nonprofit health fined laptop stolen - is immune

1:20 PM Add Comment
nonprofit health fined laptop stolen - is immune -

Bad things should not happen to good people. Unfortunately, sometimes they

Recently, the good people in a hospice nonprofit Idaho have been fined by the Department of Health and Human Services for laptop clear -. With hundreds of patient records on it - that was stolen on the car of a worker.

plus a heavy fine, the hospice must follow two years of corrective action plan (CAP) and maintain records of compliance with the CAP for six years.

that's a lot of time, money and control for a small organization and a unique laptop

it does not matter that it was a small organization or that he was focused on doing good -. the ramifications were still severe. And the larger the organization, the greater the potential problem. larger fines. Bigger negative press coverage. Bigger customer focus.

Although the use of PCs is down to consumers, Gartner expects a double-digit growth for notebook computers used in business. More laptops on the road means more opportunities for data to be compromised. So while these increased levels of mobility offer considerable advantages, they also come with huge risks ... unless organizations use Citrix XenClient, which is part of XenDesktop, to secure laptops.

XenClient enables mobile workstyles helping laptops organizations of all sizes ensure stolen does not lead to compromised data, customer concerns, negative press, or financial impact.

XenClient Installation is simple. It can be done by an IT administrator and a single server can centrally manage and secure more than 1,400 end devices

And XenClient can be configured to be completely transparent to end users -. So your employees do not even realize they are using a virtual desktop as it starts, runs and stops like a native laptop.

XenClient provides peace of mind for professionals who receive this inevitable call from a mobile worker that his laptop was stolen. The device can not be recovered - but the data on it will not be discovered

Join the conversation by connecting with the online Citrix XenClient team

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Assumptions and exceptions: Redefining Mobility is the perimeter

12:19 PM Add Comment
Assumptions and exceptions: Redefining Mobility is the perimeter -

This may sound crazy, but from all the different mobile technologies that have been released in recent years, one that had the more profound impact on me is Microsoft ActiveSync. ActiveSync, if you are not familiar with it, is the protocol used by Outlook to communicate with Exchange. Not a few particularly exciting technology, but the main change is that its architecture, it is easy to support remote clients to communicate with the Exchange server without using a VPN.

Between ActiveSync, XenDesktop and SaaS, I almost never connect to a VPN which made my completely transparent workflow whether I'm "in" or "out". In fact, because my Mac defaults to pick up the open air (outdoors only) wireless network first, by default I work as if I were a mobile user, even in the rare moments when I'm my desk.

In essence, the scope to my office network has completely melted. And I'm not alone in this experience.

Unfortunately, the firewall market continues to roar along at a $ multi-B rhythm that told quite a different story. There is still a perimeter and is very defended. It is just the definition of where this scope is and its role is changing before our eyes. At the heart of this transformation is the mobility and BYOD, a change that left users perpetually outside the network. For IT, it means a change in strategy with regard to access to applications seamlessly.

Historically, once a user has been determined as trustworthy (implicit in being on the network), they are given access to an application. Firewalls can further segment the network and provide additional security. In the new world of always being on the outside, the role of the bastions reappear as a key element of any solution.

Bastion hosts are generally considered application level officers with knowledge of protocols and use cases. This allows them to provide security and intelligent switching services to the right users can access the right resource without introducing risk. In particular, the bastions are supposed to be very secure and manage direct contact with the Internet.

The technology such as NetScaler especially become ideally suited for the role of a universal front-end applications need access without VPN. We do it every day, to scale, for countless e-commerce, SaaS and bodies already XenDesktop - bringing this expertise to the company is simply a matter of learning the good policy to get there. Start looking at how often you need to connect to VPN ... a year from now, ask yourself if you connect to more or less often.

Mobility gives rise to a whole new network perimeter. Do not be too surprised when this scope is much like your friendly ADC.

XenMobile makes BYOD easy for XenDesktop and XenApp customers

10:17 PM Add Comment
XenMobile makes BYOD easy for XenDesktop and XenApp customers -

I'll make this very easy and simple. As they often say, "A picture is worth a thousand words"

If you are a XenDesktop or XenApp customer is what your environment looks likely.

now, here's what you need to enable BYOD and COPE (Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled) and add that MAM, MDM, MCM (Data) and EMM comprehensive functionality you need.

this is what your environment looks after enabling BYOD.

Did not get it? AGREEMENT. this is what BYOD like with several suppliers

Now, here is what looks like BYOD with Citrix.

I have? If learn how XenMobile Enterprise offers the most complete solution for the management of applications, data and peripherals.

Also make sure to check our 4-Part Webinar Series technical BYOD to learn how to assess, design, deploy and support BYOD.


Follow @ChrisLCampbell

for the latest Citrix and industry related news on mobility and XenMobile follow us at:

Follow @XenMobile

Myslíte if, že v Bez Sefa kanceláři nejde? Vest kvalitně společnost či svůj tým můžete i na dálku

11:18 AM Add Comment
Myslíte if, že v Bez Sefa kanceláři nejde? Vest kvalitně společnost či svůj tým můžete i na dálku -

"Beze mě tady to Prece nemůže fungovat" - I Vy jste nebo if at UZ pomysleli někdy Vám to Vaše okolí dalo najevo? Nemyslete if, že je to pravda, Protože kolikrát is bez "všudypřítomného" Sefa pracuje daleko uvolněněji a eventuálně i Lepe. Bavíme-li se obecně. Samozřejmě situace jsou, jsou ve kterých okamžitá rozhodnutí nezbytná a nutné I operativně rozhodovat o věcech, které mohou mít dlouhotrvající následky. V takových případech nelze zajistit bezproblémový chod společnosti rozhodnutí bez vedoucích pracovníků, Protože musejí být Rychle a bezproblémově dostupní. V takových situacích by nemělo hrát roli, kde se v DANY SEF nachází moment, I podstatnější ale, jestli u sebe má firemní laptop nebo osobní jakékoliv a zařízení I dostupný. Pro společnost I významný ten fakt, že na jeho reakce is nemusí príliš dlouho čekat a moment Dany v pomůže sám nebo další skrze správne kontakty. Pro společnosti is postupně tedy Šťáva nejdůležitější její vlastní nezbytná infrastruktura, aby umožnila pracovat svým zaměstnancům bez omezení.

Naše společnost má v portfoliu například Citrix Executive Mobility řešení, které umožňuje to, že v rámci if firemního AppStore mohou zaměstnanci sestavit vlastní portfolio potřebných aplikací, které v jednotlivých situacích a na nejrůznějších zařízeních potřebují. Nezáleží na tom, jestli is jedna o Online Setkání the kolegy of videokonference HD v nebo komunikace, s nimiž is společné pracuje na různých dokumentech. Všechno tohle mohou zvládnout bez administrátora, který by musel jednotlivé programy instalovat a spravovat. Diky tomu I také možné redukovat počet pracovních its a ušetřený čas může být na využitý Rodinné aktivity a zábavu, podle toho jak chce to KDO. Já sám trávím relativně mnoho času na cestách a velmi to oceňuji.

Nezávislost so aspektem of místě I při práci stále ale jen. Jde o nalezení komplexního řešení, při kterém budou uživatele Maximálne produktivní a výkonní. EDAC záležitost I především otázkou podnikové IT INFRASTRUKTURY, která musí mobilitu svých zaměstnanců umožňovat i podporovat. Zamysleme so - jen třeba malá skutečnost, kdy zaměstnanci při svých cestách mohou pracovat z letiště, kde většinou jednu až dvě hodiny čekají a vyřešit tak neodkladné záležitosti OCV a současně is vyhnout tomu, že je budou Resit inch návratu z cesty o půlnoci z domova nebo nad nimi trávit přesčasy v kanceláři. Pokud I takové řešení zvoleno vhodné i zabezpečeno, ušetří zaměstnancům čas a podpoří firemní produktivitu.

is Společnosti by proto neměly bát investovat do správných mobilitu podporujících řešení, Diky kterým se budou nejrůznější zařízení MOCT připojit do sítě podnikové. Zaměstnanci tak mohou pracovat Nejen z this is, ale ještě k tomu ze svých oblíbených a zařízení jsou minimálne stejně produktivní tak jako u za Počítače psacím stolem. S dobře zvoleným řešením přichází centralizace i synchronizace dat, a tak mohou zaměstnanci skutečně pracovat z jakéhokoliv zařízení dle vlastního výběru, Maji na kterém dostupná všechna potřebná data. Bezpečnosť I zajištěna celkovým systémem a ani při volbě nejrůznějších pracovních nástrojů nejsou ohrožena data.

VLAN Tagging and XenClient Enterprise 4.5

9:16 PM Add Comment
VLAN Tagging and XenClient Enterprise 4.5 -

VLAN tagging separates network traffic between virtual desktops running on a single device endpoint XenClient-powered, which allows companies to meet safety and strict compliance requirements. Why organizations care about this? It is valid in all cases where use of a different security level or isolation is required in a virtual office over another - such an undertaking compared to a personal computer or a desktop computer that is used for general use in relation to that used for credit card transactions in a retail environment (to meet PCI compliance requirements).

