Towards the end of the HADOPI in France?

7:27 PM
Towards the end of the HADOPI in France? -

A new bill could soon give full powers to the Supreme Council of Audiviovisuel (CSA) which could then monitor all media, including the Internet.

draft mentions that the CSA could manage "the provision of audiovisual works, both film type audio or artworks, whatever the technical details of distribution." This means that the Council could take over all media broadcast audiovisual content, namely websites, smartphone, podcast, gaming consoles, etc ...

regarding its watchdog role, CSA may refer all cases concerning the protection of minors and human dignity and racism, and monitor at the same time with many parental control bias. So what became Hadopi institution? In December 2013, the CSA had denounced a massive piracy and suggested that its role should be to take over.

unnecessary Presumption of the user side, but also by other departments, Hadopi seems to be in poor condition.

new Prime Minister Manuel Valls had publicly stated that he is against the bill in 08. "I have never wavered on the repeal of the law that induced suppression when the financial penalty and administrative, "he said at that time.

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