fresh start with XenDesktop Local Fashion

3:58 PM
fresh start with XenDesktop Local Fashion -

As we approach the end of the year, it made me think, sometimes a fresh start is good. With the end of Windows XP approach, perhaps it would be a good time to consider migration options. XenDesktop local mode, which comprises 5 XenClient Enterprise is a solution that opens up a new paradigm on how to manage the end devices.

New to XenClient? Look at the XenClient Enterprise 5 video to see how this pillar core XenDesktop enables centralized management and secure company laptops and PCs - while delivering unprecedented customization capabilities to end users. You can also view a recent post where I highlight a key feature introduced: vDisk (PVD) personal technology. I explain the power of this feature later in another blog, focusing on key, the Synchronizer.

We all live by the mantra of "if is not broke, do not fix it!" But at some point we will have to solve the problem and switch to Windows 7 or to give your users a shudder the surprise with Windows 8.1. change is hard and while we all hate, sometimes it must be done! Why not transitioning to Windows 7, XenClient slipstream into the mix and enhance the experience of migration. XenClient provides a few options to help with your migration and possibly to the adoption of a new operating system (AKA change) to the end user a little more bearable

Here's what we recommend:

the end is near:
what about the imminent end of XP the good news is you can run XP on XenClient Enterprise This is great because? if you have a pesky app that only works on XP, you can still provide an environment until you can fully migrate this application to a newer version of Windows. Once the migrated application, with a simple Synchronizer unassignment in XC, XP may be gone forever

Dual Boot Option:
There is an option to dual boot a system, which is a great way to keep intact a system and run XenClient Enterprise when migrating slowly your XenClient full-time user. On pages 9-15 of the XenClient Enterprise Engine Installation Guide we explain how to dual boot between XenClient and a local operating system. I suggest this option for the user who is restless for change (are not we all?) Because it offers relief in XenClient

Migration of user data.
The other alternative is to ensure that user data is backed up and migrated. Fortunately Citrix ShareFile for it and if the user settings are a concern, consult our tool management profile. This will allow the collection of important data of the user, but allow a fresh start with Windows 7 or even Windows 8. and the good news is ShareFile runs on Windows XP. At the end of the day, users just want to have a working system with their data intact.

Maybe it's just my old brain IT speak, but I just like to make a new start! Consider a different approach when planning your migration from Windows XP by downloading XenClient Enterprise 5 and try for free for up to 10 devices.

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