The ability of powerful network security was added in XenClient Enterprise 4.5, which is included as part of XenDesktop Enterprise. XenClient Enterprise 4.5 was announced last fall in Barcelona Synergy 2012 (see XenClient 4.5 product launch website for a complete list of new features in this version). As part of a continuing series of technical blogs on XenClient 4.5 features - this blog takes a deep dive into the VLAN tagging feature in XenClient

To understand what VLAN tagging is examining the characteristics of a LAN (local area. network). A LAN is defined as all devices in the same broadcast domain where the routers stop emissions and switches before the broadcast.

A VLAN (virtual LAN) is a broadcast domain created by switches and is a method of creating independent logical networks within a physical network. Normally, a router creates broadcast domains. This is accomplished by placing certain switch ports in a VLAN other than the default VLAN 1. All ports in one VLAN are then in a single broadcast domain. For example, certain ports on the switch A may be in VLAN 10 and other ports on the switch B may be in VLAN 10. Broadcasts between these devices will not be seen on any other port in a different VLAN, other than 10. However, all these devices can communicate because they are on the same VLAN. Without additional configuration, they would not be able to communicate with other devices are not in their VLAN.

When VLAN span multiple switches, VLAN tagging is necessary. VLAN tagging is the process of inserting a VLAN ID in a packet header to identify which VLAN the packet belongs. Specifically, the switches using the VLAN ID to determine to which port (s) or interface (s) to send a broadcast packet.

Generally, segments of VLANs services traditionally provided by routers in LAN configurations and resolve issues such as scalability, security, and network management. VLANs can also help to create multiple layer 3 networks on a Layer 2 switch For example, if a PXE server is plugged into a switch it will serve any host on that switch that is configured to PXE boot from a server PXE. VLANs allow the isolation of the PXE server so that only the hosts of this VLAN will not use the PXE server.

How XenClient capacity VLAN tagging lever? Ideally a policy XenClient Synchronizer, you can VLAN tag of the guest virtual machine in the XenClient Engine. Which allows the separation of VM traffic broadcast to a specific VLAN. This feature requires a bridged mode, wired:

This feature allows many use cases. A particular customer uses XenClient Enterprise to run both Windows virtual machines in strict isolation. The virtual machine A is used to perform business functions such as transactions by credit card, while the virtual machine B is used to perform functions daily as social media marketing, email and web surfing. The client separates the traffic in the virtual machine From the virtual machine B to meet credit card compliance requirements of the transaction (PCI). VLAN tagging allows isolation and segregation broadcast traffic from the virtual machine A virtual machine B, even if they are on the same device (see diagram below). This is an example of many, so feel free to share others in the comments section.

If you want to see more details on the VLAN tagging in XenClient, see the following detailed TECHNOTE: Configuring VLANs using XenClient Enterprise (link: http: //

XenClient 4.5 is packed with great features and improvements that make client-side virtualization become easier for a wider range of use cases.

learn more about the release of XenClient 4.5 and watch the video ad to learn more about this release. XenClient is a virtualization solution the customer ready for production with thousands of workstations in deployment today. We encourage you to try today by downloading XenClient 4.5.

Join the conversation by connecting with Citrix XenClient team online!

  • See the new display architecture with XenClient Enterprise 4.5 video
  • Visit product page XenClient
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  • like us on Facebook
  • Visit our XenClient technical Forum

How to XenApp servers in maintenance mode

8:14 PM Add Comment
How to XenApp servers in maintenance mode -


"I choose a lazy person to do hard labor. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it "
. - Bill Gates

Many people know that I am a big proponent of laziness in IT (and I wrote about this before, too) Lazy approach is actually very difficult -. it takes a lot of effort to learn to minimize the amount of work and be more efficient as you can imagine, it takes a lot. short-term time. in my case, I prefer to automate repetitive or time-consuming tasks, but there are also other ways how you can save some time.

one of the reasons why people create blog posts is to have a simple way to answer questions that are asked by many different customers. When a customer asks you a question, you can spend a lot of time discussing the subject, or ideally point to the existing article where the topic is explained. In the absence of such an article, it is best time to create one!

Drain maintenace

When dealing with the environment that is shared by multiple users, drainage concept of the hold mode is very important. Drain-maintenance fashion is used in scenarios where you can not move resources - two most typical examples are the virtual machines that are hosted on the local storage (without storage capacity of movement) and scenario where one operating system provides the environment for multiple users (movement of the session is technically not possible - I do not want me started talking about mutex and semaphores). You want to have the ability to put this resource in the drain-mode - leave intact existing sessions (including the ability to reconnect to a disconnected session), but redirect all new incoming requests to another resource. Once all virtual machines existing sessions are gone, you can proceed to the resource (either the XenApp server or physical host).

When dealing with customers who are migrating from previous versions of XenApp, load evaluators assignment is one of the common topics (as well as the impact of the environment on their workers' groups). To explain the context - in the past it was very common to create custom load evaluator (often called "No New Logons" or "Maintenance") which will report full load (10,000) when assigned to the server. There were generally three reasons why customers have chosen this method:

  1. Since the sale LE has been stored in the data store, you can assign it to the server that was offline
  2. personalized tHE reject new sessions, but it will reconnect to your existing session
  3. personalized lE affect only ICA connections, but the RDP connection for administrators will still be allowed

XenApp 6.5 approach to maintenance

with XenApp 6.5, can directly assign load evaluators to specific servers was removed, instead you assign appraisers charge to the entire server group. This is necessary to support dynamic provisioning and ability to manage a group of servers as a single entity. However, customers are looking for a way how to set a single server in maintenance mode.

This functionality is provided in XenApp 6.5 logon mode control. It simply allows you to specify several different parameters (information below was taken from our official documentation):

  • Allow connections and reconnections . Enable all connections, reconnections, and session sharing (default).
  • Prohibit logons and reconnections . Redirect all logons, reconnections, and session sharing to other servers.
  • Prohibit logons only . Reroute new connections and session sharing, but that allows users to reconnect to disconnected sessions. This condition persists until you change it manually.
  • Prohibit logons until the server restarts . Reroute new connections and session sharing, as above, but after restarting the server, the setting automatically changes to Allow connections and reconnections .

Although the connection control allows you to configure the flight maintenance (disabling new connections, while retaining the ability to reconnect to existing sessions), there are however some issues that are very common:

  • This is just using the "logon change" command, so you can apply them only to the online server
  • Setting drain mode will disable all connections, including RDP access for maintenance purposes

the common mistake is that XenApp is just using the RDS login mode. the confusion arises in part because the logon method XenApp and RDS login mode are synchronized - so when you change the RDS login mode, the change is automatically replicated to store data (and vice versa)

[ Ability to use RDP

When you disable access to the server, you can use RDP to connect to the server (for example to solve problems). However, if you try to RDP, you will get the following screen:

This should behavior - however, you can still use admin RDP to connect to this server (mstsc / admin). RDP is disabled access for regular users, but it is still possible for the administrator to connect to the drain in server mode.

Ability to disable access to the server offline

logon mode for RDP is the server configuration that is stored in the registry. connection mode configuration is stored in the registry in two locations:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Terminal Server TSServerDrainMode
0 = Allow all connections
1 = Allow reconnections but prevent new logon to restart
2 = Allow reconnections, but prevent new login

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon WinStationsDisabled
0 = enabled
1 = Disabled

If the server is in drain mode, WinStationDisabled is always 0 (on).

Now, the interesting part is that XenApp logon command is actually managed data store is updated using the LHC synchronization notification. So when you change the logon mode in the console, this change is not immediately done on the registry of the target machine. When the XenApp server is offline and you change the login mode, it will get the notification from the data store during startup and automatically apply the logon mode you have configured in the console. This allows you to change logon mode even if the server is offline.

temporary evacuation mode (Prohibit logons until the server is restarted) is however available when the server is online.

Logon Mode in PowerShell

Especially in larger environments and dynamic, it is very common to automate the entire maintenance process. If you want to automate the assignment of connection modes, there are two commands you can use:
To assign the server connection mode:
Set-XAServerLogOnMode -LogOnMode $ LogonMode $ -ServerName server

Since the logon mode enumeration, you can use this universal method for all values ​​allowed:
[enum] :: GetValues ( "Citrix.XenApp.Commands.LogOnMode")
to save time, I will also list all the valid values ​​for $ LogonMode:

  • AllowLogOns
  • ProhibitNewLogOnsUntilRestart
  • ProhibitNewLogOns
  • ProhibitLogOns

for the logon mode assigned to the server, it is one of the properties of regular server object:
$ (Get-XAServer -ServerName $ server) .LogonMode


  • Using the custom load evaluator was just a workaround to provide the necessary functionality in previous versions of XenApp, but with the availability of login modes there is no reason to use the old approach
  • directors always get the RDP disabled access servers to perform administrative tasks
  • Since the logon mode is implemented by IMA, it is possible to disable the server even if it is offline

Zugec Martin

HDX Insight: Finally a solution for Citrix Citrix

7:13 PM Add Comment
HDX Insight: Finally a solution for Citrix Citrix -

The recent movement of mobility and virtualization has made it difficult for the computer to the network instrument of their infrastructure and technology. Citrix customers delivering virtual applications (XenApp) and desktops (XenDesktop) to their mobile users have faced similar challenges. The directors had never been able to gain in-depth visibility at the packet level in ICA.

