Determine number of Citrix users

8:15 PM
Determine number of Citrix users -

When planning for the future, customers often want to know how many unique users actually their Citrix environment (s).

When a customer with the user / device licensing model, so the customer is, by can begin C: Program Files (x86) Citrix Licensing LS udadmin -list of the command line of the Citrix license server, based on Citrix documentation: license administration commands.

For customers who can not use this option, for example, customers who have the same or mixed licensing models customers who have multiple sites / farms, or those who want to set a certain period of time to users monitor, this blog provides the steps for an organization to determine exactly how many people in a given period, to retrieve a Citrix environment.

security protocols are a great place to find login / authentication information. Since the user must go through a web server to access a XenApp / XenDesktop session, the security protocols on a storefront / Web Interface server provide information about each user who logs in a Citrix environment. Specifically, Event ID 4624 indicates when a successful Registration following Microsoft Support .: Description of security events in Windows 7 and Windows Server 08 R2

Thus, by displaying the properties of Event ID 4624 on the security protocols of the Web server administrators can view account names that successfully accessed a Citrix environment. organize multiple applications from multiple web servers, but the security protocols in a customizable spreadsheet tool such as Microsoft Excel requires to be exported.

Unfortunately save event logs to open a CSV file or the file directly in Excel, do not produce all the necessary information from the Event Viewer, including account names. to obtain a remedy, the account name of the security protocols in Excel is to save the logs as a text file to copy the data to Microsoft Word and then copy the data back into Excel. These steps are described in detail below

. Note: Before you try these steps, determine the time users to evaluate (ie 1 August 2015 to 5 August 2015) and the storefront / Web Interface servers that allow users to access Citrix (ie WebInterface1, WebInterface2 , StoreFront1, StoreFront2). Microsoft Word and Excel are the following exercise complete required.

1. Navigate to the Event Viewer for a Citrix Web servers in the environment and perform the following steps to obtain the logs show the account logins:

  1. Filter the security protocol for the period under scan [1945003BenutzerdefinierteBereich] (ie 1 August 2015 until August 5, 2015)
  2. Enter the event ID as 4624
  3. search for matching keywords audit success
    Note: for large environments, the Custom range field may need for the August 1 smaller logs (ie a protocol to be divided, 2015 to August 2, 2015 and a second protocol for August 3, 2015 to August 5, 2015).


2. Save the log as Text file (ie WebInterface1.txt) and complete the following steps to provide the necessary data to get to Microsoft Excel:

  1. Open the text file with Notepad
  2. copy all the data from the editor and paste it into a blank Microsoft Word document [1945009(ieWebInterface1txt)]
  3. Copy all data from Microsoft Word and paste it into a blank Microsoft Excel sheet
    Note: If all the data does not fit on one page of Microsoft Excel, a subsection of the data from to copy Microsoft Word into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Then, copy a different section of Microsoft Word to another Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Continue until all the data from Microsoft Word is entered in Microsoft Excel.

3. From Microsoft Excel, follow these steps complete no longer remove unnecessary data: Delete

  1. lines 1-3
  2. Delete column C
  3. column A delete references to filter all the data in columns A and B, then filter column A


4. Mark by account name:


. 5 Copy the account name (column B) in a new worksheet in column A

Note: If Repeat step 5 for other Web servers, please add the copied account name in this worksheet. Do not create separate worksheets for each Web server.


6. Repeat Steps 1-5 for each Citrix Web servers in the environment.

7. Highlight column A and remove duplicates to remove users who are logged in multiple times.


8. View users who accessed Citrix (ie 5 users)

Note: .. Check list of users, to ensure that no computer accounts listed

8 [1945002Zusätzlich]

, I would like to thank the following people for their contributions: Nick Rintalan, Andy Winiarski, Dan Ruggiero, and Lee Milam

up. the next time

Steve Krueger,
Citrix Lead Sales Engineer

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