Preparation application and sequencing

12:07 PM
Preparation application and sequencing -

In my previous blogs, I discussed the importance of getting all the requirements aligned to the delivery of infrastructure applications, and ensure that the teams that will support the platform are all involved in the process. I am convinced that those projects that meet the requirements and ensure their organization is able to provide the platform will create excellent application delivery infrastructure, but an area that projects tend to find incredibly difficult to process is the spreading of the application.

Typically IT organizations will focus on desktop succession and only see:

A) the number of currently deployed workstations

B) the number users (Concurrency), which are at their desk on a daily basis

C) print queues and other infrastructure needs

D) Applications users use

the common theme with the above view is that it is a list centric infrastructure - applications tend to come down the list and iT departments still assume that they already have know applications used in the business. Every time I've been involved with projects and we had data extracts from one of our partners tools such as SysTrack LakeSide or Liquidware Labs Stratusphere IT teams are stunned to find the number of applications that are really in use they have had no involvement in the shadow iT is a reality in almost every organization and it often occurs with spreading Application -. a user discovers a great application that makes their lives easier, and it spreads around their department without anyone from the IT department involvement.

Once you have managed to discover the extent of the spread of the application, what are you doing now? Most virtualization projects looking to move to a fully virtual work mode so that future upgrades of the roads are not as bumpy as they are suffering through right now, so that the App-V sequencing becomes method of providing applications in the virtual desktops:

However, they have a very large number of applications and not the current skills in house for sequencing. AppDNA did an excellent job of providing an overview of the state of preparation, and even automate part of the process when possible, but I recently had the benefit of a demonstration of a complete suite of software that enables an organization to build a packaging process and workflow that will be manageable in the future. Now - me being one of the infrastructure guys I mentioned above - I do not really understand the complexity of obtaining applications from "now" to "Accepted" until I came across a project that was interrupted, not because of any underlying problems (in fact against the project requirements, it had delivered all!), but because the applications had not been through the platform to be delivered. Interestingly, the project has not planned how to approach the user base and their application requirements, and took delivery of applications "Big bang" would occur - when they found out how long the package would the project almost collapsed

given the time it takes to pack and fix a large number of applications, I'm really curious to see the demo after AR.c of AmberReef. The claims are quite impressive (10 packages in 20 minutes) and certainly what I saw, it is effective and revive the stalled projects. I'm hoping to spend a little more time to work around the problems in the application layer and the user (hoping to find a way to reduce my current test length "User Segmentation" blog for people something will not give up halfway through!) and an area that I will further explore the application is sequencing part. Given the urgency of the platform refresh this year, it is something that will be extremely important for all projects of platform application delivery, but it is often the part that takes the most time to finish because of its intensive nature of the workforce. I just thought I'd share my excitement about something that will hopefully make our projects easier - as I am eager to hear if anyone has other recommendations in this space

the views expressed here are mine alone and were not authorized by, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Citrix.

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