HDX Insight change that!

HDX Insight is a powerful tool that provided end-to-end user experience visibility for Citrix (ICA) deployments. First time in history, an appliance Citrix (NetScaler) will be able to analyze, decrypt, extract and break ICA packets / traffic - to the level of individual virtual channels -. To provide in-depth visibility into the ICA protocol

leveraging HDX Insight, administrators can collect information about the user in a branch experiencing problems when accessing a specific published application users exceeding the threshold latency "good experience", the number of concurrent users coming via a specific NetScaler Access Gateway, faulty network segment and much more. Below are just a small sample of the types of questions that can be easily answered by leveraging HDX Overview:

- For XenDesktop given user, which is the Average client and server -side latency and jitter they know

- Which users XenDesktop / XenApp consume more bandwidth over a given period of time (eg, daily, weekly or monthly)

- What virtual channels consume more bandwidth over a given period of time

- What are the top applications across all XenApp users, by time and total number of launches over a period of time


in short, Insight HDX allows administrators to deliver a compelling user experience analyzing Insight HDX (ICA visibility) of data and execution of business intelligence, failure analysis and capacity planning based analysis and HDX Insight reports.

For more information on HDX Insight, please visit

UPDATE (03/04/2013): We added some exciting sessions [and Hands on Learning Lab] on NetScaler Insight Center Insight HDX and Citrix Synergy Event - Los Angeles. Please check this relevant blog

UPDATE (20/06/2013) :. As some of you may have noticed, we recently announced support for ESX Centre insight! You should be able to download the ESX version of the "components" page. As always - if you have problems, please do not hesitate to reach out ...

All you need to know about user segmentation!

6:12 PM Add Comment
All you need to know about user segmentation! -

You can not fit a square peg into a round hole and you can not expect people to use a specific type of virtual desktop regardless of their needs. It is all about finding the right balance between the key factors of the company (increased security, reduced management, etc.) and provide people with a virtual desktop that allows them to succeed in their work (off-line work, install applications, resource intensive applications running, etc.). The implementation of technology to meet these requirements will increase the cost and deployment time, so you do not want to offer everyone. The best thing to do is to divide people into groups based on a common set of requirements. This way, you can assign the right technology for each user group - square peg in a square hole

seems complicated and time consuming, right !? The good news is that Citrix Consulting have conducted countless transformation project office and we learned the hard way how to fill them quickly and successfully. We want to share this experience with you so that you get right now.

The Ask the architect team works hard to create the Virtual Desktop Manual. A comprehensive resource (anything whitepapers and blog information in one place!) That will contain detailed information on everything to maintain assess (evaluate is ready right now, we are about to release some of the design phase soon - watch this space). The data collection in the chapter Evaluate section helps ensure that you have all the information you need and chapter User Segmentation provides detailed information on how to group your users. The best bit? we provide a spreadsheet to collect comprehensive data with appropriate filters so you can identify your user groups.

If you are going to attend Synergy Los Angeles in May, make sure you check our session on the analysis phase - [May 24 @ 9:00] SYN317. We will discuss how you can identify key business drivers, collect data, segments of users, analyze and prioritize your applications user groups. We will provide a lot of real-world examples and demonstrate tools that will really help accelerate your projects

Go to Synergy

Andy Baker -.! Architect
Worldwide Consulting
Desktop Team & Applications
Manual Virtual Desktop
Accelerator Project
Follow @CTXConsulting

Lenovo launches a new client virtualization solution

5:11 PM Add Comment
Lenovo launches a new client virtualization solution -

Lenovo announced the Lenovo smart client solution is now available in the China market. Lenovo Smart Client is powered by Citrix XenClient and allows companies to implement a virtualization solution fully secure client and centrally managed offering users the ability to work safely, seamlessly and efficiently throughout -., Even offline


of companies are increasingly faced with regulatory requirements and stricter security while needing to protect the company's assets and exceed today's levels high service required by a competitive organization. However, the growing number of laptops that proliferate in the workplace and the increasing demands of both the business users and continues to defy the IT organization. The result is a high level of complexity, risk of increased security and often a compromise user experience that requires additional management tools resulting in higher support costs.

Citrix is ​​partnering with Lenovo and Intel to address this challenge in a business and maximize Citrix XenClient through the Lenovo ThinkCentre and ThinkPad family of products, including innovative new devices such as the M Series tiny desktop and X1 Carbon Ultrabook. In a single solution, Lenovo smart client provides desktop virtualization for desktops and enterprise laptops offering safe, unmatched reliability and control with user experience. In addition, Lenovo solution significantly reduces the necessary level of IT support, resulting in a cost much lower ownership than traditional PC management implementations.

See all Lenovo press release here in simplified Chinese. Highlights of Lenovo release issued;

"Lenovo Partners with Citrix announce Lenovo Smart Client solution for the China market"

Smart Office "Lenovo officially announced Virtualization Solution (Smart Client Lenovo ). This solution combines centralized management and distributed execution based desktop virtualization. It uses the local virtualization technology to provide a centralized, scalable, simple, flexible and low-risk office using existing equipment, meanwhile, it can secure the data, help users simplify the management and control of risks by type 1 desktop virtualization (IDV) Intelligent technology, which ensures that the company's iT environment operates stably in a desktop virtualization environment. Lenovo smart client solution was developed in collaboration with Lenovo, the leader in Citrix Desktop Virtualization and Intel -. a world leader in computing innovation

Lenovo smart client (LIC) provides high performance, low investment, easy deployment and easy management, which can fully meet enterprise-level requirements in the areas centralized management, data security and fast response of the IT. In addition, Lenovo LIC offers a reliable solution for businesses to enable the mobile office and effectively manage access to information, even if a device is lost or an employee leaves the company.

Lenovo smart client PC hardware and virtualizes local gives control of the hypervisor IT managers with centralized management and data security. LIC Lenovo ThinkPad solution is optimized for Intel-based ThinkCentre and platforms, including those with Intel Core vPro Processors processor. IT managers can deploy, distribute and update OS / software / policy via the network, centralized management; the data management policies can be applied flexibly according to the company's strategy to provide security. In addition, Lenovo LIC solution provides hotkey failover between multiple operating systems, which not only aligns with the current trend of consumerization PC, but can also help organizations manage BYOD requirements. With mobile access offline, ThinkPad users now have full access to desktops and applications from anywhere. "

" Lenovo Solution Customer Intelligent are designed to improve central management and data security with unsurpassed performance for end users in China, "Tom Shell, vice president and general manager of global Lenovo ThinkCentres ThinkVision & Business Unit, "Our strategic partnership with Citrix allowed to take ThinkCentre desktops and think all brand products to these new heights."

"We are pleased to partner closely with Lenovo and Intel to bring Lenovo smart client on the Chinese market. In a single solution, LIC brings desktop virtualization to corporate desktops and computers portable providing safe, unparalleled reliability, and control of a great user experience - still need to work offline, "noted Mitch Parker, vice president and general manager of Citrix client virtualization [

Мобильный доступ для крейсера "Галактика"

4:10 PM Add Comment
Мобильный доступ для крейсера "Галактика" -

Вы спросите, что общего между фантастическим сериалом Star Trek и современными коммуникационными технологиями? Отвечу: крейсер "Галактика" который является рабочим местом будущего. Но это будущее уже наступает, открывая нам практически неограниченные возможности доступа к приложениям и данным, а также сотрудничества с коллегами на любом удалении, в любое время дня и ночи.

Если присмотреться внимательнее, "Галактика" сталкивается с теми же вызовами в вопросах коммуникаций, которые стоят перед современными компаниями. Каждый член коллектива имеет множество устройств, нуждается в доступе к самым разным приложениям и рабочим столам и должен обмениваться информацией с коллегами, соблюдая секретность и сохраняя контроль над данными. . А над всем этим стоит желание каждого сотрудника работать в любое удобное для него время, с любого устройства и из любого местоположения

Определенно, "Галактика" -. Рабочее место будущего

Давайте сделаем шаг назад и рассмотрим ситуацию целиком. The следующее of Каждый рабочий день в мире Star Trek:

Весь экипаж "Галактики" использует коммуникаторы (вспомните "Трайкодеры") разнообразные устройства, мониторы и экраны всех форм и размеров для доступа к приложениям и информации, необходимым для работы. Другими словами, им нужен клиент, который будет установлен на все устройства и подключен к централизованной серверной системе, чтобы доставлять все эти разнообразные приложения и адаптировать их к форматам используемых устройств.

Каждый член экипажа имеет свой уровень доступа к приложениям и данным корабля. Чем меньше ваше звание, тем меньшим доступом вы обладаете. В некоторых случаях необходимо ограничить или заблокировать доступ одного из членов экипажа, например, если он находится под влиянием некоей чужеродной формы жизни. Нельзя позволить одержимым членам экипажа отключить двигатели корабля.

