A new malware to target your files

6:37 PM
A new malware to target your files -

a new malware is increasing power in Switzerland. It targets the word or excel documents and encrypts before cybercriminals asking for ransom to make them usable again.

Hackers use this new ransomware to deceive Internet users. They send a program to process files from your computer, then they blackmail the victim, demanding money in exchange for the decryption key. To date, no reliable method to retrieve the files found.

This malware called "cryptolocker" seems to spread through e-mail attachments with corrupt or specific websites. Once installed on the computer, the virus will encrypt each word and excel files they find.

Then, a message appears indicating that cybercriminals require payment of a timely sum of money in exchange for the decryption key to retrieve the documents.

The problem is not only to get rid of the malware, against which there are many antivirus but to recover encrypted data. "Until now, no method seems to help recover the files safely," said MELANI, the Information and Analysis Centre for Information Assurance Switzerland.

This do not advise to pay cybercriminals because nothing is less certain that keep their promise.

therefore, beware of attachments contained in emails you receive from people you do not know. you also save your files regularly in an external device (such as an external hard drive) and always make sure your antivirus software and applications are up to date on both your computer and mobile devices.

not to become the victim of cyber criminals use a VPN in order to encrypt all communications and Internet data transfer. Thus, no one can analyze your browsing information and send you malware. with a VPN, you can easily change your address IP selecting a host country between several servers worldwide. The VPN allows you to hide both your personal and your country. Your connection is made anonymous and reliable, and you can surf safely on the Internet, away from prying eyes.

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