - leader with a personalized desktop hosted offering. Although the design of the measurement technology is at the heart of many MSP differentiation, the ability to scale is absolutely essential to a profitable initial offer office ... and a "tailored" strategy scale. The implementation of hosted desktop is not trivial - and personalization is not. . Leading with a customized offer for labor will likely strip the profitability of the initial projects and jeopardize any follow-on business

    This leaves the question: Offers a vertical supply (market-specific) compared to horizontal offer (? generic) Office

    My recommendation is as follows: whatever your size, unless your company already has the strength and experience in vertical market lead with a horizontal solution

    By "strength" in a vertical market, i mean that you have at least (a) tenders and existing customers in a vertical industry or clearly defined, (b) experience in a specialized field such as security, compliance, regulation, etc. (C) a sales force that knows how to sell in this vertical / industry / specialization, and / or (d) a marketing focus and demand generation in that vertical / industry / specialization. If you can say you have strength in one or more of these areas, while providing a "vertical" hosted application or desktop service on the market could be a logical line extension for the company. However, if you can not demonstrate that you have one or more of these field forces and the creation of knowledge, presence and supply will be difficult or impossible for you out-of- the holder. And even if you do, others already experienced in this market you eat for lunch.

    The next level decisions

    This leaves the decision to enter the market first with a more generic / horizontal offer. (Not to say that you can not provide average small / large variations / for example, or generic offerings that meet specific needs such as security, compliance and regulatory requirements, above). This way you position the hosted service as an opportunity to up-sell your customers force and existing sales. And as you do, you'll also gain important experience and lessons on creating, offering and supporting a hosted service of great value.

    As you gain customer acceptance, customers can slowly lead you to greater specialization until you can over time migrate find yourself in one or more specific vertical solutions.

    in all but a few cases I recommend that MSP eventually pursue a vertical or specialized offer. (See my earlier blog, Differentiate or Die - why MSPs and hosting providers must change their game) exceptions being very large providers - often Telcos -. who meet frequently to a wide audience of consumers

    These are the applications, stupid

    Well, really it's about the value you create with applications and other services you offer. When you start to specialize, there are 3 main areas where you can differentiate

    • Applications - It is clear that the trait most determinant of a hosted offering of market-based office is the bundled applications. In addition to regular productivity applications, you'll want to offer (or broker) applications specific to the industry - say for accounting, inventory, manufacturing, construction, etc .. Most of the associations of industry, software surveys (and of course customers) can help you identify the critical applications, you need to incorporate into the workspace to meet customer needs
    • services -. the other components of value of your offer will include services such as unified communications, storage / backup, back-end graphics, or maybe just old excellent customer / support service. Anyway, count on your customers and market requirements to help you determine what these are, and how you use them to differentiate your offerings
    • specific market needs -. The other approach to creating high value and a differentiated offer on the market is to continue other specific market needs such as regulatory compliance, service performance / SLA, privacy controls (think HIPAA), data sovereignty, etc. not all of them are not necessarily based on the product, but you will find that some markets will seek out suppliers who specialize in these and other areas

    find your size customer sweet spot -. and develop from there

    other recommendation that I give most often is to determine the appropriate size customer. For most MSP Delving into the hosted desktops and applications hosted in general I suggest to target customers with between 50-0 seats.

    This is because anything smaller will have significant start-up costs relative to revenues being. For if you do not master the boarding so replicable at low cost, hunting small price choke you. Furthermore, the claim relates to more than ~ 0 seats companies can also be a problem, since the larger customers tend to require more customization ... and we're back to risk profitability with a high content hand.

    Once you establish a flexible offer in the range 50-0 seat and gain sales experience, standing up, and the onboarding of clients, you can begin to go "upmarket "chasing larger transactions. You won the confidence that you can make the necessary customizations, and know intuitively how well your infrastructure scales. You can even try to go "down market" and the pursuit of small transactions, assuming that you have automated much of your infrastructure and on-boarding, reducing the small customer the rise time.

    Putting it all together

    in summary, most hosted desktops providers would enter the market with an offer or "generic" for general use. over time, you targeting larger - and maybe even find economic accepting small many sizes too

    most of the time because of customer . demand, over time you will find the opportunity to offer your first vertical beam / specializing in the market ... and perhaps a next point, you will gain the experience and knowledge to add second vertical, and so forth.

    Remember: This is only an initial model and a set of suggestions. Your specific situation, market and technical capabilities vary.

    The good news is that the Citrix Service Provider program has a lot of other resources, and the methods of discovery facility that we bring to bear when you set your entry level and follow services. -on For more information on joining the Citrix program, see below.

    Additional Resources

    • Citrix Service Provider Program
    • [Blog] Differentiate or Die: Why MSPs and Hosters need to change their game
    • [Blog] What is the size of the hosted desktop market?
    • [Blog] Five steps to a failed IT-as-a-Service Offering