Важна также безопасность каналов связи. Только члены экипажа могут иметь доступ к приложениям и данным, находясь за пределами корабля. Хуже не придумать, если Ромуланцы получат доступ к внутренней информации и проведают, что защитные поля отключены или что на корабле закончились фотонные торпеды.

Не в последнюю очередь, капитан Кирк часто общается с Ромуланцами лицом к лицу через большой экран на корабельном мостике. Удаленное сотрудничество и видеосвязь с высоким разрешением чрезвычайно важны для налаживания отношений с инопланетной расой, особенно, когда речь идет о жизни и смерти.

Как Citrix поможет героям Star Trek?

Да, вы угадали. "Галактика" имеет стратегию мобильного стиля работы, и очень хорошую. Они управляют разнообразными устройствами, обеспечивают безопасность приложений и данных и сотрудничают с людьми, находящимися в различных точках вселенной, то есть, решают те же задачи, что стоят перед современными организациями. Они знают, что для успеха необходимо единое и всеобъемлющее решение, которое закроет все задачи мобильного доступа к ресурсам Крейсера

Это приводит нас к нескольким фундаментальным вопросам :.

Готова ли ваша организация стать рабочим местом будущего?

Какова мобильная стратегия вашей организации по сравнению со стратегиями конкурентов

Есть ли у вашей организации ресурсы для внедрения корпоративного мобильного доступа

Шаг 1 - Проведите исследование. . Сделайте короткий сравнительный обзор рабочего места будущего и узнайте, как воспринимает ваша организация растущий спрос на подвижное, мобильное и гибкое рабочее пространство

Шаг 2 - Прочтите отчет. Сравните ваши результаты с исследованием, которое мы заказали у workplace of the future. . Это глобальное исследование рынка, в котором приняли участие 100 руководителей IT подразделений из 19 стран

Шаг 3 - Загрузите набор. Получите инструменты и ресурсы для создания своего собственного рабочего места в стиле "Галактики" ознакомьтесь со стартовым комплектом руководителя, который содержит практическое руководство и настраиваемые ресурсы, которые помогут вам создать рабочее место будущего.

Узнайте то, что знают на крейсере "Галактика". Для успеха важна всеобъемлющая корпоративная мобильная стратегия.

Extension and Scripting CloudPortal Services Manager

3:09 PM Add Comment
Extension and Scripting CloudPortal Services Manager -

CloudPortal Services Manager (CPSM) is a platform from which you can easily provision of services such as applications, desktops, Exchange mailboxes, SharePoint sites, you-name-it, your end users. It has built-in support for the most popular services, but beyond that, you can also extend your own services. In addition, you can also use scripts to query and manage CloudPortal Services Manager your own custom tools. This article will give you an introduction to different types of interfaces and connectors for CPSM.

Web APIs

We have an easy website to use API that allows people to do normal web applications (HTTP / HTTPS) to do things like create / edit / delete clients , delivery services / deprovision, publishing services, etc. API documentation is available as a PDF file on our website. This is ideal to use if you have repetitive or recurring tasks you need to do.

You can use any language you want for this, including scripting languages. You just need to be able to make web requests!

SDK Services

We also have a software development kit (SDK) so that people can define their own services. The result is a "plugin" architecture, and for example allows you to write a service that offers off a shelf or product in-house, something like BackupAgent for example, a tenant or end user. We have a number of Citrix television videos that walk through the steps necessary to do this (start with this: This must be written in VB.NET or C #.

Provisioning Manager

The Provisioning Manager allows you to change the "rules" governing what happens when a supply demand occurs. It is actually a graphical tool on top of the provisioning engine (the back-end system that does the actual work), and it is launched from the Start menu. It is designed to be used in part by IT Admins, ie for those who are not software programmers. Here is a screenshot:

Image of Provisioning Manager at a glance

There is a small scripting language that lets you build "If ... then" style statements in it. Here's an example:

Image of Provisioning Manager scripting

There is also an excellent Citrix TV video that explains this in more depth. See


This blog we hope you gave a good overview of the tools and capabilities that are available for you, with links on how to get more details. Furthermore, in future versions of the manager CloudPortal Services we will continue to expand and provide additional means to easily query and manage manager CloudPortal services ... stay tuned!

XenMobile MDM Integration With Cisco ISE for BYOD

2:08 PM Add Comment
XenMobile MDM Integration With Cisco ISE for BYOD -

World of BYOD

Bring Your Own Device ( BYOD ) initiatives allow employees to bring their own personal devices to work and allowing them to access corporate services such as email. We did a recent audit using our ability to integrate security incident and event management (SIEM) systems for a customer. The audit provided visibility into their traffic and found ActiveSync devices belonging to executives who are not under IT management. Here is an overview of their BYO devices

There are several reasons for allowing such access. - For example, to increase productivity or convenience of accessing e-mail from any employee unit. That said, as Uncle Ben said, "with great power comes great responsibility" , and this responsibility is the IT administrator from a security perspective. It is IT's responsibility to ensure that corporate data is not compromised or a leak in the following scenarios :?

  • What happens when this personal device is lost or stolen
  • What happens if the device is jailbroken or rooted?
  • What happens if the device ends outside a geofence approved. For example, outside of the United States?
  • What happens if the user inadvertently installs an application that has the ability and access to the memory of the entire apparatus, thus having unauthorized access to the data of 'business?

perspective of the end user on Enterprise Mobility

end users want access to corporate services such as email, the intranet, the ability to share and collaborate on documents, and also use 3 e third party applications such as Evernote, Quick office or GoodReader. With mobile solutions such as MDM XenMobile, CloudGateway, ShareFile and GoToAssist, Citrix provides i.e ubiquity . 'Access to any application. any device , and a unified view for applications with enterprise application store documents via ShareFile. That said, given that the user accesses multiple applications; the end-user experience is a key component of mobility solutions. For example, the bootstrap authentication and provide a single sign-on (SSO) to other applications.

Enterprise IT Perspective on BYOD

As IT provides access to corporate services, the main concern is about preventing data loss (DLP) and protection of corporate content on the mobile device. This means encrypting data at rest for application data and documents that are hosted on either SharePoint, network file sharing and storage cloud. From the point of view of DLP, for security conscious organizations, all mobile solutions, which includes XenMobile MDM and CloudGateway, can provide a secure messaging solution that prevent sensitive data from leaving the company's control. This prevents users from downloading attachments to a storage account in unsecure cloud.

regulated environments and BYOD

Our financial and federal customers do not want to expose the ActiveSync service DMZ. In this scenario, CloudGateway is able to provide a sandbox environment for corporate email and intranet access via @WorkMail and @WorkWeb applications. These applications are sandboxed, tamper proof, and protect corporate data on the device. This approach provides a separation of business and personal data on the device while respecting the privacy of the end user on the device.

Cisco ISE and XenMobile MDM

integration with Citrix XenMobile MDM Cisco ISE provides administrators to unmanaged devices and not conforming to the management console ISE, but also offers the option of either selectively allow, deny or quarantine access to corporate services. For example ,, Cisco ISE may refuse access to the intranet, but allow access to the Internet; if the device is rooted or not managed by MDM XenMobile.

For example Architecture with Cisco ISE and Citrix XenMobile MDM is shown below:

Remote PC Access: Part 2 - how does it facilitate mobile working mode

1:07 PM Add Comment
Remote PC Access: Part 2 - how does it facilitate mobile working mode -

In Part 1 of this blog series we examined how mobile workstyles emerged the first days? remote access to meet the needs of businesses and employees in the mobile world first. This second part explores remote access PC, a unique and innovative component of availability Citrix FlexCast technology for virtual desktops.

PC Remote Access provides fast, secure remote access to all corporate applications and data on a desktop PC from any device. Remote PC Access is a component of FlexCast provisioning technology that allows it to provide users access to their Windows workstation on their PC at the office while working remotely or from mobile devices.

Figure 3: Remote PC is a part of the delivery technology FlexCast

It works by placing the Virtual Agent desktop (VDA) within own desktop or a user's laptop - as opposed to. a hosted server VM. In doing so, customers can adopt desktop virtualization using existing assets distributed computing

Some of the key benefits :.

  • Easy deployment : Remote PC Access is an easy to deploy solution that can be easily delivered to thousands of physical desktops via Group Policy or an electronic distribution system software and automatically assigns users to their PC with access to a key.
  • user experience : Remote PC Access offers a simple access for each user. It leverages Citrix® HDX ™ technologies to optimize the user experience on any network connection, including WAN connections and international to ensure the best possible experience when connecting to a physical desktop. Remote PC Access is integrated with the Citrix Mobility Pack to dynamically transform the PC interface in a user-friendly touch screen when accessing on a tablet or smartphone
  • secure and controlled. Although consumer-driven solutions such as Citrix® GoToMyPC® are perfect for the desktop cloud consumer self-service access, remote access PC enables centralized control and improves HDX experience physical computer with the engine SmartAccess policy that allows to configure specific permissions for tasks such as drive mapping, clipboard transfers and printing. Remote PC Access can also be configured for authentication methods to two factors, including smart cards for an additional level of secure user experience
  • Future proof . Because PC Remote Access is a component FlexCast integrates with the widest range of Citrix infrastructure without the need to upgrade the operating system or applications

remote PC demo can be found here :. v = 3G4I7XJwJB0

The deployment is relatively simple. It begins with the deployment of lightweight remote PC service on a XenDesktop server in the data center. The remote PC service automates the VDA assignment to a user. IT deploys so the VDA on the user's desktop, and remote PC service does the rest. The following steps describe the process in more detail:

  1. VDA package with installation and deployment settings with ESD
  2. Configuring remote PC service configuration to place office in a catalog and allocation
  3. You planned the user login locally on the desktop and the remote PC service automatically assigns users to their PCs.
  4. the next time the user accesses receiver (desktop, mobile, HTML5), the office is available from their desktop applications, unified list! No need for VPN, additional passwords or storing IP addresses.

