11 Internet safety tips for children and teens

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11 Internet safety tips for children and teens -

11 Internet Safety Tips for Children and Teens SaferVPN Blog

The Internet is an incredible resource, full of fascinating content and endless knowledge. But as we all know, it can be a dangerous place for children and adolescents. Read on for some great tips parents can use to ensure that your children enjoy the Internet in an environment secure and safe way.

as an adult, you are most likely well aware how to protect your privacy and personal information . online and the pitfalls and traps to avoid shady but in general a young teenager is primarily focused on sharing and connecting with friends and security is their last priority. - but it should certainly be one of their first

Here are a few simple internet security tips that you can use to keep your children safe on the web, some you'll probably find helpful as well!

1. Use privacy settings on social networking platforms

many social networks have completely public parameters -. This means that anything your teenager or child's messages, is visible to the World Wide Web! Sit down with your child and ensure that all their financial statements using the privacy settings so that their messages and personal information are not available for all predators or pirates.

Remember, 1-10 social media users have been the victim of a cyber attack

Here are some tips from two of the most popular social networking sites, Facebook and Twitter:


Facebook now has great functionality with a simple "Privacy Checkup". Once you are logged into Facebook just click simple latch on the upper right side.

Facebook Privacy Settings Internet Safety for Kids & Teens

Now you can select your privacy settings desired for three main themes:

  • Who can see my stuff
  • Who me [contact?
  • How can I prevent someone bothering me

the most recommended settings for the young look like this :?

Under Who can see my stuff

  • Who can see your future posts? Friends
  • Examine all positions and the things you're tagged in- click Use Activity Log and set

Then you also have a great feature: what other people see my calendar that you will? to ensure that all privacy settings are in place

Under Who can contact me.?

  • Who can send you friend requests? Friends of Friends

There are additional privacy settings that are very important to address in addition to the above. To access it, simply click More settings.

Under can look at me? the following additional parameters are recommended.

  • can pick you up using the email address you provide? Friends
  • can get you with the phone number you provided? Friends

The latest, "Do you want the search engines outside of Facebook link to your profile?" is especially important , because if the Facebook profile is not your child appear in general search engines like Google.

Furthermore, if for some reason for the position of your child is not protected in the past- do not worry. Just click on past limit messages to make public posts . previously private

Privacy Settings and Tools Facebook Internet Safety for Kids

to further ensure privacy for the timeline of your child, here are some recommendations Settings Timeline and marking which can be accessed via the Chronology and marking icon on the left side of the page:

Timeline and Tagging Settings Internet Safety Kids and Teens

Facebook also provides a useful guide that describes all the privacy settings to answer any questions a parent can have: https://www.facebook.com/about/basics/


the first step is to go to the top right hand under your profile picture and select the menu drop. in this menu, you will see "Settings", click on that.

on the next page you will see a list of options. the left hand Click security and privacy to access the privacy settings

Here are the recommended settings for privacy for young people:

  • Photo Tagging . - select only allow people that I follow to mark me in the pictures or do not allow anyone to mark me in photos
  • Tweet Privacy -. Select 'Protect my tweets "so that only people your teen approve will be able to see their tweets
  • Tweet location - do not check this option. Its best that the location is not public
  • The ability to discover -. Do not select this option
  • Twitter for teams - do not allow anyone to add me to their team
  • direct messages - It is best to not check this box to ensure that your child receives messages from those they choose to follow

Twitter Privacy Settings Internet Safety Kids Teens

2. Never post personal information such as phone number, address or location.

Especially on popular mobile apps like Snapchat, Instagram or Vine.

Mobile apps like Snapchat, Instagram and Vine are some of the most popular apps among teens and preteens. And it's no surprise examine how fun and viral video content on these applications can be.

In the same vein, it is very important for young people to remember that once posted , personal information can instantly become public.

When a teenager submit personal and private details of these popular applications, openness and virality of these platforms means said information can easily fall into the wrong hands.

Snapchat Take, for example. It is an application that allows users to send photos and video messages to each other. The images and videos are theoretically supposed to disappear in seconds, so some teens and preteens may feel a false sense of security confidentiality of what they share.

It is important to remind your child that a screenshot can always capture what they Senders even if they want it to be private. In addition, Snapchat has had its fair share of piracy incidents in the past leading to 100,000 images of the stolen user and 4.6 million user names and flight numbers

to Instagram, the application of photo sharing and popular filtering, in addition to ensure that your child does not share specific details within messages Photographic, you can also protect their privacy and online security by following Tip # 1 to make their privacy settings are configured to only allow friends they know to see the images and geo-location function is disabled.

The binary Tattoo Youtube channel has excellent videos on application security for children and adolescents, including one on Instagram:

well the vine, an app sharing short video, is completely public default. Advise your child to avoid including personal information in their videos and help your children protect their posts- go to Settings → → Your content messages are private.

Even with privacy settings, it is very important that your children know not to post personal and private information. As mentioned above, everyone can take a picture of personal information on their phone and share it with unintentional or public audience.

3. Do not include personal information in your screen name.

When choosing a screen name or alias on websites, it is very important to remind your child not to include their name or date of birth .

They can think about doing is harmless, but it can open the doors to people they do not know or do not want to interact with, to discover their identity and private information.

Encourage your child to maintain full privacy in the online settings - to their user names

4. never share passwords.

