NetScaler Insight Center - a powerful and simple solution for Citrix

3:23 PM Add Comment
NetScaler Insight Center - a powerful and simple solution for Citrix -

We are pleased to announce the availability of NetScaler Insight Center, a solution that provides unprecedented visibility to applications that are served by NetScaler appliances including XenApp / XenDesktop sessions, and web applications.

NetScaler Insight Center overcomes the limitations of methods and technologies to fully meet the challenges of demand visibility faced by traditional companies today. With an approach that leverages NetScaler ADC Insight Center combines network-based instrumentation - which is both the network and application-aware - with an effective and powerful management system capable of transforming raw data in information

for a long time. time now, the devices were NetScaler AppFlow operator, open technology standards including by application level flow and data networking. These data are often collected by third parties to provide information per session. Now NetScaler Insight Center is the central point for the collection of the application and data networking sent AppFlow NetScaler appliances. The solution not only acts as a rich repository for application data, but also is a management suite for monitoring, analysis and reporting of the implementation of performance indicators.

NetScaler Insight Center addresses concerns following common users face today never -evolving mobile and cloud era:

1. The applications are growing in a dynamic distributed environment IT still interlaced such as mobile devices, mobile applications, virtual desktops hosted, and hybrid clouds. Gaining visibility for applications in a diverse environment is difficult and not a simple task.

2. hybrid environments with both public and private clouds pose their own challenges visibility due to the inability to deploy agents or taps in a public cloud environment, and compel organizations.

3. Most companies are stuck in a situation characterized by unsuccessful finger-pointing, persistent performance problems, and the inability to reliably deliver a truly exceptional customer experience. This is due to the lack of simple and effective tools that help solve problems or report user problems in a timely manner.

Traditionally solutions available that provide visibility into the networking and applications sometimes miss the mark and can give visibility to the network or application. The requirement is to offer a solution that can easily correlate the networking of data and applications to help improve the user experience. Such solutions are generally cumbersome to configure with multiple points of contact and deter IT organizations to adopt them because of their complexity

NetScaler Insight Centre is both powerful and easy -. A solution that operates strategically placed NetScaler appliances and open standards AppFlow technology to consolidate and correlate both network and application data for simple information and easy to manage. This information can then be used to obtain valuable information about users, applications and network troubleshooting and capacity planning. This eliminates the need for valves of the network, agents and control points across the network.

IT administrators can quickly and easily get answers to numerous operational and strategic issues exploiting the rich underlying data associated with very flexible data presentation capabilities, particularly for Web applications and XenApp / XenDesktop. For example:

  • If a user is experiencing delays in access to a particular application, but the client time and return are acceptable server, this would imply a problem with the server associated implementation;
  • a complaint from a bad session VoIP user can indicate a high jitter between the client device and corresponding NetScaler appliance and involve a problem with the client-side network; and
  • A group of users experiencing poor performance and high travel time to and from the corresponding servers and NetScaler suggest a congestion problem with intermediate switches.

With HDX Insight for XenApp and XenDesktop traffic and Web Insight for Web traffic, NetScaler Insight Center provides powerful correlation capabilities and a complete single solution from Citrix to meet complex challenges demand visibility of today.

Desktop Transformation - Doing it Right

2:22 PM Add Comment
Desktop Transformation - Doing it Right -

At Citrix Consulting, we have a lot of experience to help customers deploy desktop virtualization solutions quickly and successfully. Engagements can range in size from a tactical implementation to a specific user group with a strategic solution for enterprise-wide virtualization. That commitment is big or small, Citrix Consulting follows the same methodology to assess the "who, where, when, and why" Before designing or deploying a desktop virtualization solution.

  1. identify and prioritize key business drivers
  2. Divide users into groups based on common requirements
  3. Assess the requirements of the application to determine the best method of delivery
  4. reduce time to value by focusing on the user groups that provide the greatest impact and the shortest deployment time

Following this process ensures that we do not lack a key business driver, the user needs or typical application. - one can affect the look and feel of the final solution

Citrix Synergy is not only a great place to learn Citrix on new technologies, but also how to deploy Citrix technology successfully in the real world. If you are preparing for a desktop transformation project and is currently working with a client who is, I encourage you to participate in SYN317 where Andy Baker and I will guide you through the key steps so you can begin your good office processing way. We will also demonstrate tools that can be used to speed your project without increasing the risk

Our presentation is the first part of a three-part series on the transformation of the office :.

  1. SYN317: Evaluate your virtual desktop project methodologies Citrix Consulting
  2. SYN318: Design your virtual desktop project methodologies Citrix Consulting
  3. SYN319 Deploy your virtual desktop project methodologies with Citrix Consulting

I look forward to seeing you at Citrix Synergy Los Angeles!

Robert Wiggenhorn

Who is willing to architect cloud?

1:21 PM Add Comment
Who is willing to architect cloud? -

So, have you ever considered starting your journey to the cloud? Are you already on your way? you ask yourself exactly what you might consider?

I Synergy presentation for you !! You'l get the opportunity to see what makes the architecture of a cloud of two bright young stars of today in the field. Jacob Ben-David engineer presales American who literally wrote the book on training how to work CloudPlatform and CloudPortal and Matt Mullins (yeah me) part of Cloud Services Worldwide teams that built and seen just about all there !!

This session will cover how to take your dream to implementation and how to avoid the many pitfalls that we have seen and experienced along the way. You also learn how cloud architecture is also a way of analysis, planning and changing your cloud. There is more to just cloud then only the technical parts involved. join us and learn that the key to a "stick" architecture, based on an architecture that has to change 20 times before you get it right.

So come learn about how cloud architectures evolve raw thoughts and ideas the board room, implementations in the field. Whether the public, private or hybrid cloud, you get a great insight into the process of architecture and thought around a drawing of the Expert cloud the real world, with examples of the world real.

Come join us and learn some inside secrets, have a little fun and whatever your skill level; better prepare, develop, or continue your trip in the clouds !!

Jacob and I look forward to seeing you in synergy
Session: SYN301: Architecting your cloud infrastructure

A case of using RBAC to manage user accounts Agee

12:20 PM Add Comment
A case of using RBAC to manage user accounts Agee -


Role Based Access Control (RBAC) plays an important role in the separation of roles and separate privileges. Roles are assigned to each user and policies are created to enforce access to objects (entities) by the subjects (roles). This particular blog describes a use case management Agee user accounts (requested in Using Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to safely manage the NetScaler configuration).

A commandSpec is a regular expression through which permission to run configuration commands on NetScaler are determined. A commandPolicy may permit or orders present in a commandSpec deny. A user will have only the permissions that are defined by the commandPolicy

commandSpec creation procedure that will allow the user to add / delete user accounts Agee :.

Assuming the administrator has followed the steps to create the ELDERLY NetScaler server and a user user1 is created

  • the commandPolicy (of add_aaa) is created with the following :. commandSpec

add add_aaa of commandPolicy ALLOW system (^ add s + [a-zA-Z0-9] + s + (by + aaa s + user - password) s + $.) | (^ (Rm | bind | unbind | set) s + aaa s + s + user +) |. (^ Show s + aaa s + user *) | .. (^ show s + vpn s + intranetApplication *)

As shown in capture screen, valid commands are shown in green and commands that do not correspond with the commandSpec are shown in red.

above commandSpec can be divided into the following: "(^ add s + aaa s + user of + [a-zA-Z0-9_] + s + (- password) s +. + $) "


Authorize user1 to add new users Agee

2). . "(^ (Rm | bind | unbind | set) s + aaa s + user s + +)"

Authorize user1 to (a) remove an existing AGED user, (b) bind / unbind an SSL / VPN user intranetApplication or intranetIP and (c) set the new password to the user ELDERLY.

3) "(^ show s + aaa s + user. *)"

allow user1 to the list of existing users Agee. User1 can select a user and AGEE remove him or change user property.

4) "(^ show s + vpn s + intranetApplication. *)"

allow user1 to see intranetApplications available. This is necessary if commandSpec user1 wants to change the settings for intranetApplication Agee users.

  • The "add_aaa" commandSpec is related to user1.
  • Now using the above control policy user1 will have permissions to add / delete or set properties for Agee users.

Thus, using RBAC, a user can easily manage user accounts Agee without affecting other settings.

Простая Маршрутизация в XenServer 6.1

11:19 AM Add Comment
Простая Маршрутизация в XenServer 6.1 -

Недавно у меня появилась необходимость в маршрутизации между офисной сетью и лабой.

Лаба представляет из себя XenServer с двумя реальными сетевыми адаптерами. Один интерфейс смотрит в локальную сеть, а второй интерфейс соединен с внутренними лабораторными ресурсами, там есть своя Microsoft инфраструктура XenMobile Solution Bundle и т.д. Для исключения конфликта с DHCP для исключения сетевых проблем, наподобие броадкаст шторма и BPDU guard необходимо лабораторную сеть на уровне ip отделить от офисного сегмента.