PC Remote Access fully supports a BYOD policy. In a BYOD environment where the user owns the PC that is being virtualized, users do not need to migrate their PC image to the data center to connect to their corporate desktop, even on the LAN. They simply bring their BYO device, install the receiver and they are ready for remote access to their office on HDX anywhere, anytime.

In the next installment of this blog series we look at how Remote PC access within the Citrix broader set desktop virtualization solution.

Countdown to Synergy LA: Where Workstyles Mobile and Cloud Services Meet

12:06 PM Add Comment
Countdown to Synergy LA: Where Workstyles Mobile and Cloud Services Meet -

Citrix Synergy Los Angeles is just six weeks and we are excited about the sessions that we have lined up to boost your knowledge What, help you connect with industry insiders, and have a great time. Synergy offers such a rich and varied program that your options at the event are nearly limitless, so I want to give you an overview of some of the highlights. If you're not registered for Synergy, register now - and we'll see you May 22-24 at the Anaheim Convention Center

The Big Picture

Synergy is to empower participants to discover the latest developments in mobile and workstyles -. allow people to work and live their way

has Synergy, you will be able to pick up many new ideas, skills and qualifications that will enhance your personal and professional development. There are many sessions and keynotes, including the must-speech CEO Mark Templeton . Those of you who have been to Synergy know before Mark's keynote is always full of vision, technology innovation, and of course, some surprises.

Choose Your Own Adventure

one of the main reasons why people attend Synergy is to leverage the more than 100 sessions during the event three days, including tracks on virtualization, mobility network and Cloud.

Check out these blogs to hear directly from the speakers of the session as they prepared for Synergy, and get the scoop on the thinking behind the technologies, solutions and best practices engage in an event. Their blogs are a great way to select 100+ sessions will give you what you need to do your job better and advance your career. Series loudspeaker blog is constantly updated, so be sure to check in regularly.

Brand new this year is the Synergy Sandbox Solutions Demo , where you will be able to get your hands on mobility and the cloud Citrix products, as well as new "Lunch n 'Learn Tech Talks "which are roundtable conversations on specific topics conducted by Citrix users.

You will receive the same discounts on Disneyland and Disney California Adventure park passes for use both before and after the conference.

Synergy After Dark

This year, topped the international charts tape Maroon 5 will perform live at the party May 23. Synergy Group recorded Billboard results, including "Moves Like Jagger" and "one More Night" and will be a great way for us to celebrate being together. After a day of learning and networking full to bursting, music, drinks and food will help us to relax and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere SoCal.

Now that you know a little more about what is in store for you at Synergy, What are you waiting for? Sign up here and we'll see you in Los Angeles.

Get practice with Excalibur, XenMobile MDM and more

10:04 PM Add Comment
Get practice with Excalibur, XenMobile MDM and more -

Most Synergy of activities are planned for a specific date and time. But in the spirit of flexible workstyles, we also provided a learning choices on demand so you can practice when you have free time - on Wednesday evening, for example, or early Thursday morning. Synergy Labs Self-paced learning are still available during the day and evening, Tuesday, May 21 so people who arrive before the official launch conference can get a head start.

walk-ins are welcome!

No need to book. The hours:

  • Tuesday, May 21: 12:00 to 20:30
  • Wednesday, May 22: 14 hours 00-20 hours 30
  • Thursday, May 23: 08: 00 to 5:00 p.m.
  • Friday, May 24: 9h00-13h00

another advantage of the Labs in learning progression - we provide workstations so you n 'not need to bring your laptop. There are 100 workstations so you can be sure to get a seat when you are ready to dive into a subject.

We also offer many choices on the matter and the degree of expertise. Labs focus on a variety of products and Citrix solutions, mobility to virtualization to cloud, and target three levels -. Introductory, intermediate and advanced

consider these laboratories

There are more than a dozen labs to choose from, each with a duration of about 0 minutes. Here are my recommendations:

SYN623: Enabling mobile workstyles with me @ work applications : People want and expect to work when and where they need - and on their device choice. And it is for IT professionals to manage these work preferences increasingly diverse and unique. Companies that enable mobile workstyles embracing consumer devices, applications and computing experience are mobile businesses. Citrix Me @ Work family of mobile applications covers the key functions necessary to build a mobile business, combining all the experience of simplicity and user employees expect, with security and corporate control requires. If mobility is a priority for your organization, this self-Lab is for you. Learn to implement our Apps Me @ work and set policies to secure and protect your applications and data while providing an optimal user experience

SYN624 :. Getting started with the release of Avalon Excalibur project : The Excalibur release of Project Avalon is a milestone version in which the desktop delivery technology XenDesktop and XenApp applications distribution technology converge in a single solution simplified. Whether you are an existing customer of XenDesktop, XenApp customers, both or none, this self-training offer is for everyone. Learn how to deploy a website Excalibur and its place in your infrastructure - saving your company time and money. If common use will be covered and you will also be able to explore the environment on your own

SYN630 :. Manage your service offerings using CloudPortal Services Manager : Citrix CloudPortal Services Manager transforms cloud infrastructures into profitable cloud businesses. Learn to use this easy to use web portal that helps service providers manage the delivery of cloud services and provides real ITaaS the company. It provides support outside-the-box for Desktop-as-a-Service and Windows applications (powered by Citrix XenApp) and exchange office, SharePoint, Lync, web hosting and more. Without any IT expertise, customers can add or change services, view reports and manage users. With automation and self-service equipped with CloudPortal Services Manager, you will learn how to simplify management of cloud services

SYN622 :. Implementation XenMobile MDM XenMobile MDM is a robust mobile device management solution that offers based on management roles, configuration and security for both corporate owned devices, and employees. Users must have the freedom to access all their applications and data from any of their devices. Second, it must provide the same requirements for security and compliance to include any new features that are introduced. A lost or stolen device, company and employee-owned, is a reality that can lead to a data breach and recovery costs on average more than $ 7 million. Learn how to implement and integrate XenMobile MDM into your existing infrastructure - save your company money and provide peace of mind

SYN626: Extend your networking skills developed through learning fundamental NetScaler NetScaler is. key component of the Citrix network portfolio. You deploy virtualization or pure networking solutions, learning the basic concepts for Web application load balancing and traffic optimization, will help increase the robustness, reliability and performance of any deployment. If you are new or want to refresh your networking concepts, this class will cover the basics you'll need to start using NetScaler, platform the most advanced cloud network in the industry.

I encourage you to take a break and visit the Synergy calendar Self-paced Learning Labs at level 2, room 204B of the Anaheim Convention Center.

and make sure to follow me on Twitter for more synergy @merisummers content updates.

Citrix Receiver and BigTinCan Hub - Bringing Post and indigenous virtualization worlds together

11:05 AM Add Comment
Citrix Receiver and BigTinCan Hub - Bringing Post and indigenous virtualization worlds together - Mobile Applications

As smart mobile devices proliferate the enterprise, business units find new ways exploiting them to improve their agility, performance and productivity. However, IT teams are challenged to support these new platforms without sacrificing content security.

At the same time, users of corporate issued devices and BYOD users experimenting with off-the-shelf consumer applications that provide a modest level of functionality and support for the applications they are accustomed the use (e.g., applications for reading and editing documents Microsoft Office). Too often, experiments are below normal; with display problems documents, performance problems, and challenges of technical support

In addition, when it is necessary to edit a document in the field, these consumer applications split too often editing content presentation -. resulting security problems with concepts such as "Open in" function of Apple.

and BigTinCan Citrix (Citrix Ready partner) worked together to create a new solution to these problems that boost user productivity while maintaining control of the application.

Solve the Challenge - virtual desktops to the rescue - Move the field office

for many companies, the first step was to implement a desktop virtualization solution such as XenDesktop, allowing their users to access a "virtual office" through an application running on a mobile device. This has great advantages for Safety (documents remain in the company's computer systems), compatibility (you can now edit your documents in real Microsoft Office applications) and information technology (implementation is standardized). For many users, however, the need to work through an interface designed to work with a large screen, a physical keyboard and mouse can be excessive and face while on a mobile device like an iPad or smart phone .

