All you need to know about user segmentation!

6:12 PM
All you need to know about user segmentation! -

You can not fit a square peg into a round hole and you can not expect people to use a specific type of virtual desktop regardless of their needs. It is all about finding the right balance between the key factors of the company (increased security, reduced management, etc.) and provide people with a virtual desktop that allows them to succeed in their work (off-line work, install applications, resource intensive applications running, etc.). The implementation of technology to meet these requirements will increase the cost and deployment time, so you do not want to offer everyone. The best thing to do is to divide people into groups based on a common set of requirements. This way, you can assign the right technology for each user group - square peg in a square hole

seems complicated and time consuming, right !? The good news is that Citrix Consulting have conducted countless transformation project office and we learned the hard way how to fill them quickly and successfully. We want to share this experience with you so that you get right now.

The Ask the architect team works hard to create the Virtual Desktop Manual. A comprehensive resource (anything whitepapers and blog information in one place!) That will contain detailed information on everything to maintain assess (evaluate is ready right now, we are about to release some of the design phase soon - watch this space). The data collection in the chapter Evaluate section helps ensure that you have all the information you need and chapter User Segmentation provides detailed information on how to group your users. The best bit? we provide a spreadsheet to collect comprehensive data with appropriate filters so you can identify your user groups.

If you are going to attend Synergy Los Angeles in May, make sure you check our session on the analysis phase - [May 24 @ 9:00] SYN317. We will discuss how you can identify key business drivers, collect data, segments of users, analyze and prioritize your applications user groups. We will provide a lot of real-world examples and demonstrate tools that will really help accelerate your projects

Go to Synergy

Andy Baker -.! Architect
Worldwide Consulting
Desktop Team & Applications
Manual Virtual Desktop
Accelerator Project
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