Обычно для этого используют Vyatta роутер. Это достаточно функциональный маршрутизатор в виде виртуальной машины с дружественным для сетевого специалиста интерфейсом похожим на смесь Cisco и Juniper . Те, кто с технологиями Microsoft дружит больше, чем с сетевыми вещами, поднимают роутинг на Wndows server . Мне оба этих варианта не подходили. Сделать отдельную виртуальную машину для роутинга я не мог, потому что был очень ограничен в Equipment ресурсах. Говоря по правде XenServer располагался на обычной рабочей станции. Поднимать маршрутизацию на Windows Server'е тоже было проблемой, потому что по вышеописанным причинам выделить виртуалку для этого нельзя, а все существующие виртуальные машины используются по максимуму в экспериментах и ​​иногда не выдерживают, глючат и так далее .

Поэтому было принято волевое решение поднять роутинг на самом Linux -ядре DOM -0 XenServer'а . Это тоже не очень правильно, загружать DOM -0 подобной не специфической нагрузкой, но с другой стороны это не противоречит концепции Software Defined Network работает же Virtual Swith и ни чего ...

Разрешить роутинг в ядре не проблема - ищется в google менее чем за одну минуту:

To enable these options to edit / etc / sysctl.conf and add or uncomment the following lines:

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Как только опция была включена, ping'и сразу заработали. Но по of RDP к Widows Server'ам стенда не получалось. Первое, на что пало подозрение - это не отключенный Windows Firewall . Отключил - картина не поменялась. Второе на что пало подозрение - это просто на Windows . Я решил на уровне сетевой карты посмотреть, доходит ли вообще TCP SYN на порт 3389. Можно было это сделать на контроллере Distributed Virtual Swith , но мне показалось проще поставить на Windows сниффер Microsoft Network Monitor . В итоге пинги приходящие на Windows я увидел TCP на порты 22, 80 и 443 тоже увидел. После этого стало понятно, что где-то по пути на сетевом уровне стоит firewall . Варианта оставалось два

1. Distributed Virtual Switch - его я посмотрел - запрещающих правил нет. Для уверенности на каждом уровне добавил в явном виде " allow a whole ".

2. XenServer iptable на ядре linux . Тут действительно была проблема:

/ etc / sysconfig / iptables:

# Firewall configuration written by redhat-config-securitylevel
# manual customization of this file is not recommended
* filter
: RH-Firewall- 1-INPUT - [0:0]
-A INPUT -j RH-Firewall-1-INPUT
-A FORWARD -j HR- Firewall-1-INPUT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall- 1-INPUT -p icmp --icmp any kind j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p 50 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p 51 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp -dport 5353 -d - j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp -m udp -dport 631 j ACCEPT
-A RH -firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -dport 631 j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp -m udp -dport 67 - ACCEPT in xenapi interface j
status -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -state ESTABLISHED, RELATED -j ACCEPT
[1945006l'étatde] -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -state NEW -m udp -p udp -dport 694 j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT - m state -state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -dport 22 j ACCEPT
state -state NEW -m tcp -m -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -dport 80 j ACCEPT
state -state NEW tcp -m -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -dport 443 j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -j REJECT -reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
У меня не стояло задач тонкой настройки firewall'а , поэтому самым простым решением мне показалось разрешить все. Для уверенности, что я не забуду отредактировать все необходимые файлы, перезапустить все демоны и т.д., я решил воспользоваться встроенной утилитой c графическим интерфейсов в стиле accepted> Next-> Next-> Next-> Finish .
После этого связность локальной сети и сети лабы была по всем портам и по всем протоколам.
В дополнение я поставил на автозапуск ключевые виртуальные машины, в т.ч. DOM -0. Но это так, на всякий случай и для удобства. . Подробнее написано здесь
Используемые источники: (Xen_4.1% 2B) #Routing

Top 5 reasons to participate TechEdge Synergy @

10:18 AM Add Comment
Top 5 reasons to participate TechEdge Synergy @ -

need the latest information and troubleshooting / optimization of your products XenApp, XenDesktop, XenServer and NetScaler. So do not miss TechEdge Los Angeles 2013, organized by leading experts from Citrix Technical Support Escalation from the engineering team. Over the years, customers have said this is the case for learning the latest troubleshooting tools, methodologies and patches for your desktop virtualization, server virtualization and network optimization without hearing all marketing fluff .

Top 5 reasons to attend:

  • Direct access to the best pros Citrix support
  • Best-practice advice on the configuration, support and troubleshooting
  • a chance to ask questions, drill down and solve problems
  • A great way to kick-off your Synergy experience
  • 'face time' with other administrators and Citrix partners

See the agenda.

TechEdge Join now!

We look forward to seeing you there.

Get It Now!

David McGeough
Program Manager, WW Marketing Services
Citrix Systems

Top 10 reasons why Citrix NetScaler and XenMobile MDM solution is the way to go!

9:17 PM Add Comment
Top 10 reasons why Citrix NetScaler and XenMobile MDM solution is the way to go! -

In my previous blog, I discussed the deployment XenMobile (Mobile Device Management) MDM with NetScaler Application Delivery Controller using (ADC) and security features applications, IT can perfectly meet the needs of mobile users. NetScaler provides many essential features to help network performance, security and session management. Overall, the XenMobile MDM and NetScaler offering to scale, ensure high availability for applications and maintain security while reducing deployment and management costs of mobility.

As a follow up, here are the top 10 reasons why Citrix XenMobile MDM and NetScaler solution is the way to go (for what - the best most advanced solution leader / / of the market enterprise mobility)!

1) most adaptive mobility solutions that can be tailored to your needs and requirements

2) integrated solution for use cases, some of the use cases are the following:

a) load balancing and balancing XenMobile global MDM load

b) ActiveSync filter with NetScaler using information XenMobile MDM with a new feature called connector NetScaler XenMobile (XNC )

c) mobile Management (Application MAM) / / solution MDM NetScaler Access Gateway

Read this white paper to learn more: Deliver Enterprise Mobility with Citrix XenMobile and Citrix NetScaler

3) scalable solutions to support the growing demand for mobile users -. including support for multiple devices and access to applications and data

4) the most scalable solution for applications that require tunnel - Micro VPN for secure browsing, email access and mobile Management (MAM) capabilities

5) noticeable difference in usability and sustainability with a Citrix solution

6) parity characteristics of NetScaler that can be installed in virtualized environments and NetScaler MPX appliances - makes for agile enterprise mobility

7) NetScaler Insight Center provides application visibility for web applications and XenApp / XenDesktop environments


8) We have quite impressive teams Citrix have a network expertise and Mobile Device Manager (MDM) expertise

9) simplifies the solution and troubleshooting when you have just one company to contact XenMobile MDM components or NetScaler

10) White gloves program for the event filtering using ActiveSync launched today for the first four customers based on pre-installation qualification questionnaire. Check with your sales representative if you are interested in being part of this program - this offer is only for the first 4 customers with this use case in mind

Attend Citrix Synergy for Anaheim practical experience in our NetScaler. and XenMobile learning lab sessions and Synergy networking sessions - and see other main reasons why Citrix solutions rock

OpenPegasus CIM Server (cimserver) memory leak troubleshooting tips

8:16 PM Add Comment
OpenPegasus CIM Server (cimserver) memory leak troubleshooting tips -

There is no secret that there are memory leaks in our CIM Server and it seems that not only XenServer has such problems. Recetly I spent some time helping my colleague troubleshooting problem like this and decided to share following the procedures

Procedure 1 :. Using database files

  1. Set destination and the core file pattern:
     sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern = "... / var / tmp / core% e% h% p "-q kernel sysctl .core_pattern 

    above the set file core sales pitch commands is as follows:

     /var/tmp/core. [.  
  2. Change /etc/init.d/openpegasus file and add ulimit -c unlimited line before cimserver begins.
    Or apply patch below on /etc/init.d/openpegasus
     *** / etc /init.d/openpegasus .00 04/05/2013 14: 39: 48.000000000 0530 --- /etc/init.d/openpegasus 05/04/2013 14: 31: 42.000000000 0530 ******* **** **** start () {*** **** 11.16 --- 11.17 ---- stop () {echo -n "stop OpenPegasus ..." ulimit -c unlimited + / opt / OpenPegasus / bin / cimserver -s echo "done." } 

    To apply this patch:

    • save a text file in XenServer dom0, namely: /root/cim.patch
    • run Patch
  3. cimserver Restart
     Service OpenPegasus restart 
  4. When cimserver begins consume abnormal amount of memory kill cimserver with SIGABRT (6) signals.
     -SIGABRT kill $ (pgrep cimserver) 
  5. Check new file / var / tmp / core.