Your child or teenager may think it is harmless to share account passwords with a close friendship, but that is certainly not the case.

sure to inform your child that might put all their personal and private information at risk.

Once their password is out of their hands and someone else, they do not control when and for how long these accounts remain open, neither of which else can access it!

further along this note, remind your child to always newspaper on accounts that they were consulted when using a public computer. The last thing anyone wants is a stranger to access their personal profiles.

5. Never agree to meet in person with whom you first "met" on the Internet.

It is important to educate your child that there are many fake accounts there and as such there are many potential dangers in face-to-face face with someone they only know through the online world.

In fact, last year, it was estimated that 11.2% Facebook accounts, 10% Instagram accounts and 8.5% Twitter accounts were false - despite efforts to fight against fake profiles

Encourage open dialogue with your child and ask them to advise you always when they receive such a meeting request the first time.

6. Never send or reply to messages or emails coarse or medium.

Remind your children that they send messages via text and email can never be erased, and they can easily be shared with someone.

Encourage your child to always take the higher ground. If ever they get a rude or inappropriate messages, just ignore it.

If the hurtful messages persists, you and your child should quickly remove and block individual harassing prevent harm moral or unnecessary provocation.

cyberbullying is a major concern in today's world. According to the Hartford County Examiner, over half of teens have been bullied online and only 1 in 10 teens say a parent if they have been victims of cyber bully, then be sure to establish an open dialogue with your child early on and always an open ear for them to speak with such concerns.

7. Be careful before posting a picture or a video online.

Encourage your child to share images or videos of the plan to post online with you before doing so.

Remind them that once they do, these images and videos are no longer exclusively theirs, but now part of the Internet ecosystem To-d, they no longer have full control over who can see them and / or how they appear.

8. Do not download or install software or unknown applications.

Even we adults are often duped by fake software, spam and applications!

It is important to advise your children as far as what they should or should not download. The best practice is to not download files from trusted sources and in doubt, install an advisor site like Web of Trust or Norton Web Safe , to help decide if a download site is trustworthy or not

As an additional precaution, encourage your children to always consult you before downloading unknown files.

9. Be very careful when buying online.

The Internet opens a world of opportunities for shopping, but also requires a lot of caution and security spending.

According to credit card Statistics brain Statistics of fraud, 10% of Americans who have been victims of fraud by credit card, 48% of the initial point of the fraud email and 12% a website - means 60% of credit card fraud begins online .

Encourage your teen to always consult you before making any kind of online shopping.

When purchasing a site, make sure the site is a reliable supplier, trustworthy and uses encryption. Encryption is important because it converts the data to an unreadable form that can be decoded only by using a special key to decoding.

How can you tell if a website is encrypted? If the site URL begins with HTTPS, the site is encrypted and secure for online shopping. If there is no S at the end of HTTP, this means that the site could be in clear, leaving sensitive data from your family vulnerable to third party access.

Connecting with VPN also provides a secure connection to the Internet encrypted bank level to add an extra layer of security to prevent identity theft online.

10. Search safely with 'Safe Search' parameters and protection filters.

Search engines can open a world of incredible knowledge for your child, but they can also expose them to less content 'PG'.

There are many practices to keep your home computer safe for your children when they are browsing the web, including by keeping the computer in an open area, not allowing computers or computers laptops you children's rooms, or not allowing your children to use your Internet after spending the night in bed. But a surefire way to monitor while you are away is to ensure that all search engines are pre-set for "Safe Search" and install reliable parental control software.

In addition to turning on Safe Search in your browser, you can also open special security browsers for you kids. Safesearchkids.com example offers a great search engine Google and Youtube safe for children.

And to further that your children are not exposed to unsuitable content, parental control software can allow you to filter inappropriate websites as well. as unsuitable blocks banner ads on Web pages

Digital Trends published an excellent article on parental controls Online covering integrated functionality for Windows and Mac, desktop programs, and recommended, browsers and extensions.

Despite all the precautions, measures and better intentions- the Internet is a vast resource that completely shield your child may not always be possible. If you are a child or teenager ever encounter any kind of inappropriate content, make sure they know they need to feel comfortable to come and tell you right away.

11. Be careful about the information you share and what you access over Public Wi-Fi.

public WiFi spots may seem harmless, but they are usually homes for hacking attacks. Why? These networks are completely unsecured, meaning busybodies can easily look in your online business and IP address.

You know all the benefits of a secure VPN connection and of course you want to make sure your children are protected.

If you are a young person is traveling or even meet friends in a cafe with public WiFi, encourage them to go through these hot spots with a VPN, which will direct all their traffic through , a secure Internet connection and keep their personal information safe.

VPN encryption internet safety for teens and children

to SaferVPN we understand the importance of Internet safety, privacy and security for the family and therefore offer an updated plan s for multiple devices

We also offer native applications for iOS and Android in a safe, encrypted navigation can be done seamlessly on one of the telephones and mobile tablets of your family

If you have not yet tried our VPN service you want to, you can enjoy a trial for free 24 hours .

We hope you find these useful Internet security pointers to guide your children to use the Internet in a healthy, responsible and safe. If you have questions or recommendations on how to provide the best security online for your child or adolescent, please contact us on Facebook , Twitter or Google+ . We look forward to hearing from you!

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