Security Password: How to choose a password more

12:19 PM
Security Password: How to choose a password more -

How to pick a stronger password- password security

Choosing good passwords is as essential as using an encrypted connection to keep your private data safe on the Web. ! In this guide, I will explore some of the best practices and give some tips to help you choose a password strong hacker-safe

In this article, I will describe:

  • A background on how password encryption works

  • How to choose secure passwords

  • Bonus: Tools to remember your passwords

By now you should be aware that SaferVPN encrypts your connection to keep you safe, especially when using public hotspots that are otherwise unsecured

But when it comes to keeping you safe online, unfortunately there are things that are out of our hands

L one of them is to use strong passwords and good. Even with the most sophisticated anti-malware or better VPN service in the world, you are still vulnerable if you use weak passwords.

A quick background on encrypting passwords

first of all, you should always take note of the fact that the site uses HTTPS for secure connection between it and your computer. Although most popular websites today use, always look for the padlock symbol in the URL bar.

There are different ways for websites to store passwords, some more secure than others. As a user, you will not know what type of password security is used by the site. If the storage site is not safe enough, all the passwords in their entire database can be cracked at once if an attacker manages to get into their system. In this case, you are very vulnerable if you're using the same login information for other websites.

How passwords are encrypted (optional reading)

This part gets semi-technical, in order to make safety by understandable password for everyone, but you can go to the next section

Some websites store all their passwords in clear text, which means that anyone who manages to hack it can read all passwords without even needing a cracking or additional tools

When encrypting passwords, websites are something called "hash" :.

Password hashing is a one-way function that turns passwords into a string of numbers and letters to keep them secure
This is what the hashed passwords like

a hash is a one-way function that converts your password in a chain length sets of letters and numbers. Any change of the password, such as the capitalization of a letter or replaced with a number, resulting in a completely different hash. Each password hash will always be the same, meaning that the password "hello" always results in the same hash chain.

The last point is important because even if a site uses a hashing system to encode passwords, an attacker could run an entire dictionary through a hash software and then use software that attempts to connect with all the hashes. For example, if you use a simple password like 'password', 'america' or 'secret', it will not take long for the attacker to access your account.

The exception to the above is if the site uses a "salt" to encrypt your password. In substance (sorry to get technical here) it adds a random string of letters and numbers in your password before hashing it.

There are databases in line with the hashes of all the most commonly used passwords. With such tools a hacker could basically just enter password hashes stolen to convert them to their equivalent plain-text password.

The pirates have a wide range of tools at their disposal to hack into databases, or use brute force to guess passwords. If you are not encrypt your connection, and they are monitoring, they can get hold of your password hashes. Once they are in possession of the pirate, he or she just needs to run the hash in such a database to read and connect to your personal accounts. If you use the same password for multiple sites, the hacker can connect to each of them.

For a technical guide very deep hash, read more here

what this means for you:

in simple terms, if you use a common password or a variation of it, a hacker can use simple tools to test their way into your account because there are databases of all passwords most commonly used they can use. To stay safe, you need to encrypt your connection and use strong passwords. Read on to learn more about picking secure passwords!

How to choose good passwords

Okay, now that you know how passwords are stored and how they can be cracked, let's look at some tips security passwords

These are not make secure passwords :.

  • Avoid using too obvious passwords, such as the names of your beloved family, your place of birth, favorite movie, your crush in teen and so on

  • Do not use passwords with just one word you can find in the dictionary

  • do not store passwords in plain text on your computer in your email box, just in case a hacker gets access to them

  • do not use the same word password for all your online accounts - this way you reduce your risk in case there is a violation

are safe passwords do:

  • Use long passwords: the more they are, the more they take to crack

  • Use lower case mix and capital

  • Mix in numbers in your password

  • Use special characters like !, @, #, $, and &

  • Use a different password for each of your important accounts

  • Use a reliable password manager and secure to remember your credentials

So how do you make a very secure password?

Well, here's a good tip.

Remember the chorus of your favorite song, your favorite quote, a line from a movie you like, or just something personal you want to remember. Then use the first letters of each word as your actual password. You may even switch between small and large caps, and add a string of numbers at the end to make it even more complex.

An example would be if you plan to travel to Spain on August 12, you can create the phrase: "I will visit Spain Wednesday, August 12, 2015!" you then turn into "IwbvSoWA122015." Now, do not use this exact password, but it's just to illustrate my point. instead, make your own such variation

If you have a moment difficult to come up with a good password, visit the password generator secure LastPass .

Start today by taking a look at your current passwords and change those that are not safe. remember to always look for HTTPS encryption when connecting to your private accounts and make sure to encrypt your connection SaferVPN to prevent hackers from stealing your ! passwords

If you do not do not have yet, try SaferVPN free now

Bonus :! tools to help you remember passwords

There are tons of password management tools out there, but here are two popular that will get you started:


With LastPass you will only need to remember one password, since it securely stores all your passwords encrypted in their "safe". It can even auto-suggest passwords for all new online accounts that you create, and automatically populate your online login information.

Keychain Access

If you are on an Apple device, you can use the built-in password manager. It allows you to access all your passwords you have stored, but you can also manually create new items for her to remember.

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