Procedure 2 :. Using part of valgrind

  1. Stop cimserver watchdog
     touch / opt / xs-cem-cmpi / watchdog-off 
  2. Set cimserver running in the foreground:
     / opt / OpenPegasus / bin / daemon cimconfig -s = false -p 
  3. Start cimserver using valgrind
     valgrind --leak-check = - -log complete file = / root / cimserver.valgrind% p.Log --trace-children = yes / opt / OpenPegasus / bin / cimserver 
  4. When problem occurs stop valgrind and collect log file / var / tmp
    Follow remaining steps back cimconfig original configuration.
  5. cimserver Set to run in the background:
     / opt / OpenPegasus / bin / cimconfig -s daemon = true -p 
  6. Enable monitoring:
     rm - vF / opt / xs-cem-IPMC / watchdog-off 

Using the API App Orchestration through different web technologies (Part 2)

7:15 PM Add Comment
Using the API App Orchestration through different web technologies (Part 2) -

Hope you had a chance to take a look at Part 1 to see how the use the API App Orchestration using webforms. In the next part of the series, we will look to do the same, but this time using MVC. MVC is the latest and Microsoft's ASP technology, mixing C # / VB syntax language with basic HTML elements. Things look much cleaner and are easier to manage in MVC and webforms old school. It is about as good as you can get help from server-side scripts. (If you do not let the Microsoft umbrella :.))

The created project I was using Visual Studio 2012 using MVC 4. Visual Studio has a fine on the box project that uses integrated Windows authentication. This allows us to demostrate another way to access the API - the ImplictAuthContext. I just added the ApiContext my HomeController, but in a more complex example you want to store it separately and access from a base controller class to not constantly installing and dismantling of context each controller initialization.

Let's take a look at the code for this:

 public virtual async Task  Index () {ApiContext = new ImplicitAuthContext (DefaultApiServiceAddress); ApiContext.GlobalSettings.Get global var = (); ViewBag.Message = string.Format ( "Are we licensed {0}", Global.IsLicensed?) 

Note two things here:

  1. The keyword async . the API allows you to enjoy this new .NET functionality and make asynchronous calls. (More on that in a moment.)
  2. you can store the results in the ViewBag then display them on the view. Here, I show a simple query to check the status of the App Orchestration license. you never want to be without a license, right? :)
  3. this is all you have need with the implicit method. - a simple call of a line We stock a controller property

in the example of webforms we obtained data offerings and linked them to a repeater. . in MVC, we question them and save them in a template for display.

This is the query. You see it uses async. After waiting for the results, I then massage the data query in my specific model using LINQ

 var = offeringsTask ApiContext.Offerings.GetAsync (). offers var = (waiting offeringsTask) .ToList (); offeringModels var = (to offer the offers select new {Id = OfferingModel offering.Id, Name = offering.Name, IconURL = Url.LargeIconUrl (offering.Icon.Id)}) OrderBy (ad => ad. name). var = new model HomeModel Offerings = {offeringModels.ToList ()}; return View (model); 

Here the reference models:

 public class OfferingModel {public string Id {get; together; } Public string IconURL {get; together; } Public string Name {get; together; }} 
 public class HomeModel {public List  Offerings {get; together; }} 

This is all the code you need in the cshtml page to browse offers:

     offers     @foreach (var offers in Model.Offerings) {      @ offering.Name   }   

and it will look like, the same as the example of webforms:

MVC syntax made to the many table easier and it almost seems like good old HTML.

The way we do the icons is not much different, but it is easier and simpler. First, there is this beautiful helper class that builds the urls to get the icon images.

 UrlHelperExtensions public static class {public static string LargeIconUrl (this UrlHelper urlHelper, Guid? Id) {return urlHelper.Action ( "GetIcon", "Home", new {id, width = 32 height = 32 }); } Public static string LargeIconUrl (this UrlHelper urlHelper, string id) {return urlHelper.Action ( "GetIcon", "Home", new {id, width = 32 height = 32}); }} 

Then we have the typical method that returns the actual bits of the image. (This is roughly the same as the example of webforms but you can build it directly into your controller. However, you may want it to be a separate controller in a real world example to isolate concerns.)

 [OutputCache(Duration = Int32.MaxValue)] // Cache forever public virtual async Task  GetIcon (string id, int? width, int? height) {try {var icon = wait ApiContext.Icons.GetByIdAsync (id, IconFormat. png, width ?? 32, ?? height 32); return file (Convert.FromBase64String (icon.DataBase64), "image / png"); } Catch (Exception e) {Trace.TraceError ( "Error Message obtaining Icon: {0}", e.Message); return new EmptyResult (); }} 

There. This project ended up with less code, was easier to read and follow some of the latest techniques server side. In part 3, we will change this example not to use server-side processing, but instead use knockout and Ajax requests to get the data. Stay tuned!

Enterprise Mobility Management and snap approach

6:13 PM Add Comment
Enterprise Mobility Management and snap approach -

Enterprise Mobility Management is so much more than MDM or MAM or MCM (you choose your favorite 3 letter acronym - maybe even create some new ones) the basic task of the mobility management is building a workforce more efficient, with improved levels of productivity tools that simplify operational complexity to provide connected experience leverage, making this vision a reality. For a long time this meant the line of business mobilization of Windows applications on smartphones and tablets, which Citrix has done and continues to do very effectively, by leveraging Citrix XenDesktop and Citrix Receiver power. Adding CloudGateway scenarios in this mixture allowed extensions on the base, which has enabled us to "snap-in" on demand, native mobile applications with security checks at the enterprise level. Integrating best-in-breed capabilities Zenprise management system makes this even more complete story, and the underlying data platform with Sharefile links all of these multiple access scenarios up in a pretty package. Other components of the Citrix portfolio, with NetScaler, GoToMeeting, GoToAssist, Podio, increase and accelerate the specific use cases, the improvement of sustainability, scalability, usability and functionality rewarding.

With all these elements in a pluggable "snap-in" architecture that allows to pick / choose cases and key usage scenarios, and therefore design enterprise environments without need to re-architect the network or re-educate end users, provides Citrix customers a significant advantage in how enterprise mobility is managed.

I'll talk to our annual conference for end users to Citrix Synergy 2013, SYN309, where we will look at this whole picture, right to make appropriate choices, the design of access scenarios and put all together to achieve the goal of ending improve efficiency and labor productivity. We are going mobile, and we are very happy you all to join us on this journey ....

Shorten your sales cycle mobility at Citrix Summit

5:12 PM Add Comment
Shorten your sales cycle mobility at Citrix Summit -

Many sellers claim to have a complete solution for BYOD, MDM, MIM, MAM, COPE, EMM and any other acronym you can think about when it comes to Enterprise Mobility. But have they? Is a fully integrated solution? ? Are the solutions components aware of each other

Any good mobility solution addresses the following factors:

  • Any device
  • Management device
  • Secure email & Web
  • Network & Security
  • SSO & management ID
  • Mobile App Security
  • Office & App Virtualization
  • Secure data control
  • Mobile Collaboration

with Citrix Workstyles mobile solutions for your XenDesktop and XenApp (Desktop and App Virtualization) customers can use XenMobile MDM (device management) for delivering Citrix Receiver (All device) that can install Citrix me @ Work mobile applications (Secure Mail & Web) such as GoToMeeting (Mobile Collaboration) to present a PowerPoint presentation ShareFile (Secure Data Control) from any location NetScaler Gateway Access (Network and security) via any private and / or public cloud seamlessly (CloudBridge) and dry any application or device using CloudGateway XenMobile and MDM (Mobile app security) at any time if the device is lost or stolen with full access to their infrastructure Severs from a tablet with GoToAssist (mobile IT administration? MITM? ... Did I just coin a new term?). I have to catch my breath. This is a complete solution!

Included? If not, do not worry. Citrix Summit, you can learn to shorten your sales cycle sales solutions by participating in some of the following:

  • SUM102: Join the revolution of clouds in the support and collaboration
  • SUM107: Generate new revenue sources by selling Citrix mobility solutions
  • SUM108: Listen to your peers: how to build a successful business practice around mobility
  • SUM109: How to compete head-to-head in the mobility market
  • SUM119: increased profits Microsoft and mobile solutions using NetScaler
  • SUM126: ShareFile differentiators that you win against the competition
  • SUM201: Extending your XenDesktop and XenApp deployment to support enterprise mobility
  • SUM202: Integration of mobile device management (MDM) into the existing infrastructure of your customer

Be sure to check out our other sessions on mobility and Networking and also drop by Mobile Workstyles Theater to see first hand how to demonstrate these solutions to your customers.


Follow @ChrisLCampbell

For the latest Citrix and industry related news on mobility and BYOD, follow us at:

Follow Follow @CitrixMobility @CitrixBYOD

A new approach to learning instructor Labs

4:11 PM Add Comment
A new approach to learning instructor Labs -

At Citrix Summit, LA that we offer a training record in record time! The Summit's agenda packs the value of the in-depth technical training weeks in days for optimum efficiency and profitability. Led by an instructor Learning Labs are on hottest ticket Summit and - best of all - they are free! This year, you can pre-register up to two Learning Labs instructor-led and also present there to attend as many others as you want (space permitting).