Intelligent Document Publishing - Press the smart device - information awareness

for these users, the need to obtain access to the content of the organization on the mobile device led to the creation of new tools such as BigTinCan Hub, which allow the delivery of thrust secure documents and content to mobile devices. These systems provide and disable online access to content that is immediately available for use in a meeting or shared with customers and colleagues. These tools take advantage of the size and the interface of the device; providing greater ease of use, document security and synchronization of content as diverse as SharePoint stores for the local network drive

The richness of virtual desktops -. the content delivery Power Push

BigTinCan and Citrix have worked together to create a new way to bring the best of both worlds to customers. Before, users can edit the content independently or on the virtual desktop content to the Hub running on their mobile devices for instant viewing on and offline. Now they can have the content presented in the Hub seamlessly open for editing in a Citrix session via a receiver. When editing is complete, it is automatically republished to users of mobile devices for instant viewing, sharing or publishing.

How does it work?

BigTinCan Hub is a "mobile first" application designed from the ground up to support peak productivity in the mobile device for business users. The Hub can automatically provide standardized enterprise content such as Microsoft Office documents, as well as advanced applications made locally HTML5, mobile devices to a user.

Citrix Receiver is a powerful integrated solution for providing fully functional applications (such as real Microsoft desktops and applications) and other native Windows components on the mobile device. Together, Citrix Receiver and BigTinCan Hub solution provides an "internal notice" special for the possibility for the content pushed to the mobile device to be viewed and modified using native Windows applications -. All in one easy to use package and secure

users who have Citrix Receiver on their mobile device, simply select the "edit using Citrix" option when viewing a document BigTinCan Hub of have this document opened by the associated native application (ie Microsoft Word real). Once opened, the user can manipulate the document, and on the end of their edition, and to stop the application, the modified document is automatically republished in applying Hub users and stored locally for the use or sharing.

Security Changes?

combining BigTinCan Hub and Citrix Receiver is the ultimate distributed security. The content is first published using its Hub of the encrypted air transport, container locally stored content - encrypted at rest on the device. When selecting "edit with Citrix" a secure notification is sent to the Citrix Receiver application that will connect to a battery of authenticated Citrix XenApp servers. The XenApp system downloads the required files using secure SSL connection Server Hub with verification of the username and password happens transparently in the background. When the user finishes all updated content synchronizes safe return with the Hub BigTinCan server and published to devices based on the permissions of an authenticated user.

Windows applications?

The solution is not only ideal for document junkies in your organization. The same solution enables the delivery and launch of many .NET applications, terminal emulation based and other legacy applications that have been the mainstay of the enterprise IT for decades - on mobile devices. All accomplished while focusing on the usability of mobile devices and maximize productive and safety in existing systems.


There is no doubt that mobile device's time is here. Users are demanding better access to these devices. This results in a requirement for mobile solutions WorkStyle more powerful and integrated that meet the user needs while complying with corporate security policies and computer programs. BigTinCan and Citrix are working together to offer these mobile solutions, including adding support for auto redirect to an application on the mobile device, when editing a document or an application session inheritance is complete, and a range of other functions. Stay tuned for more updates and if you want more information or a demonstration to drop us a note

NOTE: -. I want to thank David Keane, CEO of BigTinCan for his help in producing this blog.

LaSource Introducing

9:03 PM Add Comment
LaSource Introducing -

LaSource is series of short videos for partners to keep you updated on Citrix in just minutes.

See the latest videos by clicking on a link to watch individually or see the series

introduction to LaSource

Servier Windows 2012 and Citrix Virtualization -. What you need to know

Mobility Sales Overview

Insights Sales Engineers

vs. Sale VMWare

see all videos

You will need your central connection partner to watch the videos.

New Citrix syndication resources, it is even easier to move forward

8:02 PM Add Comment
New Citrix syndication resources, it is even easier to move forward -

The Citrix Syndication InfoCenter is your central destination for all things Citrix Syndication. Of "union why" to "how" - InfoCenter brings you everything you need to start, and even includes sample sites. Take a look!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new purpose built library of resources to get you started immediately. The new section of the resource kit is available from the homepage of InfoCenter, and provides a number of "how to" videos, in bite size format, arm yourself with the knowledge you need in a time saving manner. Try them

Resources available:

  • How to implement Citrix Syndication
  • Take full advantage of your partner console, including reports
  • Adding a new user to your partner console

Our InfoCenter has recently undertaken a new look and feel, providing a simplified, easier content. In addition, you can now find ways to connect with us through social media icons as seen below - so you'll always be aware of new improvements and future

New to Syndicate? Start today
Syndication is really ideal for generating new leads and deliver relevant messages directly on your site. For more information on how to get started, visit the Citrix Syndication InfoCenter. Here you can check our sample sites showcase featuring Citrix products and solutions, all of the newly refreshed VDI-in-a-Box content, and our exclusive showcases for our V-Alliance partners. . And distributors

Want more
If you attend Summit Citrix in Los Angeles on May 20 to 21, and you are interested in learning more about Citrix Syndication , pop by and visit us at Partner Solutions Center. Here, you can schedule a 1: 1 to discuss topics such as how to register or how to work more effectively syndication for you. We also invite you to join us in our workshop generation demand May 22 8h00-10h00 amRegister now

ways to stay connected
Follow- @ctxsyndication us on Twitter | Give our blogs | Us

New Citrix opportunity for cloud networking registration is open

7:01 PM Add Comment
New Citrix opportunity for cloud networking registration is open -

Caution Partners: The Citrix recording program Possibility clouds network tender is open. As one of the important elements of the announcement Citrix programs worldwide partners the next generation, this new incentive program is designed to give you a competitive advantage and greater profitability in the cloud network market.

Benefits for you and your customers:

  • cloud drive technology - With Citrix cloud networking solution, customers gain a platform for the supply and scaling new cloud services
  • take advantage of a lucrative market - the cloud network market sector. is growing rapidly with huge potential for profit
  • Develop your capacities - .. Certification in cloud networks increases your expertise, help to gain new customers and deepen penetration into existing accounts
  • the competitive advantage - Opportunity Registration provides a unique differentiation to help you beat the competition.

If you are not already certified in cloud networks, taking advantage of training and technical certification from Citrix NetScaler. Start building your Citrix knowledge and obtain certifications valuable products to take advantage of the new Opportunity Registration Program and other benefits.

You can also learn all about networking for cloud environments at Citrix Summit later this month in Los Angeles. Visit for the event and the information session.

Last chance to register! XenApp Migration + Q & A Webinar

6:00 PM Add Comment
Last chance to register! XenApp Migration + Q & A Webinar -

This is your LAST CHANCE to register for this webinar special and a unique opportunity to ask a question about your planned migration to XenApp product Manager.

The webinar will be delivered by XenApp our migration experts in technical support, so make sure you pop along.

This session will provide an overview of migration to XenApp 6.5 for including a live demonstration of the XenApp migration tool. Also, we will discuss migration options, pre and post stages and typical challenges and solutions to our customers see.

In addition, we will host a live 45min Q & A session with a XenApp product manager to answer all your questions have around your planned migration. The length of this webinar will be 1.5 hours

What you will learn :.

  • Why migrate to XenApp 6.5
  • [1945010?]
    • benefits of migration
  • What features / settings can be migrated?
    • versions of the source system supported for migration
    • objects and parameters that can / can not be migrated / transferred
  • How to migrate XenApp 6.5
    • migration Options: vs
    • before and after the direct migration and indirect steps
    • challenges and solutions
  • Demo Live
  • When the typical migration: Wednesday, May 15 2013 @ 24:00 EST / 18:00 CET


    hope to see many of you online

    David McGeough
    Program Manager, WW Marketing Services

May issue XenDesktop Technical Bulletin now available

4:59 PM Add Comment
May issue XenDesktop Technical Bulletin now available -

Using XenDesktop? Then you need to get the technical bulletin XenDesktop! The newsletter includes best technical resources of all Citrix services: consulting, technical assistance, education and technical readiness. In its third year, the newsletter is designed to help customers manage their XenDesktop optimally and get the most out of their investment in Citrix desktop virtualization. And its FREE!

I am pleased to announce that May 2013 edition of the newsletter is now available.

Consult the archive page, where you can access both. current and past issues, and Subscribe to the free monthly newsletter

the May newsletter is packed with great content, including:

  • simplified VDI architecture (blog)
  • do you really understand the purpose of your desktop virtualization project? (Blog)
  • Manual Virtual Desktop Citrix (manual)
  • Citrix XenDesktop best practices with Cisco UCS (webinar)
  • Avoiding 7 Desktop Virtualization traps (eBook)
  • Using the API App Orchestration through different web technologies - blog series in 2 parts (blog)
  • Why PVS will not go away (blog)
  • XenDesktop Tools & patches
  • And more.

If you have any comments / suggestions please let us know. Also, do not forget to Sign up now!

David McGeough
Program Manager, WW Marketing Services

Обновленное руководство по виртуализации дескптопов

3:58 PM Add Comment
Обновленное руководство по виртуализации дескптопов -

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые читатели. Снова с вами российский голос технической поддержки Citrix.

Сегодня я хочу с вами поделиться обновленным руководством по виртуализации дескптопов Citrix Virtual Desktop Handbook 5.x, в которое добавили новую секцию по мониторингу. Секция разбита на четыре части :.

