Have you heard of Crystal Palace on the vine?

3:23 PM
Have you heard of Crystal Palace on the vine? -

Crystal Palace

There was a little buzz around a new project we are working on here Citrix Crystal Palace codename. I thought I should explain what it is all about.

simply, Crystal Palace, it's easy to share information across your devices. Need to get a presentation to a co-presenter? Just open and sharing; they will now. Need to transfer a video you are watching from your desktop to your tablet? Just send. If you have text on your PC that you need on your phone? Simply copy and paste.

Crystal Palace
Watch the video.

Working away from the traditional office is becoming more common. It can be at home, in the car, or in a public place like a café or airport. At Citrix, we call it these mobile Workstyles. As good as smartphones, tablets and laptops, sometimes they can not just deal with how we want to work. In fact, they can really slow us down. - Portable Agility seems impossible

Get different devices to talk to each other is extremely frustrating, if not impossible. For example, a smartphone is ideal for checking and responding to short emails promptly, but it is ill-suited to deal with attachments, detailed complex. Would not it be nice to open and edit them on a tablet or a laptop, seamlessly from the smartphone? Or maybe there is something on your smartphone that should be copied to your laptop.

Today, that is a lot of work. you must copy and paste into an email, and send email from your smartphone. Then you wait for the mail to arrive, open, copy the contents, and paste it into any application you are working. Ideally, you simply copy from one device and paste it on another. We decided to tackle this problem in order to create mobile workstyles painless moving.

Crystal Palace is an application that allows movement of labor between your devices and simple and immediate contact. With Crystal Palace, you can do these things with much more. Look at the "labor movement" possibilities:

  • Copy and paste text on all your devices
  • Take an attachment from your phone and open it on your tablet
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  • Viewing file on the tablet and you want to change your laptop. No problem.
  • Look up a location on your laptop and navigate to your phone without typing.
  • file Sharing you instantly watch your team.
  • Share video you instantly watch with friends.

we would like you to give it a try and give us your feedback. Crystal Palace is built for the age of BYOD and Consumer iT. This means as a user, you can be operational within minutes.

for more information, visit the website labs.citrix.com/crystalpalace.

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