Three types of laboratories to choose:

  • planning and design :. Learn methodologies and best practices for planning and design of a product or solution that is resilient and optimized and addresses business challenges
  • implementation and deployment: More on the solution architecture and gain an understanding of the use cases and deployment scenarios. Product installation, configuration and integration of the environment will also be covered
  • Support and Troubleshooting :. Learn the procedures in depth configuration, as well as how to monitor, optimize and scale. Troubleshooting using problem isolation techniques and appropriate tools will be included.

Secure your seat!

Registration for Citrix Summit in Los Angeles today where you will acquire expert knowledge of Citrix products and learn the key features and functionality on the latest developments on mobile workstyles, the desktop virtualization and networking solutions.

Once you have registered, the head of the Ma planning tool event in your My account of the event to select the available classes and book your seat.

Learn first-hand how to increase your profit potential and valuable partner in the Summit of Los Angeles.

3:10 PM Add Comment
Learn first-hand how to increase your profit potential and valuable partner in the Summit of Los Angeles. -

Citrix recently announced changes to the Solution Advisor program described in this press release to help partners achieve greater profits, improve market differentiation, and increase sales. This marks the new Citrix Solution Advisor program, including Citrix Opportunity Registration, differentiated rewards Advisor, and more. Learn more about the ideas of innovation and ways to get more out of your relationship with Citrix. Come by the Partner Solutions Center for advice one-on-one and verify important sessions on new offers of CSA.

At Partner Solutions Center, you can talk to experts on Citrix initiatives and marketing tools, but also be sure to learn about the new features of the program and changes . Talk one-on-one on how to optimize your partner membership and enjoy all your program benefits. Visit these two pods while you're there

  • Pod :. Incentives Citrix Worldwide - Speak to the pros Citrix Advisor Rewards and the new Citrix Opportunity Registration program, in which you can earn an additional incentive to provide early visibility into cloud networking opportunities
  • Pod :. Citrix Partner Sales Resources - Speak with program experts who can advise on resources to increase sales, provide support members and help you measure your partnership to take full advantage of the programs offered.

Among impactful breakout sessions at the Summit, be sure SUM SUM 110 and 111 more on innovation, improvement and means that we adapt our programs to better To attend to your needs. Start taking advantage of these new changes. These presentations provide the details you search for

  • SUM 110 :. Maximize your profit potential with Citrix incentive programs - details on the Citrix Advisor Rewards program and newly introduced Citrix Opportunity Registration program for network cloud offers and start taking reap more benefits
  • SUM 111 Enhancements Channel Program Citrix Solution Advisor and discounts and rewards - Learn how to increase profits on existing and new markets, d improve the market and competitive differentiation and rise of sales productivity while discovering easier to do business with us

soon at Citrix Summit lA!

What is worth getting up Friday morning after the party Citrix Synergy

2:09 PM Add Comment
What is worth getting up Friday morning after the party Citrix Synergy -

- Synergy sessions NetScaler more impressive course and win prizes! Well, probably after coffee and breakfast 😉 Got to save energy after partying with Maroon 5 by going to multiple NetScaler sessions and XenMobile Friday, May 24 Here, the back to back two networking events worth it to get up after a fun Thursday night. Come hear Rajiv Mirani - NetScaler VP of Engineering and some members of the team NetScaler discuss in detail the coolest things you should certainly want to know that you did not think was possible with NetScaler. This is with SYN314 below:

session Duration 10:00: SYN314 : Five things cooler than you did not know were possible with NetScaler

session 11h time: SYN316 : Architecting a scalable next-generation data center and secure with enterprise mobility

the second session is SYN316 with members of the team and NetScaler XenMobile discuss details of building a secure data center with next generation enterprise mobility. In this session, we will also have ICSA confirm NetScaler as a firewall certified application and latest information on security.

Also come with the best questions for each session and you get a chance to win a gift card or an Apple TV! So if you go to two sessions, you can win several prizes and learn from people who are at the heart of all the shares in the product groups.

Подписка на бесплатный ежемесячный информационный бюллетень Experience XenDesktop

1:08 PM Add Comment
Подписка на бесплатный ежемесячный информационный бюллетень Experience XenDesktop -

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые читатели. . Снова с вами российский голос технической поддержки Citrix

Experience Если вас интересует бесплатный ежемесячный информационный бюллетень XenDesktop, включающий рекомендации и информацию от лучших умов в Citrix (Консультация, Техническая поддержка, Образование и другие):

  • Тематические статьи о решениях общих проблем внедрения.
  • Недавно выпущенный исправления и инструменты.
  • Главные технические видео, статьи, white papers блоги и.
  • Техническое обучение и события.

То подпитесь на бюллетень пройдя по ссылке, там же вы найдете все предыдущие выпуски бюллетеня.

AppDNA Now Accelerates 7 XenDesktop Virtual Application Migration

12:07 PM Add Comment
AppDNA Now Accelerates 7 XenDesktop Virtual Application Migration -

Accelerate XenApp application virtualization is now even easier with the inclusion of a free version limited functionality of the software migration of applications Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp in AppDNA 7 6.5 Platinum Editions FP2. 7 XenDesktop and XenApp 6.5 FP2 Platinum customers can now automatically check compatibility for applications to be delivered in a hosted environment XenApp

Announced today at Citrix Synergy, a Platinum license will give access to limited functionality APPDNA :.

  • application tests Unlimited Hosted XenApp - test some or all applications in the enterprise
  • Application for XenApp Hosted sanitation
  • AppDNA Calculator effort the size, the field of migration effort

Regardless of the virtualization product or seller, each migration has the potential to address application compatibility challenges. . To help customers with their current migrations, Citrix integrates automated application compatibility with virtualization products to help customers speed application migration

Think of your testing process today: set up a laboratory coordinate business units to perform acceptance testing by the user, try to solve the shortcomings of the application, call the owner UAT back in the lab, repeat, repeat. What if you can automate the process?

The AppDNA single analysis software "DNA" of the application, determining the compatibility of the application. Whether homegrown or commercial applications, EXE, MSI or other installation format AppDNA can accurately illustrate the application behavior.

Within minutes, see the application compatibility with XenApp Hosted in / orange / light green light red traffic report. quickly see which applications are compatible and that may have application compatibility problems. Determine overall application compatibility for applications portfolio and potential application compatibility final set after patch application sanitation were applied.

AppDNA then provides detailed information request sanitation. Select the fixes that correspond to the best practices of the organization. Also, use the detailed application AppDNA Releases Report to align the application compatibility issues, then plan the right mix of senior and junior level staff for the migration project.

The limited edition Platinum AppDNA also give customers an overview of staff, time and budget required to complete the application migration to XenApp Hosted with calculator AppDNA the effort.

AppDNA accelerates the migration of applications to the current migration and the applications that are added to the mixture on a daily basis. For more compatibility support applications, customers can upgrade to the full editions of AppDNA software.

More about AppDNA application migration in Platinum Editions or download it for free AppDNA application migration trial version today.

NetScaler again? Then you need to attend this webinar!

11:06 AM Add Comment
NetScaler again? Then you need to attend this webinar! -

If your new NetScaler and often confused with terms like GSLB, VIP, NSIP, SSH, CLI or VIP then we have good news for you! We run a webinar next Thursday, May 30 covering the common pitfalls when setting up a NetScaler for the first time.

Here are some details on the upcoming webinar.

Sometimes the establishment of a NetScaler can seem impossible. What do you do when you hit a roadblock at an early stage?

In this session we will review the most common questions that you may experience at an early stage of your deployment NetScaler, and how to diagnose them using the tools -BOX

during this session you will learn :.

  • Troubleshooting basic configuration problems
  • health controls
  • Introducing redundancy and removing single point of failure
  • Logging - what happened historically "

Webinar Details
Thursday, May 30 2013 @ 11:00 AM EST / 17:00 CET

hope to see many of you online

David McGeough
program Manager, WW marketing services

Citrix CTO Series - XenClient XT as an extensible open platform for innovation for the security of virtualization systems

10:05 AM Add Comment
Citrix CTO Series - XenClient XT as an extensible open platform for innovation for the security of virtualization systems -

anti-malware products traditional suffered from some fundamental flaws that limit their effectiveness. First, based on the signatures is by definition a reactive approach; it can not be a signature until the malware exists. Second, it is impossible to guarantee detection of malware running with root privileges when the detection system is running at the same privilege level. In other words, if a rootkit is running in the supervisor, who is overseeing the supervisor?

