Why XenServer training?

7:14 PM
Why XenServer training? -

Are you XenServer rolls, should be as far as you?

XenServer Education

You know that XenServer is server virtualization platform that comes with the Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop licenses you own.

and you can on the latest developments in vgpu support, chances resources with the latest XenServer 6.5 Read improvements as in in-memory consolidation have read -cache, live migration and workload migration. And it would be great to reduce the VMWare account with a hypervisor that delivers more value?

If you are not sure you are ready to use XenServer to its fullest potential, or how best to have your team know about the best value in the hypervisor management we up a proposal for the ramp , Take the new XenServer 6.5 Course of Citrix Education.

The content is written by consultants and architects who have the real world resource pool data center virtualization. The design was appealing and immersive be completely renewed. And yes, because it is by Citrix Education, it provides the necessary skills to effectively design, implement, manage, and support Citrix XenServer 6.5 SP1.

to take the plunge, the first guy or gal to know in your region, the latest and greatest XenServer. Register; we show you a list of places where you can take the class and access to all content and a virtual lab environment, where you can configure and perform a XenServer environment in a sandbox

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