NSA also monitors millions of mobile phones

5:36 PM
NSA also monitors millions of mobile phones -

another NSA scandal spreads, few new revelations show that the NSA can keep track of millions of people worldwide, placing their mobile phone. A real super power and omniscient Big Brother ...
Since June 2013, when the first revelations were made by former NSA consultant Edward Snowden, who is now in exile in Russia, abuse of power NSA really seems endless. Imagine that only 1% of secret documents provided by Snowden to the press have been released yet, as an editor of the British newspaper The Guardian.
On 4 December, the Washington Post revealed that the security agency intercepted geolocation data of hundreds of millions of mobile phones worldwide. NSA stores information on "at least hundreds of millions of mobile devices" and recorded "almost 5 billion" of location data by day.
"We get large volumes" of location data in the world, confirmed a senior official in charge of collecting these data was quoted by the Washington Post.
the security agency is able to track mobile phones by connecting the cables that connect the various mobile networks worldwide, including the United States, and therefore collection "elsewhere" location data American citizens.
According to the post, at least two companies, whose name was not mentioned, work on this with the intelligence agency. The location of telephone data belonging to US citizens traveling abroad is then also captured.

The NSA declined to comment on the program called CO-TRAVELER. The purpose of the monitoring, which is done through continuous dialogue between a phone and the nearest cell tower and powerful mathematical algorithms, is to "follow the movement and highlight the hidden relationships between people."
Some associations which defend the freedom of individuals pointed out that these revelations are really scary. "the paths that we take every day can reveal a lot about our political, professional and private. This large-scale monitoring hundreds of millions of mobile phones violates our international obligations to respect the privacy of foreigners and US, "said Catherine Crump, an attorney with the ACLU, the combination of the powerful civil liberty.
the amount of data recorded and stored by the NSA to 27 terabytes, twice the volume of the entire contents of the Library of the world's largest congress.
the volume of information collected is such that it would be "bypass our ability to digest, process and store them," said the Washington Post, citing an internal NSA document dated 2012. "NSA capacity geotag is breathtaking (...) and shows that the agency is able to make more efforts to be futile secure communications. "One of the few ways to protect yourself is to not have a phone or to disable it.
After the revelations of Edward Snowden, senators of both parties began working on a bill, Act USA liberty to introduce stricter limits for the NSA. But it focuses on metadata phone surveillance and does not refer to the geolocation of mobile phones.

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