That the threat landscape has changed is well known. The most significant change was moving search of strong sensations weekend warriors to a range of pirates with a variety of patterns, from disgruntled employees, political activists, professionals hacking for profit organizations. This change led an evolving attack vectors. While social activists "same old" are true, the quality of malware has changed. We can not wait aloud malware. We can not expect to detect the driver-level malicious code, since it is poorly written;. these guys are not blue-screening systems these days Worse, they know your systems best you

the safety and infrastructure converge "Who will inspect the!. supervisor"? The answer is in infrastructure. By creating this ecosystem, Citrix takes a big step forward for security in virtualized environments. This is an abandonment of the inspection of operating systems and applications. The ecosystem and suppliers that are able to embrace it represents a new paradigm in security. It is possible that the former inspect the root of the root "dilemma is disappearing (or" disappeared ").

The delivery method will be key. Customers of the largest enterprises SMEs, do not want to pick and choose the security to match infrastructure, applications and operating all of the height of the battery systems. This support method and choose-is long and full of patchwork solutions. It is also the money pit because it is intensive work with difficult to quantify the results; it creates integration efforts that add to the cost of security. In other words, clients want security that is integrated, from top to bottom of the stack. Virtualization, by the very definition of the hypervisor, provides secure space from which security can be applied. It is up to virtualization vendors to offer this security role.

Bolt safety will always be limits. Cooked in security has real consequences for suppliers who are able to work with infrastructure providers. Creating a tangible infrastructure, security awareness is a work that both infrastructure and security vendors share. The safety of the software defined data center is part of the ecosystem. Finally, we may be able to agree that the idea of ​​"security by design" is possible.

Citrix XenClient® XT implement "security by design" through a flexible architecture that is designed to provide extreme security and isolation for the public sector and other highly regulated environments. It uses a hardenedType Xen®-1 client hypervisor project that runs on bare metal to maximize security without compromising performance. Security features such as hardware-assisted start-confidence and disk encryption from the platform Intel® vPro ™ ensure only authorized users have access to sensitive data. More importantly, an open architecture enables partners and other third parties to extend the XT platform XenClient to provide additional value-added capabilities. Taken together, these capabilities are transforming Citrix XenClient® XT in a flexible platform, scalable security that offers integrated security for a leap forward in security.

The Citrix Virtualization Client Group actively participated in various activities to form a new virtualization security ecosystem based off of the platform XenClient XT. We worked closely with various security vendors by sharing our virtualization and security experiences with them.

An example of this is the VCD-IA pack extension from Adventium Labs, which was built above the Citrix XenClient XT platform for additional defensive capabilities. Another example implementation is Bitdefender which showed a demo VM implementation retrospection memory services built on top of the Xen® hypervisor project to protect guest virtual memory against malicious infection memory operations to Citrix Synergy Los Angeles 2013. " Citrix introduces a very attractive ecosystem based on XenClient XT for security vendors to go beyond traditional test paradigm. ," said Robert Krauss, director of strategic alliances, Bitdefender.

This new virtualization security ecosystem being built over Citrix XenClient XT platform through security vendors and other third parties increases the strongest available security capabilities Citrix XenClient XT to protect highly regulated environments. Download and evaluate XenClient XT for free in your own environment and learn more about the latest version of XenClient XT!

Join the conversation by connecting with Citrix XenClient team online!

See XenClient XT product page

  • Try XenClient XT with a free 0-day trial
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Visit our technical Forum XenClient XT

about the author

Ahmed Sallam is a Vice-President CTO and technology leader strategy and cross-functional Citrix solutions in an emerging new era of smart devices, IoT IoE, system virtualization, physicalization and server security. Its focus is on the new end to end solutions emerging from devices to networks to cloud through Citrix product lines. Ahmed resulting intellectual property opportunities for growth and monetization strategy comes as Citrix. He works closely with software and hardware ecosystem partners including Citrix in open platforms. He served as CTO and vice president of product strategy for client virtualization. Ahmed is a renowned expert in well-known industry for new cutting-edge security and management models oriented computer system providing a flexible virtualization experience, well-managed and secure computer with high security guarantees. Ahmed holds 25 issued patents and over 40 patent applications issued and pending

Ahmed Follow on Twitter :. Https://

View Ahmed LinkedIn profile: www.

Is upgrading to everyone?

9:04 PM Add Comment
Is upgrading to everyone? -

is updated for everyone?

During the life cycle of a product of production, there comes a time when a new version provides the ability for a customer to upgrade. In terms of XenDesktop, it is expected that in place upgrade of an existing deployment would upgrade all automatically or manual intervention components would be expected?

There is also the question of whether customers would upgrade deployment working at all or would they simply build a parallel deployment. Using this model users could be migrated from older production environment to the new version piece by piece.

In addition, customers would prefer to export a site from a previous work deployment to then be imported back into a new online product deployment?

We are interested in learning how customers prefer to deploy a new version of XenDesktop when they already have an existing deployment job in place. For this reason, we have created a simple survey to collect this data. If you could spend a few minutes of your time, we greatly appreciate the feedback.

The leveling survey is located at the following address

Email us @

Tweet Choose we @CitDesEngTest

Citrix- Making a difference in children's education 100+ this week!

8:03 PM Add Comment
Citrix- Making a difference in children's education 100+ this week! -

In the space of two days and two schools last week Citrites volunteer with Junior Achievement (JA) Northern California for "JA Day" - teaching young elementary children the value of financial literacy. Junior Achievement helps young people to own their economic success.

Being in Silicon Valley, there are many companies that want to give back to the community and Citrix is ​​of course part. Anyone can be a volunteer for JA. You must not be a teacher, but you must have the passion to make a difference - especially with children from families with low socioeconomic status. Citrites certainly helped young children last week and we are proud that we were able to help and to use our days Citrix volunteers for a great cause. Here are some pictures of one of the events "JA Day"!

Troubleshooting Tips & Tricks - TechEdge Los Angeles 2013 Videos & Presentations

7:02 PM Add Comment
Troubleshooting Tips & Tricks - TechEdge Los Angeles 2013 Videos & Presentations -

Have you had a chance to attend the Los Angeles event TechEdge Synergy recently? If not, you will not want to miss the presentations and videos Techedge now available. These popular sessions provide excellent troubleshooting tips and tricks from top experts from Citrix.

See presentations and videos

Citrix TechEdge is free event organized over Citrix Techedge the technical support engineers at Citrix Synergy, where you gain in-depth knowledge on the latest troubleshooting tools, methodologies and fixes for your Citrix application delivery infrastructure.

If you like this type of content, then you will love our Citrix Secrets Webinar Series support. Take a look at the webinar page for on-demand sessions to come and past.

forward to seeing many of you in line.

David McGeough
Program Manager, WW Marketing Services

Citrix Partner Uproar: "Get started with XenDesktop 7"

6:01 PM 1 Comment
Citrix Partner Uproar: "Get started with XenDesktop 7" -

As a member of the Citrix WW Channel Marketing team, I invite you to join in the conversation through social media channels. Today I bring you the means to build your Citrix XenDesktop 7 knowledge! Not only should you start with XenDesktop 7 by taking a free online course, described below, but you should also get involved in conversations related to the course to better understand the XenDesktop 7 architecture, components and scenarios key of the solution. Do not wait any longer - start talking and be sure to add XenDesktop 7 skills to your portfolio with current and future Citrix certifications Education

This two hours without online courses, CXD-102, guide you. through desktop and application virtualization terminology and inquire about 7 XenDesktop architecture, components, key solution scenarios and use cases. This course will lay the foundation for helping customers when they adopt or transition to this new virtualization solution.

This course is recommended for those who are interested in XenDesktop 7 or try to understand the major changes and architecture in the XenDesktop solution. It is also preparing to take either course "Citrix Management XenDesktop 7 Solutions" or "Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions" course.

In addition, pre-registration is now available for both courses run by an early release instructor:

  • CXD-203: Citrix Management XenDesktop 7 Solutions early release
  • CXD-300: Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions early release

Go to XenDesktop page 7 training for more information or to reach out to Kevin Strohmeyer

Make noise -.! be part of the Hubbub

the topics I'll cover each month are also presented in Citrix partner News , but in order to stay on top of best practices, I find that the format blog is more interactive than a newsletter. It gives each of you the opportunity to express your opinions, ask questions and pass on information to colleagues or clients.

I hope you will add your voice to the "Citrix Partner Uproar!"

Also, make sure to follow us on Twitter @CitrixPartners.

Citrix is ​​"Top Workplace" in Silicon Valley Once Again!

5:00 PM Add Comment
Citrix is ​​"Top Workplace" in Silicon Valley Once Again! -

After nearly 11 years at Citrix, I always feel lucky and proud to work here. According to the results of the San Jose Mercury News Top Workplaces 2013 rankings, many of my colleagues feel the same thing. Citrix recently appointed eighth in the "Large Companies", one of only three Bay Area companies to recognize four years in a row.

When I hear employees talk why they like working here, there are a number of common themes. What is the main reason? People. We have a unique talented team, and shares a common set of values. Another reason is that they really love what they do. They can create, sell, support and use amazing products. As they do, the company grows, and they grow their careers.