  1. Производительность (Performance), в которой описываются ключевые счётчики производительности
  2. Сервисы (Services), Citrix в которой описаны службы и Windows, играющие ключевую роль в инфраструктуре Citrix.
  3. события (Events), в которой обсуждаются события журнала Windows и предоставлены ссылки на документацию.
  4. Рост (growth), в которой даны рекомендации по мониторингу и планированию роста.

Дополнительно по мониторингу читайте Operations Guide -. Monitoring Citrix Desktop and Datacenter

XenMobile Enterprise becomes the One Stop Shop for Enterprise Mobility Solutions

2:57 PM Add Comment
XenMobile Enterprise becomes the One Stop Shop for Enterprise Mobility Solutions -

Hi, I'm Natalie and I saw mobile work mode.

This is the point where you d all say "Hi, Natalie" as a large group and we would like to discuss the particular challenges of life in a mobile world. If this feels eerily similar, then you're not alone. In recent years, employees of requests for mobile workstyles soared. Employees want the ability to work in places and on the features that make the most sense for them. They want access to information and applications they need, wherever they are. They want to collaborate in real time with their colleagues around the world. They want to know that if they have a problem, they have a supportive friend just a fingertip. Really, employees just want to turn their work so they have the freedom to get their work in the way that works best. And I'm no different

Today, Citrix announced the next version of XenMobile -. A complete solution for the management of applications, data and peripherals. While Citrix has spoken to mobile workstyles for a long time, this next version redefines how organizations can bring the benefits of enterprise mobility to all users. Specifically, XenMobile now combines mobile device, application and data management, a unified enterprise application store, mobile productivity applications, such as email and web browsing, as well as secure document sharing , synchronization and publishing, and "one-touch" direct support in an inclusive solution to the provision of mobile services for businesses.

Although this version with new capabilities jam-packed, I thought . I want to give you my top 10 in no particular order with XenMobile, it can now:

  • Configure, secure mobile devices and supply : XenMobile provides iT the ability to manage and secure corporate and employee owned devices while meeting compliance requirements [
  • deliver a single live chat and click XenMobile integrates with GoToAssist to provide desk service and remote support tools that allow mobile users a critical lifeline for live support for high availability and maximum productivity
  • Provide access to SharePoint and network drives :. XenMobile integration with ShareFile mobilizes data in SharePoint and network file sharing for all users safely
  • Enterprise -enable all mobile : using the new App SDK Worx all, third or BYO custom developed mobile application can be delivered to users across the Worx app Gallery with controls based on global policies, including mobile DLP and remote locking capacity, wipe and encrypted applications and Datas. And to make it better, Citrix is ​​working with leading mobile application developers to ensure their applications are compatible Worx and therefore ready to be distributed to employees using XenMobile. third-party applications So far, more than 80 Worx-enabled will display in the App Worx Gallery
  • Distribute secure mail, calendar and contacts app and mobile web browser :. XenMobile includes WorxMail and WorxWeb, beautiful native iOS and Android apps for email, calendar and contacts application and mobile web browsing which integrates with other applications compatible Worx and operates the security features of mobile MDX applications to provide a secure productivity on the road. (And, for organizations that want to use the native email client, XenMobile added support for cloud-based messaging systems, such as Microsoft Office 365, with improved security to control devices off-line .)
  • Enjoy a micro specific VPN application XenMobile provides micro VPN specific application to enable any mobile application to access the internal network of a organization, preventing the need for a broad VPN device that can compromise the security
  • Providing seamless integration of Windows app :. XenMobile provides users with easy access to all of their desktops and applications delivered by XenDesktop in the same view as their web and mobile applications
  • Deliver app unified corporate store XenMobile provides a single place for users to select and access all their applications - mobile, web and Windows - on any device as they move between their favorite devices, their chosen applications to follow ensure full productivity
  • multi-factor support single connection :. with XenMobile, IT can simplify the user experience with secure single sign-on across mobile, web and Windows applications ensuring that users should remember still another password
  • sharing Secure documents, synchronizing and editing - in the cloud or on-site :. integration between ShareFile and following me XenMobile provides data across devices and applications and allows users to view, edit and share data in a secure container on their mobile device. And with ShareFile, IT has the choice on how they store their data -. In the cloud, on premise or a combination of both

Hopefully this overview XenMobile and the importance of mobility for Citrix. As for me, this is why you do not hear me challenges of life in a working mode of mobility because XenMobile gives me all the abilities that I have. And, if done correctly, Citrix can really make it easy for companies to transform work and allow employees to work better.

Faster NetApp storage replication with CloudBridge

1:56 PM Add Comment
Faster NetApp storage replication with CloudBridge -

Today, NetApp announced the certification of Citrix CloudBridge with SnapMirror storage replication solution from NetApp. The integrated solution delivers up to 10X faster storage replication for data rates up to 2 Gbit / s broad network of relationships in the region, allowing storage administrators and enterprise applications to deliver P = better recovery point objectives while targeting the rapid restoration in case of failures in data centers.

NetApp ONTAP solutions are frequently deployed to support Citrix XenDesktop solutions in businesses. This new solution extends the benefits of Citrix CloudBridge now also enable replication of storage, as well as leader of the WAN optimization industry for XenApp and XenDesktop delivery branches and remote locations campus.

Learn more about the Storage Replication accelerated Citrix Synergy in Anaheim in the demo pod 24 and on the web.

Look for ways you can leverage social media to increase demand? Sign up for our webinar

12:55 PM Add Comment
Look for ways you can leverage social media to increase demand? Sign up for our webinar -

We all know a great website can dramatically improve your sales. Citrix Syndication can help improve your web marketing by providing your customers with the latest products and solutions updates, briefing notes and whitepapers from the industry. But have you also considered how you can use social media to drive more customers and traffic to your site?

Syndication is the ideal tool to generate new leads and deliver relevant messages directly your website. Find out how you go further by incorporating social media to your marketing plans with this exclusive one hour training session with the channel marketing expert Heather K. Margolis of IPED, a school division UBM Channel.

exclusive webinar "Demand driving through engagement in online and social media"

  • Learn which platforms to leverage your needs and business objectives
  • Understand what you need to build a more successful online strategy
  • Expand how you use LinkedIn to increase the effectiveness of your email campaigns
  • Gain new insight, every day basic activities to keep your dynamic social media

Join today. Visit go / CSASocialMediaSeries

Date: June 11, 2013
When: 11: 00 pm - 12:00 EDT

ways to stay connected
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XenDesktop 7: Director and EdgeSight explained

11:54 AM Add Comment
XenDesktop 7: Director and EdgeSight explained -

There have been many rumors about the disappearance of EdgeSight. After reading this article, it will be very clear that EdgeSight is not dead - (. 38:26 min in the Keynote video) in fact it is more alive than ever, as we have demonstrated in the Citrix Synergy 2013 Keynote. MarkT and BradP discussed EdgeSight Director and Director and how we use as our unified console in XenDesktop 7, allowing the Citrix application and desktop administrators with the ability to monitor comprehensively their XenDesktop environment 7. This article will break down this proposal value and explain exactly what that means; in addition, I will explain some monitoring options for XenApp and XenDesktop 5.x 6.x

XenDesktop 7 Director - RTE

Desktop Director (as it is known in XenDesktop 5) is a Web tool in real time, used primarily for the Help Desk or level 1 agent call center. It is an innovative easy way to quickly search and view details at the session of a user who calls support to report a problem. In XenDesktop 7 Director develops on this role. The new troubleshooting dashboard provides healthcare monitoring in real time of your 7 XenDesktop site. Using Dashboard Troubleshooting , administrators are now able to see on a minute scale per minute if failures occurred, giving a true picture of the end-user experience for your customers .

Filters see - drilling down into the details of the session is the key to being able to solve problems quickly. In the troubleshooting dashboard, administrators are able to click on the number of failure or sessions and are immediately taken to the view filters. In this view of the table, it is easy to see exactly who was hit by failures, which machines are affected, the reason for failure, the time of failure, much more details. Global actions can be performed from this page for fast food problems

Trends see -. As the dashboard shows the last 60 minutes, it is useful to be able to see what has been practiced in the last 24 hours or perhaps during the last week. In the dashboard, administrators can click on "View historical trends and is taken in view of trends, in the context, from the dashboard. The data configuration log provides reasons and responsibility regarding the changes that were made on the site. for example, it may be that these changes were the cause of user login failures

See Help Desk -. This enhancement provides access to new aid in an action for Desk (page Activity Manager) and user details updated view that provides additional troubleshooting capabilities and help customers increase first resolution call

XenDesktop 7 EdgeSight. - advanced analysis

EdgeSight evolving from a standalone product in an integrated solution expand the value proposition of existing products such as the director. Instead of focusing on product silos, this new approach allows Citrix to provide a more complete and holistic experience. Provide follow through Citrix lens is very important to ensure end users satisfied with the level of insurance service of the Agreement.

In XenDesktop 7 EdgeSight provides two key features performance management and network analysis .

Performance Management provides for the continuation and evolution of historical reports. With the historical data retention compared to the real-time evaluation, administrators are able to create trend reports. These reports allow the capacity and health trends. Questions such as the following can be resolved using Trends:

  • What was the charge on my application servers reported in the last month compared to the previous month
  • What is the effect of the number of users connected to the logon time for these users?
  • Have I had recording errors of every Monday machine? What was past health trend?
  • How many advanced sessions in the last month, year, quarter over quarter?