Another secret of our success is that we allow employees to work and collaborate everywhere. Our employees appreciate that they have flexibility in where and how work gets done. When it comes to mobile workstyles, we walk the walk.

Our international teams care about the communities where we live and work, and Citrix supports by donating products, matching charitable gifts, and provide each employee with two eight-day work of an hour each year to volunteer with the nonprofit of their choice.

for me, Citrix is ​​an extraordinary place to work. And in regions like Silicon Valley is known for its highly competitive job market, its especially rewarding to be recognized with a distinction summit workplace.

Citrix Congratulations!

Next-Gen Monitoring Application Performance - AppEnsure

3:59 PM Add Comment
Next-Gen Monitoring Application Performance - AppEnsure -

Have you ever struggled to sort out why your application infrastructure is underway ? slow performance [

AppEnsure (company Citrix Startup Accelerator) announced the public availability of July 15. It's exciting - to all appearances, and excitement of the first customers, they bring a next-gen completely fresh approach to operational transparency for AppOps teams.

"one-click install, AppEnsure only takes minutes to deliver value with automatic discovery and naming of all applications without any user configuration. Each transaction is mapped to both virtually and physically with automatic baselining historical response times. This app Ops oriented solution provides fast time to resolution by providing root cause analysis of the visibility of automated application, with clear instructions for faster problem resolution by responsible operations teams to support all applications in production "http :. //online.wsj .com / article / PR-CO-20130625-06737.html

Check them out at I think you'll be impressed, but please, let me know how it goes.


effective Queuing - But Where

2:58 PM Add Comment
effective Queuing - But Where -

Does the peak look familiar? This is the reality of our daily life and most of the time we simply follow the queue blindly. Each queue system can be questioned for its effectiveness and can be improved and the same principle applies to the queues in our computer systems.

NetScaler keeps so many different queues for different system features and capabilities. The queues admirably and work mostly as an end user you will not even notice when the queue is maintained. Couple return of the month, we reviewed the internal queues maintained in NetScaler and the thought was to improve the management of the queue and handling what we do today.

A simple example of handling client connection on NetScaler. We pick the client connections and based on the LB / persistence logic reuse the selected service. What happens when the service is overloaded or the back-end server are not able to handle more traffic? Then, client connections begin to queue on the service and the queue starts to grow. Most protection functions are used at each level of service today and thus while making the decision LB vserver does not know the status of these features such as HTTP DoS protection, Priority Queuing or Sure Connect. Hence the sometimes selected service may not be the best because of these protection features. All priorities is going to the service layer and the protection logic is applied here so through multiple service prioritization differ depending on waiting queue level of local service.

Another common problem seen with the service level queue when the service is down for any reason any queue is cleaned and connections held triggers. If you combine all this together with the fact that today the logic of the application is mainly applied to the layer / vserver endpoint when you see the opportunity for improvement. Does the story come together ... ??

With NetScaler 10.1 release, we introduced the queue mechanism enhanced with maintaining the queue to the layer of vserver. Again, as an end user you would not see much difference outside as most of it is handled internally, but you'll certainly appreciate the benefits that come

  • First and first of all -. One checkpoint
  • Play with the size of the queue in vserver / App
  • precise request priority among services
  • HTTP DoS protection applied to vserver / App
  • Even more intelligent selection mechanism service
  • Influencing decision LB for a better use of resources services
  • Finally connections queued falls not if the service goes down

looks interesting, is not it? Stay tuned for the next blog retailer in the queue at the vserver.

Citrix NetScaler gateway - Quick Setup Wizard

1:57 PM 1 Comment
Citrix NetScaler gateway - Quick Setup Wizard -


Quick Setup Wizard makes configuring NetScaler gateway and XenMobile Type XenApp / XenDesktop deployments that enables communication with App Controller, StoreFront, or Web securely interface. Simplification of the NetScaler Gateway configuration is accomplished by creating various policies such as authentication, session and Clientless Access etc. in the background and link them to a virtual server.

NetScaler Gateway Configuration


  1. Gateway Platform NetScaler License
  2. Proper SSL certificate and SSL Key

steps to set through the wizard:

Step 1

When accessing the NetScaler management console using NSIP (NetScaler Address IP) in a browser, select NetScaler gateway 'option' type of deployment "and login to get persona NetScaler gateway tab represented by Home ."

Step 2

When you enter for the first time, an interface to add IP Address Subnet , hostname and DNS IP, etc., is presented. Add the appropriate values ​​and click Continue 'button.

Step 3

Upload required file (s) license and restart as suggested

notes -. Above settings can be changed later and clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner.

Step 4

When NetScaler reboots and log in again by selecting the option NetScaler gateway ', an interface for configuring NetScaler virtual server gateway is presented. Click Get Started 'button

Note -. When you encounter this wizard, it is advisable to go through each section and complete the wizard by clicking on Done 'button at the end.

Step 5

Set Gateway NetScaler virtual server name, IP address (VIP) and port. In addition, you can enable NetScaler gateway to redirect an HTTP connection to a secure HTTPS connection. Click Continue 'for the next section

Note -. You can not configure more than one virtual server with the same IP address (VIP) but different ports by this wizard.

Step 6

In Section "certificate", select either

  1. Already installed key-pair certificate by selecting "Choose certificate option radio oR
  2. Certificate- install a key pair selecting the option 'Install certificate' and choosing the right SSL certificate and SSL Key OR
  3. Using a test certificate self-signed NetScaler selecting "Use test certificate radio option

notes -. When using "test-user certificate ', make sure that you have not used the same FQDN earlier in the configuration of another virtual server. If you delete an existing virtual server and creating a new and want to use the same FQDN in "Using the test certificate" as previously used so be sure to manually delete related files cert / key / directory nsconfig / ssl before coming to this assistant or select the key-pair certificate already created in the "Choose certificate".

Press Continue 'to complete the wizard.

Step 7

now, you get a section to configure the authentication settings. It allows you to configure primary and secondary authentication or configure only the primary authentication.

In primary authentication, select LDAP, RADIUS or certificate . Depending on the primary selection, you get options for secondary authentication.

You can choose the already created configure authentication policy or a new policy.

When the political configuration of LDAP authentication, it is recommended to use sAMAccountName logon server attribute name for deploying XenApp / XenDesktop and userPrincipalName logon server Name attribute for deployment XenMobile but ideally two works for deployments

notes -. You can not create multiple LDAP authentication policies using the same IP address of the LDAP server in this wizard as the LDAP name of the policy and action name LDAP self-generated conflicts. For example, if you want to configure a policy that uses sAMAccountName in the logon server name attribute field and a second LDAP strategy that uses the userPrincipalName (UPN) in the logon server name field Attribute then it is not possible through this wizard, but can be achieved by creating an LDAP strategy manager of the legacy policy. To do this, click the 'Settings' tab' on the top and go to NetScaler> NetScaler Gateway> Policies> Authentication / Authorization> Authentication> LDAP node. Make sure you do not do when in the middle of the wizard; otherwise you may lose the configuration.

Once you have completed the configuration of the authentication settings, click Continue 'button.

Step 8

now, you get a section to define your deployment type and settings associated with this type of deployment.

  • XenMobile - This allows you to configure your App Controller which provides access to the web, SaaS, mobile applications, Windows applications and desktops and ShareFile . Please provide App Controller FQDN.

  • XenApp / XenDesktop - This allows the configuration of the Web interface or deploying StoreFront.

In deploying Web Interface, enter the full address of XenApp website eg http: //Xenapp1.systest.agee/Citrix/XenApp and XenApp eg Site Service http: //Xenapp1.systest.agee/Citrix/PNAgent/Config.xml . Enter the URL or single sign-on domain and STA (Secure Ticket Authority) using the IP address or FQDN.

In rolling StoreFront, enter the StoreFront FQDN Receiver for Path Web Single Sign-on field and STA (Secure ticket Authority) URL or by using the IP address or FQDN.

Click Done 'button to complete the wizard successfully.

Step 9

After clicking on Done 'button, the NetScaler monitoring interface gateway is displayed .

now if you want to change some settings in the already configured virtual server and then hover over it and get a change icon. When you change the virtual server settings, be sure to go to the end of the wizard and click Done 'button to change successfully.

You can delete the virtual server by using the Clear icon.

You can create a new virtual server NetScaler also bridge from here by clicking on + icon

Step 10

be sure to properly configure the call-back NetScaler Gateway deployment settings in your backend as App Controller, Web Interface or StoreFront.

XenDesktop 7 SDK documentation improvements

12:56 PM Add Comment
XenDesktop 7 SDK documentation improvements -

We have updated and improved using PowerShell cmdlet that comes with the SDK XenDesktop and moved eDocs help to make it easier to find and browse; see: We have also included an example of a typical work, the creation of a catalog, to show how to use the SDK for the script and automate common tasks. The example shows how to use Citrix Studio to generate the PowerShell script that you can customize for use in your own site. If you want to find some useful examples, or would like more information on using the XenDesktop SDK, please send us your comments by eDocs.

WorkSite Organizer is Citrix Ready with ShareFile

11:55 AM Add Comment
WorkSite Organizer is Citrix Ready with ShareFile -

Recently, Citrix began working with Docauto, Inc. to develop an integration for iManage WorkSite tool platform ShareFile. While many companies have been taking advantage of all ShareFile had to offer, it quickly became evident that it was a very specific need in the legal and accounting vertical. Just a few weeks Docauto, Inc. announced the completion and release of the new WorkSite for ShareFile Organizer. This application is an add-in to iManage DeskSite or FileSite that provides users of WorkSite quick and easy ways to share WorkSite documents with file sharing secure popular Citrix solution ShareFile.

This feature will provide huge bridge amenities labor WorkSite / ShareFile. For the first time, users will have the ability to export files of WorkSite, import them into ShareFile, then create an email message with a link to the newly imported Sharefile included documents, all in one click. Content that has been shared together using ShareFile can also be downloaded directly into WorkSite as a new document or a new version of an existing document. Users can also easily navigate and change their ShareFile system without leaving WorkSite.

Citrix ShareFile users can now browse, download and upload documents WorkSite ShareFile while in a document view in DeskSite, FileSite or iManage integration dialogs. With one click, users can now download the documents Sharefile new WorkSite documents or new versions of existing documents, or download one or more documents from iManage to ShareFile.

Links to documents or Sharefile files can be sent via Outlook or links can be copied if you use no outlook. This application also provides the ability to add, edit or delete folders and documents quickly Sharefile from DeskSite or FileSite.


  • The settings can be installed and managed via Group Policy, making it quick and easy deployment.
  • One-click operation allows the user to export files from WorkSite, import the files into ShareFile, and create an e-mail message containing the Sharefile links.
  • users can easily browse and edit their ShareFile system without leaving DeskSite or FileSite.
  • Sharefile links can be sent requiring the recipient to enter a name and email address to access the document or link access can be anonymous.
  • Sharefile links can be set to expire after a specified number of days.
  • Option to inform the sender when their Sharefile links are used by the recipient.
  • The download process tracks the connections between documents and Sharefile WorkSite document

Unique Features :.

  • ShareFile intuitive browser that can be launched directly into iManage.
  • Download WorkSite document to ShareFile any view of the document DeskSite, FileSite, or iManage integration dialogs.
  • Send direct links to the documents or Sharefile Sharefile folders with Outlook.
  • links Copy ShareFile content if not using Outlook.
  • The content that has been shared together using ShareFile can be downloaded directly into WorkSite as a new document or a version of an existing document.
  • Add, change or delete files quickly Sharefile from DeskSite or FileSite.
  • settings can be configured to allow for WorkSite Organizer ShareFile appear in dialogues WorkSite used to access other applications, such as Outlook, Microsoft Word, Excel, and more.
  • dialog Edit document properties to change the title and details of a file that was downloaded in ShareFile.

WorkSite Organizer for ShareFile allows users to login with their credentials Sharefile

Link to ShareFile :.

technical contact (s)

David Kiefer

Link (s) to the documentation:

Link (s) to the video demonstration:

Citrix Partner Uproar: "Do not leave your registration expires validated Opportunity!"

9:53 PM Add Comment
Citrix Partner Uproar: "Do not leave your registration expires validated Opportunity!" -

You took the first step and received an Opportunity Registration validated. Do you know what to do if you have not closed the sale within 0 days?

Sometimes it takes longer than expected to close a sale. That's why Citrix allows partners to present a new opportunity registration validated before it expires. The status of a validation of modifications registration Possibility to "expire" 60 days after the presentation, and then to "expired" 30 days later. If you are still certified for cloud networking products on the recording of opportunity, you can resubmit it to Citrix while the state is "expired." This action extends the expiration date of the registration of your opportunity for a further 0 days beyond the original expiry date. Note that opportunity entry can be resubmitted once. Once it has been resubmitted, and extended once, if the sale is not closed but is still active, you must wait until it expires and then submit a new enrollment opportunity.

For more details on how to submit a new Opportunity Registration expires, log on to Partner Central, and use the training material link on the home page of Leads and rewards or additional resources Citrix Opportunity Registration program page.

Please reach out to Ron Bauman for other questions and comments about the new program Opportunity Registration.

stay connected and up to date on all things Opp Reg. Read our recent blog post on updates of important programs.! Updates Opportunity Registration program

be a part of the hustle

The subjects I cover each month Uproar Partner are also presented in Citrix partner News , but I find that the interactive blog format is more effective in spreading the word. It gives each of you the opportunity to express your opinions, ask questions and pass on information to colleagues or clients.

I hope you will add your voice to the "Citrix Partner Uproar!"

Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter @CitrixPartners.

Everyone loves a story. Join our webinar on creating customer case studies.

10:54 AM Add Comment
Everyone loves a story. Join our webinar on creating customer case studies. -

Americas partners Warning! Learn how to make the customer case studies easy and effective part of your marketing strategy. Join our free one hour webinar on "How to create your Citrix Customer Success Story." We'll show you how to boost your marketing with stories of vivid and convincing customers that will earn you bragging rights.

special promotion!

To start the program, Citrix will subsidize a limited number of case studies. Get all the details by attending the webinar.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, July 30 at 14:00 EDT

Sign in to the Citrix webinar that will provide you with an appointment through the process development of the single case study. You can also meet our preferred supplier, Ken Wright of Ken Wright Design (KWD), and learn how Citrix will go the extra mile to increase the visibility of your case study ended, as you provide valuable advice to take advantage of 'history.

[la création]


This is an excellent opportunity to illustrate how your company works side by side with customers to plan, design, implement and maintain Citrix solutions. Success stories will enhance your reputation as a Citrix Solution Advisor known for innovation and expertise -. and measurable results

Join today

Analytics DNS

8:52 PM Add Comment
Analytics DNS -

Analytics is the new talk in town. An analysis module connected to your network not only allow visibility in a supposedly "black box", but also help you to generate significant matrices of run time to make informed decisions and faster action. No wonder these modules are more "need" to "demand" customers. A multipurpose box as help 'NetScaler' you meet both your requirements and balancing analyzes need functional load.

NetScaler can function as a proxy server to a group of DNS servers. This allows you to draw performance and security benefits of NetScaler. As NetScaler can easily monitor traffic flow in and out, it gives you a nice GUI-based dashboard for various statistics related to your DNS server. But how to get top 'N' asked domains? hmm ... Tricky native analytics Action module NetScaler is your answer.

For those who are not familiar with the action of analysis can refer AppExpert-10-1-card / ns -stream-analytics-wrapper-con.html to understand its basis. Here are the steps to follow to get the data on your 'NetScaler

  1. Create a selection expression using CLIENT.UDP.DNS.DOMAIN
  2. The use of this switch to create a stream identifier with the desired number of samples and the interval
  3. Create a dns strategy, we will use "collect flow identifier for statistics created in step 2" as a rule for this policy and the link global with action as "no operation". Confused? Let me clarify
  1. You need a policy to collect statistics for stream identifier as we refer here to a UDP server only option is to use a policy of DNS. These collection methods still work "true" if it is used in general
  2. DNS policies are allowed to be bound only globally
  3. as objective of this policy is to collect statistics, we will use a "DNS_NOP 'measures to ensure that no side effects add dns policy " ANALYTICS .STREAM ( " "). COLLECT_STATS "DNS-NOP
    bind dns World 100 65535 -gotoPriorityExpression kind REQ_DEFAULT

Go to action Analytics -> stream identifier; select stream identifier, click the action and select session flow. You will get a customizable dashboard here obtain the required statistics. here is an example for your reference

I am sure it is a great tool for reporting and monitoring for network administrators. Can we use these capabilities to gain functional benefits such as enabling better logging 'top limiting rate used urls' for some type queries? I'll leave that as an open question in the discussion. Do not comment if you have such a requirement and want us to help you achieve it.

How about requests grouping depending on the type of application or types of records (where you have more than one selector switch unlike one used in this example) and the collection of statistics for them. Stay tuned for the next blog to yet another feature of "NetScaler is amazing on this series

Think FlexCast - Defining success criteria

7:51 PM Add Comment
Think FlexCast - Defining success criteria -

So in my last blog, I talked about the need to set clear requirements early in the lifecycle of the project. In this blog, I began the fight against the elephant in the room - we're going to "virtualize the entire office area" a project requirement. I promised to come back later, so we'll see if we can make that clearer and make it easier beast to discuss with the developers of the project!