As part of the performance management functionality, customers have the ability to compare a range of dates for a previous baseline on the basis of this customer environment. This auto-baselining feature is essential to understand what is "normal" or when the "normal" trends occur (ie increase the use of the session each quarter end, people are rushing to close the quarter) .

Leverage NetScaler HDX Insight, EdgeSight network analysis function provides much needed network visibility to the Citrix administrator. As customers become more mobile, it is the network that is mainly responsible for the poor performance of the session. How Citrix administrator proves that he is not a "Citrix problem"? With EdgeSight network analysis, Citrix administrators are able to diagnose whether the problem is due to high latency or low bandwidth connection for XenDesktop 7 user. More importantly, understand if this is a widespread problem that affects many users, or if it is isolated to a user helps to understand the impact. Prove that the culprit is the network and not because of a "Citrix problem" inspires confidence in Citrix solution. Citrix administrators are now able to quickly climb the problem with their network administrators showing exactly what the network problem is.

publishing license

Desktop Director 2.x is included in all editions of XenDesktop 5 and provide help desk capabilities to XenDesktop 5 and XenApp 6.5. EdgeSight Advanced is included with XenApp Platinum and Platinum XenDesktop.

With XenDesktop 7, Director, assessment and real-time troubleshooting tool is included in all editions of XenDesktop 7. New features in EdgeSight are included in both XenApp and XenDesktop Platinum editions but rights these characteristics are based on XenDesktop platform 7. the environment must be XenDesktop 7 to take advantage of new features director and EdgeSight.

EdgeSight network analysis also requires Edition NetScaler Enterprise and Platinum. With NetScaler Enterprise, real-time data for the last 60 minutes is expected. NetScaler Platinum Edition has an unlimited data retention. In short,

  1. All events: Manager - Real-time monitoring and basic troubleshooting (up to 7 days of data)
  2. XD7 Platinum performance management function EdgeSight - # 1 + includes historical monitoring (up to a full year of data via SQL tracking database)
  3. XD7 Platinum + NetScaler Enterprise: EdgeSight performance management and network analysis - # 2 includes over 60 minutes. data network
  4. XD7 NetScaler Platinum + Platinum performance management EdgeSight and network analysis - includes # 2 as well as unlimited network data
Make sure to read the monitoring XenDesktop 7 with the director and EdgeSight, taking to the next level whitepaper for important configuration and grooming details!

followed earlier versions of XenApp and XenDesktop

customers have several options when choosing a monitoring solution for their Citrix delivered applications and virtual offices.

  • Citrix EdgeSight 5.4 Advanced
  • NetScaler HDX Insight
  • Citrix Ready surveillance partners

Citrix will continue to support and maintain Citrix EdgeSight 5.4 as shown in the lifecycle matrix. In addition, customers may want to use HDX NetScaler Insight visibility of ICA packets. This requires deployment of a NetScaler in the network path to achieve visibility of the CIA and the versions of Receiver for Windows and Mac to be released in the period XenDesktop 7 (Android and iOS are not yet supported).

customers can also use XenDesktop 7 Director EdgeSight to monitor and lower versions VDA but the delivery controller must be currently running XenDesktop 7. Because of new instruments in the XD 7 VDA ago have limited data available for ADV lower versioned (XD 5.6 and below). Metrics that will not be collected for ADV versioned below are the logon duration settings, login troubleshooting information, and certain categories of failure of the machine and connection.

Check out these additional resources!


Manager Overview and EdgeSight for XenDesktop 7

followed by XenDesktop 7 with the director and EdgeSight take to the next level

Citrix TV:

HDX preview: NetScaler & XenDesktop better Together

Excalibur: best practices for XenDesktop operations leveraging Citrix Manager and EdgeSight matrix

XenDesktop 7 functionality:

Поддержка принтеров Canon в среде XenApp

10:53 PM Add Comment
Поддержка принтеров Canon в среде XenApp -

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые читатели. . Снова с вами российский голос технической поддержки Citrix

Хочу поделиться радостной новостью - теперь помимо принтеров HP для XenApp зявлена ​​поддержка принтеров Canon. Драйвер Canon Lite получил сертификат Citrix Ready. Подробнее читайте Â Canon Printers статье supported in XenApp environments.

Introducing Citrix Partner Uproar, a new series of Channel blog

9:52 PM Add Comment
Introducing Citrix Partner Uproar, a new series of Channel blog -

A hubbub is the sound of many voices, and this is what we aim in this new blog series featuring news and information of interest for Citrix channel partners. I'm Blake Cotton, a member of the team Citrix WW Channel Marketing, and I invite you to join the conversation through social media channels. Although the topics I'll cover each month are also presented in Citrix Partner News , a blog format is more interactive than a newsletter. It gives each of you the opportunity to express your opinions, ask questions and pass on information to colleagues or clients. For example, we want to hear about the events you attended - as the "online application Driving through the commitment and social media" webinar I will highlight next week - and new products and programs you have tried on. for each topic, I will include the contact information for the product manager or appropriate so that you can go directly to the source program.

I hope you will add your voice to the "Citrix Partner Uproar!"

Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter @CitrixPartners.

Americas Partners - Take the survey CRN Annual Bulletin for Citrix Systems before 6/30

8:51 PM Add Comment
Americas Partners - Take the survey CRN Annual Bulletin for Citrix Systems before 6/30 -

CRN Annual Bulletin (CRA) your chance to share your opinions on Citrix products, programs and performance to help shape our channel strategy. The survey should only take about 10 minutes of your time.

Go to the ARC survey

Your answers will remain completely confidential, and Citrix will not have access to your identity or your individual responses.

survey closes on 30 June , and we hope you take quick 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Results will be available in October.

You can win! Solution providers who complete and submit the survey will be entered into a prize draw organized by UBM Tech Channel for a chance to win one of 20 $ 250 gift cards

How navigate through and complete the questionnaire :.

  1. Once connected, you will see the list of "current available surveys", click "start survey". You will be asked if you want to participate in ARC 2013; If so, you will be prompted to enter and confirm a password.
  2. If you get a message that says "There is available for survey!" click "" and skip to step # 5
  3. next screen read :. You and your company have been selected to participate in the Annual Report 2013 board of at least one of your supplier partners ... Complete demographic questions.
  4. upon confirmation, you will see the login link to proceed with the email / password you just created to move forward to complete the investigation. (Https://
  5. Your list of available categories will be displayed. You must click on each category investigation to answer questions.

Thank you for your inquiry!

PoshCorner: Session State Monitoring

7:50 PM Add Comment
PoshCorner: Session State Monitoring -


I am big believer in scripting and automation in general - after so years (believe it or not, but I started with Powershell 8 years ago), the possibility of working on tons of exciting projects and with so many amazing people, it just feels natural for me to write scripts on the road without even realizing I'm doing then. And I just realized that this could be useful for someone if I would like to share snippets I am using

Be aware -. PoshCorner scripts will not be too strong, they will not have great documentation and I do not plan to go into the details of how they work . These scripts will be especially useful for anyone who needs to find the syntax or want to build something solid and seeks some direction. There is simply one-shot scripts I usually just type in the console and none of them takes more than 1 hour to create.

All scripts are provided in the state (but that does not mean you should not report any errors that you met) under following warning:

"This software application is you provided "as is" without representation, warranty or condition of any kind. You can use and distribute it at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL oR STATUTORY, INCLUDING wITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES oF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS fOR a PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE aND NON-INFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the software application may contain errors, design flaws or other problems, possibly resulting in loss of data or damage to property; (B) it may not be possible to fully functional software application; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, cease to provide the current and / or future versions of the software application. In any case, the code must be used to support ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to life support or blasting operations. CITRIX, ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE APPLICATION SOFTWARE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL OTHER SPECIAL, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any claim arising from your use, modification or distribution of the code. "

Monitoring session state XenApp session

During typical engagement, I tend to cons-check each configuration change I make normal manual confirmation would simply take too long. - I write automated routines and at the end of the day, I will check if the values are what I expected ...

I like to set persistent policy (and pre launch when using thin office where the application is provided by XenApp) and always configure both timers disconnection and disconnection. My typical basic configuration is 20 minutes to 30 minutes persistent disconnection for persistent disconnection, 1 hour to 3 hours to disconnect and disconnect the current session. But it is easy to make a mistake - for example configure timeouts thanks to the policy only applies to XenDesktop

To check if this configuration works, I just leave active session running overnight and run the following script .. It's pretty simple, one argument that is expected -User (in UserName Domain format). Optionally, you can use the argument -Wait - this means that the session is not yet working and must wait to begin the session

Example of use if the session is already running: ..
Monitor-SessionState.ps1 -User "CITRITE mzugec"

Example of use if the session is not running again :.
Monitor-SessionState.ps1 -User "CITRITE mzugec" -Wait

accordingly, you should be able to see how session state is changing. State refers to the general session state (Active, Disconnected ...) while ApplicationState help with monitoring the persistent policy.

Zugec Martin