Where do we start with that? Normally, it comes down to C-level executives as a VDI project waiting for them to come to agreement, but on the way down to the IT teams, he won mystical properties! "We should virtualize the desktops of everyone because says so!" Personally, I beg to differ and I spend much of my time to discuss all the different shades the FlexCast model, and how they all have one goal in organizations of most people. Take a holistic approach to VDI projects is asking for the unfortunate users and failed projects.

So where are we going start slicing the delivery terms of FlexCast? I would start by working with specific user groups and understanding of their application sets, so that while tracing the project plan, we discuss a design " . boilerplate "that includes all delivery platforms for us to have open discussions and define the best possible solution we define the expected technical requirements (see my previous blog), then the next steps are generally as follows:

1) Examine the desktop succession

  1. discovery application should be made to define application sets and user segments
  2. distribution mechanisms applications based on the application of discovery and user segmentation results, set
  3. define an implementation strategy that addresses all application sets and user groups
  4. based on the implementation strategy, define an infrastructure capable of providing all the different delivery platforms (XenApp, app-V streaming, XenDesktop, PC Remote Access etc.)
  5. define working solutions flexible (Cloud gateway, AppController Sharefile, Podio etc.)

there is a reasonable allocation of what it takes to define a model of FlexCast, but we made decisions based on our understanding of what users do with their working hours. The reflection on the technical mechanisms of delivery is fine, but it must be accepted by the end users to make the project a success. The involvement of users is essential to the success of any project of change, and with the integration of remote access PC in the FlexCast model, we can adopt a phased approach to show users the benefits associated with new flexible computing solutions. By deploying first PC remote access to desktops and allowing users to work at home, but on their existing PC, we allow them to learn a new thing at a time. Once that is comfortable, we could begin the process of migration from the PC to the data center - you P2V the existing machine to the data center or build a new office? This is something that needs serious discussion, and depends on a variety of factors (cost / scale, user acceptance, etc.).

One of the best approaches I've met is the idea of ​​a "Demo Suite" in the organization - the IT function creates a demonstration center for all different models for user groups and allows the Department to try the technology. with this being an "iT as a service" model really every type of deployment (thin client, hybrid clients, tablets, BYOD, etc.) can be demonstrated and cost of service attached to each method for the department. Instead iT choose the right strategy for the department, the officials buy (literally) in the process! with a well-designed solution, it is also quite easy to attach a path "Upgrade" if departments find that they need a different style of technology later on the way. As an iT team behind the scenes we need to be building this flexibility in design, so that the capacity of each model can flex over time. Ensuring that IT teams as a whole begin to work together in this way, we can build an IT service that has the ability to change as various requirements are created throughout the company.

But back to the first statement of "virtualizing the entire desktop area" - have we approached properly Well, we still have not clarified that the executive sponsor could tell by that, but? we certainly put the project to achieve the vision would also be a good idea to understand the key drivers of the transition to virtualization. - Mobility, agility, cost reduction, etc. more information here gathered more finessed solution can be. How do you handle these types of discussions?

the views expressed here are mine alone and was not authorized by, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Citrix.

Does LTE not itself guarantee good QoE

6:50 PM Add Comment
Does LTE not itself guarantee good QoE -
Chris Koopmans, VP and GM, Service Provider Platforms, Citrix
Chris Koopmans, VP and GM, Platform Services Provider, Citrix

After the LTE successful 2013 ceremony, Chris Koopmans, VP & GM Platforms service provider network cloud for Citrix was questioned about Citrix ByteMobile T3100 and how its capabilities adaptive optimization, related to user experience index (UXI) helps operators keep their promise QoE optimizing traffic when and where needed.

"The T3100 brings the user experience, such as video quality, video delivery and download rates. An index of user experience (UXI) is then calculated for each user, which enables operators to detect and treat poor QoE on a per subscriber in real time, which prevents the user abandonment of data and video. UXI services also allows operators to enforce service levels plane and enable a more efficient network that allows them to differentiate their networks both users and content providers.

... ..This is essential that operators deploy LTE, allowing them to maintain QoE and manage network congestion from day one and to create efficient networks and reduce churn. "

for the full interview, click here.

Skinning with the Mobile SDK Citrix Application

5:49 PM Add Comment
Skinning with the Mobile SDK Citrix Application -

One advantage of using the mobile SDK Citrix Application is that it gives you a degree of independence from appliance egthe same application is accessible from either an iOS or Android device. While you can use the same application from many different types of devices, it will be the same on all devices. However, it is quite simple to add skinning based applications WPF / .NET that will change the look of your application to match the native look and feel of the user client device accesses the application from.

If this is of interest to you, please consult the new skinning sample project, we uploaded on the site Mobility Application SDK CodePlex

http: // citrixmobilitysdk.

Simply browse to the Source code tab to browse or download the sample code.

The sample works by factoring out a portion of the visual aspect of the application in the resource libraries. Using the SDK Application mobile application detects the client device type and swap between different resource libraries to change the appearance of the application. The application also provides options to manually replace the skin when using for demonstration purposes. Just tap on Android or iOS options on the first page to manually adjust the skin. It will change the skin as shown in the following screenshot:

For more information on how this works, you can also view this video on counting on Citrix TV:

Сбор информации для открытия инцидента в Технической Поддержке Citrix

4:48 PM Add Comment
Сбор информации для открытия инцидента в Технической Поддержке Citrix -

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые читатели. Снова с вами российский голос технической поддержки Citrix. Сегодня я расскажу о расширенном сборе диагностической информации для открытия инцидента в Технической Поддержке Citrix с помощью различных утилит.

Очень часто клиенты открывают инциденты, для которых не предоставляют никакой диагностической информации. Поэтому, ниже ÿ привожу список проблем Ø соответствующих утилит для сбора info :.

1) Для сбора info о вашей среде используйте Citrix Citrix Scout

2) При наличии проблем с лицензированием, используйте утилиту LS Query, подробнее о которой написано в моем посте Новая утилита LSQuery - License Server data collection Tool

3) Если у вас следующие проблемы:

  • Внеплановые перезагрузки сервера (BSOD или) "Синий экран смерти."
  • Подвисание сервера;
  • Проблемы с подключением к серверу новых пользователей, при успешном обслуживании существующих;
  • Зависшие сессии. Обычно их видно в консоле DSC или AppCenter, они могут быть как активны, так и в состоянии "отключены". При этом не срабатывает заданное через политики или настройки хоста значение по терминированию отключенных сессий ;.
  • При падении какого-то процесса, когда анализ собранного дампа процесса полной картины и источника проблемы не выявил

Для выяснения причины, нам необходим сбор полного дампа памяти сервара. Подробнее читайте мой пост В каком случае и как собрать полный дамп памяти сервера.

4) Если у вас зависает или аварийно завершается процесс, необходимо собрать дамп процесса. Подробнее читайте мой пост Как собрать полный дамп памяти пользовательского приложения или процесса. Для Windows 03 можно Process Explorer from использовать.

5) Для отладки и вылавливания проблем с компонентами и процессами почти всех программных продуктов Citrix, например, XenApp, XenDesktop, SSO Ø Advanced Access Control, используйте CDFControl, подробнее о трассировке событий читайте мой пост Использование Citrix Diagnostic Facility для трассировки событий.

6) При проблемах с аутентификацией, запуском приложений, медленным входом в сеть полезно собирать сетевой трафик утилитой WireShark.

А также в помошь администратору выпустил набор утилит Citrix Citrix Diagnostics Toolkit (64-bit и 32 bit). Вы можете установить все необходимые инструменты для сбора диагностической информации из одного места. Данный набор включает в себя:

Инструменты Citrix , устанавливаемые по умолчанию Дополнительные инструменты
control CDF Трассировка событий WireShark 1.8.1 (можно установить через опции) Утилита для сбора трафика
Citrix Dump Checker Проверка дампа на целостность (к сожалению, не дает 100% гарантии) Dump Configurator (устанавливается по умолчанию) Утилита настройки сбора дампа памяти сервера
Medevac Диагностика здоровья XML, ZDC ипроверка наименее загруженного сервера 7-Zip (устанавливается по умолчанию) Архиватор
Citrix Dump Utility [1945013system] Утилита для сбора дампа памяти сервера Procdump (можно установить, используя меню загрузки) Утилита сбора дампа процесса
Multipoint trace scripts Скрипты для трассировки Web Interface и XenApp на Windows 03 и 08 Process Explorer (можно установить, используя меню загрузки) Используется для изучения процессов, подруженных в процесс компонентов и библиотек
IMA Helper tool Графическая утилита для перенастройкиподключения к хранилищу данных фермы Process Monitor (можно установить, используя меню загрузки) Монитор процессов, реестра, сети, файловой системы
Citrix Quick Launch 3 Утилита для создания сессий, с возможностью выбора различных опций и сохранением ica файла Debug View (можно установить, используя меню загрузки) Трассировка ОС и приложений
Load balance Diagnostics Утилита для диагностики проблем балансировки нагрузки